180 Key Democrat and Republican Lawmakers Participate In ITServe Capitol Hill Day
Jul 19, 2023 “The first ever in-person Capitol Hill Day organized by ITServe Alliance in Washington, DC on July 19th, 2023, was highly successful,” said Siva Moopanar, Director of ITServe Alliance Policy Advocacy Committee (PAC). “We had overwhelming support from the nearly 180 key US Representatives and Senators, including influential committee chairs and members from both the Democrat and Republican Parties for the causes put forth by ITServe.” The day-long event on Capitol Hill organized by the ITServe Alliance Policy Advocacy Committee (PAC) was attended by over 240 ITServe members from across the nation. A Congressional Reception was held on July 18th and the Capitol Hill Day event on July 19th featured Capitol Hill meetings and interactive sessions with key Members of Congress.Stressing the importance of ITServe and the Legislative Day, Vinay Mahajan, President of ITServe said, “ITServe Alliance’s Capitol Hill Day has effectively served as a powerful platform in educating policymakers on the issues that are important to our members and the business community, ensuring that our needs and views are reflected in policy debates and outcomes on Capitol Hill.” “The U.S. needs to maintain its leadership in technology and innovation,” Vinay Mahajan, ITServe Alliance President said. “The startup Eco System needs to be supercharged. One critical component of both is high-skilled workers. The U.S. has a large skills gap - availability of workers vs the openings for talent in IT. We need the brightest minds from all over the world to keep our wide lead in technology and innovation.”
ITServe Alliance expressed its overwhelming support and urged the lawmakers, among other initiatives, to support H.R. 4647, the “High-Skilled Immigration Reform for Employment (HIRE) Act,” introduced by US Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi, D-Illinois on July 14th, 2023. The Bill would strengthen U.S. competitiveness by helping to close the skills gap – the space between the skills required for jobs that employers need to fill, and the skills possessed by current prospective employees. As introduced, the bill would raise the current H-1B limit from 65,000 to 130,000, remove the H-1B cap for those with a Master’s Degree or PhD and create a STEM grant program. “ITServe Alliance has been consistently working to protect the needs of its members,” said Sateesh R. Nagilla, Connected PAC Board Chair. “To that end, ITServe Alliance has been lobbying with the Lawmakers on behalf of its members on Capitol Hill and with the US Administration. Capitol Day was the perfect way for ITServe Alliance to use its collective voice to communicate with policymakers on the issues that are important to our members.”
“H-1B visa holders play a crucial role in bolstering the U.S. economy, fostering innovation, and enriching the fabric of American society through their skills, contributions, and diverse backgrounds,” said Sarit Kommineni, Co-Chair – PAC. “They bring diverse perspectives and knowledge to American workplaces, facilitating knowledge transfer and skills development by engaging in research and development activities, particularly in STEM fields, which contributes to scientific advancements and technological progress.” “ITServe Alliance is consistently working to protect its members’ needs. To that end, ITServe Alliance, through its PAC teams advocates on Capitol Hill and with the US Administration. The Capitol Hill Day served as a perfect platform to communicate our collective voice with key policymakers on important issues to our members,” added Hima Kolanagireddy, Co-Chair PAC.
According to Jagadeesh Mosali, President-Elect of ITServe, “A major objective of the Capitol Hill Day was to showcase to the lawmakers some of the significant contributions of the ITServe members to the country's economy through Technology & Innovation, local employment, and STEM education. The event also addressed key concerns faced by small businesses, including the need for high-skilled immigration reforms.” Vinod Babu Uppu, ITServe Governing Board Chair said, “I want to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to the hundreds of ITServe members who were part of this important event. Advocating for ITServe and making our voices heard in the corridors of power. Through our collective voice and through their continued active participation and collaboration, we will be able to accomplish our goals through grassroots and advocacy.”
Founded in 2010, ITServe’s vision has been to empower local communities by creating, retaining, and fostering employment opportunities within the United States. ITServe has an active membership of 2,100 + members, 20 Chapters established across 23 states, who are small & medium-sized companies that fulfill the growing demand for highly skilled professionals in America. Together, the ITServe members have 175,000+ IT professionals employed throughout the U.S and generate over $12 billion in revenue annually. ITServe and its member community are committed to corporate social responsibility (CSR) and actively contributing to local communities nationwide, particularly in the realm of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education.
Indian American Caucus Hosts Political Forum IN Preparation For Midterm Elections in IL
Indian Americans are coming of age in the United States and are beginning to exert influence in the public sphere. They epitomize how new waves of immigrants have been renewing and shaping the United States. ‘Indian Americans taking over the country’ highlights the contributions of Indian immigrants to the US economy and acknowledges the stellar role played by the community in fields such as healthcare, education, technology and entrepreneurship. Recognizing this trajectory of growth, and the coming of age of the fast-growing Indian-American community, particularly in the state of Illinois, the Indian American Caucus (IAC), a non-partisan platform formed with the objective of educating and encouraging the civic engagement of the Indian-American community, hosted a political forum on Thursday, Oct 13th, 2022 at the Mall of India in Naperville, IL. Attended by a record number of 43 candidates running for offices to several local, district and statewide elections, representing both the Democrat and the Republican parties, the event provided the Indian American community with a platform to learn of the local and national issues that impact our lives on a day to day basis. The first of a kind event held three weeks ahead of the midterm elections scheduled for November 8th, attracted local residents, visitors, and the media.Describing the objectives of the Caucus, Dr. Anuja Gupta, President of IAC commented, “Indian-Americans are realizing their influence in the elections. The Indian American Caucus was established to provide a platform for our community to get to know the candidates of both parties and make a more informed decision.” Members of the organizing committee included Ms Shree Guruswamy, a local community leader and delegate of the Democratic party, Mr Vinoz Chanamolu, the proprietor of the Mall of India property and the VP of the American Indian Engineer’s Organization, Mr Girish Kapur, a Naperville community leader from the Indian Community Outreach organization and Ms Ghousia Wajid, a prominent person for civic engagement in the South Asian community. The organizers are active members of the Indian American community of Chicagoland and serve in leading roles in many local organizations. The Mall of India is unique property development with Indian retail, restaurants, and hosting several public events.
The wide range of candidates who participated at the event shared with the audience their perspectives and the objectives/goals they want to accomplish by contesting the election. The forum offered a unique opportunity for the Indian American community toi hear from their candidates, some of them are elected representatives, who are seeking re-election in November 2022. Dr. Suresh Reddy, past President of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) and a current Trustee of the Village of Oak Brook, and a candidate for the Mayor of Oak Brook attended the event and shared his perspectives on the importance and need for the Indian American community’s active role in the political life of the United States.
The list of candidates who attended the event included, for the Supreme Court Justice Michael Burke, for IL Circuit Court Judge Mike Reidy; for IL Appellate Court Judge Sonny Choi Williams, Judge Liam Brennan & Judge Joe Birkette; for IL Congress Congressman Raja Krishnamurthy, Scott Gryder & Catalina Lauf, For IL State Senate Senator Laura Ellman, Rachel Ventura, Senator Suzy Glowiak Hilton & Laurie Novak; For IL State Rep Paul Leong, Deanne Mazocchi, Stephany Hood, Janet Yang Rohr, Jackie Williamson, Stephanie Kifowit & Anne Stava Murray; For Dupage County Chairman Deb Conroy; for Dupage County Sheriff Jim Mendrick, for Dupage County Treasurer Gwen Henry & Don Potoczny; for Will County Treasurer Tim Brophy & Raj Pillai; for Dupage County Clerk Evelyn Sanguinetti, for Dupage County Board Bob Larsen, Cindy Cronin Cahill, Patty Gustin, Kari Galassi, Tina Tyson Dunne, Sheila Rutledge & Saba Haider; for Will County Board Meta Mueller, for Forest Preserve Commissioner Jeff Garhis; for Forest Preserve Liz Van Arsdell, Bob Schillerstrom, Daniel Hebreard & Mary Beth Carlson. State Attorney Bob Berlin is not running for re-election but attended the event as a well-wisher.
AAPI Urges Government To Proactively Prevent Attacks on Asian Americans
(Chicago, IL: March 23, 2021) “AAPI wants to express our deep concerns and anguish about the violence the nation has witnessed against people of Asian origin,” Dr. Sudhakar Jonnalagadda, President of American Association of Physicians of India Origin (AAPI) said here today. In a statement issued here Dr. Jonnalagadda condemned the incidents of growing violence, and said, “We at AAPI, the largest ethnic medical organization in the nation, urge the federal, state and local Governments to make all the efforts possible to prevent violence against Asian Americans and all those innocent people around the nation who continue to suffer due to violence, harassment and discrimination.”
A coalition tracking reports of racism and discrimination against Asian Americans says it has received at least 3,795 firsthand complaints since last year. Stop AAPI Hate began tracking violence and harassment against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in March last year. From then through the end of 2020, Stop AAPI Hate received a total of 3,292 complaints from all 50 states and Washington, DC, according to a Stop AAPI Hate news release. There were at least 503 anti-Asian hate incidents reported between January 1 and February 28 according to the group's latest report, released last week.
Quoting the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Dr. Sajani Shah, Chair of AAPI BOT, said, “AAPI recognizes that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and that everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set out therein, without distinction of any kind, in particular as to race, color or national origin. All human beings are equal before the law and are entitled to equal protection of the law against any discrimination and against any incitement to discrimination.”
While recognizing the pain and sufferings of the people impacted by the increasing violence and harassment against Asians and Asians Americans, especially in the past few months, Dr. Anupama Gotimukula, President-Elect of AAPI stressed on the need for education. She said, “We commit to educating ourselves about racism that manifests in our own community. We will work to address racism and health disparities through policy and by working with affected communities and the healthcare providers who serve them. Our fate is linked to the fate of our fellow citizens, and our work must include lifting up and supporting all the communities so we can all thrive.”
“We stand in solidarity with peaceful protestors across the nation condemning the increasing violence and harassment against some minority groups,” said Dr. Ravi Kolli, Vice President of AAPI. “As immigrants to the U.S., our families may not always understand this history, but we join in solidarity with the minority communities and call for justice and peace.” “We are saddened by the divisive rhetoric and racial tensions that seem to be getting worse each day. AAPI supports the Bills introduced by two Democratic lawmakers in the House and the Senate calling for the expedited review of hate crimes related to the pandemic,” ,” said Dr. Amit Chakrabarty, Secretary of AAPI.
Rep. Grace Meng of New York, who sponsored the bill in the House, said she hopes the legislation tackles the "disgusting pattern of hate" that Asian Americans are facing since the start of the pandemic. “We thank and applaud President Joe Biden for condemning the hate and discrimination that Asian Americans have faced. We support his call to do what we all as a nation can do to save lives, working with each other, preventing vicious hate crimes against Asian Americans, who have been attacked, harassed, blamed and scapegoated," said Dr. Satheesh Kathula, Treasurer of AAPI
President Biden had said, "At this very moment, so many of them, our fellow Americans, they're on the front lines of this pandemic trying to save lives, and still, still they're forced to live in fear for their lives just walking down streets in America. It's wrong. It's un-American. And it must stop," he added.
The members of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), an umbrella organization which has nearly 110 local chapters, specialty societies and alumni organizations, with over 37 years of history of dedicated services to their motherland and the adopted land, are appalled at the growing violence against our fellow citizens, Dr. Jonnalagadda said. “We strongly condemn this ongoing violence. And we want immediate action against the culprits, who have been carrying on these criminal acts.” For more information on AAPI, please visit: www.aapiusa.org
Indian Americans Express Shock At Trump-Incited Attack on US Capitol
Special ContributionBy Ajay Ghosh
The Indian American community has expressed shock and is dismayed at the events that unfurled on Wednesday, January 6th on Capitol Hill. Supporters of President Donald Trump breached one of the most iconic American buildings, US Capitol, engulfing the nation's capital in chaos after Trump urged the mob of rioters and domestic terrorists to fight against the ceremonial counting of the electoral votes that would confirm President-elect Joe Biden's win. The rioters first breached exterior security barriers, and video footage showed protesters gathering and some clashing with police near the Capitol building. Soon, after breaching through barricades and security checkpoints, the protesters were inside the building -- forcing lawmakers to go into lockdown.
The violent mobsters went door to door waving Confederate flags, looting the offices of senators and congressmen and repeating the false rhetoric that the president has spread since November -- that Trump was the real winner of the election. Smoke grenades were used on the Senate side of the Capitol, as police worked to clear the building of rioters. Windows on the west side of the Senate were broken, and hundreds of officers amassed on the first floor of the building.
The Capitol police officer in the House chamber told lawmakers that they may need to duck under their chairs and informed lawmakers that protesters were in the building's Rotunda. Lots of House members were seen wearing gas masks as they moved between Capitol buildings. Members were calling family to say they were OK. As the minutes turned to hours of violence, politicians called on Trump to instruct his supporters to leave the Capitol. In a Twitter video that was later removed, Trump told them to go home, but repeated that the election was "stolen" from him and said he "loved" the protesters. The chaos on Capitol Hill, in which a police officer and four others died, has been widely condemned by both Democrats and Republicans. “Our democracy is under unprecedented assault, unlike anything we have seen in modern times,” President-elect Joe Biden said. He described it as “an assault on the citadel of liberty, the Capitol itself.”
Mitch McConnell, the Senate Republican leader, was right when he finally stood up to Trump and warned the Senate that legislative moves to overrule voters by excluding some states in the Electoral College count “would damage our republic forever.” Dr. Sampat Shivangi, president of the Indian American Forum for Political Education and a delegate for Trump, and a veteran leader of AAPI, called the events as “shameful, shocking and unprecedented in the history of once upon a beacon of democracy on the planet. Even though I am a strong Republican and longtime serving US Republican Party delegate for the last four Republican Party conventions, I would not support a bit in any fashion. Now with all that carnage, President Trump has promised for smooth transfer of power on January 20th and with that in mind it is time for healing and I feel President elect Biden and VP elect Ms. Harris should be magnanimous to accept that offer and initiate the first few steps in that process that will bring sanity and respect that US has lost in the world community,” Dr. Shivangi added.
Dr. Navin C. Shah, Founder and former President of AAPI, said, “The unlawful entry and banalization of the Capitol Hill, the temple of the US democracy is totally unacceptable. These culprits be immediately caught and brought to justice. The authorities of the Capitol Hill complex should take urgent actions to inhibit such a mob violence.” Dr. Shah calls for “cool minds of leaders and law makers prevail to have a peaceful transfer of power and address the serious issues, like Corvid 19, unemployment and poor economy, challenging millions of our citizens. For over 200 years the US has survived with the rule of law and constitution and it will go on successfully for many centuries to come.”
Dr. Hetal Gor, a Board Certified OB GYN in the state of New Jersey described the events as “Unconstitutional, Unbelievable, Unimaginable, and Unpatriotic.” Pointing that in the midst of pandemic, a rally was called on the day of electoral vote certification “with the sole purpose of stopping the count,” dr. Gor said, “Years of brainwashing, spreading misinformation, without any evidence calling election rigged when most judges have confirmed no irregularities, instigating the crowd to march to Capitol was home grown terrorism. Months back telling white supremacy groups to stand by, putting pressure on Vice President Pence to act unlawfully & unconstitutionally: all this for a selfish man’s injured pride. One man has caused so much damage to this country, bringing it shame, despair, dividing people, abusing power, disgracing the office. He is not only fit to be a president but an American .He should be impeached, the least we can do. In spite of all the obstacles , democracy prevailed,” added Dr. Gor.
Dr. Thomas Abraham, Chairman of the Global Organization of People of Indian Origin, condemned the behavior of the rioters as “deplorable that the President of the United States of America who lost the election incited his supporters to use violence and riots inside the Capital Building, the cradle of democratic institution, so as to keep his power and continue as the President. President Trump should have gracefully accepted the election results and hand over the power in a smooth transition.”
Khanderao Kand, Director of Foundation for India and Indian Diaspora Studies (FIIDS) USA, Founder of Global Technology Professionals Association (GITPRO), said, “I am shocked and saddened to see the unruly and violent protest in Washington DC. This is one of the worst un-democratic moment in the history of the world's longest democracy.” Mr. Anil Bansal, President of FIA (NY, NJ & CT) said, “As a non-white American, what I saw on my 65th birthday was no gift. Watching the dramatic visuals of thousands of Trump supporters, storming the US Capitol, my first reaction was to compare the stark difference between how the Black Lives Matter activists were treated versus the trump supporters. For the first time, I understood the word, “White Privilege.”
Kanchana Poola, past President of New York Tamil Sangam, lamented the lack of law and order on 1/6/2021, “which will go down in the history as the worst act by citizens, encouraged by a sitting President who is unfit to be the leader, whose false claims of stolen votes.” Quoting a CNN reporter, who called Trump “A Sore Looser” Ms. Poola reminded of what President George Bush said: “Trump has made the most powerful country into a Banana Republic. But in those countries he would be removed immediately- but as long as these Republicans are in majority at Congress he will get away with it. Hope the Republicans learnt a lesson loyalty is not earned when they allow an unfit-man at the helm. Hope the Republicans have the back bone to do the right thing for the great country USA claims to be.”
Dr. Mathew Joys, Vice Chair of Indo-American Press Club, called the riots by Trump supporters, including some of Indian origin as “unfortunate.” Stating that it may be common for political, cultural, and religious rallies to be held to display the country's flag in which they were born and raised. We have seen Malayalees carrying the Indian flag at the recent Democrat rallies and violent BLM rallies.The Indian flag was flown at the Capitol Building by a man I knew personally. Participating in such a Rally or bearing an Indian National Flag, only be viewed as a demonstration of our solidarity to the party or to the nation that feeds us.”
Gunjan Rastogi, past president of IALI and currently serving as the president of NIAASC described the event on Jan 6th as “Absolutely despicable and a stain on this country’s history.” Stating that Republicans and Trump supporters “prioritized party allegiance over acknowledging President Trump for who he truly is – a liar who has continually incited violence through his words and tweets” she called on all Americans – Republicans and Democrats alike – “must wake up and start electing officials based on character and actions, not for their associated party. President Trump must be held accountable for causing this unforgivable assault on the Capitol.” Trump, who lost the Nov. 3 election by about seven million votes, called on his supporters on Wednesday to march on Congress, telling them at a rally that “you will never take back our country with weakness.”
What the pro-Trump rioters attacked was not only a building but also the Constitution, the electoral system, our democratic process. They humiliated the United States before the world and left America’s enemies chortling. They will be remembered as Benedict Arnolds. Whatever a president’s rhetoric, he betrays the Constitution when he oversees a campaign to overturn a free election guaranteed by that Constitution, and when he galvanizes rioters to overpower our democratic process. Trump summoned supporters to Washington and unleashed them as rioters on the Capitol as the Electoral College votes were being counted. “Be there, will be wild,” he tweeted. “Let’s have trial by combat,” his lawyer Rudy Giuliani told a rally of Trump supporters shortly before they stormed the Capitol. So pro-Trump crowds dismantled security fences and invaded the Capitol. You can call them rioters or terrorists or coup plotters, but they were not Making America Great Again.
A Reuters/Ipsos national public opinion survey, conducted Thursday and Friday, showed that seven out of 10 of those who voted for Trump in November opposed the action of the hardcore supporters who broke into the Capitol while lawmakers were meeting to certify the election victory of Democrat Joe Biden. Nearly 70% of Americans surveyed also said they disapprove of Trump's actions in the run-up to Wednesday's assault. At a rally earlier in the day, Trump had exhorted thousands of his followers to march to the Capitol. The stunning display of insurrection was the first time the US Capitol had been overrun since the British attacked and burned the building in August of 1814, during the War of 1812, according to Samuel Holliday, director of scholarship and operations with the US Capitol Historical Society.
Black youth in Canada are in incredible pain right now
Special ContributorBy Amy Gajaria
July 2, 2020

Protest in Canada
Viruses in movement…, Racism in movement…, Resistance in movement…, Young people in movement…, Canada in movement…, The world in movement… ? [‘Black youth in Canada are in incredible pain right now’; …and in the US, the UK, France, across Europe, in Brazil, and perhaps across the world ? [Many years ago, I heard Paul Divakar – then National Convenor of the National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights, in India – say something at a seminar I had helped organise in Delhi, India, that burned into my mind : Everybody knows of the kind of treatment a typical Dalit boy or a girl gets from the age they begin to be conscious. Early in one’s childhood, one is taught the limits of one’s being.[1]
[I’m reminded of this when I think of how much things have changed, certainly in the US and in North America, and perhaps also in Europe, in terms of how young black people today are standing up against the brutal systemic oppression that their ancestors and they have faced - and continued to face – and the pride and dignity with which they see themselves. But yet, and behind the militant front lines, and the constant and wonderful news of the resistance and fightback – and of the sometimes almost unbelievable ways all this is also unfolding in -, this article reminds me also of the incredible pain that ordinary young black people, and perhaps including some or even many of those in the front lines – and their families - must also be experiencing, and facing, as they ask : ‘Am I next ?’… [Three words, easy to say, perhaps; but to live, day in and day out ? As you try and build your life, with hope and love ?
[Nor easy for care givers… : … We are not taught in medical school to ask Black, Indigenous, and racialized patients about their experiences of racism or how racism affects their mental health, even though racism is a clear determinant of adverse mental-health outcomes. We don’t ensure that Black youth are able to access care from racialized or Black providers, or that they see themselves represented in our mental-health system. We also don’t ask about how they keep going every day despite all that works against them. I want us to do better and be better.
Dr Sandeep Pandey’s Statement Before the US House of Representatives, Washington D.C.

Sandeep Pandey
Personal Experience
In 27 years of working as an activist, I’ve experienced unprecedented curbs on the fundamental rights of freedom of expression, to assemble peaceably and to move about anywhere within India over the past 6 months. I was put under house arrest in Lucknow, the capital of the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, on 11 and 16 August and 19 December 2019. The first two times on the issue of Kashmir and on the third occasion on the issue of the Citizenship Amendment Act and National Register of Citizens. On 17 and 19 August 2019 and 15 January 2020 I was prevented from visiting Ayodhya. The ruling Bhartiya Janata Party government doesn’t want any alternative view on Kashmir, Ayodhya or CAA-NRC to be expressed.
Government Repression of Anti-CAA-NRC Protests
The Government became the enemy of people who participated in protests against the CAA and NRC after the Act was promulgated in December 2019. The crackdown started with Jamia Millia University in New Delhi and Aligarh Muslim University in UP. The police used tear gas shells and stun grenades to attack students. Mohammad Tariq, a PhD student at AMU, had to get one hand amputated, Nasir lost one thumb and both hands of Tanzim were fractured. First Information Reports against 57 named and 1,200 unnamed were lodged and 26 students were detained on 15 December 2019, and were released after local protests and road blockades by people. Ahamad Raza Khan, a student of Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti Urdu Arabi Farsi University in Lucknow was rusticated for merely giving a call for a demonstration.
On 19 December, when the call for nationwide protests was given, masked young men appeared from nowhere and indulged in arson and rioting during the peaceful protests in Lucknow. The police didn’t stop them in spite of activist Sadaf Zafar pleading with them, of which there is recorded evidence. Later activists like Sadaf Zafar and Pawan Rao Ambedkar were arrested along with a number of common people, some of whom participated in protests and some were just passers-by. Activist Deepak Kabir was arrested when he went to see Sadaf Zafar at the Hazratganj Police Station in Lucknow. Activist Robin Verma and ‘The Hindu,’ a prominent Indian newspaper, correspondent Omar Rashid were arrested by police on the evening of 19 December. Sadaf Zafar, Pawan Rao Ambedkar, Deepak Kabir and Robin Verma were subjected to torture inside the Hazratganj police station before being sent to jail and Omar Rashid was abused because of his Kashmiri background and then let off after some senior journalists were able to put pressure on the Chief Minister’s Office. Septuagenarians Advocate Mohammad Shoaib and retired Dalit Inspector General of Police S.R. Darapuri were arrested, even though they were detained at their homes on the day protests and violence took place and sent to jail. The time and place of the arrest of Advocate Shoaib and Darapuri were wrongly shown.
Advocate Shoaib was not produced before any Magistrate nor did he sign any arrest memo. A battery rickshaw puller Mohammad Wakeel was killed by bullet injury in Lucknow. The CM Yogi Adityanath in a meeting on the evening of 19 December with senior administrative and police officials spoke of taking revenge on people who had indulged in violence and later also said the cost of damage to public property will be recovered from the rioters. After this police went berserk and indulged in brutal repression. They vandalized homes of well to do Muslims in Muzaffarnagar like Hamid Hasan, Intezar and Farooq in Sarwat and Naseem Ahmed and Ishtekhar in Khalapar, lathi-charged gatherings of Muslims coming out after performing Friday Namaz on 20 December in Meerut and even opened fire. In Muzaffarnagar, local Member of Parliament Sanjeev Baliyan is alleged to have led the rampaging mob which even attacked a Sadat hostel of an orphanage. A number of children were detained from here. 21 years old clothes vendor Noor Mohammad was killed by a bullet injury in his forehead. 13.5 years old Mohammad Ahmed, a student of class IX of Himalayan Public School, and his elder sister Rukaiyya, who was about to get married, received injuries in leg and head, respectively, when about a hundred police personnel attacked their home. In Meerut 17 people have received bullet injuries, 5 of whom officially and one more unofficially are dead. Among the dead include Aleem, 24 years old roti maker, Mohammad Asif, 20 years old battery rickshaw puller and Mohammad Mohsin, 30 years old scrap dealer. Aleem was shot in temple and Asif and Mohsin in chests. Asif, who had a Delhi identity card, was accused by police of having brought 20-30 people from Delhi to create a riot in Meerut.
In Kanpur, where 3 deaths have taken place and 28 people have been injured, 4 of them seriously, the police is alleged to have used private arms. The dead include Rais, 30 years old daily wage labourer, Aftab, 30 years old painter, and Saif, 26 years old. Mustakeem, 22 years and Adil, 19 years, are in jail and their families are devastated. Over 20 deaths have taken place in U.P., the only state except for Karnataka where people have died of bullet injuries. Except for a death in Bijnor police has refused to acknowledge that the deaths have been caused by their weapons. When the injured were taken to government hospitals, they refused to entertain them saying that there were instructions from the administration not to treat people with bullet injuries. A number of people injured in police firing did not go to any doctor for the fear of their names being included in the FIRs making them liable to pay for damage to public property caused due to rioting.
Targetting of Muslims
Even though common citizens including non-Muslims participated in protests almost everywhere, the police and administration targeted only Muslims to create an impression that it was Muslims who created trouble. Prime Minister Narendra Modi even said that miscreants can be recognized from their dress. The ruling BJP was clearly indulging in politics of polarization and communalization by doing this. All the more than 20 people who died of bullet injuries in UP are Muslim youth. It was violence not between two groups of citizens. There were people on one side and police on the other and police is the one who had arms. The police version that bullets were not fired by them doesn’t hold any credibility.
In Lucknow in FIR No. 600 registered at Hazratganj Police Station on 20 December, among the 39 accused, 36 are Muslims. In Muzaffarnagar, FIR No. 684 registered at Civil Lines Police Station and FIR No. 1161 registered at Kotwali Nagar Police Station, on 21 December, respectively, 107 and 151 named accused are all Muslims. 2,500-3,000 unnamed people have also been mentioned in both FIRs. Advocate Mohammad Shoaib heads an organization called Rihai Manch which fights for the right of Muslim youth falsely implicated in terror cases. He has got 13 such youth acquitted from Court. Rihai Manch was targeted as one of the main organisations which organized the protests. The pattern is clear. It was the Muslims who have been attacked during vandalism, arson, looting and police firing and it is they against whom FIRs have been registered. More than a thousand people who went to jail are mostly Muslims. The modus operandi is to make victims the accused. As FIRs have been registered against mostly Muslims it is now assumed that they are the ones who created trouble and hence cost of damage to any public property must be recovered from them. Thus they have been doubly victimized. A number of people have received notices for recovery in Crores of rupees.
In nationwide protests against Citizenship Amendment Act and National Register of Citizens, peaceful protests were organized by citizens all over the country. Some protests like in Hyderabad has 6-7 million people but they became violent only in states where Bhartiya Janata Party was in power and had direct control over the police like in Delhi. Academic campuses like Jamia Millia University in Delhi and Aligarh Muslim University was attacked by police without seeking permission from Vice-Chancellor to enter the campuses. One student lost a hand, another a thumb and yet another an eye.
In Lucknow some masked men, who could not be recognized by local people, appeared from nowhere and created riot and arson. Police did not intervene until sufficient damage was done and then cracked down on social-political activists and common protestors and in some cases simply passers-by. Activists were tortured at the police station before being sent to jail. Journalist of prominent newspaper Hindu, Omar Rashid was abused because of his Kashmiri background. In Muzaffarnagar police along with workers of RSS-BJP directed by local MP Sanjeev Baliyan attacked houses of well to do Muslims and an orphanage. Over 20 people killed in UP by bullet injuries were all Muslim youth. Police claims, except in one case, it didn’t happen because of their weapons. In Kanpur police have allegedly used private arms so that they can’t be held accountable. Most of the over thousand arrested are also Muslims. Most names in FIRs are those of Muslims. Hence they have been shown as perpetrators and it is from them that the cost of damage to public property is sought to be recovered. Hence innocent Muslims and activist have been doubly victimized. Most victims or their families have not been able to file FIRs against the police as they fear that their properties may be seized towards the recovery of the cost of damage to public property from them if they are identified.
It is a politics of divisiveness, polarization and communalization for political gains. The government has become an enemy to a segment of the population, Muslims and people who don’t agree with its views. The Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Yogi Adityanath asked the officials to take revenge on people who indulged in violence. After this, the police went berserk and committed severe brutality upon people. Some districts where police chiefs didn’t follow CM’s orders and used their own wisdom to control mobs, there was not so much violence. Hence the chief executive can be directly held responsible for all the police atrocities. The fundamental rights of people are being curbed. Right to freedom of expression, to assemble peaceably without arms and to move around throughout the territory of India are being violated. It is creating problems for even the women who are protesting with their small children. The brutal repression of the movement against CAA/NRC has created an atmosphere of fear in which women in large numbers are now on 24 hours protest at various places in India, most importantly in Saheen Bagh, Delhi. State Assemblies of Kerala and Punjab have passed a resolution against CAA and NRC and a number of other State Governments where opposition parties are in power have announced that they will not implement NRC.
Special ContributionBy Roland Watson(dictatorwatch)
Jan 20, 2019

Trump and Putin
Donald Trump hates America. He absolutely detests our country and everything for which it stands. But the funny thing is, his hate of the U.S. is not conscious, like al-Qaeda or ISIS. He’s not lying in bed at night thinking of new ways to harm ordinary people (most nights at least). Rather, his malevolence is a byproduct of his deeper self.
Trump is a pure sociopath. He is so focused on what he wants that he is blind to his wake of destruction. His nature goes far beyond denial, which after all implies some comprehension. He wants what he wants and nothing else matters. Even if he recognized that he is damaging our democracy and economy and security and international position, he wouldn’t care. To him it would be a fair trade. He is more important than literally everyone and everything except perhaps his incestuous fantasy sex object Ivanka.
It is amazing to see someone with this pathology so out in the open. Most examples are extreme criminals who when caught are quickly tried and jailed - they effectively disappear. It is unheard of other than in totalitarian dictatorships for such an aberration to have this high a profile.
Did his campaign conspire with the Russians in the 2016 election? Of course. Did he know about the conspiracy and even direct it? Without question. Is he an agent of Vladimir Putin? We don’t know yet for sure but all the evidence suggests so. Anyway you look at it, he is one of the greatest traitors in American history. The appropriate action could not be more straightforward. He should be arrested, hauled away in handcuffs, and prosecuted.
Trump is a criminal and his only suitable address is behind bars. He further cheated so he must be removed from office and all of his acts reversed. In the discourse about the “orange monster,” one simple aspect of American ideals has been forgotten. We don’t tolerate cheaters. In sports we take away their medals and ban them from competition. In business it’s called fraud and we pursue both criminal and civil convictions.
Trump cheated to become President. He is and always has been completely illegitimate. All the Republican goose-steppers can lie and cloud the issue on Fox and CNN and anywhere else they can get a microphone, but this simple truth remains. They are just as much traitors as he. They and their wannabe Nazi party also have to go. It has no place in our government as we struggle to address the massive challenges of this century.
Special ContributionBy Roland Watson(dictatorwatch)
Oct 8, 2018

During the 2016 election campaign, Hillary Clinton famously called Trump supporters “deplorables.” At the time I thought this didn’t go anywhere near far enough. My initial attitude has now been confirmed by the reactions of the supporters to his absolutely revolting behavior in office. So, how can they more accurately be characterized?
Different groups and factions back Trump, and each warrants its own description. A lot of his supporters, quite possibly the majority, are known to be poorly educated. Politically, they are ignorant - astonishingly ignorant. They show no capability whatsoever to reject conspiracy theories and to understand truth, including just the concept of truth - that such a thing, and the facts behind it, even exists. Giving them the vote has turned out to be akin to handing a five year old a loaded gun.
Another group of Trump backers (there are overlaps between the different factions) are criminals, but here I do not mean convicted felons. Nor am I talking about people who drive over the speed limit or commit other minor transgressions. Many people, though, do perpetrate - and get away with - serious offenses. To them, Trump is their guy. Foremost of these offenses is cheating, including sexually on one’s partner and financially - in countless different ways. Trump of course is a world-class cheater. He has figured out more ways to cheat than possibly any person alive.
The most fanatical Trump supporters are the cultists, and which is largely composed of lifelong racists and misogynists. They slavishly applaud anything he says or does, no different from the hysterical crowds in North Korea and the goose-stepping Germans who revered Hitler. This is not an overstatement. If Trump asked these followers to start killing journalists, or Hispanics, or Democrats, they would do it. They are more than ready to carry out orders, and of any kind.
Within the cult there is a further subgroup, which deserves the greatest denunciation of all: Evangelical Christians. They are personified by the women who cheer when Trump attacks sexual assault victims. As with all true believers, they are the worst of the worst. These people are nothing less than evil. They are more accurately worshipping the Antichrist.
I generally avoid using the word “evil.” It carries a religious connotation that I do not accept. I believe in right and wrong and good and bad, in other words, conscience, morality and ethics. We don’t need gods or prophets to tell us what to do. We are able - if you haven’t been brainwashed - to figure this out on our own. We can then say that some people are good and others are bad, sometimes very, very bad. But here I will make an exception. A significant portion of Trump’s supporters are EVIL. This is the only word that still retains an ability to convey just how despicable they are.
Next are the Wall Street Republicans, who while they say they care about “conservative” values are really - like Trump - only furthering their own greed. Many if not all of them no doubt hate him personally. They are, of course, evil as well. They are already so rich they have more money than anyone but a pathological narcissist could use. But they are happy to destroy America and the world to get even more.
Finally, there are the Republican officials, across the country but starting with in Congress. Like the Wall Streeters they are also almost all wealthy white men. They too are slavishly dedicated to greed, but even more to power. They will do anything to get it, and to keep it. Sell out America to Vladimir Putin or to China? Fine. Put a credibly alleged rapist on the Supreme Court, and in the process tell abused American women that their suffering means nothing? Done. Arrest people of color and social activists for imaginary offenses? Of course. Every dictatorship should have some political prisoners.
Thanks to Trump and the Republicans, and also the ultimate Republican Godfather of all, Rupert Murdoch of Fox News, the United States Democracy has been destroyed. How long it will take to resurrect is anyone’s guess. It may be only until the Midterms and Mueller’s Report. It could be decades.
The above more accurately describes Trump’s “base of support.” That the total approaches 40% of the electorate is devastating, virtually a death knell for our immediate future. We are very close to the conditions that triggered the Civil War. The North Koreans have the world’s worst dictatorship, and the Germans were destroyed in World War II. Where will the Trump extremists lead our country, if we do not defeat them at the ballot box?
PS. If you are angry with this, what type of Trump/Republican fanatic are you? Look in the mirror. Give it some thought. Try to have some intellectual honesty. No cheating, please!
AAPI initiates Summit on Opioid Crisis at 36th Annual Convention

A poster for AAPI initiates Summit
Vanila M. Singh, Chief Medical Officer at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is Keynote speaker
Every day, more than 115 people in the United States die after overdosing on opioids, according to the National Institute of Drug Abuse. In 2015, more than 33,000 Americans died as a result of an opioid overdose. More than 64,000 Americans died from drug overdoses in 2016, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The misuse of and addiction to opioids—including prescription pain relievers, is a serious national crisis that affects public health as well as social and economic welfare. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that the total "economic burden" of prescription opioid misuse alone in the United States is $78.5 billion a year, including the costs of healthcare, lost productivity, addiction treatment, and criminal justice involvement. According to The New York Times, of the estimated 2.1 million Americans currently in the grip of opioid addiction, many are women of childbearing age. The young-adult population has been hardest hit, proportionately, with nearly 400,000 adults ages 18 to 25 suffering from addiction to prescription painkillers (the vast majority) or heroin.

Vanila M. Singh
“It is in this context, for the very first time ever, a summit on the Opioid Crisis in the United States has been planned as part of the upcoming AAPI’s 36th Annual National Convention & Scientific Assembly, to be held from July 4-8, 2018 in Columbus, Ohio,” said Dr. Gautam Samadder, President of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin. This initiative of AAPI is being put together by Convention team and headed by Dr. Nikesh Batra. “The summit scheduled to be held on Friday July 6, 2018 9:00am - 12:00pm during the Convention is aimed at educating and creating awareness among the delegates at the convention on the growing opioid crisis, and how the physicians can play a vital role in preventing and containing the fast growing epidemic in the US,” Dr. Samadder added.
Vanila M. Singh, Chief Medical Officer at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will be the keynote speaker. Singh serves as the primary medical advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Health on the development and implementation of HHS-wide public health policy recommendations. “The essence of AAPI is educational,” Dr. Naresh Parikh, President-Elect of AAPI, said.“That translates into numerous Continuing Medical Education and non-CME seminars by experts in their fields. The Summit on Opioid Crisis will provide a platform for AAPI members to discuss and deliberate on effective ways to combat this national crisis, that is claiming hundreds of thousands of lives, affecting millions of families across the nation.” The convention includes CME and DME accredited courses as well as variety of panel discussions, presentations and a research competition. There are forums for AAPI Young Physicians Group (AAPI YPS) and for AAPI MSRF for medical students, residents and fellows. A nearly sold out Exhibitor Hall includes medical and pharmaceutical products, devices and equipment and medical and dental, practice-related services.”
The opioid crisis has become a public health crisis with devastating consequences including increases in opioid misuse and related overdoses, as well as the rising incidence of neonatal abstinence syndrome due to opioid use and misuse during pregnancy. The increase in injection drug use has also contributed to the spread of infectious diseases including HIV and hepatitis C. As seen throughout the history of medicine, science can be an important part of the solution in resolving such a public health crisis. Dr. Ashok Jain, Chair, AAPI BOT said, “For the first time ever, AAPI is planning a special session on Health Care Law, which will be introduced by Dr. Hemant Patel, where round table discussion will be held between prominent lawyers, federal agencies, medical board and health care practitioner. The topics will include educating physicians about health care laws and how to take adequate precautions. This will be beneficial to AAPI members dealing with legal challenges they face in their practice.”
Also, for the first time, AAPI offers Living Well: The Happiness Program for Health Care Professionals. A unique advanced Physician wellness program that is designed from the ground up by medical professionals, for medical professionals. It’s meant to provide people working in the healthcare field with an opportunity to learn simple practices and utilize them to enhance their physical, mental, spiritual, and social wellbeing. Giving them a platform to celebrate their accomplishments, the annual convention to be attended by nearly 2,000 physicians of Indian origin, it will also provide a forum to renew their professional commitment through continuing medical educations activities. During the five-day event, attendees will engage with an impressive lineup of notable speakers and cutting edge medical and scientific information blended within a rich cultural backdrop of authentic Indian cuisine, fashion, yoga and entertainment from top Indian performers.
The convention also includes AAPI’s Got Talent, organized by the AAPI physicians, is a chance for all registered guests of the convention to participate and compete in a talent show. It provides a chance for all registered guests of the convention to participate and compete in a talent show. “Physicians are not just about books and work. Our stress, our emotions that we learn to conceal, our tendency to imbibe life’s lessons and take it all as it comes is often channeled into artistic outlets where we let it all flow,” said Dr. Samadder. “Our talent event tagline is true to its word – passion truly meets professionalism in this event!” he added. AAPI Pageant, organized and supported by AAPI is more than just a title. It’s a movement for empowering women from all walks of life to achieve their dreams. This pageant promotes self-confidence, leadership, poise and public speaking skills as well as the strong presence of beautiful women in our community!” said Dr. John Johnson, Chair of the Convention Organizing Committee.
The 2018 AAPI Annual Convention & Scientific Assembly offers an exciting venue to interact with leading physicians, health professionals, academicians, and scientists of Indian origin. Physicians and healthcare professionals from across the country will convene and participate in the scholarly exchange of medical advances, to develop health policy agendas, and to encourage legislative priorities in the coming year. The AAPI convention will also offer 12 hours of CME credits. Scientific presentations, exhibits, and product theater presentations will highlight the newest advances in patient care, medical technology, and practice management issues across multiple medical specialties.
One in seven patient encounters in the United States is with a physician of Indian origin. The American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) is the largest ethnic medical organization in the United States, representing over 100,000 physicians of Indian Origin in the United States. Over 2,000 physicians, health professionals, academicians and scientists of Indian origin from across the globe will gather at the popular Convention Center, Columbus, OH from July 4-8, 2018. For more details, please visit:www.aapiusa.org
Special ContributionBy Roland Watson(dictatorwatch)
Feb 8, 2018

Last week it got to be too much for me, with the Republicans Nunes, Ryan, McConnell and Trump. I normally don't write about U.S. politics, although I certainly think about it a lot. But what has been happening has been straight out of the dictator playbook, so I am going to change my policy. From now on, for anyone who wants to get original perspectives on the decline but hopefully not the fall of American democracy, I will try to fit the bill.
We have just learned that Trump wants a military parade in Washington, like those held in North Korea, China, and the former Soviet Union (and now Putin's Russia). The common view is that this is just to satisfy the enormous vanity of an egomaniac, and to distract from the stock market plunge. However, something else is at work. It is really all about the Mueller investigation.
Robert Mueller is going to find criminal liability for Trump on conspiracy with the Russians, to rig the election; obstruction of justice, for attempting to block the FBI investigation; and money laundering, again with Putin's billionaire friends. Trump knows this. He knows what he has done; that he is guilty; and that an investigator of Mueller's skill will prove it. Literally everything he is doing now is to try to prevent criminal charges, or somehow get people to believe, once they are filed, that it is all an anti-Trump conspiracy.
Indeed, the severity of the first charge is astounding. Russia under Putin is the Soviet Union - historically America's greatest enemy, partially rebuilt. From the Constitution, "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." Trump and his Republican allies are giving Russia and its dictator aid and comfort - against the U.S. They are all guilty of treason. It is impossible to be more un-American.
The parade is a propaganda show designed to present Trump as a patriotic American. It is the same with his and Ryan and McConnell's huge military budget, which is a travesty on its own when the deficit is so high and when the country itself needs so much financial help, starting with on infrastructure. Trump is trying to create a pattern of superficial pro-America actions, to offset the fact that he may soon be charged with the worst crime against the country of all
People read so much into Trump, but he is really very simple. His motivators are money and ego (and sex - most pointedly satisfied through sexual abuse, when he was young). He ran in the election to further a reputation that he could exploit through more Trump-branded buildings. As the book Fire and Fury revealed, though, and which sharp analysts already understood, he did not want to win. But, because of the Russians, and Comey, whom he later fired, he did. Having the job boosted his ego, but then there was the question of money.
Ryan and McConnell's Republican tax bill solved that concern (to hell with the deficit!), through which Trump will gain as much as fifty million dollars a year in income tax relief and over a billion dollars in estate tax relief. He is truly a world leader in corruption, and this is in addition to all the other ways he and his family are exploiting America's highest office. However, with money and ego satisfied, another motivator was revealed: Not to get caught! Hence we had the ridiculous Nunes memo, a major step to try to give him cover, and through which the Republican House Intelligence Committee abandoned the Constitution's check and balance of Separation of Powers. Now we get the parade.
Again, it's simple. Money, ego, and not to get caught - that's what Trump cares about. When he does anything outlandish, look at it through this lens and his strategy will soon be clear.
Onkar N Sharma, Kamlesh Mehta inducted to Board of Directors, IAPC

Onkar N Sharma and Kamlesh Mehta
“The Indo-American Press Club (IAPC) is happy to welcome Onkar N Sharma, Kamlesh Mehta inducted to Board of Directors of the premier Press Club, formed with lofty ideal of providing a common platform to journalists of Indian origin living in the United States, while fostering closer bonds and cooperation among an extensive network of journalists across the nation, who are committed to professionalism and have the well-being of the larger society,” said Babu Stephen, Chairman of the Board of Directors of IAPC, in a statement. Onkar N Sharma Esq. is the Managing Attorney at Sharma Law Group, CHTD. He has also been kind enough to be the legal advisor to the Indo American Press Club since March 2017. In the media industry he is well known for running the versatile show ‘Washington Focus’ for more than 15 years under the Darshan TV.
He is also a regular columnist in the weekly newspapers ‘Express India’ and ‘India This week’ that featuring news and trends from the sub-continent, published from the U.S. Capital. Sharma was never confined to the limits of his professional life battling oddities for clients, he took time to resolve, advice and guide individuals and families through his engagements in open discussion forms, as a columnist for legal troubles in print media and as a generous contributor with many NGO’s. As a sought after attorney specializing in legal matters pertaining to the Hotel/Motel/Franchising streams his engagements keep him on a tight clock.
Kamlesh Mehta is a Long Island based media entrepreneur, senior Rotarian, community leader, businessman and philanthropist. Hailing from a prominent Jain family in Rajasthan, he started his diamond trading business in Bombay in 1985 before migrating to New York in 1986 to set up an expansive business of rare gemstones and diamonds. He delved into the media business in 2008, founding The South Asian Times, an award-winning leading weekly newspaper for the community. Ventures of his Forsythe Media group include The Asian Era, a lifestyle magazine. In January 2010, Mehta was appointed to the Nassau County administration to the prestigious position of Director of Business and Economic Development, where he served for over five years.
In September 2009 Mr Mehta became the Charter President of the Rotary Club of Hicksville South. He rose in the international organization to serve as Governor of RI District 7255 in the year 2015-16. He has been honored as a major Rotary donor and has donated profusely to religious centers and social causes. He is also associated with many community organizations including as founder of Rajasthan Association of North America (RANA), founder of India Day Parade in Long Island that started in 2012 in Hicksville.
He has been nominated to the board of directors of a few businesses and has been recognized with many Lifetime Achievement awards and citations from community organizations and elected officials. Ginsmon Zachariah, past Chairman of IAPC BOD, said, “We are indeed honored to have his consent to be on the Board of Directors of IAPC 2018. The Indo-American Press Club consists of a cohesive and vibrant group of journalists, media professionals and freelancers working or associating with print, broadcast and online media outlets in North America. It is an effective and credible platform for Indian American journalists and media professionals to associate and network with a sense of belonging.”
According to Zachariah, IAPC represents media persons, who work in diverse ethnic as well as mainstream media world here in the United States, including, print, visual, electronic and web-based. IAPC has envisioned for itself, a significant role in recognizing and nurturing the true potential of journalists and media professionals in the United States and Canada, while collaborating with media fraternity across the globe. At the recently held 4th annual International Media Conference, IAPC members renewed their commitment to the well-being of their fraternity and reaffirmed their resolve to be positive change agents in the society.
IAPC has Nine Chapters across the US and Canada, and has been organizing he Media Conferences every year with over 250 participants and guests over two days, consisting of inspiring seminars, discussions, debates, roundtables, youth forums, business sessions and entertainment programs. IAPC, a registered nonprofit organization, is committed to enhancing the working conditions for journalists, exchanging of ideas, offering educational opportunities to our members and to aspiring journalists around the globe. While striving to have greater coordination and networking among journalists, its motto is to “be the voice of the community of Indian American journalists.” For more information, please visit: www.indoamericanpresslub.com
AAPI floats Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund

Hurricane Harvey
(Houston, TX: August 30, 2017) AAPI members are well known around the world for their generosity, commitment and dedication to their motherland India and to their adopted land, the United States. AAPI, the largest ethnic medical association in the natrion, leads and facilitates collaboration with leading experts of India origin from all over the globe enabling exchange of best practices, knowledge, and experiences to develop sustainable, actionable programs, skills development and training that enhance capability and enable access to affordable and quality healthcare for all people of India.
“AAPI physicians represent only 10% of all physicians in the United States but service approximately 30% of the US patient population,” Dr. Samadder said. “Many have fostered personal relationships with members of Congress (as well as the highest levels of Government in India) that are invaluable assets to influencing legislation and insuring appropriate, patient-focused healthcare reform. Our business partners can be assured of a receptive audience and, once engaged, a loyal client and ambassador of the product and company,” he added.
In this context, AAPI members are concerned about the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey and are in the forefront to support and help people affected by the historic storm, said, Dr. Gautam Samadder, President of AAPI.
“Hurricane Harvey devastated Texas area with severe winds and flash flooding. This serious natural disaster inflexed a grave loss of lives and property. Our hearts are with the victims of the disaster. Our AAPI members and families were also suffering the damage. Still, they come forward to help the community at large,” said Dr. Sammader in a statement issued here.
While calling upon his fellow physicians to rise upto the occasion and give their best, Dr. Samadder said, “At this time of the need, it is our responsibility to provide all the possible assistance to the victims of this grave natural disaster in Texas. Our AAPI physicians in Texas will serve the victims at no charge for next 2-4 weeks. This gives a clear message that we care and we know how to give back to the community.”
AAPI appeals to all the members of AAPI to contribute to those affected by this once in your life time natural disaster in Texas. Please write a check to AAPI (In the memo, please write Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund). The collected donation will be given to the Governor of Texas.
The donations are Tax Deductible. “Please donate generously. Please make your check payable to: American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (Harvey Relief Fund); and have the checks mailed to: AAPI Headquarters, 600 Enterprise Dr., Ste 108, Oak Brook, IL 60523. For additional information on AAPI and its Global Healthcare Summit.
President of AAPI delivering inaugural address

Dr. Gautam Samadder,
“Our voices must be heard by the people making the laws. AAPI must succeed in bringing to the forefront the many important healthcare issues facing the physician community and raising our voice unitedly before the US lawmakers.”
Atlantic City, NJ - June 27, 2017: Working with his dedicated executive committee, Dr. Gautam Samadder, the President of President of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), wants that “our voices must be heard by the people making the laws. AAPI must succeed in bringing to the forefront the many important health care issues facing the physician community and raising our voice unitedly before the US lawmakers. Our membership is our strength; as the 2nd largest medical association behind the AMA, we cannot stay silent any longer,” he said. “We should be at the table during debate and implementation stages of health care reform and all issues facing medical professionals. Remember, if you are not at the table, then you are most probably on the menu,” he told the AAPI members.
Dr. Gautam Samadder assumed charge as President of AAPI during the ground breaking 35th annual convention at the Harrah’s Resort in Atlantic City on Saturday, June 24th, 2017 as the convention came to a conclusion with the gala attended by over 1,500 delegates from across the nation. Along with Dr. Samadder, his executive committee consisting of Dr. Naresh Parikh, President-Elect; Dr. Suresh Reddy, Vice President; Dr. Sudhakar Jonnalagadda, Secretary; Dr. Anupama Gotimukula, Treasurer; and Dr. Ashok Jain, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, also assumed office. “In order for AAPI to retain our influence, we must mentor and develop the next generation of doctors in leadership,” he said. “I want to encourage medical students, residents, and fellows and all second-generation Indian American physicians to be actively involved in both local and national level efforts to building a strong association focusing on leader development and strengthening our professional relations.” According to him, “One thing is clear, if you are a team player, hardworking, and willing to serve in the best interests of the organization, there is always a leadership opportunity for you in AAPI.”
“AAPI must be responsive to its members, supportive of the leadership and a true advocate for our mission,” Dr. Gautam Samadder, president of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, said soon after taking charge of AAPI, the nation’s largest ethnic association. “I am committed to unify AAPI by breaking down the barriers of various regions, languages, medical education within the organization and bringing everyone together as a whole organization rather than separate fragments of the organization,” Dr. Samadder said. Dr. Gautam Samadder rose through the ranks of AAPI due to his hard work and dedication. He served as the Vice President, and the Regional Director for the AAPI NE Central-II Region, and had served as the Editor-in-Chief of AAPI Journal, a quarterly published by the American Association of Physicians of Indian origin (AAPI). He was instrumental in reviving the journal and turning it around to a 'sought-after' publication. “My leadership involvement with the AAPI started during my Global Health Summit trip to India in Rajasthan in the year of 2010 although I have been a patron member of AAPI for more than 20 years. I had the opportunity to know Dr. Narendra Kumar and Dr. Ajit Singhvi, past AAPI presidents, who had encouraged me to take on a leadership role at AAPI and here I am seven years later.” And he thanked Dr. Anjana Samadder “who has been with me through this journey to stand before you tonight as your AAPI president.”
Enumerating some of the current issues the nation faces, especially with regards to healthcare, including the status of the ACA, expansion of access to quality care for those who cannot afford coverage, stemming of the opiate crisis spreading across the country, treating obesity, changing Medicare and Visa programs, Dr. Samadder told the cheering audience, AAPI members as leaders in healthcare are called to be leaders in finding the answers. “That’s why it will take a unified AAPI to solve these problems,” he said. According to Dr. Samadder, the heart of what we do revolves around education. The AAPI Global Healthcare Summit will serve as a sounding board for many health care leaders to freely exchange ideas, and help resolve challenges that are addressed during the very effective CEO forums. “Leadership in medicine begins with the members of AAPI. It is up to us to lead on the issues; to make our voices heard, to develop leaders, and to educate everyone involved in healthcare,” he said.
With ribbon cutting and lighting of the traditional lamp Pandit Jasraj officially inaugurated the 35th annual convention of AAPI on June 22, 2017. Pt. Jasraj led the more than 1.000 delegates at the Convention Centre with an invocation prayer song, moving everyone’s heart seeking God’s bountiful blessings. In his opening remarks, Pandit Jasraj shared with the audience his heartfelt gratitude for inviting him and making him the special guest of honor. “This is the warmest welcome I have ever received in my life,” the Padma Vibhushan awardee told the AAPI delegates. In his warm inaugural address, Dr. Ajay, President of AAPI, reminded the delegates from across the nation of the importance of the convention. “It’s with very great joy that I want to invite you all to come and be part of the 35th annual American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) Convention 2017,” he said.
Dr. Lodha shared with the audience the many programs and initiatives he and his executive committee have taken in the past year since assuming charge as the President of AAPI. Dr. Lodha, among others, highlighted the successful organization of Global Healthcare Summit in Rajasthan and the many initiatives at the Summit, Crash Courses in India for police officers as first responders in accidents, EP workshops, AYUSH, first ever international research contest and the many charitable works through AAPI the Charitable Foundation. The five days long convention was packed with CMEs, spiritual discourses, yoga, fashion show, town hall meeting, Bollywood extravaganza, India forum, young physicians forum, children’s activities, and delicious food from around India. Thursday, June 22nd, AAPI for Talent was organized by Dr. Seema Arora and Amir Chakrabarly, which has become one of the most popular sought out events in the convention. On June 24th at the AAPI Board of Trustees Luncheon Gala, Dr. Ajay Lodha, the outgoing President of AAPI was honored for his outstanding leadership, commitment to AAPI’s mission, and for carrying the entire AAPI family together, as well as for his contributions to realize the lofty goals of AAPI, by Dr. Madhu Aggarwal and the Board of Trustee members.
At the BOT luncheon, physicians with distinguished achievements and community services were honored. Winners of the Research/Poster Presentation from across the nation who had presented the abstracts of their research on diverse medical topics, were honored with cash awards. While addressing the audience, Rep. Leonard Lance praised the contributions of Indian Americans and the achievements of the Indian American community and in particular that of the physicians of Indian origin in the US. While criticizing the GOP Bill being considered by the US Senate, Rep. Lance urged the lawmakers to work unitedly to fix the system rather than repeal the Obama Care. Baba Ramdev, the world renowned yoga guru known for his work in ayurveda, business, politics and agriculture, led the members to an hour long early morning yoga session. Later on, during a packed session, the famous guru addressed the audience for over 70 minutes, leading them to learn and practice simple ways of living healthy. According to him, the source of happiness is to “enjoy whatever you do.” He told the told the physicians of the glorious past of the Indian civilization that gave birth to the most advanced forms of practicing medicine thousands of years ago, and urged them to be knowledgeable to be AYUSH.
During an inspiring discourse by Brahmakumari Sister Shivani on June 23rd, the Indian spiritual teacher and inspirational speaker and a member of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University challenged the physicians to be “healing angels.” In an hour-long address, she appealed to the delegates “to work on the inner thing. You can do whatever you want to do, provided you can keep the right state of emotion.” As physicians, she told the delegates, “You can learn to stay peaceful inside and share that feeling with your patients, staff and everyone you work with, so that they can free themselves from their own anger.” She was part of the Women's Forum, which has come to be a major attraction among the delegates at the annual conventions, and was led by Dr. Rachana Kulkarni, Dr. Udaya Shivangi, and Dr. Purnima Kothari. Panelists at the Women’s Forum included, Dr. Madhu Aggarwal, Chair, AAPI BOT; Poonam Alaigh, MD - Acting Under Secretary for Health, Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs; Ambassador Mrs. Riva Ganguly Das Consul General, NY; Dr. Jayshri Mehta, Chair of MCI, India; Dr. Ratna Jain; and Neha Kakkar, Bollywood Singer. The distinguished panelists discussed on the challenges for women in the 21st century; do women lack leadership skills? How did each of them rise above and became leaders in their own fields?
In her key note address during the gala on Thursday, Sadhvi Ji, said, “Having all the successes, comforts and luxuries in life does not lead one to happiness or real joy and peace. It’s found within and that’s what the Indian culture is teaching us, which emphasizes as you think so you become.” During the luncheon, Dr. Prasad Srinivasan, who is currently serving his fourth term as the State Representative in Connecticut and is a candidate aspiring to be the next Governor of the state, in his passionate address, challenged his colleagues. “We have the choice to be at the table or on the table. Given our heritage, we the Indian Americans belong at the table. Get actively involved in the affairs of the local community and that’s the path to larger role in the nation.”
Speakers at the gala included, Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthy, who spoke passionately about the fast growing Indian American community. “The Indian-American community is often hailed as one of the most successful ethnic groups in the United States. According to census data, its members have obtained income and education levels far above the national average. But this socio-economic achievement has not translated into commensurate political clout, as shown, for example, by the community’s lack of success in federal elections.” Congressman Tom Suozzi spoke about his close association with the Indian American community and praised their contributions in his home state and around the nation. Ambassador Ravi Ganguly Das Consul General, NY lauded the many initiatives AAPI both in India and the United States, while wishing them a successful convention. “You have excelled in your fields of medicine, and thus make significant contributions through hard work, commitment and dedication to your profession and the people you are committed to serve,” she said.
The Town Hall Meeting with Congressmen Frank Pallone and Tom Suozzi provided insights into the current Healthcare Bill and how it’s going to be affecting the way healthcare is expected to be delivered in the coming years, if the Bill becomes law. Both the members of the US Congress passionately spoke about the deficiencies in the current Bill in the working, While acknowledging the limitations in Obama Care, they both showed the delegates that how the GOP will affect patients, physicians, hospitals and the entire delivery system. They answered several questions from AAPI delegates on issues that affect physicians. At the Dinner gala, AAPI Charitable Foundation Fundraising helped raise funds for the various causes around India. The long nite on Friday was filled with spectacular performances by Bollywood singers Neha Kakkar and Sreeramachandra. Each day was packed with back to back seminars and CMEs and conferences. Several non medical topics were also offered to educated physicians and others.
The India Global Engagement Forum showed about concrete ways AAPI delegates can contribute to the growth of the nation. Children were engaged in several activities challenging their minds. A beautifully choreographed fashion show was a treat to the hearts and souls of all as beautiful women and handsome men cat walked wearing elegantly designed Indian attire. Physicians of Indian Origin in the United States are reputed to be leading health care providers, holding crucial positions in various hospitals and health care facilities around the nation and the world. Known to be a leading ethnic medical organization that represents nearly 100,000 physicians and fellows of Indian Origin in the US, and being their voice and providing a forum to its members to collectively work together to meet their diverse needs, AAPI members are proud to contribute to the wellbeing of their motherland India, and their adopted land, the United States. The convention is forum to network, share knowledge and thoughts, and thus, enrich one another, and rededicate for the health and wellbeing of all the peoples of the world. Dr. Gautam Samadder invited all delegates to come and participate at the 36th annual convention to be held in Columbus, OH from July 4th to 8th 2018. We look forward to seeing you all in Columbus, OH!” For more information on AAPI and the 36th convention, please visit: www.aapiconvention.org
Dr. Ashok Jain Elected Chair, BOT of AAPI

Dr. Ashok Jain
Dr. Ashok Jain, M.D., M.S., FACR, chief medical officer for Beaumont Hospital, Wayne, MI, has been elected Chairman of Board of Trustees, American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin for the year 2017-18. Soft spoken, caring, gentle, intelligent, and committed to give back to the society, and gentle in his approach, Dr. Jain has been associated with AAPI since its initial launch over 35 years ago. “I have been involved with AAPI since its inception in 1983 as a young physician who had just started practicing in Michigan.” Ever since, he has been actively associated with AAPI and worked hard to the growth of this organization since its inception.
As a young physician filled with love and commitment, he had worked with Wayne County Medical Society and Michigan State Society for the establishment of first IMG section at state level in Michigan. One of his contributions, Dr. Jain feels very proud of today is that, “I worked for keeping same criteria for IMG's and AMG's for state medical licensure.”
Dr. Jain was elected as MAPI President in 1994 , and had served at the AAPI Executive Committee as the Regional Director in 1995-1996. His connections with the political leaders from India and the US made Dr. Jain more popular and much sought after. Dr. Jain served as the Alumni Committee Chair, and AAPI’s prestigious Legislative Affairs Committee Chair in 2004-2005. All along his life, Dr. Jain was filled with passion for giving back to the society. He was elected to serve as the MAPI Board of Trustees Chair and the Foundation of MAPI (FOMAPI) Chair in 2015.
His visionary and leadership skills were seen all over as Dr. Jain, helped FOMAPI raise $180,000 for MAPI free clinic, serving the less privileged. In the 1980's Dr. Jain raised $500,000 in five years benefiting Nargis Dutt Foundation for cancer patients for different charities in india. His love for his country of birth was seen in Dr. Jain building and running Girls High School in his village in Rajasthan in 1997, where 650 girls study year until they complete High School. Dr. Ashok Jain had also served as a member of the Board of Trustee of Jain Temple in Detroit.
Dr. Ashok Jain, who serves as the Senior Vice President at Beaumont Health and as the Chief Medical Officer at Beaumont Hospital in Wayne, MI, has a Masters of Science Degree in Medical Practice Management. Dr. Jain has served as a member of Board of Trustee at Oakwood Health Care System and now at the Beaumont Health. Dr. Jain serves as Chief of Medical Staff of Beaumont Hospital, Wayne from 2011 onwards. Dr. Jain is married to his beautiful wife, who is also involved with MAPI auxiliary. His son finishing medical school and his daughter has a degree in MHA, Masters in Healthcare Administration, and is Trinity Health in Ann Arbor, MI.
Beaumont Hospital, where Dr. Jain serves as the Chief Medical Officer, is a 185‐bed teaching hospital that is part of Beaumont Health, Michigan’s largest health care system, based on inpatient admissions and net patient revenue. Dr. Jain was appointed to this role at Beaumont, Wayne in 2015. He closely collaborates with medical and hospital leadership, including its Medical Executive Committee, hospital president and elected chief of staff.
Dr. Jain is responsible for overall hospital performance and developing the vision and strategic plan for clinical activities. He also serves as the hospital’s patient safety officer and oversees site‐related patient safety and quality activities. A practicing radiologist, Dr. Jain joined Beaumont Hospital, Wayne in 1982 and was elected chief of staff in 2011. Dr. Jain is a graduate of the M.S. University of Baroda Medical College and completed a residency in radiology and fellowship in ultrasound/CT through the Wayne State University School of Medicine.
Ashok Jain, M.D., M.S., FACR Senior Vice President & Chief Medical Officer Beaumont Hospital, Wayne Beaumont Health is a not‐for‐profit organization formed in 2014 by Beaumont Health System, Botsford Hospital and Oakwood Healthcare to provide patients and families with compassionate, extraordinary care, no matter where they live in Southeast Michigan. It consists of eight hospitals with 3,429 beds, 174 outpatient sites, nearly 5,000 physicians, 36,000 employees and 3,500 volunteers. In 2016, the organization had $4.4 billion in net revenue with nearly 178,000 inpatient discharges, 568,000 emergency visits and more than 17,500 births.
“I bring years of health care management experience, organized medicine leadership experience to AAPI,” Dr. Jain says the newly elected Chair of AAPI BOT. “My goal as the the BOT, AAPI in the coming year is to formalize and create AAPI leadership academy working with American college of physician executives for development of leadership roles for all AAPI membership. I want to work hard to engage young physician and attract them to AAPI. They are the future of AAPI.”
AAPI’s 35th annual convention kick off event held at Indian Consulate

AAPI’s 35th Convention kick off being inaugurated with the lighting of the traditional lamp
(New York, NY - April 9, 2017) “It’s very great joy that I want to invite you all to come and be part of the 35th annual American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) Convention 2017 to be held at the brand new state of the art Convention Centre, at the prestigious Harrah’s Resort in Atlantic City, New Jersey from June 21 – 25, 2017,” Dr. Ajay Lodha, President, AAPI, declared today at the kick off event held at the Indian Consulate in New York on Sunday, April 9, 2017.
Attended by AAPI leadership, various committee members, community leaders, and media personnel from across the United States, the kick off event was inaugurated by lighting of the traditional lamp by Ambassador Riva Ganaguly Das, Consul general of India in New York. In her facilitation remarks, Ganguly Das lauded the achievements of AAPI and the leadership of Dr. Lodha. Describing Dr. Lodha to be “a great leader, great physician, and great negotiator” the Indian envoy promised to be at the Convention at the request of Dr. Lodha.
“We have watched how AAPI has grown over the years and how we want other NRI groups to emulate the success model of AAPI,” Ganguly Das told the cheering audience. ‘What AAPI does is to contribute to leverage the relationships between India and the United States.” Stating that the government of India “values our relationship with AAPI and the many initiatives and contributions you have made for the people in India,” the Indian envoy said.
In his opening remarks, Dr. Lodha shared with the audience the manay programs and initiatives he and his executive committee has taken in the past few months since assuming charge as the President of the largest ethnic medical organization in the nation. Dr. Lodha highlighted the Leadership seminar at Columbia University, the Cruise to Brazil, participation and leading the Independence Day Parade in New York, the successful organization of Global health Summit in Rajasthan and the many initiatives at the Summit, Crash Courses in India for police officers as first responders in accidents, EPS lab studies, AYUSH, raising AAPI’s voice against hate crimes in the US and against violence against physicians in India and championing the voice of AAPI for a powerful voice through AAPI’s legislative conference in Washington DC next month.
Expressing his gratitude to AAPI’s executive committee members, including Dr. Gautam Samadder President-Elect; Dr. Naresh Parikh, Vice President; Dr. Suresh Reddy, Secretary; Dr. Manju Sachdev, Treasurer; Dr. Madhu Agarwal, Chairman of the Board of Trustees; Aditya Desai, YPS president; and Atul Nakhasi, MSRF President; Dr. Raj Bhayani, AAPI’s 2017 Convention Chair; various committee chairs and members, volunteers and sponsors for their continued dedication and visionary leadership in their efforts to make this convention truly a historic one for all, Dr. Lodha, said. “The organizing committees have been working hard to make the AAPI Convention of 2017 rewarding and memorable for all with Continuing Education Meetings, National and India based Health Policy Forums, Youth Seminars, New Physician and Resident Student meetings. Physicians attending this convention will benefit not only from cutting edge CME, but also the camaraderie of their alumni groups and share in our common heritage. Social events are all being planned meticulously so that maximum benefit can be accomplished.
Dr. Vas Narsimhan, Global Head, R&D Novartis, who was the chief guest, in his address stated that AAPI conventions have been very inspiring. Describing India as the “innovation power house” Dr. Narasimhan, who had flown in from Sweden, advised young physicians to “dream big and thus achieve big.” The annual convention this year is being organized by AAPI’s New York Chapter. Elaborating on the efforts and preparations that have been devoted to put together this unique event, Dr. Raj Bhayani said. “We have been working hard to put together an attractive program for our annual get together, educational activity and family enjoyment. We are fortunate to have a dedicated team of convention committee members from the Tri-State region helping us. We are expecting a record turnout and hence I would encourage early registration to avoid later disappointment.”
Dr. Sudhir Parikh, CEO of Parikh Media, assured the audience of his collaboration in enlisting the presence of the US President, senior world leaders, US Senators, Nobel Laureates, Governors, Congressmen, and celebrities from the Hollywood and Bollywood world to be part of the convention in Atlantic City. Dr. Shashi Shah, past Chair of AAPI’s BOT, who had served as the emcee of the event, informed the participants that many of the physicians who will attend this convention have excelled in different specialties and subspecialties and occupy high positions as faculty members of medical schools, heads of departments, and executives of hospital staff. The AAPI Convention offers an opportunity to meet directly with these physicians who are leaders in their fields and play an integral part in the decision-making process regarding new products and services.
Alumni meetings for networking, match-making, also an AAPI-India Strategic Engagement Forum to showcase the AAPI initiatives in India like Trauma Brain Injury Guidelines, MoU on TB Eradication in India and recognition of AAPI award winners will make this Convention unique. The Convention offers 12 credit hours of cutting edge CMEs as per AMA guidelines by well renowned thought leaders in their respective areas, being organized by Drs. Jagat Narula and Atul Prakash. Spiritual session is to be led by renowned Brahmakumari Shivani Didi.
The Women's Forum will feature well renowned women leaders, politicians, academicians, artists, sports women, and is being coordinated by Drs. Purnima Kothari and Udaya Shivangi. The Convention 2017 will also offer special emphasis on Integrative Medicine (AYUSH) and Medical innovations. The AAPI Research Symposium is an exciting venue to learn about and present new and exciting research as well as case reports and discussions.
According to Anwar Feroz, the honorary advisor of AAPI, the CEO Forum, which is by invitation will have CEOs of leading healthcare firms, who will give their thought process on the development of medical science and current changes, especially with the ongoing national discussions on the repairing/repealing of the Healthcare delivery in the nation. Also, for the first time, AAPI is inviting CEOs preferably with their innovative technologies in the field of medicine. AAPI Talent Show at the newly built elegant Harrah’s Theatre will provide a perfect setting for the AAPI delegates to display their talents. Being put together by Drs. Seema Arora and Amit Chakrabarty, the competitive session for the AAPI members will be judged by well renowned artists and philanthropists, has attractive prizes.
The dazzling Fashion Show will be one of a kind by famous fashion designers from the nation. The extravaganza mouthwatering ethnic cuisine with every day “Theme Menus” with variety of display of best of the culinary art will be a treat for the young and the old. Dr. Suresh Reddy, Secretary of AAPI, proposed vote of thanks.
Physicians of Indian Origin in the United States are reputed to be leading health care providers, holding crucial positions in various hospitals and health care facilities around the nation and the world. Known to be a leading ethnic medical organization that represents nearly 100,000 physicians and fellows of Indian Origin in the US, and being their voice and providing a forum to its members to collectively work together to meet their diverse needs, AAPI members are proud to contribute to the wellbeing of their motherland India, and their adopted land, the United States. The convention is forum to network, share knowledge and thoughts, and thus, enrich one another, and rededicate for the health and wellbeing of all the peoples of the world.
“Physicians and healthcare professionals from across the country and internationally will convene and participate in the scholarly exchange of medical advances, to develop health policy agendas, and to encourage legislative priorities in the coming year. We look forward to seeing you all in Atlantic City, New Jersey!” said Dr. Ajay Lodha. For more details, and sponsorship opportunities, please visit: www.aapiconvention.org and www.aapiusa.org
AAPI’s 35th annual convention planned at Harrah’s Resort in Atlantic City, June 21-25, 2017
Special ContributionBy Ajay Ghosh

At AAPI’s convention
New York, NY: “It’s very great joy that I want to invite you all to come and be part of the 35th annual American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) Convention 2017 to be held at brand new state of the art Convention Centre, totaling an area of about 225,000 square feet the prestigious Harrah’s Resort in the beautiful Atlantic City in New Jersey from June 21 – 15, 2017,” Dr. Ajay Lodha, President, AAPI, declared here today.
The convention is expected to be addressed by the US President, by senior world leaders, US Senators, Nobel Laureates, Governors, Congressmen, and celebrities from the Hollywood and Bollywood world. “The annual convention this year is being organized by AAPI’s New York Chapter. Elaborating on the efforts and preparations that have been devoted to put together this unique event, Raj Bhayani, MD, 2017 Convention Chair, said. “We have been working hard to put together an attractive program for our annual get together, educational activity and family enjoyment. I and the Co-Chairs are fortunate to have a dedicated team of convention committee members from the Tri-State region helping us. We are expecting a record turnout and hence I would encourage early registration to avoid later disappointment.”
According to Dr. Lodha, the organizing committees have been working hard to make the AAPI Convention of 2017 rewarding and memorable for all with Continuing Education Meetings, National and India based Health Policy Forums, Youth Seminars, New Physician and Resident Student meetings. Physicians attending this convention will benefit not only from cutting edge CME, but also the camaraderie of their alumni groups and share in our common heritage. Social events are all being planned meticulously so that maximum benefit can be accomplished. “Many of the physicians who will attend this convention have excelled in different specialties and subspecialties and occupy high positions as faculty members of medical schools, heads of departments, and executives of hospital staff. The AAPI Convention offers an opportunity to meet directly with these physicians who are leaders in their fields and play an integral part in the decision-making process regarding new products and services,” Dr. Gautam Samadder, President-Elect, pointed out.
With 125,000 square feet of total meeting space, Harrah’s Waterfront Conference Center and other halls of 50,000 square feet with no pillars, the largest meeting facility of its kind from Baltimore to Boston, with excellent view of stage by every attendee, and having ample space for exhibition booths display with recognition by our members, the Resort is truly one of its kind in the world. In addition to the exhibition hall featuring large exhibit booth spaces in which the healthcare industry will have the opportunity to engage, inform and educate the physicians directly through one on one, hands on product demonstrations and discussions, there will be focused group and specialty Product Theater, Interactive Medical Device Trade Show, and special exhibition area for new innovations by young physicians.
“The vast shopping arcade and exhibition booths will display of various booths representing real diamond/colored stone jewelry, artificial jewelers, exquisite clothing of various types, finance, travel, food, pharmaceuticals, and newer technology. The elegantly made souvenir will offer equal opportunity to display members’ articles and research work,” Dr. Naresh Parikh, Vice President of AAPI, highlighted. “Alumni meetings for networking, match-making, also an AAPI-India Strategic Engagement Forum to showcase the AAPI initiatives in India like Trauma Brain Injury Guidelines, MoU on TB Eradication in India and recognition of AAPI award winners will make this Convention unique,” Dr. Suresh Reddy, Secretary of AAPI, said. The Convention offers 12 credit hours of cutting edge CMEs as per AMA guidelines by well renowned thought leaders in their respective areas, being organized by Drs. Jagat Narula and Atul Prakash. Spiritual session is to be led by renowned Brahmakumari Shivani Didi. The Women's Forum will feature well renowned women leaders, politicians, academicians, artists, sports women, and is being coordinated by Drs. Purnima Kothari and Udaya Shivangi.
According to Dr. Manju Sachdev, Treausrer of AAPI, “The A-Z Package is available for $599 for AAPI members, includes all meals , entertainments, general events, fashion shows, spiritual sessions, Women's Forum and 12hrs of CME. Do take advantage of early discount before prices go high. Standard Room rate is $159 per night, plus taxes with free parking and wifi. Suites are available at discounted negotiated prices for registered participants of the convention.” Madhu Aggarwal, MD, Chair, AAPI BOT, says, “The CEO Forum, which is by invitation will have CEOs of leading healthcare firms, who will give their thought process on the development of medical science and current changes, especially with the ongoing national discussions on the repairing/repealing of the Healthcare delivery in the nation. Also, for the first time, AAPI is inviting CEOs preferably with their innovative technologies in the field of medicine.”
"The AAPI Research Symposium is an exciting venue to learn about and present new and exciting research as well as case reports and discussions,” says Dr. Aaditya Desai, MD YPS President and an organizer of the contest. “Presenting before the Indian physician community adds a personal feel to the event that provides an additional sense of pride. I have presented at many renown national meetings at this point in my career, but my parents were particularly proud of my accomplishments with AAPI," added Atul Nakhasi, MD, MSRF President.
The Convention will also offer special emphasis on Integrative Medicine (AYUSH) and Medical innovations. AAPI Talent show at the Harrah’s newly built elegant Theatre will provide a perfect setting for our AAPI delegates to display their talents. Being put together by Drs. Seema Arora and Amit Chakrabarty, the competitive session for the AAPI members will be judged by well renowned artists and philanthropists, has attractive prizes. The dazzling Fashion Show will be one of a kind by famous fashion designers from the nation. The extravaganza mouth watering ethnic cuisine with everyday “Theme Menus” with variety of display of best of the culinaries will be a treat for the young and the old.
Physicians of Indian Origin in the United States are reputed to be leading health care providers, holding crucial positions in various hospitals and health care facilities around the nation and the world. Known to be a leading ethnic medical organization that represents nearly 100,000 physicians and fellows of Indian Origin in the US, and being their voice and providing a forum to its members to collectively work together to meet their diverse needs, AAPI members are proud to contribute to the wellbeing of their motherland India and their adopted land, the United States. The convention is forum to network, share knowledge and thoughts, and thus, enrich one another, and rededicate ourselves for the health and wellbeing of all peoples of the world.
“Physicians and healthcare professionals from across the country and internationally will convene and participate in the scholarly exchange of medical advances, to develop health policy agendas, and to encourage legislative priorities in the coming year. Do not miss on the Early Bird Special. We look forward to seeing you in Atlantic City, New Jersey!” said Dr. Ajay Lodha. For more details, and sponsorship opportunities, please visit: www.aapiconvention.org and www.aapiusa.org
“Flying 40, Sky Bird Travel Celebrates its 40th Anniversary in New York”
Special ContributionBy Ajay Ghosh
Arvin Shah
(New York, NY: December 12th, 2016) “We have a great future ahead of us,” declared Arvin Shah, Chairman & President of SKY BIRD TRAVEL & TOURS, one of the largest national Airline Consolidators in the United States during his address to hundreds of airline industry executives at Sky Bird’s gala 40th anniversary and Holiday party celebration at the prestigious St. Regis Hotel in New York City on Wednesday, December 6th. With total dedication, hard work, solid customer base, and visionary ideals, Sky Bird Travel & Tours is recognized as a world renowned award winning Airfare Consolidator working with more than 90 airlines around the globe. “We have been in business for over 40 years. We can truly say that we are your global partner. We value your needs. Our customer service team makes sure you come first,” Arvin confidently stated to the party’s attendees.
Headquartered in Detroit, Michigan, served by nearly 300 employees, with 12 satellite offices in the US and many abroad, Sky Bird Travel & Tours has come a long way since Arvin and his wife, Jaya, first started their travel agency, Jaya Travel Inc., in 1974 in Windsor, Canada, working from home. "We literally worked from the kitchen table,” he recalls. In 1976, the Shah family established Sky Bird Travel & Tours, Inc., alongside with Jaya Travel, in Southfield, Michigan, to cater to the growing South Asian ethnic community throughout the US and Canada by developing a full service leisure travel agency which offers airline tickets, hotels, car rentals and customized tour packages to valued customers.

In 1982, Raj Patel joined the family business as its Vice President. From there, the company was able to grow with its wisdom and experience coupled with innovative and creative ideas which became the hallmark of the success story of Sky Bird Travel & Tours. According to Raj, “We believe there are two elements vital to every company’s success: a great product and great service. Since our founding in 1976, Sky Bird has amassed active contracts with over 90 airlines which has given us the ability to offer you a wide range of options for our clients.” Arvin’s son Akshay joined the business after his college graduation. Together father and son are working to build and grow more business, challenging all the negatives in the industry. “With Sky Bird Travel, it’s not just about maximizing profits—it’s about becoming a part of our team where we value your needs,” Akshay, while giving an overview of the company’s 40 years of journey through a beautifully made visual presentation, told the airline executives who had come in to celebrate the success story of Sky Bird. “Our customer service is the reason for our success,” he said.
Within the first decade, Sky Bird Travel & Tours gained a reputation for quality and dependability and continues to provide its clientele with professional quality services along a diversified array of travel destinations, with the highest standards of excellence. “We did not want to limit ourselves in business and wanted to handle the complete international airline ticketing to India and China, as well as Europe, the Middle East and Far East, Africa, Asia, South Pacific and Latin America from all major cities of origin in the USA”, said Akshay. From there, the Shah’s made the idea feasible and started to manage the task of expanding Sky Bird into the major global travel management business.
Not satisfied with handling just issuing tickets and making reservations, the company created its own tour company Sky Vacations. Sky Vacations has formed preferred alliances with partners in destination management companies all over the world. It provides a “local presence” and infrastructure within various regions. “Our clients get the advantage of established land package rates combined with our competitive airfares which makes for a very well-priced experience for our customers. This has made us a one-stop-shop for virtually any type of travel program we wish to provide,” Akshay says. Sky Bird Travel has grown with the changing times and the needs of the tech savvy customers and industry. Its fares database is updated daily to make it easy for travel agencies to provide their clients with instant quotes and to give them the flexibility of adding one’s own markup.
In order to constantly grow in the business, the company concentrated on new challenges in the new technology during a period of major upheaval in the travel business in the late 1990s. Sky Bird became a SolarNet LiveLinx client, which hosts a travel vendor's database and information search capabilities and accessibility on the Internet as well as four Global Distribution System (GDS) networks: Sabre, Apollo/Galileo, Worldspan and Amadeus and online through its business-to-business web portals. By embracing technology at an early stage, Sky Bird was well positioned to handle a greater amount and variety of business as well as serve customers worldwide.
With a view to better serve his large clientele and offer a competitive advantage through its customer-driven advanced technology solutions to optimize travel agents’ needs, Arvin and his management staff continue to make technology accessible and affordable to the greatest number of users, by delivering innovative, popular fare distribution systems that are easy to use and access for travel agents. Sky Bird offers fares less than 40-70 percent than most of the competitors, and its tickets are less restrictive than published and/ or web fares. . With Sky Bird, travel agents also get access to ‘Wings’, their in-house booking system which searches the major GDS systems to give instant net fares on over 90 airlines. With the latest in technology along with a pure passion for helping travel agents, Sky Bird Travel Tours remains one of the top Airfare consolidators in the US.
As a first generation immigrant from the sub-continent of India, Arvin Shah and his company Sky Bird are a true story of the American Dream achieved through determination, hard work and persistence. “It was no easy task and demanded grit, self-confidence and vision. It also meant working under a heavy load of management skills and taking financial risks to gamble in the unpredictable travel business”, he said. "We had our share of ups and downs, until we started thinking more seriously about taking a different approach in the competitive travel industry, while exploring other alternatives like the travel consolidator market. It was an expensive move and involved a lot of risk-taking challenges." “Whether it’s dealing with global events, changing economies, or even weather-related difficulties, Sky Bird has managed to consistently provide top-tier customer service, low net fares, and commission checks to travel agents on time. Our commitment to excellence, unparalleled customer support, and travel industry wisdom has undoubtedly helped take their
Arvin feels that Sky Bird success is more like the success of a travel management organization than a travel agency, with all of its various departments IT, customer services, analytics, finance, sales, marketing etc. working in sync. Arvin says, with a sense of joy and pride, "Thank God I came to America - this is the right place. The land of opportunities. I had nothing when I came here. If you work hard, you can achieve anything you desire." Arvin’s vision for Sky Bird is to make it into a Billion Dollar Company. “I am confident with the kind of dedicated staff we have and the continued support from our customers, airlines, and tours, Sky Bird will soon be a Billion Dollar Company.” business to new heights in recent years,” Arvin says with a sense of pride and optimism.
Arvin and his company have won the praises and laurels from across the travel industry. “Congratulation to Mr. Arvin Shah on the success of Skybird Travel excellent customer service and its 40th year celebration,” stated Daryl Yu, Manager of Eva Air. “Standing strong against the competition and by the sides of its cherished partner – EVA Air, Skybird under the leadership of Arvin Shah has set a benchmark on travel experience with customized packages and tours. A true consolidator that combines fares and savings in one. We are very pleased to have Skybird Travel as our partner.”
Throughout its 40 years, Sky Bird Travel has been bestowed with hundreds of national and international awards by numerous airlines and leading travel industry platforms. This high standard was recognized early and rewarded by various segments of the travel industry, involving major awards and citations from numerous international airlines. Air India, Lufthansa, British Airways, Delta Airlines, Air France, Singapore Airlines are just a handful of the many carriers who have recognized Sky Bird as one of the world's best serviced for reaching their annual sales target consistently.
In addition to managing Sky Bird Travel and its entities, Arvin and his family are extremely active in the community. The family has been in the forefront supporting numerous community events in Detroit. Whether it be natural calamities or man-made, they have spent substantial amount of resources to ease the needs of the South Asian as wells the larger society through its non-profit charitable organization, Jaya Foundation. Jaya Foundation has been a major donor for the Jaya Rehabilitation Institute and Research Center at Bidada Sarvodaya Trust in Bidada, Gujarat in India has been doing amazing work in helping with the rehab process of thousands of people in the region. Jaya Rehabilitation Institute was awarded the Best Rebab Center Award by the President of India for its innovative and dedicated services to its customers.
Since 2005, Jaya Foundation has supported a Maternity Clinic in one of the most remote rural areas, providing much needed healthcare services to the local community. There are numerous other causes across the United States, the Shah family has promoted, including education, training and leadership. For further information on Sky Bird Travel, please visit www.skybirdtravel.com. You can learn more about Jaya Foundation at www.jayafoundation.com. Phone # (203) 583-6750
AAPI's 1st Ever Research & Poster Contest Held During GHS 2016 In Udaipur

AAPI Research being inaugurated
Udaipur, India: December 28, 2016: Sh. Kali Charan Saraf, Rajasthan’s Cabinet Minister for Medical and Health Services, Medical Education, Ayurveda & Indian Medical Methods, inaugurated American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI)'s first ever international Research & Poster Contest during the 10th annual Global Healthcare Summit (GHS) 2016 in Udaipur, Rajasthan.
A record 294 participants from across India and abroad competed at this prestigious international research contest at the 10th annual Global Healthcare Summit being organized in Udaipur by AAPI in collaboration with the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs & Ministry of Health and the government of Rajasthan, with participation from some of the world’s most well known physicians, and industry leaders is being be held at the famous Radison Blu, Udaipur, India from December 28th to 30th, 2016.
"For the very first time, we are doing an international Research Project in India as part of the Global Healthcare Summit," Dr. Ajay Lodha, president of AAPI, said. said. “Encouraging young medical researchers of Indian Origin, AAPI has organized a first ever AAPI International Research Competition in collaboration with Rajasthan University of Health Sciences, RNT Medical College, Udaipur and AIIMS Delhi,” Dr. Lodha added.
"It was so heartening to receive a huge response with nearly 300 abstracts submitted for the research contest and poster presentation. It was a very challenging task for the judges to pick the winners. Every abstract submitted was of high quality," Dr. Lodha, who was instrumental in bringing the GHS to Udaipur, said. “In our continued effort to expand and broaden the scope, AAPI, with AIIMS as ADVISOR to the AAPI International Research Competition and in collaboration with AIIMS, RUHS and RNT has now taken this competition to the international level and at the upcoming 10th Annual Global Health Summit,” Dr. Lodha said.
The Research Paper Competition was conducted under five categories: Clinical Sciences and Patient Based Research; Basic Science/translational research; Innovations in Healthcare; Hospital and Healthcare Management; and AYUSH. “All Medical Students, Residents, Young faculty up to 10 years after PG, Research Associates, Research Scientists, PhD Students, Hospital and Healthcare Management Students, AYUSH Professionals, Young Innovators etc. of India origin are invited to submit articles/abstract based on Original Research done by him/her and that it has not been presented, published or submitted anywhere else, are welcome to apply to win in this prestigious international competition,” said Dr. Ajay Lodha.
The candidates had two ways for competing in this research competition. Those that if selected and were willing to travel to Udaipur had the opportunity to display and present their abstracts during the poster session organized on December 28th, 2016. The candidates invited for the live poster presentations were provided one day boarding and lodging in Udaipur. The finalists and the top three winners were presented with awards during the inauguration ceremony during the Global Healthcare Summit held in Udaipur, India. The second category was for those that intended to participate on-line only. They were not required to attend the AAPI GHS 2016 in person on 28th December 2016. All candidates received a certificate of participation.
“It also gives students the opportunity to meet with and interact with the attendees at the Convention to share ideas, gain new insights, and understand possible practical applications, while giving students an opportunity to sharpen their communication skills. Above all, it serves to recognize and reward outstanding student research,” said Dr. RajuBbabu Panwar, Vice Chancellor of RUHS, Jaipur.
According to Dr. Shakti Kumar Gupta, Superintendent of AIIMS, New Delhi, the Academic Affairs Committee on behalf of AAPI had invited authors to submit their research abstracts and posters for presentation at the 2016 Global Healthcare Summit, Udaipur, India. The competition was open to both members and non-members of AAPI, to students, residents, faculty and medical practitioners. Non-medical professional can submit their health related research work also unselected categories, Dr. D.P. Singh, Principal of RNT Medical College, Udaipur, explained.
“While Indian medical students are known to use research done from abroad, this high quality contest has provided a forum for medical students and researchers in the area of health to showcase their research, exchange ideas, and improve their communication skills while competing for prizes during GHS in December 2016,” said Dr. Ramesh Joshi, Organizing Secretary of the Research and Poster Contest.
“Indian American Physicians are way ahead in the medical field, and contribute immensely towards medical research. The Research Competition gives students the opportunity to share their research ideas and results during the GHS in a special forum that provides visibility for their work,” said Dr. Gautam Samadder, President-Elect. “It will also give students the opportunity to meet with and interact with GHS attendees to share ideas, gain new insights, and understand possible practical applications, while giving students an opportunity to sharpen their communication skills,” said Dr. Naresh Parikh, Vice President.
According to Dr. Suresh Reddy, Secretary of AAPI, “Above all, it serves to recognize and reward outstanding student research.” Dr. Manju Sachdev, Treasurer of AAPI, said, “The Research Competition gives students the opportunity to share their research ideas and results during the GHS in a special forum that provides visibility for their work.”
Chaired by Gopal Batra, MD, FCCP, the AAPI Academic Affairs Committee had over 15 prominent physicians of Indian origin from around the globe were on the panel of judges who evaluated and decided on the final winners. Each winner, chosen from among the nearly 300 abstracts submitted from around the nation, received a citation and a monetary award from K. C. Saraf, Rajasthan’s Minister for Health during the inaugural day of the Summit.
“As the Chairman for AAPI Global Health Summit, I am very pleased to inform you that AAPI (USA) is hosting its 10th Global Health Summit from December 28 -30, 2016 in the most spectacular City of Lakes, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India,” announced Dr. Lodha. “This GHS promises to be one with the greatest impact and significant contributions towards harnessing the power of International Indian diaspora to bring the most innovative, efficient, cost effective healthcare solutions to India.” For more information on the contest, please visit: http://www.aapiresearchcomp.org/ and www.aapiusa.org; www.aapiresearchcomp.org, Ajay Ghosh Media Coordinator, AAPI Phone # (203) 583-6750
AAPI congratulates President-Elect Donald Trump: Trump Invited to AAPI’s Annual Convention in Atlantic City, NJ June 2017

President-Elect Donald Trump
“On behalf of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), I want to congratulate and offer our best wishes to our President-Elect, Donald Trump on his stunning and remarkable victory in the Presidential Election,” said Dr. Ajay Lodha, President of AAPI, in a statement issued here. Describing that AAPI is a non-political umbrella organization which has nearly 90 local chapters, specialty societies and alumni organizations. Almost 10%-12% of medical students entering US schools are of Indian origin. AAPI represents the interests of over 60,000 physicians and 25,000 medical students and residents of Indian heritage in the United States, Dr. Lodha, a prominent physician with decades of service to the country, said, “The mission AAPI, the largest ethnic organization of physicians, is to provide a forum to facilitate and enable Indian American physicians to excel at inpatient care, teaching and research, and to pursue their aspirations in professional and community affairs. The new Executive Committee is working hard to ensure active participation of young physicians, increasing membership, and enabling AAPI’s voice to be heard in the corridors of power, and thus taking AAPI to new heights.”
Dr. Lodha has extended a warm welcome to President-Elect Trump to be the Chief Guest at the next annual Convention. “We want to invite President-Elect Trump to address the delegates at our next AAPI Convention in Atlantic City, New Jersey from June 21-25, 2017. The convention provides a venue for medical education programs and symposia with world renowned physicians on the cutting edge of medicine. The 35th AAPI Convention will be held at the Harrah’s Resort in Atlantic City, New Jersey from June 21-25, 2017,” Dr. Lodha said. AAPI’s New York Chapter under the leadership of Dr. Raj Bhayani is working hard to make this convention a memorable one for all. Expected to have a record attendance of nearly 3,000 delegates including Physicians, Industry Leaders, CEOs, Academicians, Researchers and Medical students at the convention, the annual convention offers extensive academic presentations, recognition of achievements and achievers, and professional networking at the alumni and evening social events. We are expecting a large pool of international media representatives at the convention. Physicians and healthcare professionals from across the country and internationally will convene and participate in the scholarly exchange of medical advances, to develop health policy agendas, and to encourage legislative priorities for the coming year.
The growing influence of doctors of Indian heritage is evident, as increasingly physicians of Indian origin hold critical positions in the healthcare, academic, research and administrative positions across the nation. With their hard work, dedication, compassion, and skills, they have thus carved an enviable niche in the American medical community. AAPI’s role has come to be recognized as vital among members and among lawmakers. AAPI is also transitioning into a multiyear thinking and behavior by maintaining core continuity. By establishing AAPI PAC, we are now one step closer to exercise our right and assume our responsibility representing the collective voice of the Medical community. Under his leadership, AAPI is all set to make its voice heard and has initiated to present its policies on healthcare before the new administration.
According to Dr. Lodha, AAPI’s Legislative initiatives for 2016-17 include, addressing Physician Shortage, and urged the President Elect to increase Residency Positions across USA. “Our nation is currently experiencing a physician shortage, which will be exacerbated by retiring baby boomers. The result of such a shortage may affect thousands of patients’ access to a physician, and ultimately the health care they need. The only way to address this future crisis is to increase the number of residency positions available for future physicians to get trained, so that our nation can effectively manage the need for increased patient care. Increasing the size of medical school classes is not enough. There must be a simultaneous increase in the size of residency positions to train these future doctors. As Congress capped the number of residency positions in 1997, it is time for Congress to act NOW to remedy this critical situation. AAPI believes that ALL Americans have the right to see a physician,” Dr. Lodha said.
AAPI has appealed to the US Congress to increase the size of entering Medical School classes, Dr. Lodha said. Pointing out that from 1980-2005, while medical school enrollment remained flat, the U.S. population increased by more than 70 million people. Because the percentage of baby-boomer generation doctors (55 and older) rose from 27 percent to 34 percent during this time, the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) predicts that America will need 90,000 physicians by 2020, Dr. Lodha said, the number of physicians needed by 2025 according to the AAMC will reach a staggering 130,000. One way to address this shortage is to increase medical school class sizes to meet this future health care need. This issue is vital as it pertains to health care reform, as more physicians will be needed to provide quality health care to our nation’s uninsured patients.
Dr. Lodha urged the newly elected President and his administration to enact Medical Liability Reform. “AAPI supports a healthy doctor-patient environment by curbing aggressive litigation targeting physicians,” Dr. Lodha said. Such lawsuits have had a chilling effect and driven up the cost of health care, through extra testing and the practice of defensive medicine. In the 112th Congress, The “Help Efficient, Accessible, Low-cost, Timely Healthcare (HEALTH) Act of 2011,” (H.R. 5) limited the conditions for lawsuits and punitive damages for health care liability claims. It established a statute of limitations and limited noneconomic damages to $250,000. AAPI signed a coalition letter led by the American Medical Association to the Deficit Reduction Committee, which noted that the Congressional Budget Office estimated the cost savings from implementing medical liability reform, including limits on noneconomic damages, to be $62.4 billion over 10 years. Fewer physicians today practice in areas such as obstetrics and gynecology, surgery and emergency medicine, due to increased lawsuits and increasing malpractice insurance premiums.
AAPI supports federal and state legislation that places effective caps on non-economic damages, limits the use of joint-and-several liability, provides physicians with flexibility to negotiate settlements with medical insurers and further limits the statute of limitations for filing medical malpractice claims, Dr. Lodha said.
Endorsing President-Elect Trump’s call, Dr. Lodha said, AAPI supports the modification of the Affordable Care Act. “We believe that the current ACA could be improved upon greatly. To merely repeal the ACA would result in 20 million losing their health insurance coverage and that would be problematic to say the least. A more reformed system with emphasis on free-market while retaining the provisions protecting consumers with pre-existing conditions would be ideal.” According to Dr. Lodha, AAPI opposes MACRA and MIPS.
These systems detract from the care of patients by adding an excessive amount of paper work. There is a tremendous burden to report all of these measures. For more information on AAPI and its programs and initiatives, please visit: www.aapiconvention.org and www.aapiusa.org
The litigation, which has received scant media coverage, contends Trump is complicit in violence perpetrated by hate groups
Jul 18, 2016
Donald Trump
Dear Colleague,
Narco News correspondent Bill Conroy reports that barring any last-minute surprises, Donald Trump will emerge from the Republican National Convention in Cleveland this week as the Grand Old Party’s sanctioned presidential candidate.
Conroy reports:
“His victory also will be a triumph for white supremacist groups nationwide, if allegations in a federal lawsuit pending in Kentucky are on the mark. “… The national media reported on the initial complaint filed in the lawsuit, but the litigation has since dropped off the media’s radar.
“Recent pleadings filed in the case, however, are newsworthy in that they allege Trump and his presidential campaign have more than a coincidental relationship with the various white supremacist groups that have frequented his campaign rallies.
“If the litigation, now pending in the courts for some five months, survives Trump’s continuing efforts to get it dismissed on summary judgment, it would go to the discovery phase. At that point, the attorneys representing the victims in the case would have subpoena power to dig into the Trump campaign and expose any communications or direct relationships between Trump or his campaign staff and white supremacist groups around the country.
“That makes the stakes quite high for the Trump campaign, as the lawsuit would be probing these issues over the next several months —at the height of the Trump campaign’s bid for the presidency….”
Presidential Candidate’s Special Interest Appears to Be His Own Pocketbook, Public Records Show
June 13, 2016
Trump's border wall
Dear Colleague,
Narco News correspondent Bill Conroy reports that Republican presidential contender Donald Trump paints himself as a people’s candidate who is a Washington outsider and a successful businessman beyond the reach of lobbyists and special interests. … Trump also boasts that he will force Mexico to pay for building a wall along the U.S. southern border to keep “illegal immigrants” out of the United States.
Conroy reports:
“… Further bolstering the copious contradictions that already mark Trump’s presidential campaign, Narco News recently discovered congressional lobbying records that illuminate further the Jekyll-and-Hyde nature of the Republican candidate’s personality and politics. Those records show, for example, that Trump’s company retained a U.S. lobbying firm that was charged with advancing the business interests of a foreign company — seemingly undercutting Trump’s America-first campaign messaging.
“… So it appears Trump (despite his best efforts to paint himself as a political outsider) has a track record of being a shrewd inside player in Washington — when he deems his business interests threatened by other parties. Most business people in this country don’t have the resources or clout to simply hire high-priced Washington lobbyists whenever their companies want to sidestep regulations or block out competitors. In fact, it’s precisely that kind of insider access and manipulation that Trump now claims he wants to stop if elected president. Still, given his track record to date, one has to wonder if the special interests Trump really wants to stomp out in Washington are those that don’t line up with his self-interest.”
Critics contend current cap on new cannabis stores is too low and could force many patients to turn to back-alley providers
May 16, 2016
Sampling cannabis
Dear Colleague,
Narco News correspondent Bill Conroy reports that the state of Washington’s medical-marijuana industry has been in disarray since the passage of legislation last spring that calls for pushing businesses in that now-unregulated “grey market” into the state’s regulated recreational-cannabis market.
Conroy reports:
“The turmoil has been exacerbated by a new licensing cap established for cannabis outlets, which critics contend is based on a dramatic underestimation of the demand for medical marijuana (MMJ) in the state. Those critics argue further that the “under-licensing” will only lead to an expansion of the black market — and associated social woes — that the cannabis-legalization movement is designed to negate.
“A recent public-records request by Narco News has produced a series of emails and documents that tend to support the MMJ community’s concern that state regulators may have low-balled the number of new retail-store licenses being issued to address the state’s medical-cannabis demand.
“Washington’s MMJ grey market has operated for years in the open, under a thin veneer of legal protections and absent formal regulation. That all comes to an end as of July 1 of this year, when a select number of MMJ dispensaries, or storefronts, will be issued recreational licenses based on an elaborate rank-ordering review system, and the balance of the dispensaries will be forced out of business by the state.
“The assumption by some cannabis experts is that many of the grey-market MMJ entities that do not make the licensing cut, along with the patients they serve, will essentially slip into the black market — opening them up to potential criminal prosecution. Many MMJ advocates see the new recreational licensing scheme for the MMJ market as a slap in the face to long-suffering patients who will lose access to the specialized services and products they need if forced into the commercialized recreational market.…
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