
The Global Digest 2015 (English) Special Issue is available now.

The content includes various fields from scholars, experts and activists. You can order the magazine. Contact: 010-5861-6138, E-mail: gbdigest@gmail.com



WORKSHOP INVITATION Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology and Environment Support Group

Invite you to a workshop On Ensuring Water Security, Hygiene, Sanitation and a Waste free Environment for allIntroduction: As urbanization increases, the demand for water--Earth's finite freshwater supplies are increasingly strained, and also increasingly contaminated by domestic, agricultural, and industrial wastes. Today, many live in areas with scarce water resources and many lack access to an adequate water supply, and many more lack access to basic sanitation services and are constantlythreatened by exposure to untreated waste. It is projected that by 2025 water scarcity will affect nearly two-thirds of all people on the planet.Recognizing that water availability, water quality, sanitation and management of solid waste arefundamental issues underlying infectious disease emergence and spread, Environment Support Group in collaboration with Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology invite you to a public workshop to understand simple ways by which these issues can be addressed by all of us.
Through simple local case studies and innovative examples, the workshop will provide participants opportunities to learn to improve water and sanitation infrastructure so as to reduce the risk of water-related and municipal waste related infectious disease. The workshop is for students, teachers, voluntary organizations, ward committee members, resident welfare associations and interested individuals.The workshop will have sessions on Simple ways of Harvesting rain, easy steps to protect water bodies, possible solutions for managing municipal solid waste and the importance of hygiene forgood health. The workshop will have interactive sessions with Resource persons from KarnatakaState Council for Science and Technology, Environment Support Group and Public healthprofessionals.
Date: Tuesday the 30thof December Time: 3.00 pm -6.00pm
Venue: Environment Support Group, Training Centre, 1575, 100 Feet Ring Road, Banashankari 2ndStage, Bangalore -70.
High Tea/Coffee: 6.00 pm
Please confirm your participation by sending an email to pushpa@esgindia.org or call 91-80-26713559/60


Tibetan Independence Day logo
Dear Member and Supporters,
Next Wednesday, Lhakar we are going to celebrate the Tibetan Independence Day all over the world, Students for a Free Tibet's Executive Director Tendor sends an important message on how you can contribute to the history. The countdown has begun! February 13th is just 6 days away. Take Action!http://goo.gl/DZ2Ao
Tibetan Independence Day Commemorate the Centennial of Tibetan Independence Day on Feb 13th in your home, workplace and city. Take Action!
In 30 cities around the world and counting, Tibetans and supporters are organizing flag-raising ceremonies, exhibitions, lobbying events, and protest actions at Chinese embassies and consulates to commemorate the Centennial of Tibetan Independence Day. The concept of an Independence Day is a powerful tool to challenge China’s propaganda about Tibetan history as well as to strengthen the case for Tibetan self-determination on the global stage.
There are simple but powerful actions we can all take on Wednesday, February 13th to help secure the legacy of Tibet's independent past and shape a future in which His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and all Tibetans can reunite in a free Tibet. FIND A FEBRUARY 13TH EVENT NEAR YOU http://goo.gl/DZ2Ao
Join your local community's commemoration of this historic day and take part in marking a victorious moment in the history of the Tibetan nation. February 13th also falls on Lhakar and the 3rd day of Tibetan New Year (Losar) so it is already an auspicious day for Tibetans around the world. SIGN UP A TIBETAN INDEPENDENCE DAY EVENT IN YOUR CITY http://goo.gl/t7PG1
If there isn't a public commemoration already planned in your city, it's not too late to organize one! Sign up today and we'll send you materials and resources to hold a successful event. Stumped on what to do? Here are some ideas: Present nicely framed copies of the 1913 Tibetan Proclamation of Independence to your local elected representatives. http://goo.gl/dJox5
Request your local elected representatives to issue a "message of support" for the Centennial of Tibetan Proclamation of Independence to express their support for Tibet and the local community of Tibetan-Americans and supporters in their constituency. Here is a sample letter to deliver to your representatives. http://goo.gl/cmu0N
Hold an "Independent Tibet: 1913-1950" exhibition on your campus or at a public location in your community. We've created a 1913 Exhibition Kit with the images and information you need to hold your exhibit. http://goo.gl/TceYd
Organize a flag-raising ceremony and public reading of the 1913 Tibetan Proclamation of Tibetan Independence across from your nearest Chinese embassy/ consulate or at a major city landmark.
Feb 13th: Shape the Past, Secure the FutureINDIVIDUAL ACTIONS
In addition to joining community events, there are individual actions of solidarity that we can all take to truly make February 13th a global commemoration of this historic occasion! Please join all of us here at SFT in taking these actions on February 13th:
Raise a Tibetan flag on your roof or display it in your window. Wear a Centennial Badge during the day. It will help generate interest and give you an opportunity to speak about the Centennial to people you meet. Change your Facebook profile picture to the logo (pictured right) and your banner to the February 13th banner http://goo.gl/oHQ7H , Tweet about #Feb13 #TibetanIndependenceDay and create a Twitter trend.
At this time when the Chinese government is doing everything in its power to crush the Tibetan resistance, we believe that a commemoration of the 1913 Tibetan Proclamation of Independence will refresh our spirits, reaffirm our vision and strengthen the struggle to achieve freedom for the Tibetan people.
Thank you for everything you do for Tibet. Tibet will be free,
P.S. We recommend reading Jamyang Norbu's article "Background to the 13th Dalai Lama's Declaration of Independence" for an in-depth look at the significance of 1913 in shaping Tibet's modern history. http://goo.gl/EQrlf
For Further Information you can contact- Tenzin Tselha, Grassroots Co-ordinator, Students for a Free Tibet, India

criminal defense
ALL ARE WELCOME ! Kisan Sangharsh Samiti invites you all to Public Meeting Commemorating Martyrdom of Multai Farmers on Occasion of Shahid Diwas

Farmers at Multai
Date : January 12, 2013 | Venue : Multai, Dist. Betul, MP
On January 12th, 1998 Madhya Pradesh police opened fire on farmers of Multai demanding better compensation from the Digvijay Singh Government after crop failure due to rain and cold. The incident resulted in death of 24 farmers and injury to 150 farmers.
After more than 14 years Dr. Sunilam, Suryavanshi Parmandal and Prahlad Agarwal were sentenced for life on charges of murder, arson and others on October 18th by the Multai Trial Court. Madhya Pradesh Government charged them for the murder of a fire brigade driver Sarnam Singh in the incident.
The core issue of farmer’s killing has been completely ignored by the MP Government to such an extent that not even a single FIR was registered against those officials who ordered the firing. In last 9 years BJP government has withdrawn nearly 1,75,000 cases against its own workers but has failed to do any justice to the farmers of Multai, who not only lost their dear ones but also didn't get any justice till date and are having to go to court on every hearing. Many of these farmers are already dead in fact.
Every year on this day activists from across the country have been gathering and standing in solidarity with the farmers of Multai and families of the farmers who gave their life in struggle. This year too on occasion of Shahid Diwas we are gathering there and we invite you all to join us for the same.
Some of the people who have already confirmed their participation are following : Dr. B D Sharma, Medha Patkar, Gen (Retd) V K Singh, Alok Agarwal, Yudhveer Singh, Sunil Bhai, Sandeep Pandey, Prafulla Samantara, Vinod Singh, Anurag Modi, Madhuri Krishnaswamy, Gabriele Dietrich, Vilas Bhongade, Rajiv Bhrigukumar, Manjoo Mohan, Putul Kumari, Ramakrishna Raju, Chitranjan Singh, Anil Chuadhary, Vimal Bhai, Yogesh Diwan, Rajkumar Sinha, Arun Tyagi, Com. Vijay Sen, and many other activists from different parts of the country are joining the meeting that day. This is not a complete list and we are still in the process of getting confirmations from people. So, please do send your names and pass on this information to others. We do hope that like every year you will join us this year too in Multai.
Organised by : Kisan Sangharsh Samiti – NAPM
Contact : Aradhna Bhargava 9425146991 | Guddi 09869059860 | Seela 09212587159
A genuine Christmas
Oscar Romero
No one can celebrate a genuine Christmas withoutbeing truly poor. The self-sufficient, the proud, thosewho, because they have everything, look down on others,those who have no need even of God – for themthere will be no Christmas. Only the poor, the hungry,those who need someone to come on their behalf, willhave that someone. That someone is God, Emmanuel,God-with-us. Without poverty of spirit there can beno abundance of God.- o s c a r r o m e r o
Sangay Dolma herself on fire
Dear Members and Supporters
Urgent Message from Tendor Executive Director, Students for a Free Tibet. It's been nonstop – news of more self-immolations, mass protests and other acts of resistance, large and small, is flooding out of Tibet. Most upsetting is the fact that Tibetans from all walks of life continue to light themselves on fire in heartbreaking and unforgettable cries for freedom.
This month alone, a staggering 27 Tibetans have set themselves on fire. Most of these individuals were in their late teens and early 20s and in the prime of their youth, with the youngest, a nun named Sangay Dolma, just 17 years old.
In the past few weeks, several Tibetan towns have seen thousands upon thousands of students marching in the streets to support the call of the now 89 Tibetans who have self-immolated – for freedom and the return of the Dalai Lama to Tibet.
While we do not know when or how these dramatic protests will end, we know that we must do everything in our power to push for the change that these brave individuals have sacrificed everything to achieve.
At this incredibly difficult time, we need your help to mobilize all of our resources, connections, media and political capital to make Tibet a priority issue for the world at this time.
1. Make a 1-min video message to the Shri Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India , asking him to break the silence and take action. Speak from your heart and let him know how desperately Tibetans need their help and how their action could actually save lives.
Record a message to your leader. Upload the video to YouTube and send us the link at tdolkar@studentsforafreetibet.org. WATCH some of the sample videos and SFT- India National Director Dorjee Tseten message to Shri Manmohan Singh, PM of India. http://bit.ly/UdY1Uh We will compile your messages and deliver them on December 10, International Human Rights Day.
2. Call the office of Indian foreign minister http://meatel.nic.in/?650010 and urge to push for a multilateral forum for Tibet. At this time, as Chinese leaders continue to ignore the individual protests made by a handful of world leaders, multilateral action is the only way to pressure them to end the repression that is driving increasing numbers of Tibetans to give up their lives in these heartbreaking acts of protest.
3. Write letters to the editor and forward this Associated Press article to your local and national news outlets and call on the media to bring the story of Tibetan self-immolations to the world. Click for the article http://apne.ws/V4Uokq
There is no doubt that these are difficult times. Every self-immolation in Tibet tears at our global conscience. But as Tibetans inside Tibet have shown us, even at this most challenging time, they are strong and unrelenting in their efforts. We must draw strength from them and push forward with even more energy and conviction. Thank you for standing with the Tibetan people through this difficult time. Tibet will be free.
In solidarity,
Tendor. Executive Director ---
Students for a Free Tibet, India (SFT India) is the India National Network of Students for a Free Tibet International, which has over 650 chapters in more than 35 countries.
Founded in the year 2000 from a very humble beginning as a loose network of few young activists and students based in Dharamshala campaigning for Tibet's Independence,SFT India has grown as nation-wide network of youth, campaigning for the Fundamental Rights of the Tibetan people, and we are still growing. It is from our grassroots network that we gain our strength.
To ensure the effectiveness of our grassroots network.we create Awareness and sensitize the world on the just cause of Tibet. We believe that young people can and must take responsibility to change our world for the better. For more information visit www.sftindia.org ,www.studentsforafreetibet.org
A performance at National Youth Convention
Invite: Third National Youth Convention:20-21st Oct.2012, Udaipur, Rajasthan
Dear Friends, Greetings!
School for Democracy, JOSH, MKSS, Astha, DAGAR and S R Abhiyan would like to invite you to participate in the Third National Youth Convention on Youth and Democracy, to be held in Udaipur, Rajasthan on the 20th and 21st of October '12.
The Third National Youth Convention seeks to continue the dialogue and discussion on the issue of understanding the role of Youth in Democracy raised during the first and second National Youth Convention. Both these conventions brought together more than 1500 youth across the country to debate and discuss their role in Democracy.
The purpose of this convention is to emphasize and understand the role of youth in democracy and prepare a road map for their contribution to the larger democratic processes in the country. Through this convention, we wish to bring together youth from all parts of the country, across class, caste, gender and socio-economic backgrounds by providing a platform for dialogue amongst themselves. This will also help like-minded youth groups and individuals to form networks, and continue to debate and discuss the issues and concerns raised from this platform, in their local spaces.
The convention will have plenary sessions discussing the role and agenda for the youth in the present democratic scenario along with several issue based and thematic workshops.
Though this Convention is being organized with limited resources, we would also like to reach out to as many youth as possible across the country. Thus, for those who need assistance with travel, we can provide upto one way sleeper train fare. We would request you to write to us with an estimate of those attending- numbers of young men and women, and the estimated one way fare. We will then be able to approve of assistance and reimburse of one way sleeper class fare. We will not be able to pay for local travel costs, or food expenses en route. A highly subsidized, registration fee of Rs. 50 will also be charged from each participant to help contribute towards the basic food and accommodation and other costs during the convention. We urgently request for an estimate of the numbers attending (even if your organisation/group doesn't require financial assistance). This will help us make arrangements, and encourage others to participate.
This is a letter to inform you about the Convention, and we hope you will block these dates, and make travel arrangements. A more detailed letter along with the agenda and program will follow soon. We also request you to try and reach the venue by 19th October 2012 evening so that we can start the proceeding of the Convention on time on 20th October 2012.
For further information please contact: Saurabh Sharma 09811 872752/9811765959, Inayat: 09811211449, Parash Ram: 09413046353, Kamal Tonk: 09413457292, Hari Om Soni: 9413831761 Or via email at: mkssrajasthan@gmail.com , josh4india@gmail.com
In solidarity, School for Democracy JOSH MKSS Astha, DAGAR and SR Abhiyan

Tibetan Jamphel Yeshi
Dear Supporter,
Two more Tibetans have set themselves on fire this week - Lobsang Kalsang (18) and Damchoe (17) both in their teens self-immolated on August 27 calling for 'freedom' in Tibet. Self-immolations in Tibet have now crossed a staggering number of 50.
On Wednesday 29th August,Students for a Free Tibet network in India, US, Canada and London has staged urgent protest actions. http://www.flickr.com/photos/sftactions
Indian Members of SFT have launched a petition on 15th August urging Shri S.M.Krishna, Minister of External Affairs, India, to make a strong and clear statement condemning China's crackdown in Tibet and calling for a multilateral forum to resolve the crisis.
With your support we can save Tibetan lives in Tibet. Please sign the petition here: http://bit.ly/QIg811
In response to the self-immolations several countries including Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Belgium, the United Kingdom, and the European Union have made strong statements in regards to the human rights crisis in Tibet.
We are asking India to join with partner nations in calling for global diplomatic action on Tibet to secure a resolution for the Tibetan people.
Recently US Congressmen Frank Wolf and Jim McGovern has written to the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton urging her to take more visible, coordinated and diplomatic action for Tibet.
Now is a critical time for India to stand in solidarity with the Tibetan people's nonviolent struggle for freedom.
In Solidarity, Dorjee Tseten, Jigdal, Tenzin Sonam and everyone from SFT, India

Indore Institute of Law building
Venue: Indore Institute of Law, M.P. Date: 25th - 26th August, 2012
Co-organized by
Indore Institute of Law, Indore & National Alliance of People’s Movements (NAPM)
Dear Sir/ Madam,
As you are aware of, the democratic foundation of a sovereign country like India stands on three pillars: legislature, executive and the judiciary. Over the years, the role of the judiciary has dramatically increased, especially interventions for those sections which are vulnerable and those who face injustice. With the face of the State changing in the present times, the judiciary has become a modern day Leviathan, the supreme, sovereign authority under which the rights of the citizens of the country are arbitrated and decided upon.
When it comes to lawyers and the practice of law, most lawyers knowledgeable of the place of law and of legal institutions remain active only at the judicial fore. A few relate with outside court actions to challenge various issues of legal as well as social justice. A still smaller number link themselves with the social movements directly.
Most people’s movements, social organizations and civil society groups across the country, at some point, approach the courts for legal action, even when direct mass action and political mobilization is ongoing. They not only rely on existing laws and Constitutional rights enshrined, but through their engagement with the complexities and emerging realities, they serve to expand current legal paradigms and point gaps in existing laws and create new parameters of justice.For instance, peoples’ movements and activist campaigns have made several crucial contributions to provide more protection to sections of the population like women, adivasis, dalits, workers, children etc.
Thus, social activism and the legal system have become complementary players in upholding the rights of the people. At other times, dilemmas and conflicting positions also emerge amongst social and legal activists. The role of the media has also expanded with talk shows and “expert” opinions often passing public judgments on certain high profile cases long before the end of the actual legal process, while ignoring many other crucial legal battles. The relationship between citizens’ rights, peoples’ movements, the legal system and the media is a complex one and needs to be understood and analyzed, if the tools for struggle for social, political and economic justice today, have to be sharpened.
It is in this context that the Indore Institute of Law and The National Alliance of People’s Movements [NAPM] would like to invite you for a conference of ‘Lawyers For Social Justice’ at the Indore Institute of Law, Gendalal Bam Parisar, Dehri Rangvasa, Rau, Opp. IIM, Indore, M.P. on August 25th and 26th, 2012 to debate various contemporary issues, some of which have been mentioned in brief above.
The themes for the conference include, but need not be limited to-
Indian Legal System and Peoples’ Movements, Judicial Accountability: Perspectives and Challenges, Protecting Constitutional Rights of the Marginalized: Role of the Judiciary, Directive Principles: Should they be justiciable? Legal Battles and Struggles beyond the Courts: Complimentarity and Contradictions. Corruption: Role of Law, Judiciary, and Peoples’ Movements, Displacement and Development Issues: Strengths and Limitations of Legal Action, Democratic Rights, Civil Liberties and Role of Lawyers, Urban Poor, unorganized sector and Legal Justice, Gender Justice and the Legal System, Atrocities against disadvantaged communities: Role of Lawyers, Environmental laws: Challenges for People’s Movements, Lawyers and their Role in movements for justice. National Agenda and Strategy for Legal and Human Justice,
We would like to invite papers from various lawyers on any of these above themes, where you may select certain aspects of each theme or cover its wider interpretations. E would be thankful if the papers can reach us latest by the 1st or 2nd week of August, 2012 in order to enable compilation and circulation of the same during the Conference proceedings.
All of the papers will be taken up for dissemination, as reading material amongst the participants and also be brought up for discussions/debates during the Conference. A good number of those selected by a panel will also be published in the form of a book following the conference. The conference will be attended by a few eminent former judges, socially oriented lawyers including senior counsels, students and professors of law and senior social activists. Hon’ble Justice (Retd.) Shri Ashok Kumar Ganguly, Chairperson, State Human Rights Commission, West Bengal, has kindly consented to deliver the key note address.
We sincerely hope that you can find time in your busy schedule to attend this conference to make valuable inputs in the ongoing debates and actions that are important to the goals of achieving social justice. Expecting your confirmation of participation, at the earliest, after which further details will be sent to you.
Yours Sincerely,
Medha Patkar, Convenor, National Alliance of People’s Movements. Adv Anil Trivedi, (Senior Advocate, High Court of Indore), Akshay Bam, (Institute of Law, Indore). Vinod Bagdi, (Citizens Support Group, Indore, Social Activist)
Contact Persons: Pramod Bagdi Pratyush Mishra Vibhor Airen 09827021000 09425958043 09827305150
Leekangun hair salon offers special disount coupons
Leekangun hair salon has offering a special discount coupon for foreigners for different programs:
- Color treatment or Permanent wave up to 30% disount
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You can make a reservation and contact for further information at Leekangun hair salon: Call 010-3567-1633
Please copy and print-out this coupon, and show at the reception desk when you visit there.
Candle Light Vigil Pictures by Tamil

Memorial of Tamil genocide in Srilanka's civil war in 2009

The ‘Mullivaykal Massacre’ that occurred during the final stages of the civil war in May 2009, in Sri Lanka
Two important updates from Kevin Annett and ITCCS - An important radio show and a recent sabotage of our communications

1. Tomorrow, Saturday May 12: Banishing and Occupying a Criminal Church - A special report from the front lines, on Hidden from History: Blog Talk radio program, 1 pm (pacific) 4 pm (eastern), 9 pm in Ireland and England (GMT).
Access the program at www.blogtalkradio.com/hiddenfromhistory or call in at 347-857-3524. 1 pm Pacific John Deegan, Gerry O'Donovan, Dave O'Brien and Mary Lawlor from ITCCS Ireland and ACCAW ( Anti Catholic Church Activists Worldwide) will be discussing the results of their May 4th meeting with Archbishop Dermot Martin in Ireland. Church rape and terror of children, mass graves near former Magdalene Laundries, and bringing the church to trial will be discussed.
Our other guest will be Peter Yellow Quill, an Ojibway Lakota Elder and former Chief of the Ojibway Nation's Long Plain Reserve in Manitoba, Canada. He will discuss recent police attacks on Ojibway youth on his reserve, and a court challenge he's bringing against Canada for land theft and genocide. He is also a survivor of two Manitoba Indian residential Schools and a vocal critic of the state funded "Truth and Reconciliation Commission".
The panel will include host Kevin Annett, co-host Russ Letica, Bill Annett, and Host and Producer Marcie Lane.
Tune in and help reclaim the world and ourselves. Kevin Annett Online Radio - Hidden from history www.blogtalkradio.com/hiddenfromhistory May 12, 2012 - and every second Saturday following
2. Email sabotage: Two days ago, Kevin Annett's main email account - kevin_annett@hotmail.com - was sabotaged and can no longer be accessed by Kevin. From now on, please disregard that account and replace it with hiddenfromhistory1@gmail.com , which is henceforth Kevin's main email account.
For confirmation of this change, contact Kevin in person at 250-591-4573 in Canada. Please notify your networks and adjust any listings you have displayed of Kevin's contact information.
ITCCS postings will continue to come to you through this yahoo account. Another important communique regarding Kevin's and ITCCS schedule of events will be forthcoming.
Communique from ITCCS International (Brussels) 11 May, 2012
India: PRESSNOTE 20-04-2012

Indian troop
It is a crime to see the stand of the Government of India regarding the Murder of two Indians by the Marines of the Enrica Lexie at the Supreme Court. It is a shame on the part of the GOI lawyer does not know the Law of the Sea. 200 Nautical Miles belong to India. 12 Nautical miles belong to Kerala. Kerala has every right to file the case. CM of Kerala says that Kerala has filed the case after getting Ok from GOI. Who is going to guarantee the safety of the fishermen fishing in the sea upto 200 nautical mles. Inspite of the Judges disagreeing with the Solicitor General, the lawyer for Kerala has kept quiet. All these show that GOI and Kerala Government has no concern for the safety of fishermen fishing in the sea.

Victims are at the U-Day hospital
All the fishermen in India strongly protest against the Stand of GOI and Kerala Government.
Thomas Kocherry, thomasksa@gmail.com, www.thomaskocherry.com, +91 936 064 5772.
Please Help Us Provide Surgery for Misha

Pastor Gummadi Ebenezer (WCICC Member) in India has called on the WCICC for help with a medical issue for the family of his Assistant Pastor. Assistant Pastor T. Solomon Raju (WCICC Member) has a daughter named Misha.
The Raju family need to raise funds for their daughter surgery in India. Misha was born with a condition called Cleft lip.
This condition is correctable with surgery. The cost of this surgery is out of the reach of the pastor and his family due to the cost of the surgery.
We are calling on the membership of the WCICC to help raise the cost of the operation. Please consider a contributions to this necessary operation.
Donate >> Here
A special concert with French Artists held on February 21 (Tuesday), 15:00.

Special concert with French Artists
Date & Hour: 2012 February 21 (Tuesday), 15:00
Address: Seoul, Yongdeungpo-gu, Yeongdeungpo-dong 618-496, 10th floor.
A Prayerful Request for Missing Children
We, the friends and relatives of children who died or went missing in institutions run by your church, have asked your church officials to return their remains for a proper burial. We have been ignored.
We ask you to support our request for the repatriation of our children by withholding your tithing and offering today, or by indicating that you do not wish your financial contribution to go to your national or international office. Please do not help fund those who use your money to deny justice to the living and the dead.
Help us defend the innocent. With our blessings and thanks, The Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared
Watch the Video
anta Ki Sansad, Janta ke Liye ...Rashtriya Jan Sansad / National People's Parliament
New Delhi, March 19th – 23rd, 2012
Rashtriya Jan Sansad in Mumbai
An Invitation and Seeking Your Cooperation
Since July 2009, NAPM has been intending to start a process of organising Jan Sansads across the country. We held meetings in Delhi and other places. The idea was widely accepted and received attention in March 2010 in a meeting in Allahabad and since then NAPM and other organisations have together hosted Jan Sansads at different places – Almora, Bhadrawati, Mumbai, Nellore and Multai. We have held several meetings since June 2011 discussing ways to strengthen our collective struggles and work towards strengthening people's politics,agenda and strategies. After several meetings in 2011, we started Lok Shakti Abhiyan in December, which has travelled through Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, karnataka and Goa in four phases. Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Punjab and Orissa are to be covered soon.
NAPM is now hosting RASHTRIYA JAN SANSAD in Delhi between March 19th to 23th.. Please see the schedule below. We invite you to join the Rashtriya Jan Sansad along with your organisation and members to do the following : to endorse the agenda and participate in the People's Parliament / Jan Sansad and to make decisions through intense deliberations.
to nominate members of your organisation to the Jan Saansad / People's Parliment as Jan Saansads on March 20th to 22th.
Join us in large numbers in the concluding rally on March 23rd at Jantar Mantar. Proposed Programme March 19 : Lokshakti Abhiyan Programmes discussion at three locations in Delhi March 20th – 22nd : Jan Sansad on the key issues mentioned above March 23rd : A mass rally of people coming from across the country. Finalisation and adoption of Jan Sansad Resolution amongst thousands [a session with political party representatives] and March to parliament
We urge you to kindly support the Jan Sansad by sending volunteers, supporting us in cash or kind as well. You can support us by small donations, send those to us by cheque in the name of NATIONAL ALLIANCE OF PEOPLE'S MOVEMENTS to our office address NAPM C/O 6,6, Jangpura B, New Delhi 110014.

IE Upcoming Events in Seoul

IE is one of the leading European Business School, whose belief in innovation and entrepreneurship is an integral part of its drive towards academic excellence. With its centrally located Madrid campus, international student community, and dynamic learning environment, IE is the perfect place to develop your career.
We would be delighted if you could join us at one of our coming events in Seoul. You will have the opportunity to ask your questions directly to our regional representatives, find out about our admissions process, IE rankings, and discover what life is like in Madrid, one of the world’s most dynamic cities.
Please click on the links below in order to reserve your place!
Friday, December 16th,7:30-8:30pm
UGC MBA Prep Center, Saewon Building 4th flr Kangnam, Daechidong Seoul
Saturday, December 17th, 11:00-1:00pm
Grand Intercontinental Hotel Parnas, 521 Teheran-ro, Gangnam-Gu Seoul
Saturday, December 17th, 11:00-1:00pm
Admissions Test
Saturday, December 17th, 3:30-5:00pm Lottel Hotel at 1 SogongDong, City Center, Line 2 at Eulgiro Ibgu Station. Seoul
One-to-one Informative Meeting: Blended MBA Programs
Should you have any questions about these events or anything about IE in general, please do not hesitate to contact us at korea@ie.edu
Save Sharmila Solidarity Campaign Mumbai: Cordially Invites you to join the programme
Sharmila Solidarity Campaign in Mumbai
Artist For Irom Sharmila ...
On 9th Dec from 5.00 to 9.00
At National Gallery of Modern Art (NGMA), Colaba... opposite the Museum.
Eminent artists panning all regions of India have been invited to make artworks in the form of long vertical flags for this event. They will be mounted on flag-posts already existent along the NGMA boundary, in a way that the works can enter the street and a larger public. We are seeking permission to have the artist flags installed for a period of one month. The artworks will then be presented to the NGMA for their gracious support of the exhibition. Should the flags need to take up a more temporary space within the auditorium, we may begin with a performative gesture, as in a march, or parade of the works through the city. The final year and masters students of Sir JJ School of Art and the Rachna Sansad Academy of Fine Art have volunteered to help in this.
following artrists have confirmed
Aditi Chitre -
Iris Yinzeng -
Sharmila -
Rekha Rodwittiya -
Nalini Malani -
Shilpa Gupta-
Vasudha Thozur-
Raqs Media Collective-
there will be screenings of documentaries:
The proposed films are:
Yirmiyan Arthur Yhome | Phalee | 2008 | 45mins
Kavita Joshi | Tales from the Margins | 23mins
Haobam Pawan Kumar | AFSPA | 1958 | 76mins
Desire Machine | Daily Check-up | 2005 | 8mins
Radhamohini Prasad | Machis Ko Sinka | 11mins
Irom Sharmila , AFSPA and Manipur
Speakers : Flavia Agnes Mihir Desai
In solidarity,
Tushar Joag, Sharmila, Mukta srivastava, Himanshu ,Vinita Balkundari, Daniel Mug, Sabah Khan , Jatin Desai , Bhagwan, Asad, Shakil Ahmed, Bhagwan , Daniel Mazgoankar , Sukla Sen, Guddi,
(On Behalf Of Save sharmila Solidarity Campaign , Mumbai )
ROTI BHAAT SATYAGRAH-JAN MANCH-29 November 2011, 11 AM onwards-c

Members of Roti Bhaat Satyagrah
Please turn up in large numbers to pressurize the government to guarantee us our right to food.
Outstation participants should come one day in advance due to the late running of trains
A dialogue on the basis of our demands is being organised with leaders of political parties, parliamentarians and other experts.
A Universal PDS, which includes cereals, millets, pulses and oil so that all especially the food insecure, the vulnerable, and the deprived get included. The quantity should be decided on the basis of ICMR norms per adult consumption.
Appropriate MSPs and decentralised procurement of rice,wheat and millets.
Removal of poverty ratio based caps in allocation of resources by central government
Universalisation with quality of ICDS including the provision of nutritious locally prepared food for all children.
Entitlements including social security pensions for vulnerable persons – the aged, single women, and persons with disabilities, maternity entitlements, and community kitchens in urban areas must be ensured.
For more details contact Kavita (9351562965), Mohseen (9910416153) or Ishneet (9891212131).
Ishneet and Mohseen
Secretariat - Right to Food Campaign
5 A, Jungi House, Shahpur Jat, New Delhi 110049. India
Email: righttofoodindia@gmail.com | Phone - 91 -11 -2649 9563
Website: www.righttofoodindia.org | Follow our updates on Facebook
Meet IE and the Global MBA program during a Virtual Information Session

Global MBA Virtual Information Session
IE Business School, recognized as one of the top business schools in the world, would like to invite you to attend a Virtual Information Session.
During this session our admissions team will present to you our unique Global MBA program and its blended format. There will also be the chance to discuss the IE admissions process and ask any further questions that you may have.
If you require any information about this event or IE in general please do not hesitate to contact us at blended.programs@ie.edu.
Kind regards,
IE Business School
Event Information
Date: 24th November
Time: 17:00 (Local time Madrid)
Language: English
How the media fools Us?
Nov. 12, 2011
Umesh Aggarwal’s documentary, “Brokering News”
Are you outraged at the thought that the media passes off paid information as news?Are you aware that this is happening routinely in political coverage, business, entertainment and sports?
If so, you must watch Umesh Aggarwal’s documentary, “Brokering News”. Produced by the Public Service Broadcasting Trust (PSBT) explores this alarming issue in depth, including the Niira Radia tapes.
Supported by well known industrialist Cyrus Guzder, Moneylife Foundation and the Citizens Action Network are screening the film on 18th November, at Madame Cama Hall, Kala Ghoda. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion, which will feature eminent journalists and activists like Umesh Aggarwal, Ayaz Memon, Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, Bhawana Somaaya, and Sucheta Dalal
Filmmaker: Umesh Aggarwal
Date: Friday, 18 November 2011
Registration and tea: 5:00pm
Session Time: 5:30pm – 7:30pm
5:00pm: Registration & Tea
5:20pm – 5:30pm: Introduction of the film and filmmaker
5:30pm – 6:30pm: Screening of the film “Brokering News”
6:30pm – 7:30pm: Discussion and interaction with a short Vote of Thanks
Madame Cama Hall, KR Cama Hall Institute,
Bombay Samachar Marg, Opp. Lion Gate, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai–400023.
Admission: FREE
Contact details:
Call Judith/Seraphina on 022-24441058-60, or email us at mail@mlfoundation.in, or log on to www.mlfoundation.in
About the film: The Delhi-based Public Service Broadcasting Trust (PSBT)* recently released a documentary titled "Brokering News—the inside story of paid news".
The film by Umesh Aggarwal addresses a significant challenge facing Indian democracy today—which is the state of its media. The film looks at three aspects of paid news—how politicians are paying for positive coverage during elections, with the result that those who don't pay are blanked out by the media; how the coverage and reviews of movies are orchestrated and paid for and of course, paid news about business and industry. It depicts in detail how journalists were forced to broker deals to offer editorial coverage to politicians.
*(PSBT): The Public Service Broadcasting Trust (PSBT) is a non-governmental, not-for-profit trust with the mission to create and sustain a credible space for public service broadcasting in India which is independent, participatory, pluralistic and democratic, distanced from commercial imperatives and state/political pressures. It works to mainstream Indian documentary and empower independent filmmakers. You can get more details of this organisation at www.psbt.org
Celebrating 20 Years of Jeevanshalas in the Narmada Valley SATPUDA YOUTH CARNIVAL AND YOUTH CAMP- Resolve of the Youth power, emerging from the Jeevanshalas

Kherikhata village
Youth Carnival on 7th November
Youth Camp on 8th and 9th November
Greetings from the Narmada Valley…. As you all know, the Jeevanshalas (life-schools) in the Sardar Sarovar Dam-affected hilly adivasi villages of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh began as a campaign of the village communities themselves to impart education to their children and as an alternative to the corrupt government schools functioning only on paper. The first school was started at village Manibeli in 1991 and as on date, thousands of children have passed out of the 13 Jeevanshalas in the states of Maharashtra, M.P. and Gujarat. Learning upto 4th Standard in Maharashtra and 5th Standard in M.P., hundreds of children have taken to higher studies in towns and cities like Dhule, Malegaon, Amalner, Chopada, Dondaicha, Nandurbar, Karjan, Badwani, Alirajpiur, Sendhwa etc.
Being run under the banner of Narmada Nav Nirman Abhiyan, the Jeevanshalas have now successfully completed 20 years, as the struggle in the Narmada valley itself continues to march ahead, beyond 25 years. The first batch of learners have passed out and have completed BA, B.Sc, MA, M.Sc, B.ED, Agricultural Science, many have excelled in the field of sports, while others have become teachers and activists themselves. Many of these youngsters, who have risen from the adivasi communities in the Satpuda ranges of the Narmada valley are to this day, actively associated with the struggle in the valley and are asserting their right to development; as a truly democratic process that reflects the rights of the adivasis, their quest for justice and equity, by retaining their culture and relation with natural resources.
Beyond cherishing our relationship with these youngsters, we are keen to nourish it further into a more sustained resource-base for larger, just social transformation in the Narmada valley and in the country. It is with this long-standing thought in mind that we have planned to bring together the alumni of all the Jeevanshalas through a Youth Carnival on the 7th of November, followed by a Training Camp for all the youth on the 8th and 9th of November in the lap of Satpudas, at Dhadgaon Tehsil Place, District Nandurbar, Maharashtra. The main purpose of these gatherings is also to remind the youth that our learning, our education is for the society, for positive, pro-people change. We all, who believe in the process of Andolan and are in fact the Andolan ourselves, shall go ahead with the struggle for the rights of the people. It is towards this end that all students of the Jeevanshalas, activists, teachers, even those who have become government servants, shall resolve to be torch-bearers of the struggle, through reconstruction.
We are deeply indebted to many of you, who have been part of this process, over the years, inspiring the youngsters in the valley, supporting their learning through in-kind and financial resources, training inputs, etc. We would love to have you with us on this momentous occasion. Kindly do make it possible to come to Dhadgaon and encourage the youth and the struggling adivasi community. The Camp shall be joined in by thousands of young people from the valley, led by those who have passed out of the Jeevanshalas, activists and others from various village communities.
Let us come together in thousands…Let us rekindle the fire of youth power
Keshav Vasave, Chetan Salve, Bhagirath, Medha Patkar, Narpat Bijya, Kailash Awasya, Siyaram Padvi, Vijay Valvi, Batesing Pawra, Yogini, Dilvar Padvi, Tukaram Pawra
NBA Dhadgaon office: 02595-202145, Chetan Salve 09420375730, Latika 9423908123, Batesing Pawra 9421889851, Vijay Valvi 9420601461 / 9423563541
Sri Lankan fishermen detained at Andaman Island
Special ReportBy Herman Kumara
Oct. 29, 2011

There are 16 Sri Lankan fishermen detained at Andaman Island for 20 months by 9th October.

After several attempts of the families and some organizations, government haven't paid attention to bring the fishermen back home. Some times the MOF is issue some media statement which hurts the families.

Two Buddhist monks and one mother of detained fishermen had started a hunger strike day before yesterday.
By last evening mother's situation is becoming weak and doctors were brought. Doctors advice was to give up the hunger fast and hospitalized her. But, Mother refused it and continue the action.
We expect you to circulate this message widely and put pressure for a solution.

Zameen Haq Satyagraha of Mumbai's Urban Poor
The Press Release of the Ghar Bachao Ghar Banao Andolan and other struggling communities in Mumbai, who continue to remember Gandhi and agitate peacefully for thier right to land, housing, basic services, governance without corruption, equality, dignity and citizenship.
Best regards, GBGB and NAPM Team
Tibet Short Film Competition & Film Festival in Dharamsala on 29-30 October
GIFT FROM TAMILS TO THE WORLD: Medicine for Blood Cancer!!!!
Students for a Free Tibet(SFT) India Tour 2011 Update!
Another letter to all the people of good will
The thrill is in the chase not in the catch
Did a High Paid Call girl visit Mahinda Rajapaksa for a sub-abdominal massage at the Dorchester inn in London, England?
INVITATION: National Action - Against Forced Displacement & Land Grab and - For Community Control Over Natural Resources & Livelihood Rights
URGENT SOS. Appeal for 6 Parti Sosialis Malaysia members detained under the Internal Security Act 1960
Please Endorse Statement Condemning Assault by Congress goons on former JNUSU President Sandeep Singh
Vo Van Ai to receive 2011 “International Special Award to Freedom” in Italy
An important Notice to all Indian residential school survivors and other eyewitnesses
The Gathering Storm of Justice: From Victims to Warriors
Repeal Land Acquisition Act, Protect Land Rights: Legislate A Comprehensive Development Planning Act
Tamil Seminar in Delhi
Canadian Parliament-Elect Rathika Satsabaiasan
Human Rights Counseling Clinic for Refugees
Take Action in support of Tibetans in Amdo, Ngaba
6th Asia Human Rights Forum
Union Day Campaign
Invitation: The 7th Workshop for Young Human Rights Activists
Rock out for a great cause!
The Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute (MPI)
May 18 Memorial Foundation’s International Internship Programme 2011
The 3rd Regugee Human Rights Workshop
Jan-Sep, 2011----------------------------------