Jan-Mar 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008
19) Joint Statement of Mon Organizations on Mon Women’s Day
18) Letter to Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs
17) Stop the prohibition of Chin National Day celebration
16) The 64th Anniversary of the Mon National Day
15) Stop the military rule completely, restore and bring back a genuine “Union Day” in Myanmar
14) Ethnic Armed groups unite to fight Myanmar military government
13) Bhutan Hosanna Ministries: Struggling for Christian Liberty
10) Stop human rights violation and request for a genuine democracy building.
9) Stop human rights violation upon ethnic people and demanding for democracy
8) Stop the violation of human rights, and the political repression of ethnic Chin people in Burma/Myanmar!
7) Stop the violation of human rights, and the religious repression of ethnic Chin people in Burma/Myanmar.
6) NAPM asserts violation of environmental laws and need to keep the work of Lavasa stopped.
5) Mass murder in Canada has gone unpunished and unresolved: Help us bring the guilty to justice!
4) UBCV welcomes the U.S. International Religious Freedom Report and calls for stronger action to promote religious freedom in Vietnam
3) Sansad Gherao against Land Acquisition and displacement kick-starts in Delhi; Thousands reach Delhi to demonstrate in front of Parliament
1) The Global Digest
19) Myanmar
Joint Statement of Mon Organizations on Mon Women’s Day
Letter of StatmentMar. 16, 2011

Mon Women with their tradition dresses
Today, Mon people in Monland as well as overseas celebrate Mon Women’s Day to promote women’s participation in social, economic, and political processes. The Mon Women’s Day is observed annually on the birthday of Mon Queen, Mi Jao Bu (Her Majesty Banya Htau), the 12th Waxing day of the 12th month in Mon Lunar Calendar, which falls on March 16 in this year 2011. Queen Mi Jao Bu ruled the Hongsawatoi Mon Kingdom in the 15th century, in righteousness and peace. Queen Mi Jao Bu was the only queen who reigned in the history of Burma and her serenity, courage, and wisdom still inspires us all.
Presently, Mon women have faced difficult challenges in taking their rightful place in areas of decision-making. Amongst the biggest challenges are lack of education and training, and discrimination stemming from misguided cultural traditions. Despite these challenges, Mon women are working hard to achieve their full participation in different aspects of the Mon national affairs.
Like women worldwide, an “equal access to education, training and science and technology” is a must for Mon women to protect themselves from exploitation and to exercise their rights. However, in Burma, there is no mechanism in place which would allow an equal access to education or income-earning opportunities for women. The country’s new constitution adopted by the military regime also does not ensure the representation of women in any branches of the government.
The incidents of exploitation and violence against women are drastically increasing in Mon areas. The Burmese military government has applied a “divide and rule” policy, employing various kinds of strategies to repress ethnic nationalities. Sadly, a principal strategy used is the sexual violence against ethnic women. It is considered to be part of the “Ethnic Cleansing Policy”, where the government carries out “mixing blood” campaigns, by raping ethnic women or forcing them into marriages with Burmese soldiers. Rape and sexual abuses committed by Burmese troops against Mon, Shan, and Karen ethnic women have been widely reported, and yet have been permitted to continue. Only adding to the problems of women is the extreme economic hardship in the country. Regretfully, in search of a better life many women have fallen prey to human traffickers and are being forced into prostitution. Those victims have no place to turn for protection as the police and military are highly corrupt, siding with perpetrators.
Recently, Burmese military dictators formed a new civilian government following their claimed election results. Nonetheless, the change in government is just in name and the supreme power remains in the hands of military Generals. Social, economic, and political situations in Burma continue to deteriorate. We do not believe the new puppet government will be able to bring a solution to political conflicts in the country. Only through dialogue among the Burmese military, democratic forces, and ethnic nationalities can Burma’s political problems be solved, bringing national reconciliation, and ultimately achieving social and economic security for women in Burma. Therefore,
We appeal to the international community to:
* Pressure the Burmese military and new Burmese government to enter into meaningful dialogue for national reconciliation,
We call for the new Burmese government to:
* Take significant actions to protect women against all acts of violence and discrimination and stop human trafficking and forced prostitution in Mon areas,
* End the policy of “mixing blood” and the Burmese ethnic chauvinism,
* Eliminate “divide and rule” policy and enter into meaningful dialogue with all the opposition parties for national reconciliation,
* Ensure that the law provides an equal access to education and training for women and girls,
We strongly urge Mon political parties and civil societies to:
* Create opportunities to empower Mon women and foster women’s active participations in decision making processes, * Make every effort to end all forms violence and discrimination against women in Mon areas.
This statement is jointly issued by:
1. Mon Women’s Organization (Librated Area)
2. Mon Youth Progressive Organization
3. Mon Woman and Child Right Project (Southern Burma)
4. Mon Women’s Organization (Sangkhlaburi, Thailand)
5. Mon Relief and Development Committee
6. Overseas Mon Women’s Organization (Mae Sot, Thailand)
7. Mon Women Refugee Organization (Malaysia)
8. Mon Women Organization (Canada)
9. Mon Women’s Association of America
Media Contact:
1. Mi Aie Sorn (Thailand): +66 83 761 8086
2. Mi Saik Rot (Malaysia): +60 123476010
3. Mi Khamom Htaw (USA): +01 330 671 3385
18) Australia
Letter to Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs
Appeal Letter
Australian Foreign Affairs Minister Kevin Rudd
Hon Mr Kevin Rudd MP
Minister for Foreign Affairs
R.G. Casey Building
John McEwen Crescent
Barton ACT 0221
10th March 2011
Dear Foreign Affairs Minister,
I am writing to you, in my capacity as President of the Global Tamil Forum, to express my concern regarding the Government of Sri Lanka’s prospective appointment of Admiral Thisara Samarasinghe to the position of High Commissioner to Australia. The Global Tamil Forum is the largest Tamil diaspora organisation with members drawn from fifteen countries on five continents. We are committed absolutely to a non-violent agenda and we seek a lasting peace in Sri Lanka, based on justice, reconciliation and a political settlement that all Sri Lankans can support.
As you will be aware, serious concerns have been raised about the prosecution of the civil war in Sri Lanka, especially during the final months of the conflict. Reports released by the US State Department, the European Commission and International Crisis Group, amongst others, have provided credible evidence to suggest that war crimes and human rights violations took place during this period. The Sri Lankan navy has been accused of shelling civilian areas in north and east Sri Lanka in 2009 – incidents which, reportedly, led to the loss of civilian life. Admiral Samarasinghe was Director General of Naval Operations at the time.
Given the persistent allegations of war crimes and human rights violations, there needs to be a credible process of investigation and accountability regarding these claims. Until this mechanism is established those accused of culpability should not be nominated for high office. As Bruce Haig, Australia’s former deputy High Commissioner to Sri Lanka, has said "I think all the military in Sri Lanka are under a cloud until such time as there is an investigation that can look into what occurred at the end of the civil war.” It is unfortunate that the Australian Government and your department in particular have been placed in such a difficult position regarding the possible appointment of Sri Lanka’s next High Commissioner to Australia.
In September 2010, the British Government faced similar representations from the Government of Sri Lanka regarding diplomatic nominations to the UK. At the time, Britain’s Minister with responsibility for Sri Lanka, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State Mr Burt MP, said “if reconciliation is to be the watchword of the Sri Lankan Government, every undefined appointment that they make will be looked at in those terms. Accordingly, appointments that are conciliatory and go some way towards remedying the tragedy of the conflict are surely rather better, for them and for the rest of the world, than anything else”. In light of this statement, the Global Tamil Forum believes that the prospective appointment of Admiral Thisara Samarasinghe is a provocative step, which will do little to alleviate the tragedy of the civil war.
I hope you will consider the concerns of the Global Tamil Forum seriously.
Yours sincerely,
Father S.J. Emmanuel
Global Tamil Forum
17) Myanmar
Stop the prohibition of Chin National Day celebration
Press ReleaseFeb. 20, 2011

Chin people in Malaysia celebrate Chin National Day
We are a group of ethnic Chin people from Myanmar and other activists. Today we are holding a pro-democracy and ethnic freedom rights demonstration in front of the Myanmar Embassy, on the occasion of Chin National Day which is yearly held on February 20.
The Chin National Day is a symbol of freedom from feudal system and anarchy system in Chin state, as well as, it reflects the ethnic Chin race, culture and geography. It is also mean combination of the Chin land and the Chin people as the originality of the inhabitants. The Chin National Day is something very meaningful and shown truthfulness.
However, the Burma/Myanmar military government abolished Chin National Day and change to a slight Chin State Day. And abandoned several public demands and continuous impose restriction on civil and political right movement.

Chin tradition sport dance
Furthermore, the Burma/Myanmar military junta continuously massacres, disappearances, and human rights abuses committed. The ethnic minorities of Burma/Myanmar, in particular, are threatened more than other sectors of the population. There has been a permanent state of conflict between ethnic groups and the military junta along the boarder areas of the ethnic regions. Subsequently the military junta has systematically ignored the fundamental human rights and freedoms of the population living in the ethnic Chin regions of Myanmar.
We condemn the junta’s drafted constitution, which guarantees military supremacy over civilian by including 25% seats in parliament. This is undemocratic and inconsistent with human rights standard.
From repressive and antagonistic actions such as this, it is clear and easier violation upon the ethnic Chin Christianity, as one of the most suffering ethnic populations in Myanmar.
Therefore, we, the Chin Democracy and Human Rights Network, demand that the Myanmar military junta:
Immediately cease its human rights violations and religious repression of the ethnic Chin people, and keep back the meaningful “Chin National Day.” To rebuild genuine democracy state and restore unity and peace for a prosperity nation.
Furthermore, we ask that the Korean people and the international community show staunch support for the cause democracy and the end of ethnic repression in Burma/Myanmar.
The Chin Democracy and Human Rights Network
South Korea
Contact: cdhrn.kr@gmail.com
16) Myanmar
The 64th Anniversary of the Mon National Day
Letter of statmentFeb. 19, 2011

Mon national dance performed during its national day
Today, once again, Mon people around the world mark the Mon National Day. The Mon National Day is annually celebrated on the founding day of the last Mon Kingdom, Hongsawatoi, by the two Mon princes, Samala and Wimala, in 1116 BE (572 AD). It has been 64 years since the Mon National Day was conceived with the purpose of promoting the Mon national spirit and unity to regaining the rights of Mon people. On this auspicious day, we strongly urge all the Mon from every corner of the Globe to come together, strengthen our unity and patriotism, and rise up to restore an autonomous Mon State.
The Mon established prosperous kingdoms in today’s lower Burma and enjoyed the rights of sovereign nations for many centuries. However, the last Mon kingdom, Hongsawatoi, was invaded and occupied by the Burman in 1757. Ever since, the Mon have been enslaved in their own land by the political duplicity and military might of the successive Burmese governments.
In the civilized world, racial oppressions and violations of human rights are no longer acceptable. However, Burmese governments continue to oppress and deny the rights of the Mon as well as other ethnic nationalities in Burma. In consequence, wars between the Burmese military and ethnic armed forces have been ongoing for more than a half century. No doubt, the chauvinism in the Burmese leaderships is a major reason for Burma, once Southeast Asia’s richest nation, to become one of the poorest countries in the world. The current Burmese military regime claims that it pursues the policy of ethnic integration and harmony.
However, in reality, the regime redrew the country’s constitution to guarantee the twenty five percent of parliamentary seats for serving military officers. Despite tremendous efforts from ethnic leaders and ethnic cease-fire armed groups, the regime’s constitution does not include any ethnic rights. The regime has threatened or taken severe actions against the leaders of ethnic nationalities who propose to establish a federal political system in Burma. The regime has turned a blind eye to the fact that the people of Burma will never be able to live in harmony and enjoy their basic human rights unless Burma becomes a genuine federal union. The regime has blindly labelled the Federalism as Separatism and used this propaganda to deceive the people of Burma. In fact, all the claims and acts of the regime are nothing but just to prolong its stay on power.
With the aim of solving Burma’s ethnic conflicts in peaceful means, thirteen ethnic armed groups, including the New Mon State Party, signed cease-fire agreements with the regime in 1990s. Instead of solving the problems through dialogue, the regime broke its promises and has forced ethnic cease-fire groups to transform into the Border Guard Forces (BGF), which must operate under the control of the regime’s army.
The regime has already launched military offences against some cease-fire groups who refused to transform into the BGF. Therefore, a full blown civil war is inevitable at this point in time.
As history has repeatedly proved, Burma’s political problems cannot be solved through oppressions or forces. A lasting political solution can be reached only through tripartite dialogue among Burma’s democratic forces led by Daw Aung San Su Kyi, leaders of ethnic nationalities, and the military regime.
The convening of second Panlong conference in accordance with the 21st century situations can facilitate the much needed political dialogue for national reconciliation.
Therefore, on this auspicious day, we urge:
· All the people of Burma to support the convening of second Panglong conference, in order to establish a genuine federal union and bring national reconciliation.
· The international community to continue to support the democratic changes in Burma.
· The Mon people around the world to strengthen unity and patriotism in order to regain our rights to self-determination.
The statement is jointly issued by:
1. Australia Mon Association (AMA)
2. Euro Mon Community
3. Mon Canadian Society
4. Monland Restoration Council (USA)
5. The Mon Women's Association of America (MWAA)
6. The Working Committee of the 64th Mon National Day Celebration (Malaysia)
7. The Working Committee of the 64th Mon National Day Celebration ( Mae La Camp, Thailand)
Media Contacts:
1. Siri Mon Chan (+61 430 136 541) Australia
2. Nai Banya Htaw Weang (716-948-6611) USA
15) Myanmar
Stop the military rule completely, restore and bring back a genuine “Union Day” in Myanmar
Press ReleaseFeb. 06, 2011
Members of Chin Democracy and Human Rights Network and other activists
We are a group of ethnic people from Myanmar and a collection of other human rights activists. Today, we are holding a pro-democracy and ethnic freedom rights demonstration in front of the Myanmar Embassy. This is in commemoration of Union Day, which started in Panglong Town, Shan State, Myanmar on February 12, 1947.
The “Union Day” is the birthday of the Myanmar nation. On this day, 23 representatives from four territories, which comprise the Shan state, the Kachin hill, the Chin hill and mainland Burma, signed an agreement in Panglong to form the Union of Myanmar. To honor this historical agreement, Myanmar people celebrated the day as a “Union Day” across the nation on February 12th every year. This day is the most important day in modern Myanmar’s history.
These four territories are also representative of almost the entire territory of the current Myanmar region as drawn in the country’s map. Not only did the Panglong agreement pave the way for the formation of the Myanmar nation, it also enabled the country to gain independence from the British emperor.
Significantly, the Panglong agreement guaranteed the people freedom in both the ethnic minority territories and mainland Burma, and included such things as equality and sharing together in the country’s prosperity. The core issue of the Panglong agreement was to setup “a federal system of government full autonomy in internal administration.”
However, the country’s successive rulers, Myanmar military governments, have never implemented the Panglong agreement and have not respected the “Union Day” since 1962, when the country fell under the military government’s rule completely. Form that time, the military abolished the Panglong agreement and the “Union Day” has never been honored in its original spirit since then. Instead the military government wrongly represents “Union Day” and misleads the people from the real essence of its goal.
In recent years, the military government deliberately drafted constitution in order to keep military control over the country, which is against the principle of the Panglong agreement, such as a 25% limit on seats for the military in parliament. Several ethnic groups, KIO, NMSP, UWSA and SSA-N, requested that the draft constitution be a genuine one ahead of its creation. However, the military government flatly rejected this proposal.
Furthermore, Myanmar’s military government also rejected the United Nations proposal for a tripartite dialogue.
It is clear that the Myanmar military’s attitude has been shown to be deceitful with regards to its country’s people and before the international community.
Therefore, we, the All Ethnic Democracy and Human Rights Network, demand that the Myanmar military junta:
1. Stop the military rule and do not interfere with any civilian rule.
2. Restore and bring back the Panglong agreement and build the country according to a federal democratic system.
3. Immediately cease its human rights violations and religious repression.
4. Immediately relieve the people from political and economic repression.
Furthermore, we ask that the Korean people and the international community show staunch support for the cause of democracy and the end of ethnic repression in Burma. br>
Chin Democracy and Human Rights Network
[CDHRN is fighting for Burmese/Myanmar People's freedom and committed for rebirth of Human Rights & Democracy in the country.]
14) Myanmar
Ethnic Armed groups unite to fight Myanmar military government: Statement on the reunification between the Mon National Defense Army and New Mon State Party
Letter of StatementJanuary 24, 2011

An Ethnic troops of New Mon State Party
We, the OMCC, wholeheartedly welcome the reunification between the Mon National Defense Army (MNDA) and the New Mon State Party (NMSP). We believe that the MNDA made the right and timely decision to reunite with the NMSP, its former mother organization, on January 11, 2011. The unity among all Mon armed organizations is vitally important in the fight for our ethnic rights, equality, and freedom in Burma. Therefore, we strongly urge all the Mon armed organizations to stand united under one flag and the NMSP to allow other Mon splinter groups to rejoin the party unconditionally.
At this moment, the Burmese military regime troops are standing by to wage wars against the NMSP as well as other ethnic armed organizations in Burma. All Mon people and organizations should stand behind and provide full supports to the NMSP in this critical time. Moreover, all Mon organizations should be united under the Mon Affairs Union in order to strengthen our unity as a people and nation, and form a strong Mon political opposition organization. Only then we can protect our people from the abuses of the Burmese army and can achieve our national goals.
The Burmese military regime has already launched attacks on the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army(DKBA) in Karen State. No doubt, the regime will not hesitate to attack other ethnic armies at any time. As history has proved time and time again, we will not be able to safeguard our people from the abuses of the Burmese army and will not achieve our self-determination rights without a strong unified army.
Therefore, we earnestly appeal to all ethnic nationalities and the remaining ethnic armed forces to support and join the Federal Army currently formed by the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO), Karen National Union(KNU), Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP), New Mon State Party (NMSP), and Shan State Progress Party (SSPP).
Media Contacts:
Nai Siri Mon Chan (Australia) Tel: +61-430-136-541
Nai Bannya Htaw Weang (USA) Tel: 716-948-6611 (cell)
13) Bhutan
Bhutan Hosanna Ministries: Struggling for Christian Liberty
Appeal LetterBy Dhan Raj Gurung
Dec. 29, 2010

Bhutan man
Background of Country
Bhutan is situated at the lap of Himalaya bordering to India in the east, west and south; and China (Tibet) in the north. Its capital city is called Thimphu. Its population consists of about 700,000 with three major ethnic people group known as Ngalong, Sarchop and Lhotshampa (nepali) with same three major languages respectively. Dzongkha is our national language and English is getting common among young generation. The religions are Buddhism 75%, Hinduism 23%, Christian 1% and others 1%. Bhutan has 20 districts, 205 blocks and about 3000 villages as of now. We have approximately 50 churches throughout Bhutan that means we need 2950 churches more to be established. We are praying to create a Indigenous Mission Society to reach these souls in Bhutan.
Vision, Mission & Strategies:VISION: One Church in Every Community of Bhutan,
MISSION: Train the People & Plant Churches
1. Bible College: To Train People for Mission and Pastoral Leadership
2. Planting Church: By Sending and Supporting People to Plant Churches.
Further explanation of strategies to accomplish vision One Church in Every Community of Bhutan.
Bible College: the immediate need to establish a Bible college to teach and train people for church planting mission. We need to prepare 2950 people for same no of villages as of now.
We seek for prayer and partnership to teach and train people for mission and ministry. Logistic arrangements such as: Renting place for Class room & dormitory, Coordinating Teachers, Mobilizing student, and Installation of Library, etc. These things together will make the teaching and training of church planters possible and change the destiny of souls and transform Bhutan. It targets to 1500 by 2050. I am praying and planning to start first batch from 2012.
Church Planting: Support and send church planter in the villages. After one year of basic training, these students will for sure come out as a potential leader who can go forth for church planting in the mission field and leadership in local church.
So what can you or your church do? Extend and join hand with BHM. We can come together to support, encourage and send missionaries to plant churches in the villages. We need to support them financially because of few small churches are not in position to help and support their work.
BHM would like to form Indigenous Missionary Society (IMS) to organize and manage church planting effort. You are welcome to join hands to work with us. In order to make efficient mission support system and also for convenience of interest of supporters as individual, churches, organization, IMS also would like to introduce Adopt Indigenous Missionary (AIM) method. You can partner with us by adopting an Indigenous Missionaries and supporting them to go to the mission field for planting churches. BHM has a go to plant 1000 Churches by 2050.
I am praying to start a new church beginning from 2011. You will receive updates of it in days ahead.
2. CHURCH PLANTING: (support and send church planter to country side)
1. Support a missionary = $250/month
2. Adopt a Missionary = $250/month
*Missionary Sending Target- 5/year
* Goal of Planting Churches - 1000/2050
Prayer Request
1. Proclamation of the Gospel of Christ & Salvation of the people of Bhutan.
2. Church Planting Ministries (let there be one church for every community of Bhutan).
3. Establishment of Bible College to Train Church Planter (need a land and a building).
4. God’s wisdom for me and my family to work the vision ministry that God have given us.
Bank information
Beneficiary Bank: Bhutan National Bank Ltd., Thimphu, Bhutan
A/c No. 36023474 (SWIFT CODE: BNBTBTBT)
Bank Address: Citibank N.A., 111 Wall Street, 19th Floor, New York, NY 10043 Via
ABA No.: 02100008-9
Chips Routing No.: 008
Ultimate Beneficiary: Dhan Raj Gurung
A/c No. 5000031755020 BNBL, Thimphu, Bhutan.
In Harvest Field Contact:
Dhan Raj Gurung P.O. Box: 839 Thimphu, Bhutan. Cell: 00975-1787-1071 Email: bhhomin08@yahoo.com; danbhm@gmail.com
12) India

Lavasa Hill Township in Pune
In a significant ruling on the 16th December, the Hon’ble High Court of Mumbai continued to allow maintenance of the status-quo on Lavasa’s writ against the MoEF’ stop work show-cause notice issued earlier on Nov. 25th. Refusing immediate relief to the Corporation, the Court deferred Lavasa’s claim that ‘they have received all clearances as per the law and they should be allowed to start work partially’ on the ground that they should first submit the details about the type of work they want to carry out on 41 acre area in Dasve village and if (a) this involves minimum damage to the environment, (b) they are ready to do it at their own risk, (c) it will be monitored by the MoEF, then it can be considered.
On behalf of NAPM, Adv. Y.P.Singh, argued that the whole project, on the whole is illegal and Lavasa has no permission of the MoEF and that they should not be allowed to start work. He also requested the Court to view this case from the perspective of gross corruption like Adarsh scam. After hearing the parties, The High Court also fixed date of 21st December for the next hearing.
It is noteworthy that on Dec. 14th, the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests refused to lift its "stop work" order issued earlier on November 25th to the lake-side hill township Lavasa, being developed near Pune. The Ministry’s order followed the Bombay High Court’s directives issued on December 7th to the Ministry to hear all parties involved in filing the PIL. The case by Lavasa was clubbed up with the PIL filed by NAPM and many environmental organizations and activists from Pune.
Following the Mumbai High Court’s directives, a meeting was held at MoEF, Delhi, on Dec. 9th, attended by social activists Medha Patkar, Suniti S R and Vishwambhar Choudhary from NAPM and Lavasa's team of officials along with consultants from Vaishnavi Communications, known for its involvement in the 2-G spectrum scam. Both the parties presented their case on whether or not the work at Lavasa should remain stopped until the final decision on the project is taken by MoEF by December 31st.
NAPM has already presented detailed facts and documents to prove how Lavasa falls within the framework of Environment Protection Act, 1986 (1994 Notification, 2004 Amendment, and 2006 Notification). NAPM claims that the project area, at least partly, is above 1,000 metres on the basis of the certificate from the District Collector, Pune. It maintains that with thousands of square meters of construction, 1,600 crores already spent, and more than 2 lakh population to be stationed, the project certainly requires central environmental clearance. NAPM also asserts that the Hill city under dispute is to be spread across 12,500 hectares. But it had received an environmental clearance from the state government for only 2,000 hectares.
On the other hand Lavasa made a presentation on how they have taken up various conservation measures claiming that there has been no damage to the environment, but referring to large-scale investment and beneficial plans. It claimed that they had clearances under the laws of the state, from the state-level authorities and central clearance was not necessary. However, the MoEF was unconvinced with the Lavasa official’s presentations and asked them to file all the necessary documents in writing to support their claims by December 10th.
After hearing the matter presented on behalf of both the parties the Ministry issued its statement on December 15th to continue its interim stay on construction work at the project site. The Environment Ministry maintained that Lavasa Corporation has allegedly failed to secure necessary environmental clearances before starting work on its 5,000-plus hectare Lake City hill township project, with the ultimate plan being of 10,000 hectares. It concluded that there are serious violations of the EIA notification due to heavy construction activity, excessive water usage; tree felling, stone crushing and heavy transportation etc. all that can't be ignored because it is deteriorating the local environment enormously. The decision of MoEF means that all construction at the site will be stayed until a final conclusion is made by the month-end.
NAPM believes that the MoEF will have to uphold the law of the land and continue to work towards saving the environment and especially the fragile Western Ghats which is under threat due the Lavasa’s massive project related activity as also the upcoming plans for nuclear plants at Ratnagiri.
It is now well-known that the issue involved, Lavasa Hill Township is the biggest project sprawled at the fringes of Pune City. Amidst several hills, involving displacement from 18 villages in Mulshi and Velhe Blocks the project is situated at a distance of 65 k.m. from the Pune city. Developing on the 25,000 acres of land the Lavasa Hill Township is a project of Lavasa Corporation a subsidiary of Hindustan Construction Company.
The project has been challenged by numerous social and environmental activists on the ground of severe ecological violations and issues involving forced eviction of nomadic communities and land alienation of tribal people (adivasis), undue harassment by the project officials of local villagers, cheating by the company agents, obstruction to community access to fresh water bodies, river water and temples, common roads as well as destruction of natural habitat and forests.
NAPM is an alliance of leading people’s movements across the country which has been constantly highlighting the issues of environmental violations, issues of displacement & rehabilitation and the issues of social justice across the country.
Suniti S R Vishwambhar Choudhary Dyaneshwar Shedge Rifat Mumtaz
11) Srilanka
Picket of GAP this SaturdayOur last Global picket this year takes place tomorrow Saturday the 11th December. In London meet outside the GAP 'flagship' stores in Oxford Street, Central London (meet 50 yds to the right of Exit 7 of Oxford Circus tube) at 12.00 noon.
E-Mail message to GAP this weekend
We want you all to send an e-mail to various GAP outlets this coming weekend. We have a sample e-mail for you below but please feel free to amend/elaborate as you see fit.
Dear Sirs,
I am very disappointed to hear that you are trading with Sri Lanka. I am told that their Government regularly lock up critics, discriminate against their Tamil community and have even been accused of carrying out recent war crimes. I read for example that the President of Sri Lanka had a speech to the Oxford Union in the UK cancelled because of 'War Crime' allegations.
I have always regarded GAP as an 'ethical' company so I was shocked to learn that you are effectively propping up a regime that treats its' people so atrociously. I believe the EU and others have stated that the Government's behaviour falls below acceptable standards. I also worry about the workers that must be making garments for you having to live in such an environment.
I ask you to stop this trade with Sri Lanka until the EU and UN verify an acceptable improvement in that country's human rights. I am seriously considering not visiting your stores until you do.
Send to all these addresses simultaneously: custserv@gap.eu, custserv@gap.com, Gap_Press@gap.com, press@gap.com, investor_relations@gap.com, jess_christie@gap.com
For further information, please contact:
Tim Martin, Director, Act Now Tel: +44(0)7817 504 227 Email: info.actnow@gmail.com Site: www.act-now.info
Graham Williamson, Director, Act Now Tel: +44(0)7970 455 445 Email: info.actnow@gmail.com Site: www.act-now.info
Mr. S. Yogalingam, Director, Act Now Tel: +44(0)7948 380433 Email: info.actnow@gmail.com Site: www.act-now.info
Stop human rights violation and request for a genuine democracy building.
Press ReleaseJune 27, 2010
We are a group of Burmese/Myanmar people. Today we are protesting for our democracy and human rights in the front of Myanmar embassy, in memorial of our leader - hero ‘Salai Tin Mg Oo’ who was deliberately killed by Burma/Myanmar military junta due to his democracy and freedom movement as the first generation of student’s activist. He and his colleagues also organized a “U Thant Uprising” there in honor of U Thant, a former U.N.secretary general. However, the military government prohibited the public from holding an honorable funeral for U Thant. Later, Salai Tin Mg Oo and colleagues were arrested.
This is the memorial of 34th anniversary of Salai Tin Mg Oo assassination, that the Burma/Myanmar military junta killed him on 24th June 1976 early morning at sharply 04:00 AM. We “Chin Democracy and Human Rights Network” are strongly condemned for the Burma/Myanmar military government’s action for that. Also we strongly condemned military government for arrested activists and bad condition of all political prisoners in Myanmar up to date.
Similarly the military regime massacred students’ activist on July 7, 1962 in the past and order to destruction of the Student Union Building. Afterward there was nation wide mass uprising in 1988 where the government responded brutally firing into the crowd – leading to thousand of innocent people death. Likewise there was Depayin massacre in May 2003 which military alleged killed hundreds of people. And also there was the people revolution in September 2007 which military killed and made disappearance hundreds of people. Moreover,in May 2008 cyclone disaster that is the conjunction with military authority-made political disaster where the government behaved irresponsiveness to the disaster victim, like that inept early warning and delaying and halting relief aids to the victims which made millions of people suffering and hundred thousand to death. Here, the situation in Burma/Myanmar is massive human rights violations and unsafe is clearly revealed.
Particularly in Burma/Myanmar, ethnic minority are threaten worsen as frequently oppressed and persecuted. There was permanently conflict between ethnic groups and military government in boarder areas. Subsequently the military authority ignored ethnic people’s political freedom and the Christianity freedom, those rights are virtually absent in the ethnic regions. Nowadays, the military is trying to hold a flaw and unfair election.
Therefore, we “Chin Democracy and Human Rights Network” hereby declare as the following:
(1) We reject the upcoming election as undemocratic and unfair which just to pave legitimization for the junta government. (2) As well as, we reject the junta’s sponsored constitution as a flaw, which allegedly granted 25% seat to the military in the parliament.
Meanwhile, we hereby demand Burma/Myanmar military government as the following: (1) Stop continues human rights violation and religious restriction especially among ethnic people. (2) Provide freedom from political and economic suppression in nation wide. (3) Be transparency for the concern of the upcoming election in order to be a genuine democracy, which should include all ethnic representatives and allowed international community’s observers. (4) Amend the constitution according to democratically and human rights standard.
Finally, we ask South Korea government and International community to support on our course of democracy movement and to end the ethnic oppression in Burma/Myanmar.
Further contact:
John Smith Thang, Executive Director,
Chin Democracy and Human Rights Network
Contact Address: #949-1 Wongok-dong, Danwon-gu, Asan City, Kyonggi-do Province (425- 130), Republic of Korea Telephone: 010-8685-8860 (inside Korea) / +82-10-8685-8860 (outside Korea) E-mail: cdhrn.kr@gmail.com
9) Myanmar
Stop human rights violation upon ethnic people and demanding for democracy
Press ReleaseJuly 5, 2009
We are a group of Burmese/Myanmar “Ethnic Chin” people based in Korea, our organization is called “Chin Democracy and Human Rights Network”. Today we are protesting for our democracy and ethnic-civil rights in the front of Myanmar embassy, in memorial of our leader - Chin student hero ‘Salai Tin Mg Oo’ who was deliberately killed by Burma/Myanmar military junta due to his democracy and freedom movement. This is the memorial of 33rd anniversary of Salai Tin Mg Oo assassination, that the Burma/Myanmar military junta killed him on 24th June, 1976 early morning at sharply 04:00 AM.
We “Chin Democracy and Human Rights Network” are strongly condemned for the Burma/Myanmar military government’s action for that. Also we strongly condemned Burma/Myanmar military government for arrest and bad prison condition of a Chin ethnic prisoner Mr. Hla Moe who was found dead in Pakkoku last month.
Similarly the military regime massacred students’ activist on July 7, 1962 in the past and order to destruction of the Student Union Building. Afterward there was nation wide mass uprising in 1988 where the government responded brutally firing into the crowd – leading to about 3,000 killed, and there was Depayin massacre in May 2003 which military alleged killed hundreds of people, also there was the people revolution in September 2007 which military killed and disappearance hundreds of people again. In the latest May 2008 cyclone disaster that is the conjunction with military authority-made political disaster where the government behaved irresponsiveness to the disaster victim, like that inept early warning and delaying and halting relief aids to the victims which made millions of people suffering and hundred thousand was death.
Here the situation in Burma/Myanmar is massive human rights violations and unsafe is clearly revealed. Particularly in Burma/Myanmar, ethnic minority are threaten worsen like that ethnic Chin people were more oppressed and persecuted. There was permanently conflict between ethnic groups and military government in boarder areas. Subsequently the military authority ignored ethnic Chin people freedom and fundamental rights, those rights are virtually absent in ethnic regions.
Therefore we demand Burma/Myanmar military government: (1) Stop continues human rights violation and religious restriction among ethnic Chin people. (2) Release arrested ethnic Chin students and political prisoners immediately. Presently the remaining Chin political activists prisoners are: Pu Cin Sian Thang, Salai Aung Thang, Salai Pa Thang and others. (3) Provide ethnic Chin people freedom from political and economic suppression. And we ask South Korea government and International community to support on our course of democracy movement and to end the ethnic oppression in Burma/Myanmar. Also we ask them to support and help-out the ethnic Chin victims in inside the country and asylum seekers in outside the country.
Further contact:
John Smith Thang, Executive Director,
Chin Democracy and Human Rights Network Telephone: 010-8685-8860 (inside Korea) / +82-10-8685-8860 (outside Korea) E-mail: cdhrn.kr@gmail.com Contact Address: #949-1 Wongok-dong, Danwon-gu, Asan City, Gyeonggi Province(425-130), Republic of Korea