


The Global Digest 2015 (English) Special Issue is available now.

The content includes various fields from scholars, experts and activists. You can order the magazine. Contact: 010-5861-6138, E-mail: gbdigest@gmail.com . You can also download from online...See the website: >> http://www.pressreader.com/korea-republic-of/the-global-digest-english

The Honor guard Ceremony of Seoul ADEX 2015 held at the Ministry of National Defense (MND) Parade Ground / The Great Meeting Hall. At the event, starting with Greetings, Welcoming Honor Guard Ceremony and a short Policy briefing. International delegate and diplomates attended the event.




Mr. Young. Newly opened office for travel agent and tour guide in South Korea. He loves to welcome all the visitor at his office, even he can do a hair cut serivce for free of cost. He used to be a professional in hair cutting. Visit his company "Stunning Korea" website at: www.stunningkorea.com
Global Day of Rage: NO GOING BACK!

Sunday 15th December | 3 pm onwards | Jantar Mantar, New Delhi For all events please click herehttp://orinam.net/377/377-events/ On December 11th, 2013, The Supreme Court of India reinstated the Criminality of Homosexuality in India. This Judgment has inspired anger across different sections of society around the world. While the legal battle continues, it is important that we make our voices heard. Loud and Clear. This Judgment is not about any one community in any one country but about the hegemonic structures that oppress many across the world. It is a blow to the various other LGBTIQ communities across the world who might have ...taken strength from the Indian story to challenge laws/social norms/prejudices that criminalise homosexuality in their own countries. It is time we begin to heal this lasting scar of colonialism. It is time we are given the space and freedom to pursue the work of fundamental social change which is made impossible with a law such as Sec. 377 of the Indian Penal Code choking us. Gather your friends, lovers and anyone else who is enraged by this injustice. Make your voices heard. Events are happening in many cities across the world! Organise one in yours or join one that is happening!
For more details: Global Day of Rage, Delhi: www.facebook.com/events/168797849996585 Global Day of Rage, World-wide: www.facebook.com/events/168797849996585
GIFT FROM TAMILS TO THE WORLD: Medicine for Blood Cancer!!!!

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Students for a Free Tibet(SFT) India Tour 2011 Update!

Dear Members & Friends,
We are glad to inform you that the first leg of our tour at Chandigarh was a success. we now look forward to the remaining major cities as planned in our schedule
If you are in the any one of the places we are visiting, you can now contact your nearest coordinator near your city highlighted in the following to be a part of the discussion & event.
SFT- India's National Director Dorjee Tseten and new Grassroots Co-ordinator Tenzin Dolkar will visit you all soon. So kindly save the dates
Dorjee Tseten: 9805941166, Tenzin Dolkar: 8679628846
Schedule & Coordinator for SFT- India 2011 Chapter visit
Chandigarh -21st August, Call SukhmaniKoli: 9779078752, Tselha: 9855837659
Delhi- 22nd to 26th August, Call Spalgon: 9911671849, Tsering: 9911714354, Priya: 9958866153
Udaipur - 27th to 28th August, Call Nitesh: 9389131301, Manish Jain: manish@swaraj.org, CaféHalchal
Ahemdabad - 30th to 31st Sept, Call Kaveri: 9724852253, Charu: 9173036054, Raju: 9898818276
Rajkot -1st to 2nd Sept, Call GopikaJadeja
Baroda -3rd to 4th Sept, Call Vivek: 9924420730, Kalsang: 09904576210
Pune - 6th to 7th Sept, Call Tendar: 9158804856,
Mumbai - 8th to 10th Sept, Call Pashi: 9769208445, Jagjit: 9867145304
Bangalore - 12th to 14th Sept, Call Woden: 9900574642, Tseten: 9538076723
Chennai -15th to 16th Sept, Call Rinchen: 9840361136
Calcutta - 19th to 21th Sept, Call Reecha 9748474313
Dorjee Tseten & Everyone at Students for a Free Tibet-India ---
Students for a Free Tibet, India (SFT India) is the India National Network of Students for a Free Tibet International, which has over 650 chapters in more than 35 countries.
Founded in the year 2000 from a very humble beginning as a loose network of few young activists and students based in Dharamshala campaigning for Tibet's Independence,SFT India has grown as nation-wide network of youth, campaigning for the Fundamental Rights of the Tibetan people, and we are still growing. It is from our grassroots network that we gain our strength.
To ensure the effectiveness of our grassroots network.we create Awareness and sensitize the world on the just cause of Tibet. We believe that young people can and must take responsibility to change our world for the better.
Another letter to all the people of good will
By Thomas KocherryAug. 19, 2011

Ramlila Maidan
Since the fast and dharna is going to be in Ramlila Maidan, GOI has to respond to this. All the political parties who want to wipe out Corruption from India should support this fast and dharna. It should not be a confrontation but a collaboration of all humans who want to wipe out corruption. Let us all work out a strong Lok Pal bill as early as possible so that the fast need not go up to 2nd of September. This is one of the ways of rooting out corruption. See many are taking pledges not to give bribe to any body. We have to stop capitation fees, admission fees, appointment fees in education fields. PM has to see his ministers are not involved in Corruption. Let us begin to stop the organic link of corruption with MNCs and the Ruling class. The students, youth, workers all should be involved. This is the contribution of the fast and dharna. All those who are responsible for working out a strong LOK PAL BILL, please act as fast as you can so that the Fast and Dharna need not go up to 2nd September. May the Good Lord give Anna Hazareji and the people in dharna enough strength and will power to carry on for the good of the whole country. This is not against the Governments, but a contribution by the civil society for greater freedom and a development that is all inclusive.THIS IS A NON VIOLENT MOVEMENT OF MAHATMA GANDHI.
Call: +91 9360645772, 19-08-2011
The thrill is in the chase not in the catch
By Massey SubraAug. 13, 2011

Srilanka's thrill
The thrill is in the chase not in the catch; my pet dog, he will chase after the roach, catch it and then let go, to chase again, to him it was a game and fun
Today is Saturday, August-12th 2031
Sri Lankan Police today arrested Mahinda Percy Rajapaksa, age 86, Nandesena Gothabaya Rajapaksa, age 82 , Shavendra Silva, age 65 for their complicity and active participation in the genocide of 40,000 innocent Tamils in Sri Lanka, 20 years ago.
Today is Friday, August 12th, 2011
Guatemalan Police today arrested two former military officers for their alleged involvement in the killing of 269 innocent Guatemalan, 20 years ago in 1982.
This is the message to Sri Lankan war criminals, Justice will find you. You will be arrested and brought to justice. There is no way out of it. How can Sri Lanka present itself to the world with this bad baggage?
Adolf Eichmann was found after 15 years, Yugoslavian War criminals were apprehended after 15 years. The search is on for more, Cambodia found several of them guilty. There are International laws on Human rights and conduct of war.
Sri Lankan criminals will be found and brought to justice. If the United Nations does not find them we Tamils will find them. It is our responsibility to find them and find justice for them.
But we think we should let you live with that fear of being caught than been caught. The thrill is in the chase not in the catch, once we catch you the thrill is gone and the fear is gone. So Shavendra you keep running we keep chasing, or like my pet dog, he will chase after the roach, catch it and then let go, to chase again, to him it was a game and fun, but little the roach knows that the dog is enjoying the struggle. We will do the same to you. Till you on your own surrender and say I am guilty. That is the idea, to make you weary and fatigue and surrender on your own. Sounds disgusting? Think about the 40,000 innocent Tamils you killed with smile in the Channel 4 video.
Did a High Paid Call girl visit Mahinda Rajapaksa for a sub-abdominal massage at the Dorchester inn in London, England?
By Massey SubraAug. 6, 2011

The Dorchester Inn in London
There is strong rumour floating around the Dorchester inn that Mahinda Rajapaksa, while in England for the oxford union speech has solicited the services of a “Massage Parlour” to provide him with a bombshell damsel who can perform sub-abdominal massage including warm water oral massage, the Korean style.
“Experienced sources” say that to know about “Korean Massage” which is very little known outside and for Mahinda Rajapaksa to know this fantastic system he must be a frequent subscriber to “Massage Parlours”. Koreans are not only good with ginseng but in warm water oral massage too. Koreans make good cars, good TVs and very many fantastic goods.
I wonder what Mahinda’s wife will think of him if she comes to know his nocturnal extra curricular adventures in foreign lands. May be that is why he is not allowed to travel outside other than China.
Will this be the harbinger of things to blow up in Temple trees?
INVITATION: National Action - Against Forced Displacement & Land Grab and - For Community Control Over Natural Resources & Livelihood Rights

India Kalinganagar rally
August 3 – 5, 2011, Jantar Mantar, New Delhi
Dear Friends / Comrades, Greetings !
In 1979 Narmada Water Dispute Tribunal accepted LAND for LAND policy for Project Affected People, which later became the basis for Madhya Pradesh 1987 R&R Policy and also found in many subsequent policy drafts of different government agencies and movement groups. More than three decades later while the resistance to forced displacement and land grab has become much more vehement across the country, there is an attempt by political parties and corporate houses to reduce this to the matters of CASH alone. From 2000 onwards people's movements have successfully resisted land grab in Kalinganagar, Niyamgiri, Singur, Nandigram, Sompeta, Chandrapur, Raigadh, Karla, Narmada Valley, Jagatsinghpur, Mumbai and thousands of other places. Farmers, peasants, landless labourers and everyone together have fought to protect their land rights. In the same vein communities dwelling in forests have fought to claim their rights over the land they have been residing for generations and eking their livelihood from.
Many lives have been lost in this process too – Forbesganj, Bihar, Six people killed; Noida, Uttar Pradesh Four killed; Dhanbad, Jharkhand, Four killed; Jaitapur, Maharashtra, One killed; Kakkarapalli, Andhra Pradesh, Two killed; Sompeta, Andhra Pradesh, Three killed; Narayanpatna, Orissa, Two killed; Mudigonda, Andhra Pradesh, Eight killed; Nandigram, West Bengal, Eleven killed; Kalinganagar, Orissa, Thirteen killed and the list goes on. These farmers, adivasis, dalits and working class people have sacrificed their life on the altar of development, while trying to defend their right over the natural resources which supports their livelihood and to which they belong.
One of the draconian legislations which has been used by the government to acquire land and common resources is the Land Acquisition Act, 1894. Movement groups have been campaigning for its repeal for years now. On the other hand, many of the groups fighting for the rights of the displaced by already completed projects or those in progress have demanded enactment of a Resettlement and Rehabilitation Act which will bring relief to the project affected families whose claims have not been settled.
In 1998, during the tenure of Babugauda Patil, NAPM led siege to the Rural Development Ministry demanding primary right of Gram Sabha over the development planning and no forced displacement. Since then the issue has been raised at many levels which finally culminated in the 'National Development, Displacement and Rehabilitation' Bill approved by NAC – I in 2006. Since 2007 the struggle has continued under the collective platform 'Sangharsh' for justice to millions of the PAFs and those resisting forced land acquisition. Many other organisations, alliances across the country too have made their efforts to secure and protect land rights of the landless communities over the years, a major victory being the enactment of Forest Rights Act in 2006.
Once again after the incidents in the Greater Noida region an environment has been created whereby every political party is demanding passage of amendments to the existing Land Acquisition Act and until July 13th UPA government proposed to do so in Monsoon Session of the parliament. It is a welcome move that the new Rural Development Minister Sri Jairam Ramesh has accepted formulation of one comprehensive law and not two separate legislations. But this is only the first step. We would like to once again reiterate that UPA Government must :
1) REPEAL Land Acquisition Act and ENACT a comprehensive National Development, No Forced Displacement and Rehabilitation Bill instead of two separate legislations incorporating the progressive elements of the Standing Committee on Rural Development (2007-08) enunciating the principle of least displacement, just rehabilitation and a decentralized development planning based on Article 243 of the Constitution, PESA 1996 and Forest Rights Act, 2006 in consultation with affected communities, movement groups and farmers groups.
2) PUT moratorium on all acquisitions until the process for a new comprehensive legislation is complete
3) ISSUE a White Paper on all the land acquisitions, displacement caused and rehabilitation completed since independence. The White Paper must also make public the extent of land utilized, unutilized and land acquired for public purpose but remains occupied by sick and non-functional industries and other infrastructure projects.
It is time for everyone to join hands to protect the agricultural land and secure land rights for the food security needs of the future generations. In the current context new thinking has to be brought in on the land use pattern to meet the growing food demand, development needs and securing livelihood rights of millions of poor people.
It is in this context that we invite you all to join us in Delhi at Jantar Mantar from August 3rd to 5th to resist forced displacement and land acquisitions across the country and demand for a comprehensive legislation on development planning. The dharna is being joined by the groups whose control over land entitlements ensured by the Forest Rights Act will be threatened by these two legislations, the fish workers living on the coast and adivasis threatened by mining and peasants and agricultural workers threatened by SEZs and infrastructure projects. The labouring poor from the cities who face eviction from their dwellings and their livelihood threatened by various developmental activities too will join the dharna and so are the peasants whose land is constantly being taken by the urban development authorities for urbanisation.
Other than the general focus on Land Acquisition Act repeal, the dharna would also address specific issues around: Dams (in Narmada Valley, North East India, Himachal and Central India), Thermal Power projects, Urban displacement, Forest Rights and Community Governance, struggles against Corporations (POSCO, Jaypee, Adanis, Tata, Coca Cola, Vedanta, Mittal, Reliance, Jindal, etc), and protecting livelihood rights of rural and urban communities in the form of statutory government entitlements such as demanding a Universal PDS and adequate benefits to BPL members and oppose any move at introducing cash transfers.
We do hope you will be able to join us on these days. Do send in your confirmations for the same and also support our efforts in whatever ways you can. We are looking for volunteers for various things and also resources for meeting the expenses of the programme. For details do get in touch.
In solidarity,
Medha Patkar - Narmada Bachao Andolan & National Alliance of People's Movements
Ashok Choudhary, Munnilal – National Forum of Forest People and Forest Workers
P V Rajagopal – Ekta Parishad
Prafulla Samantara, Loksakti Abhiyan, NAPM Orissa
Roma, Shanta Bhattacharya – Kaimur Kshetra Mahila Mazdoor Kisan Sangharsh Samiti, UP
Gautam Bandopadhyay, Nadi Ghati Morcha, Chhattisgarh
Guman Singh – Him Niti Abhiyan, Himachal Pradesh
Ulka Mahajan, Suniti S R, Prasad Bhagwe – SEZ Virodhi Manch & NAPM-Maharashtra
Dr. Sunilam, Adv. Aradhna Bhargava – Kisan Sangharsh Samiti, MP
Gabriela Dietrich – Pennuruimai Iyyakam & NAPM-Tamil Nadu
Dayamani Barla – Adivasi Moolniwasi Asthitva Raksha Manch, Jharkhand
Shaktiman Ghosh – National Hawker Federation
Bhupendra Singh Rawat, Rajendra Ravi – Jan Sangharsh Vahini & NAPM-Delhi
Akhil Gogoi – KMSS, Assam,
Arundhati Dhuru – NAPM – UP
Sister Celia – Domestic Workers Union, NAPM - Karnataka
Simpreet Singh – Ghar Bachao Ghar Banao Andolan & NAPM-Mumbai
Mata Dayal – Birsa Munda Bhu Adhikar Manch & NFFPFW-MP
Dr. Roopesh Verma – Kisan Sangharsh Samiti, UP
Chitaranjan Singh – INSAF
Manesh Gupta – Jan Kalyan Upbhokta Samiti, UP
Vimalbhai, Matu jan Sangathan & NAPM-Uttarakhand
Bilas Bhongade, Gosi Khurd Prakalp Grasht Sangharsh Samiti
Jan Sangharsh Samanvay Samiti
For Details Contact :
Seela Mahapatra- 9212587159, Madhuresh Kumar- 9818905316, Vijayan M J- 9582862682,
URGENT SOS. Appeal for 6 Parti Sosialis Malaysia members detained under the Internal Security Act 1960
By Angeline ShannanJuly 8, 2011

Jeyakumar Devaraj, an elected Member of Parliament
Dear Friends,
Please monitor this case. The six Parti Sosialis Malaysia members, including Dr. Jeyakumar Devaraj an elected Member of Parliament have been detained under the Internal Security Act 1960, which allows detention without trial. They are being held in solitary confinement meaning that anything done to them is done in secret with none to witness proceedings in the cell but the interrogators and the detainee.
Please help, if you can, in whatever way you can. These members of the the Malaysian Socialist Party are innocent persons simply exercising their basic human rights and fundamental freedoms under the Federal Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights legislation recognized by the international community.
The mainstream media has taken to spreading false news. It was reported by Malaysian broadcast media and in news dailies yesterday (6/06/2011) that police had found a bundle of Bersih yellow T-shirts with a box of petrol bombs and other weapons allegedly hidden in the jungle, implying that Bersih organizers were intending to wreak violence. All Bersih coalition partners are civil society organizations that do not advocate violence in any form.
Despite the meeting by BERSIH (Coalition for Clean,Free and Fair Elections) with the King, arrests of persons wearing and having in their possession the Bersih campaign yellow T-shirts is still going on. The Home Affairs Minister still classifies the coalition as an illegal organization. The situation seems to be getting worse instead of better.
Please write letters, send faxes, emails etc to the Malaysian government and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and Special Rapporteurs. If you can, please make an appeal to your government or members of the legislature to raise the issue to indicate to the Malaysian government that the international community is aware and is watching the situation and disapproves of the actions taken by the Malaysian authorities against innocent, peaceful citizens exercising their legitimate constitutional and human rights. Call for the immediate and unconditional release of these 6 PSM members and all persons detained and arrested for supporting the movement for clean, free and fair elections.
The actions of the Malaysian government goes totally against the mandate of the UN Human Rights Council to uphold, protect and promote human rights nationally and internationally. Yet, Malaysia remains a member of the same world human rights body. Warnings nationally and internationally of Malaysia's contradictory behaviour remain unheeded by our government.
Please go to http://www.aliran.com for more commentary, and updates on the situation at http://parti-sosialis.org
Below are the addresses and contact numbers for key Malaysian authorities and UN Human Rights Commission and Special Rapporteurs you may contact.
*Dato' Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak*
Prime Minister of Malaysia,
Prime Minister's Office,
Main Block, Perdana Putra Building,
Federal Government Administrative Centre,
62502 Putrajaya , MALAYSIA
Tel: 603-8888 8000
Fax: 603-8888 3444
E-Mail: ppm@pmo.gov.my
*Dato’ Seri Hishamuddin bin Tun Hussein*
Minister of Home Affairs Malaysia
Blok D1 & D2, Kompleks D
Pusat Pentadbiran
Kerajaan Persekutuan
62546 Putrajaya, Malaysia
*Tan Sri Hasmy Agam*
Malaysian Human Rights Commission,
Level 11, Menara TH Perdana,
Jalan Sultan Ismail,
50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: +603 26125600
Fax: +603 26125620
UN HR Bodies + Special Rapporteurs
*Mr. Frank La Rue*
Special Rapporteur on The Promotion and Protection of The Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Fax: +41 22 917 9006
Email: freedex@ohchr.org
Ms. Margaret Sekaggya*
Special Rapporteur on The Situation On Human Rights Defenders, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Email: defenders@ohchr.org, urgent-action@ohchr.org
*Christine Chung*
Human Rights Officer,
Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights,
Asia Pacific Section, Asia Pacific and Middle East Branch,
Field Operation & Technical Cooperation,
OHCHR- Palais Wilson,
United Nations Office at Geneva,
CH-1211 Geneva 10,
Tel: +41 (0) 229289673
Fax: +41 (0) 22928 9018
Email: cchung@ohchr.org
Please Endorse Statement Condemning Assault by Congress goons on former JNUSU President Sandeep Singh
July 2, 2011Sandeep Singh, national president of AISA, was physically assaulted in Ranchi by congress goons
Dear friends,
On 24th June 2011, Sandeep Singh, JNU student and former JNUSU President (now national president of AISA), was physically assaulted in Ranchi by congress goons. Photographs that appeared in Jharkhand papers about this incident are attached.
The facts are as follows: Sandeep had been leading a peaceful demonstration of students outside the venue of a press conference by HRD Minister Kapil Sibal. Sandeep asked a question about why the Govt was claiming shortage of funds for higher education when public funds were being robbed by way of mega scams which the Government was defending. On asking the question, he was hustled out of the hall by a group of Congress' youth strongmen present at the venue, who then proceeded to beat him and kick him.
Sibal had warned that the Ramlila Maidan crackdown was a 'lesson for everybody.' It seems that in keeping with this threat, students' right to demand answers from those whose policies shape their future is under attack. This incident is clearly part of the Government's growing intolerance for any kind of citizens' questioning on corruption and Government policies.
Please endorse the statement below condemning this incident.
Regards, Ravi Rai National; General Secretary, AISA 9868661628
Statement condemning attack on JNU Student at HRD Minister’s Press Conference at Ranchi
We, the undersigned, strongly condemn the unprovoked brutal assault on JNU student and former JNUSU President Sandeep Singh at Ranchi on 24 June 2011. Press photographs of the incident testify to the fact that Sandeep Singh had been leading a peaceful demonstration of students outside the venue of a press conference by HRD Minister Kapil Sibal. At the press conference, responding to Sibal’s advocacy of privatization of education, Sandeep asked him why public funds, which could be used for education and other social needs, were flowing away in mega scams, even as the HRD Minister himself denied the scams like the 2G and oil-and-gas scam. On asking the question, he was hustled out of the hall by a group of youth strongmen present at the venue, who then proceeded to beat him and kick him with calculated brutality. Photographs that have appeared in Jharkhand papers graphically show that the beating was entirely one-sided and unprovoked.
In a democratic country, do students have no right to question the policies of the HRD Ministry – policies which affect the future of the entire generation of India’s youth? What was the gang of violent youth doing at Mr. Sibal’s press conference? In the Minister’s presence, why was this gang allowed to strong-arm a young person for the crime of asking a question? Why has Mr. Sibal failed to come up with any condemnation of this act of violence?
Scam after scam in the telecom, mining and now oil-and-gas sectors indicate that privatization in these sectors has paved the way for an unprecedented scale of corruption. Corruption is already being seen in the education sector in the shape of donation/capitation fees etc, as a direct result of commercialization. Further privatization and commercialization as advocated by Mr. Sibal and his government will only open up the education sector too for an even larger scale corruption. Mr Sibal, at his Ranchi press conference, pleaded ‘lack of funds’ to ensure quality colleges for every student, and said that privatization was the only way forward. But we are bound to ask: is it not true that Ministers in this same government have facilitated huge scams through which private players have plundered the public exchequer to the tune of lakhs of crores of rupees? If only the government could stop denying and defending this plunder, and instead put an end to it, there would surely be more than enough public funds to spare to ensure quality higher education for all?
This incident is symptomatic of the government’s growing intolerance to any dissent, or demand for accountability or dialogue, on the part of its citizens. If a Minister allows his political supporters to indulge in outright physical suppression of a student who dares to question the government on corruption and policy matters, it bodes ill for the health of our democracy.
We expect that the HRD Minister come out with a condemnation of the shameful act of violence, and take steps to pursue criminal charges against those who indulged in such violence.
Vo Van Ai to receive 2011 “International Special Award to Freedom” in Italy
June 22, 2011
Vo Van Ai, Vietnam Human Rights advocate
PARIS, 22 June 2011 (VIETNAM COMMITTEE) - Mr. Vo Van Ai, President of Quê Me: Action for Democracy in Vietnam & Vietnam Committee on Human Rights will receive the “9th International Special Award to Freedom” at a ceremony in Lucca, Italy on Friday 24, June 2011 for his lifelong service to the cause of freedom and human rights.
The International Award to Freedom was created in 2003 by the Società Libera (Society of Liberty) under the high patronage of the President of the Italian Republic and in partnership with the RAI, the Italian National Television, to honour “Italian or international personalities or institutions that have proved to excel, each one it is own field, in promoting the ideals of freedom”. The award covers several categories including culture, scientific research, economics, journalism and governance, with a Special Award (the highest category) to Freedom. Previous recipients of the Special Award include former Polish President Lech Walesa (2006) and World Uyghur Congress leader Rebiya Kadeer (2010).
Many international personalities have sent messages to Vo Van Ai* welcoming the award. We include some extracts below:
Mairead Corrigan Maguire, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Ireland:
“I have great pleasure in congratulating Vo Van Ai on the occasion of his being awarded the “International Award to Freedom” from the Società Libera in Italy. This award is richly deserved, as Vo Van Ai has dedicated his life in courageous, loving and persevering service for human rights and democracy for the people of Vietnam. I join my voice with his many friends in Vietnam and around the world in congratulating and thanking Vo Van Ai, for his inspirational life and work for Vietnam and humanity.”
Carl Gershman, President, National Endowment for Democracy, USA:
“Vo Van Ai is a true champion of the cause of freedom. During the long, dark years since the fall of South Vietnam in 1975, he has never let the world forget the plight of the Vietnamese people and the steadfast refusal of the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam to submit to totalitarian control. He has always spoken and acted with quiet dignity, but he is unyielding in his determination to defend the political and religious rights of the Vietnamese people. He has the courage of his convictions and a will of iron. He is held in the highest regard by everyone associated with the World Movement for Democracy, and speaking on behalf of the National Endowment for Democracy, I am delighted to salute him and to congratulate him upon receiving the International Freedom Prize. No one is more deserving of such an honor”.
Thor Halvorssen, Founder and CEO of the Oslo Freedom Forum, President, Human Rights Foundation, New York:
“Vo Van Ai has devoted his life to the peaceful struggle for democracy and individual rights in Vietnam. As one of the most outspoken and determined leaders of the freedom movement for his country, Vo Van Ai was the first to draw the world's attention to the more than one-million people arbitrarily sent to Vietnamese “re-education camps.” With an unshakable commitment to justice, he is an inspiration to those fighting for human rights across the globe. This award is fully deserved and reveals the wisdom of those who chose him. I join you in celebrating Vo Van Ai--a pillar in the fight for human dignity--and hope that his courageous colleagues inside Vietnam take heart that their plight under that cruel dictatorship is increasingly recognized around the world as intolerable.”
Souhayr Belhassen, President, International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), Paris:
“On behalf of the FIDH, I congratulate you for being awarded the 9th International Special Prize for Freedom by the Italian organisation Società Libera. It has been our honour to have worked with the Vietnam Committee on Human Rights under your leadership to advance internationally recognised human rights in Viet Nam. The struggle for greater freedom in Viet Nam continues. The Vietnamese authorities take severe measures to prevent the emergence of independent civil society and those calling for human rights and democracy have been swiftly stifled, persecuted, intimidated or imprisoned. In light of the silence enforced by the Government of Viet Nam, it is ever more important that independent Vietnamese human rights defenders can have their voice heard nationally, regionally and internationally. The Prize is thus a deserving recognition of your tireless efforts to demand greater respect and protection of human rights and to lend a strong voice to the silent majority in Viet Nam where the mere exercise of, and aspirations for, fundamental freedoms entail great personal risks”.
Robert LaGamma, President, Council for a Community of Democracies, USA:
“I [am] delighted to that you are to be awarded the Italian “International Freedom Prize” for a life devoted to advancing the cause of human rights. I speak for all your colleagues on the International Non-governmental Steering Committee of the Community of Democracies in saying how very proud we are to be associated with you at a time in which you are justly recognized for your many contributions. We can only imagine how difficult it is to struggle for so many years on behalf of an oppressed people. Your struggle has been heroic which contrasts with your own modesty and self-effacement. This recognition for your indomitable commitment should send a signal of encouragement to all those who support the rights of ordinary people everywhere”.
Therese Jebsen, Rafto Foundation, Bergen, Norway:
“On behalf of the Rafto Foundation, we wish to express our heartfelt congratulations to Vo Van Ai. It is extremely well deserved that he is presented with the 2011 "International Award to Freedom". Through many years, the Rafto Foundation has followed and supported Vo Van Ai's tireless and self sacrificing work for religious freedom and human rights in Vietnam. By his high moral standard, competence, persistence and courage, Vo Van Ai has made a deep impression on us, and we are honored and proud to be able to salute him on this special occasion.”
World Forum for Democratization in Asia, Taiwan:
“The World Forum for Democratization in Asia (WFDA) warmly congratulates Dr. Vo Van Ai on receiving the 2011 “International Award to Freedom” … We believe this award is a fitting tribute to Dr. Vo Van Ai’s decades of selfless service to the cause of freedom, democracy, and peace in his home country and throughout the region. We hope that it will serve to raise international awareness about the grim human rights situation that continues in Vietnam and to enhance global solidarity among human rights defenders and freedom fighters”.
Hon. Matteo Mecacci MP, Italy, Rapporteur for the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly on Democracy, Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs:
“Bravo! I can tell you that you have been our inspiration for a long time. Your resilience in the struggle for freedom, through nonviolence, despite all difficulties and the acceptance by the "free world" of Vietnam as a strategic partner for economic development must be acknowledged, and be remembered for the day when freedom will come to Vietnam. We will be there with you!”
George Matthews, Chairman, Institute of Social Sciences, New Delhi, India:
“Please accept my hearty congratulations. From the day I met you for the first time, I was a great admirer of your relentless struggle for freedom and democracy. This international recognition of your life time achievement makes all of us proud. You are a role model for many those who are struggling for liberty, equality and freedom”.
* VO VAN AI is a Vietnamese human rights defender, writer and poet living in Paris. He is founder and President of Quê Me: Action for Democracy in Vietnam and the Vietnam Committee on Human Rights, Director of the International Buddhist Information Bureau, and Overseas Spokesman of the independent Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam (UBCV) which is currently banned in Vietnam.
Born in Central Vietnam in 1938, he was arrested and tortured at the age of 11 for participating in the resistance movement for the independence of Vietnam. In 1964, he became the UBCV’s representative overseas, and worked actively in the nonviolent Buddhist movement for democracy and peace. After Vietnam was unified in 1975, he played a key role in drawing world attention to human rights abuses under the communist regime, and drew up the first comprehensive map of “re-education camps” (Vietnamese laogai) with 150 camps and over 800,000 prisoners. In 1978 he helped initiate a campaign to launch the "Ile de Lumiere", the first rescue ship to save Vietnamese Boat People fleeing for freedom on the South China seas.
A specialist on human rights and religious freedom issues, he makes regular reports to the United Nations and testifies at the US Congress, the European Parliament and other international forums on the human rights situation in Vietnam.
Vo Van Ai is also well known as a writer and historian. In addition to numerous articles and human rights reports, his written works include 17 books of poetry, essays and philosophy, as well as studies on Buddhism and Vietnamese history. He is currently writing a major work on “The Essence of Vietnamese Buddhism”.
An important Notice to all Indian residential school survivors and other eyewitnesses
By Jeremiah JourdainJune 19, 2011

The ITCCS Tribunal into Genocide in Canada will be visiting your community soon - Help us bring the full truth to light!
To gather the evidence to indict Canada and its churches for Crimes against Humanity, a traveling mini-Tribunal will leave Vancouver on June 27 and travel to the east coast by August 15.
This is your chance to tell the full truth about crimes and murders in the residential schools, and have it known before the world.
During those weeks, the Tribunal will hold gatherings and conduct interviews with any Indian residential school survivors and others with evidence about the death and burial of children in Indian residential schools and hospitals.
This traveling Tribunal is an alternative to the false, government-run "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" (TRC), and is not connected to the TRC, the government, any church or interest group. Our Tribunal is affiliated with the ITCCS, a coalition of groups of survivors of church and state terror in nine countries.
Our website is www.itccs.org .
If you want to give testimony or provide evidence to our Tribunal, please contact us at this email address or by leaving a message before June 27 at 250-753-3345; or after then at 386-323-5774.
Help us finally bring the murdered children home and win them the justice and voice they were denied in life.
Please share this in your community.
All our relations,
Jeremiah Jourdain, Cree Nation ITCCS elder
The Gathering Storm of Justice: From Victims to Warriors
By Kevin AnnettJune 9, 2011

95 theses of Martin Luther
Join the International Movement to Stop Church and State Terror -
Commencing September 15 - October 31, 2011
Tribunals to be convened in London, Dublin, Brussels and Rome on September 15, 2011 The ITCCS Executive announced today that its member organizations plan to convene opening sessions into crimes of church and state in four European capitals on September 15.
"These cities are all very close to the scene of the historical crimes we'll be investigating, and are home to the institutions that have been summoned to appear at our Tribunals, such as the Vatican and the Crown of England" said ITCCS Executive official Dr. Eduardo Rosario today at a gathering in London.
"We look to the European Parliament and its Human Rights courts to aid us in our deliberations, and we deliberately chose to meet in Brussels to seek such help from the European Union."

Where the Buck Stops - Elizabeth Windsor and Joseph Ratzinger: Wanted for Complicity in Crimes against Humanity
Pope Joseph Ratzinger and Queen Elizabeth Windsor have both been issued a Public Summons by the ITCCS to appear before it in September and answer charges of their complicity in crimes against humanity, genocide and child trafficking.
The ITCCS has the endorsement of over thirty organizations, including eight indigenous nations in North America and Asia, survivors of Catholic church torture in Ireland, Australia and England, and the autonomous sovereign nation of Eurostaete. Other Tribunals associated with the ITCCS will also be convened on September 15 in Vancouver, Toronto and Ottawa, Canada, in New York City, in Mexico City, and at venues in Australia to be announced. More information can be found at www.itccs.org .
All Roads, and Crimes, Lead to Rome: Global Protest and Fast to commence there on October 30, 2011
Survivors of crimes by the so-called Roman Catholic church will gather from around the world in Rome on Sunday, October 30 at 12 noon outside the Vatican to begin what some are calling "a Second Reformation."
"We are in a spiritual battle with a murderous lie masquerading behind religion" said Rev. Kevin Annett today. "As we have pulled back its false mask and ordered it to depart from among us, now we must cleanse ourselves and our society of its influence, and enshrine truth and transformation where we once upheld injustice."
On October 30, Annett and survivors of church torture will conduct a third and final exorcism outside the Vatican, and will commence a 24 hour Fast for purification and transformation. Since October, 2009, Rev. Annett has conducted two public exorcisms and memorial services outside the Vatican for the victims of the church.
The next day, survivors from many countries will gather at St. Peter's Square in Rome for a protest and international press conference, and to escalate the campaign to bring the church under public control.
"I will be coming to Rome with other survivors of Catholic Indian residential schools to stand with Reverend Annett" said ITCCS official Jeremiah Jourdain, a Cree tribal elder from Winnipeg, Canada.
"I saw children die at the hands of priests in my school. The day is over when the church can get away with murder." ITCCS members in Rome will host the event along with Survivors Voice and groups from Ireland, Australia and the USA.
The Web of Crime Widens: How Much Money does the Vatican soak from ordinary citizens? See http://www.concordatwatch.eu
ITCCS researchers have discovered that at least 73 nations have signed secret treaties or Concordats with the Vatican, many of them since 1982, which channel untold billions of dollars of taxpayers' money into church coffers. These countries include Canada, the United States, England, Ireland, virtually all European countries, and most of the third world.
Under the concordats, a regular percentage of national revenue - anywhere from two to five percent - is given to the Vatican either directly or in the form of subsidies to church-controlled businesses or "charitable"societies. In 2010 alone, Spain granted 262 million Euros to the Vatican - or over $350 million - under its concordat, which also entitles the catholic church to help formulate laws and control education. "The figure is enormous" commented Hugo Barrero, an Argentinian who has studied the concordats.
"So much money is pouring into Rome through these agreements that the Vatican bank has a special financial officer just to handle the concordat money. But like the Bank itself, most of these agreements are secret and can't be modified or even reviewed by elected officials of that country."
The estimated cash assets each year from catholic church collections alone exceeds $50 billion, according to Barrero, and it's all tax free.
"Even the costs of construction and maintenance on catholic church buildings can't be taxed. Somebody has called the church an unregulated on-shore tax haven subsidized by taxpayers to pursue the supernatural. But in many cases, it's actually pursuing child trafficking and rape."
Requests to government officials or Members of Parliament or Congress in the United States, Canada, Ireland and England for copies of the respective nation's concordats with the Vatican have repeatedly gone unanswered.
And on a personal note: from Kevin Annett
The flood of concern and support from all of you following my silly incarceration and deportation from England on May 30 has been genuine, and very much appreciated. But I especially want to thank the UK Border Agency and their accomplices in crime, Reliance Ltd, for bringing me and our campaign such necessary new publicity and interest from the world's media, who have been calling me ceaselessly for information.
I understand that the British Home Secretary, Theresa May (mayt@parliament.uk) has been flooded with letters objecting to my treatment, and that some protests are being planned outside her offices this week in London. You can run but you can't hide, Theresa.
All of this is actually helping our work, and so you can expect to see me in England again very soon, continuing my family's long tradition of being a nagging thorn in the side of criminals hiding behind offices of church and state.
As another enemy of the British Crown, Commander John Paul Jones, put it so well, "Surrender? No sir! I have only just begun to fight!".
Repeal Land Acquisition Act, Protect Land Rights: Legislate A Comprehensive Development Planning Act
May 9, 2011
Mustard Seed Farm land in India
The issue of land acquisition and agitation is at its violent peak again, on the outskirts of the Capital, in NOIDA and across Western UP. The British legacy and law (of 1894) is still being used to forcibly acquire land for the designs of the new masters even if in the name of public purpose and the farmers have realised the game.
Land which has become gold and is leading to a mad rush by not just the corporate but the politicians – bureaucrats to all sections of our elite class, the neo-investors. It is forgotten that land is a life support of the farming population along with landless agricultural labourers, coastal fish workers to urban poor and necessary for food security of the nation. The ambitious plan of urbanisation and infrastructure are therefore taking a toll of the people's capital : land with minerals, ground water, tree cover and forest to fish – the aquatic wealth as well as the living communities / habitats and their commons.
The land acquisition which the foreign rulers had to make forcible is now being challenged directly and indirectly by affected communities demanding “no forcible acquisition of land” or “replacement of resources ensuring alternative sustainable livelihood options” for truly public purpose projects. The urban elite to industrial investors earning huge profits out of the land which the state transfers to them for 'development' 'activity' are also questioned and a share in the supposed national development is demanded, rightly so.
The farmers of NOIDA, Aligarh, Nandigram, Jagatsinghpur, or Narmada all have raised questions regarding the purpose which indicates private interest when politicians too behave like profiteers. Time has, therefore, come not only to amend the Land Acquisition Act for further favouring the nexus but to repeal the age old British Act and grant the communities its right to plan development as also to accept or reject any proposal (from the state or investor) or proposal for the same.
Such a democratic principle goes well with the constitutional provision regarding 'local self government' which are further strengthened through Article 243 and further through PESA 1996-97 for the Scheduled tribe areas.
UPA Government, Ajit Singh, Rajnath Singh, Mayawati everyone is at the most talking of the package and amending the land acquisition act, getting it passed in the parliament at the earliest. This however, is no solution. It is the cure worst than the disease.
This amendment proposed since 2007 even if with rehabilitation policy – 2009 is trying to legitimise private purpose and interests as a part of the 'public purpose' as a category and will then further and facilitate acquisition cum purchase for the scale of displacement but not even do justice in terms of fair compensation, rehabilitation, security and livelihood.
It is unfortunate that many a recommendation by the Parliamentary Standing Committee of the XIV Lok Sabha, which gave a patient hearing to diverse positions, consulted various ministries and state government are not fully incorporated in the Drafts of the amended Bills of 2009. This is an undemocratic and unparliamentary action, which needs urgent correction before anything is placed in the legislatures.
Majority of the political parties demanding the amendments have not engaged critically and merely asked the government to revise it. It needs to be reiterated that it is not only a question of creating a win – win situation for farmers and industry which can be solved by doling more and more money, as it is being projected by political parties and certain politicians who are vouching for the Haryana model.
The fact remains that it is not only the landed farmers whose interest are involved and need to be protected but millions of farm workers, landless labourerers, dalits, adivasis who are dependent on land and other resources and it is a question of their right to life and livelihood. Any legislation has to protect their right to livelihood and ensure protection of the rights of communities over the land and common property resources.
For details call: 9818905316
Tamil Seminar in Delhi

Apr. 15, 2011Dear friends,
SFT UK is organizing its first academic conference 'ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES IN TIBET' at the School of African and Oriental Studies (SOAS) in London on Friday 15th April.
Since this is a grave matter that concerns most of us, SFT UK is arranging a live streaming of the conference for those who're not in UK.
Here is the link: http://www.sftuk.org/campaign/sft-uk-events/pure-earths/pure-earths-livestream/
India time: 3pm - 10pm
UK time: 10am - 5pm
NYC time: 5am - 12pm
Again, 15th April 2011 (FRIDAY) - DON'T MISS!
for Freedom, From all of us at Students for a Free Tibet - India
Tendor (Executive Director, Students for a Free Tibet): ‘The Last Nomad: Can Tibetan Nomads Survive China’s Ethnocide?’
Emilia Sulek (Humboldt University Berlin): ‘Caterpillar Fungus (Yartsa Gunbu) of Amdo’
Dr. Mika Sillanpää (Helsinki University of Technology): ‘Impact of mining activities on Tibetan rivers Gyama’
Dr. Tobias Bolch (University of Zurich): ‘Recent climate and glacier changes impacting on the Tibetan Plateau and its surroundings’
Dr. Andrew Fischer (Erasmus University): ‘The Great Transformation of Tibet : Rapid Labour Transitions in times of Rapid Growth in the Tibet Autonomous Region’
Gabriel Lafitte (Independent scholar): ‘Tibet’s Nomads, The Thousand Plateaus and Exclusion of Grazing as an Ecological Necessity’
Professor Emily Yeh (University of Colorado, via video): ‘Environmentalism in Tibet’
--- Students for a Free Tibet, India (SFT India) is the India National Network of Students for a Free Tibet International, which has over 650 chapters in more than 35 countries.
Founded in the year 2000 from a very humble beginning as a loose network of few young activists and students based in Dharamshala campaigning for Tibet's Independence,SFT India has grown as nation-wide network of youth, campaigning for the Fundamental Rights of the Tibetan people, and we are still growing. It is from our grassroots network that we gain our strength.
To ensure the effectiveness of our grassroots network.we create Awareness and sensitize the world on the just cause of Tibet. We believe that young people can and must take responsibility to change our world for the better.
For more information visit www.sftindia.org ,www.studentsforafreetibet.org
Canadian Parliament-Elect Rathika Satsabaiasan
Apr. 10, 2011Rathika Satsabaiasan
Massey Subra, Canada based Tamil activist called for "Tamils-FiRST, Unity-FiRST."
Albert Einstein said, “I am a Jew first and an American by naturalization”. When it comes to my people I am a Jewish American, other times I am an American Jew, but I am always a Jew.
There is an election to the Canadian Parliament. There are few Tamils contesting in this election.
We must support Rathika Sitsabaisan. To whom should the Tamils in Canada vote for? Rathika Sitsabaisan.
It is not the question of which party will win; we want the Tamils to win in which ever party they contest. This is the right thing to do.
We need a Tamil insider in the Canadian Parliament. Let us get together and support all Tamils in this election irrespective of the party they belong to and let us show the world that we are united as one community of people.
Non Canadian Tamils and Tamils living elsewhere please inform your relatives in Canada to unite and show our unity and resolve.
“Our freedom is closer the you think”
Let's 70,000,000 Tamils worldwide unite!
Call: Subramaniam Masilamany - 1-800-881-8672
Human Rights Counseling Clinic for Refugees
Organized jointly by NHRCK and UNHCRMar. 25. 2011
In celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, the National Human Rights Commission of Korea (NHRCK) and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) will be holding the “2011 Human Rights Counseling Clinic for Refugees” at the Seongdong District Office in Seoul.
For refugee applicants, the clinic will provide information on the refugee application process and procedures in Korea. For recognized refugees and humanitarian status holders, this will be an opportunity to receive counseling on issues and difficulties related to daily life in Korea.
For those who have suffered racial discrimination or other disadvantages in Korea, the clinic will provide the opportunity to receive counseling and to present a petition to the NHRCK.n Counselors will be officials from the Ministry of Justice, lawyers, labor attorneys, medical experts, and refugee-related NGOs. Counselors will offer practical advice. English-speaking counselors will be present.
- Date and Time:
April 24, 2011,
Sunday, 1:00pm – 5:00pm-
12th Floor, Seongdong District Office, Seoul (Located in Haengdang-dong, Seongdong-gu, Seoul)-
1331 (NHRCK Counseling Center)
02-773-7003 (UNHCR)
Take Action in support of Tibetans in Amdo, Ngaba
Special ReportTenzin Choedon
Mar. 17, 2011

Tibetan monk Phuntsok
We are gravely concerned by the news this morning that Phuntsok, a 21-year old Tibetan monk from Kirti Monastery had self-immolated following a short solo protest in Ngaba town (Ch: Aba) in eastern Tibet (Ch: Sichuan Province). According to eye witnesses, Chinese authorities rushed to the scene and beat Phuntsok who later died.
The incident has sparked a protest by an estimated 1,000 monks and lay people that was violently suppressed by the authorities. An unknown number of Tibetans have reportedly been arrested and the situation in Ngaba remains tense. Today marks 3-years since troops opened fire on peaceful protest against Chinese rule in Ngaba, resulting in the deaths of at least 10 people.
Read reports about this incident here. (http://www.studentsforafreetibet.org/article.php?id=2306)
Please take action in support of Tibetans in Amdo, Ngaba:
1) Alert the Indian authorities in China of this incident.
Call the Indian Embassy in Beijing:
Dr. S. Jaishankar
(Ambassador of India): (0086 -10) 6532 1927 Shri Rahul Chhabra
(Deputy Chief of Mission): (0086-10) 6532 1929
General: (0086-10) 6532 1908 (English) Fax: (0086-10) 6532 4684
When you call, introduce yourself and where you are from and express how urgent the situation is in Ngaba, in eastern Tibet (Ch: Aba, Sichuan Province). Direct them to reports of the incident and urge them to investigate the incident and press the Chinese government to respect the rights of Tibetans to peaceful protest.
2) Call the Chinese Embassy and Consulates in India:
Call the Chinese Embassy in New Delhi: (+91-11) 2611 2354 Fax: (+91-11) 2688 5486
Call the Chinese Consulate in Kolkata: (+91-33) 4004 8169 Fax: (+91-33) 4004 8168
Call the Chinese Consulate in Mumbai: Tel: (+91-22) -56324303/4/5/6 (extn: 15/28)
When you call, explain that you are Tibetan or a Tibet supporter and explain how you are aware of the situation in Ngaba town (Ch: Aba, Sichuan Province). Tell them that people worldwide are watching the situation in Ngaba, Tibet closely and demand the release of all those detained in today's protest.
Your calls will help make sure the Chinese government knows people worldwide are watching the situation closely and will hopefully help to protect Tibetans on the ground.
3) Call the Chinese authorities in Sichuan:
Demand the immediate release of those detained and for them to uphold the basic rights of Tibetans.
Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture People's Committee on Government: +86-83-72822976
Sichuan Public Security Bureau: +86-28-86301176
4) Organize a solidarity protest:
We will post the details of protests shortly on our website here. Please send details of your protest to info@studentsforafreetibet.org and we'll help to spread the word.
Mar. 12, 2011 
Movement for Peace& Justice campaign in Mumbai city
Movement for Peace& Justice supports JUNGLE HAKK SANGHARSH YATRA which is fighting for the rights of adivasis and tribals in Maharashtra. Their legitimate rights to land and the forests are not being recognized under the Forest Rights Act. Of the 2.88 lakh claims that have reached the Sub-Divisional Level Committees, 1.70 lakh claims (59%) have been rejected. Only 1.09 lakh (32%) of the total number of claims that have been filed have received final approval. Further, the average area of approved claims ( 0.63 hectares ) is not even 50% of an economic holding.
Is the Maharashtra government serious about protection of adivasis and other weaker sections? Is it going to ensure that the Forest Rights Act is implemented both in letter and spirit?
To receive answers to these questions, thousands of adivasis from different parts of the state, will be marching from their villages to Mumbai. About 6,000 adivasis from Jalgaon and Nandurbar districts will begin their March from the 1st of March. In Thane district about 3,000 adivasis will begin marching from Charoti Naka along the National Highway No. 8 on 10th March. Similarly adivasis from Raigad district will be marching to Mumbai from the 13th onwards. All Yatras will reach Mumbai by 15th March where they will proceed to Vidhan Bhavan. Their basic demands are:
1) Stop illegal interference of Forest department in implementation of the Act.
2) Review all rejected cases.
3) Undertake a Campaign for recognition of Community claims.
4) Follow the rules of evidence as specified in the Act and Rules. Do not depend solely on documentary evidence of forest department and satellite imagery.
5) Approve entire area under occupation of claimant while finalizing claim.
6) No evictions from Sanctuary Areas without due process.
7) Implement the Forest Act in all Municipal areas.
8) Ensure rights of bhoomiputra non-tribals are recognized.
9) Distribute 7/12 extracts to all approved claimants. As per directions of High Court, regularize all encroachments on gairan and govt wastelands prior to 14.4.1990.
We urge all our members, well wishers and media persons to be part of this long march and be present on 15th March Vidhan Bhavan(Mumbai).
Afsar Usmani:-9324201186
Add. 326,ibrahim rahmatullah rd,mumbai-03(India) 022-23461302
10th, 11th & 12 th March, 2011
Opp: Krishi Upaj Mandi;
Badwani, Madhya Pradesh
1,500 hilly adivasi children from the 13 Jeevanshals (Life-Schools) run by Narmada Nav Nirman Abhiyan in the Sardar Sarovar Dam-affected states of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat shall celebrate their
You are welcome to watch the Children’s carnival as they express their life, struggle and reconstruction through play, sport, song, dance, art, drama.
Contact Address:
Narmada Bachao Andolan
Narmada Ashish, Off Kasravad Road,
Navalpura, Badwani, M.P – 451551
Ph: 09179148973 / 09926305445
6th Asia Human Rights Forum
Dear all,
The Asia Centre for Human Rights (ACHR) is hosting their 6th Asia Human Rights Forum, entitled, "Government & Civil Society Cooperation to Protect Ethnic Minority Refugees in Asia", on Tuesday, 22 February 2011 from 9:00-18:00 in the Korea University International Studies Hall.
Please find attached the official public invitation in English with directions. This is also available on the ACHR website:
For more information please contact:
Ms. Ahreum Kim: ahreum81@achumanrights.org
Ms. Jooyea Lee: jooyea@achumanrights.org
Tel: 02-723-1673
Kind Regards,
UNHCR Representation in the Republic in Korea
Counseling Hours: M T Th F 09:00AM-12:30PM
Counseling Line: 02-773-7003
Union Day Campaign
Dear Activists,You are cordially invited to attend/participate the campaign entitling "Union Day" in which the Myanmar activists will protest the military government.
The schedule is as follows:
Day: Sunday, 06 February 2011
Time: 11am to 12 pm
Place: In front of Myanmar embassy
723-1, 724-1, HANNAM-DONG YONGSAMN-KU, SEOUL, 140-210
You can reach there by subway line number 6 at Hanganjin station, exit 2.
Kindly Regard,
John S Thang
Chin Democracy and Human Rights Network
Contact Address: #949-1 Wongok-dong, Danwon-gu, Ansan City, Kyonggi-do Province (425-130), Republic of Korea.
Telephone: 010-8685-8860 E-mail: cdhrn.kr@gmail.com
South Korea
Invitation: The 7th Workshop for Young Human Rights Activists
Hello everyone :)
Hope you're having a pleasant week.
The Asia Center for Human Rights will be conducting its 7th Workshop for Young Human Rights Activists in February 2011.
More information about the workshop can be found here:
and here:
Those interested can submit their application directly to the Asia Center for Human Rights.
*** A limited number of scholarships are available for participants who would like to apply for it. Participants interested in the scholarship for this workshop would need to submit a one-page description of their involvement in human rights activism or how they plan to get involved in future.
Do pass this information to anyone who might be interested.
Thank you.
Have a pleasant day.
Warm regards, Thency
Rock out for a great cause!

Haiti Earthquake
In response to a call on promoters to host fundraising events for Haiti around the world between Jan 7 – 16th (One Hundred for Haiti), some rockin’ folks in Seoul are putting on this great benefit concert on Saturday, Jan 15.
DETAILS Event link: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=173292616043159 Time & Date: Saturday, 15 January, 9pm ~ 2am (16 January) Location: Club Spot (across from Hongdae Park), Hongdae, Seoul, South Korea Tickets at door: 10,000 KRW ALL PROCEEDS from this show will be contributed to http://www.onehundredforhaiti.org/
The Geeks
Things We Say
...Whatever That Means
Burn My Bridges
No Excuse
Dokkebi Assault
Find The Spot
One Hundred For Haiti (www.onehundredforhaiti.org) has a goal to raise $100,000 for direct action humanitarian aid for the people of Haiti. Funds are focused on a doctor from Port au Prince, Dr. Jacques Denis, who is the director of the Centre de Sante Saint Martin II a clinic serving 60,000 people in the Delmas 4 neighborhood of the city. Since the earthquake, Dr. Denis has been giving away all medicine and medical care for free to the people his clinic serves. One Hundred For Haiti wants to support him with this mission. The earthquake and subsequent natural disasters in Haiti have increased dramatically the number of patients Dr. Denis sees at the clinic. He treats injuries ranging from cholera and other diseases to broken limbs and even does pre-natal care. All of this work is done in conditions would be considered sub-standard by anyone. The people of Port au Prince do not want to go inside of buildings since the quake out of fear. As a result, tents have been set up outside the hospital and it is in these tents that patients are seen and treated. All money will go towards paying for medicine and for the ability of the clinic to continue to function in a way which provides the best possible care to the people of Port au Prince.
*Please note that this is not an Amnesty G48 event.
The Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute (MPI)

The Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute
Dear Alumni, Colleagues, and Friends,
Greetings of Peace!
The Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute (MPI) will be conducting its 12th Annual Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute Training from May 16 to June 3, 2011, beginning with registration on May 15, 2011 in Davao City, Philippines. The MPI 2011 Brochure and Application are attached for your reference. The deadline for receipt of applications is March 15, 2011.
For those who are not familiar with MPI, the Institute brings together a wide range of people with experience, knowledge and skills in peace-related work from across the Asia-Pacific Region and other parts of the world. It offers intensive courses in areas such as conflict transformation, peace education, religious peacebuilding, protection, advocacy, and trauma healing that are taught by a distinguished roster of facilitators from Asia-Pacific and other countries.
We ask that you circulate the attached MPI 2011 Brochure and Application as widely as possible to individuals, groups, and networks involved in peace, justice and development work. Thank you for your efforts and we look forward to seeing you in 2011.
Christine Vertucci
Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute Foundation Inc.
4/F MTRC Building 2
Davao Medical School Foundation Compound
Medical School Drive
Bajada, Davao City 8000 Philippines
S. Korea
May 18 Memorial Foundation’s International Internship Programme 2011

Gwangju Uprising on May 18, 1980
The International Internship Programme of the May 18 Memorial Foundation in Gwangju, Korea recruits two interns from overseas, who have been working for human rights , democracy, and peacebuilding organizations in their countries.
The internship gives an opportunity to experience and learn the history and development process of human rights and democracy in South Korea, particularly the 1980 Gwangju Democratic Uprising. Interns will have the chance to exchange and network with Korean civil society groups. They can also choose or will be assigned research during the course of their internship. As interns, they will be assigned particular duties and responsibilities as part of the International Cooperation Project.
Applicants should be a working member of an organization: applicants cannot apply as individuals without the knowledge/support/recommendation of their current organization or network.
Applicants who have minimum of 3 years NGO or social development work experience, though not necessarily in the field of human rights, are encouraged to apply.
Applicants needed to have received a proper education. Preference will be given to those with degrees in human rights-related subjects such as social sciences and communication, and to those who have specialized in human rights issues within these disciplines.
Two Interns accepted for this programme will participate for ten months, for the period March 2011 to December 2011.
The application deadline is 20 January 2011.
For more information see:
Dear friend,If you are in Delhi, you are invited to attend the Discussion on 'RETHINKING INDIA’S SINO TIBET POLICY' - December 15, 2010 @ Casurana Hall, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.
During the three day state visit of Chinese Premier Wen Jaibao to New Delhi, 15 to 17 December 2010, four Tibetan NGOs (Tibetan Women’s Association, Gu Chu Sum, National Democratic Party of Tibet & Students for a Free Tibet - India) have come together to organize a panel discussion taking stock of complex − India-Tibet-China − triangular relations. The panel discussion will try to take a re-look at the 50 year old India’s Tibet policy which recognizes the occupied country as a part of People’s Republic of China.
WHAT: PANEL DISCUSSION 'RETHINKING INDIA’S SINO TIBET POLICY' WHERE: Casurana Hall, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi WHEN: 3-6pm December 15, 2010
Our Contact for the event in Delhi: Jigdal (SFT) +91 9736660451
In Solidarity,
Tenzin Choedon National Director SFT-India ---
Students for a Free Tibet, India (SFT India) is the India National Network of Students for a Free Tibet International, which has over 650 chapters in more than 35 countries.
Founded in the year 2000 from a very humble beginning as a loose network of few young activists and students based in Dharamshala campaigning for Tibet's Independence,SFT India has grown as nation-wide network of youth, campaigning for the Fundamental Rights of the Tibetan people, and we are still growing. It is from our grassroots network that we gain our strength.
To ensure the effectiveness of our grassroots network.we create Awareness and sensitize the world on the just cause of Tibet. We believe that young people can and must take responsibility to change our world for the better.
The 3rd Regugee Human Rights Workshop