The Justice and Peace Office of the CBCI honours the memory of Msgr. Oscar Romero
Special ReportBy Antony Arulraj
Mar. 30, 2012
Picture took on Romero Day-2012
New Delhi (23.03.2012): The Justice and Peace Office of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India, along with the Embassy of The Republic of El Salvador and the Archdiocese of Delhi, organised the Observance of 32nd Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Msgr. Oscar Romero, on 23 March 2012.
The function was marked by a concelebrated Holy Mass led by His Excellency Archbishop Salvatore Pennacchio, Nuncio to India. In his brief homily, the Nuncio said that Archbishop Romero was a prophetic witness to radical faith in Jesus. The Holy Mass was followed by a Way of the Cross with Romero at the Sacred Heart Cathedral, Gole Dak Khana, New Delhi, from 6.00 pm. More than 800 people attended these services.
Your browser may not support display of this image.Your browser may not support display of this image.Later, at 7.15 pm, a book consisting of talks and presentations made during a similar observance last year was released at the CJM School Auditorium.
The book was published by the Embassy of The Republic of El Salvador. Welcoming the audience, Archbishop Vincent Concessao pointed out that the life and the martyrdom of Archbishop had a special relevance to the India of today which finds a large section of its people trapped in poverty. The highlight of the observance was the premier show of the most recent documentary film: The Last Journey of Oscar Romero, directed by the El Salvadorian Director Everardo Gonzalez. The documentary portrayed Archbishop Oscar Romero as a defender of human rights, a prophet of justice and an apostle of peace. Fr. Charles Irudayam, Secretary, Justice, Peace and Development Office, CBCI coordinated the whole event.
South Korea
Christ is here for who needs help
By Salai ThangStaff reporter
Mar. 18, 2012

Jonathan Aird
A British missionary pastor Jonathan Aird serves at the Rock City Church for the International and national Community in Jamwon, Seoul. The church is a mixture of both the International and English speaking national community. He has been working for the church nearly 2 years. His desire is to have a church of International and national missions minded people in Korea that focuses on making a healthy, positive and influential impact in society.
Meanwhile, he also went out to ministry abroad in Cambodia, Colombia and various parts of Europe. He helps send clothing to various parts of the world such as Liberia and Cambodia. For example, with the help of his Liberian friend they have been able to send clothing consistently to Liberia. He is a very mission minded person. This year, he has been able to go to Cambodia and is looking to go to India for a mission trip. He also has friends who went to Burma and work for various professional fields.
Moreover, he is the Teen Challenge Korea, founder and national director, which is an International NGO. It is ministry that helps people to overcome substance and behavioral addictions and helps them to understand that their life does count and they can make a difference. Teen challenge is an organization that was started in New York City over 50 years ago, and is now planted in 86 countries all over the world. There are 30 more countries are as a waiting list for joining the organization. Teen challenge helps and supports those who desire to overcome their addictions as well to help families of those affected by it.
Jonathan Aird met Christ 16years ago and became a missionary. He studied in US, and has been involved in various missions works in Colombia, Germany, USA and UK. He has been in Korea for 5 year as a missionary. He and his Korean wife have 4 children.
Archbishop Concessao asks government for Justice
Special ReportBy Fr. Dominic Emmanuel
Mar. 7, 2012

Archbishop Concessao
Archbishop Vincent M. Concessao of Delhi, while fully sympathizing with the government in its hour of defeat in recently concluded elections, has asked the central government to immediately lift the ban on the bank accounts of several good NGOs in Tamilnadu, particularly the Tuticorin diocesan accounts.
“I join with the members of the Tamilnadu Bishops’ Council in asking the government to immediately lift the block recently imposed on the FCRA numbers given to “Tuticorin Diocesan Association” and the “Tuticorin Multi-Purpose Social Service society”, who as I have learnt from the local bishops, have in no way misused the foreign contribution for anti-nuclear demonstrations”, said the Archbishop.
This is not only gross injustice to these organizations based on false allegations but is also unfair to those beneficiaries for whom the organizations work, particularly the poor and the oppressed. “The Church always strictly follows the rules laid down by the government for the use of foreign contribution and the money is solely used for the welfare of the poor the blocking of the accounts only deprives the poor beneficiaries of their needs. The Church organizations all over the country are involved in alleviating the pains and pangs of the poor, helping the government in what it should be actually doing”, added the Archbishop.
The Archbishop has appealed to the Prime Minister and the Home Minister to make proper inquiries before taking such a drastic step which is totally unjust. “I will have absolutely no objection to such a block of the FCRA accounts if it can be categorically proved that the money has been actually diverted for anti-government activities but till it has been proved, such an action goes against law abiding citizens”, the Archbishop concluded.
Buddhist leader Thich Quang Do writes to President Obama on the situation of human rights
Mar. 2, 2012
Thich Quang Do on New Year’s Day 2012
PARIS, 2 March 2012 (IBIB) - The Most Venerable Thich Quang Do, prominent dissident and Patriarch of the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam (UBCV) has written to the US President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Speaker of the US House of Representatives Joe Boehner, calling on the US Administration to stand firm on human rights, religious freedom and democracy in Vietnam. He also stressed the need to maintain the Voice of America’s Vietnamese service, which risks being reduced to an online service due to budget cuts.
Thich Quang Do, 83, who is a 2012 Nobel Peace Prize nominee, sent the letters clandestinely from the Thanh Minh Zen Monastery in Saigon where he is under de facto house arrest. They were forwarded to the President, Secretary of State and the Speaker by the International Buddhist Information Bureau (IBIB) in Paris.
In the letters, Thich Quang Do lamented Vietnam’s unabated repression against the UBCV, which he described as one of the "sole civil society movements that the regime has been unable to destroy". "The UBCV has vast human resources, and we could contribute to such to our country’s development if only we were free... I call upon you, Mr. President, to urge Vietnam to re-establish the legitimate status of the UBCV and all other non-recognized religious communities and release all Vietnamese citizens who are detained for the peaceful expression of their political opinions or religious beliefs".
The UBCV Patriarch welcomed the US Administration’s foreign policy stress on Asia, and support for initiatives of democratization in non-democratic countries: "I am deeply encouraged by the declarations that both you and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have made about America’s strong focus on Asia and the Pacific region in its foreign policy. This is most important, for I firmly believe that advancing democratic progress in Asia is the key to peace, prosperity and stability, not only in our region but ultimately in the world."
Dear Mr. President,
I am a Buddhist monk, currently under house arrest in Vietnam. In fact, I have spent the past thirty years in prison, internal exile or under house arrest simply for pursuing my non-violent ideals of tolerance, compassion and human rights. I am still under house arrest today, and I send this letter through underground channels from the Thanh Minh Zen Monastery in Saigon where I am detained without any justification or charge.
During my long years in internal exile in an isolated pagoda in Northern Vietnam from 1982-1992, the radio was my only link with the outside world. Each day, I listened to the broadcasts of international radio stations, including the VOA. They were a real life-line to me. They not only kept me informed of world affairs, but they were like a true companion, enabling me to feel that I was not alone. During the dark days when my mother, who was exiled with me, died of cold and hunger, this daily link helped me to bear my solitude and keep my spirit and determination alive.
I have just heard that the VOA is faced with budget cuts and may be forced to stop broadcasting to Vietnam. This would be a great loss, not only for scores of millions of listeners in Vietnam and other non-democratic countries, but also for America, for the VOA carries your countries’ prestige.
In the democratic world, news is taken for granted. Floods of news pour into countries from a host of diverse channels – newsprint, radio, Internet or TV, so much that people don’t know which to choose. This is not so in Vietnam. Under the one-Party state, there is not one single independent newspaper, radio or TV. All information is controlled by the Communist Party of Vietnam. Even international satellite TV is broadcast with thirty minutes delay so the Party can monitor and censor its contents. For people living under censorship, radio stations such as the VOA are vital. It would be tragic if the Voice of America was reduced to the “whisper of America”. I do hope you will reconsider this issue in all urgency, and maintain this essential radio service.
I also take this opportunity to call on you to stand firm on the question of human rights and democratic freedoms in Vietnam. I am deeply encouraged by the declarations that both you and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have made about America’s strong focus on Asia and the Pacific region in its foreign policy. This is most important, for I firmly believe that advancing democratic progress in Asia is the key to peace, prosperity and stability, not only in our region but ultimately in the world.
You have repeatedly stressed the importance of civil society in the process of peaceful development and democratization. Today, in Vietnam’s closed political society, the religious movements, particularly Buddhism, the majority religion which has a 2,000-year tradition in Vietnam, are amongst the sole civil society movements that the regime has been unable to destroy. As such, they have a crucial role to play in the peaceful transition to a vibrant and pluralistic society.
Since 1975, when the Communist regime took power in Vietnam, the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam (UBCV) has ceaselessly struggled for freedom and human rights. The movement began on 2nd November 1975, when 12 monks and nuns self-immolated at the Duoc Su Zen Monastery in Can Tho to appeal for religious freedom. This was the first ever public protest in Communist Vietnam. Despite government repression, the movement has continued to grow. In May 1993, 40,000 Buddhists demonstrated in the city of Hue to protest religious repression and the respect of human rights. Since 1975, 22 Buddhists have self-immolated to call for an end to persecution and the respect of human rights
Today, the UBCV is banned by the authorities and supplanted by a State-sponsored Buddhist body under Communist Party control. Yet we continue our nonviolent movement. In 2001, I launched an “Appeal for Democracy in Vietnam”, which received overwhelming support from hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese from all religious and political affiliations, and I continue to challenge the government on issues of human rights and political reforms. For these “crimes”, the government keeps me under house arrest at the Thanh Minh Zen Monastery in Saigon. I am under continuous Police surveillance, forbidden to travel, and all my communications are monitored. It is thanks to a vast and courageous network of UBCV Buddhists inside and outside the country that I can maintain communications with the outside world.
The UBCV has vast human resources, and we could contribute so much to our country’s development if only we were free. Yet the government is determined to stifle our voice. Each day, UBCV monks, nuns and followers are braving arrests, harassments, Police surveillance and intimidation on account of their peaceful beliefs. I call upon you, Mr. President, to urge Vietnam to re-establish the legitimate status of the UBCV and all other non-recognized religious communities, and to release all Vietnamese citizens who are detained for the peaceful expression of their political opinions or religious beliefs.
Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright grasped the essential role of Buddhism in Vietnam's democratic process when she commented in her book, "The Mighty and the Almighty":
"Even the Vietnam War, primarily a struggle over political ideology and nationalism, has a religious component. From the outset, the anti-communist cause was undermined because the government in Saigon [which the US was propping up], repressed Buddhism, the largest noncommunist institution in the country... This was hardly the way to win the hearts and minds of the Vietnamese people".
I hope that this past experience will help you, Mr. President, to have a clearer vision of Buddhism’s potential in contributing to the emergence of a new era of democracy, security and peace in Asia and the Pacific region. I place my trust in you to stand by the people of Vietnam and maintain human rights, religious freedom and democracy at the centre of your relationship with Vietnam.
Yours sincerely,
(signature and seal) Sramana THICH QUANG DO Fifth Supreme Patriarch Head of the Institute of the Sangha Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam

Christians in the Kashmir region in India
The Catholic-Christian Secular Forum (CSF), a Mumbai based national activist community NGO, needs your urgent support in highlighting the gross violation of human rights and abuse of Indian Constitutional Freedoms, in Jammu & Kashmir.
Christians, after the Kashmiri Pundits, are facing acute persecution and torture in this state bordering Pakistan, where Only “Islamic” Radicalism thrives. Kashmir is now almost 100 % “Muslim” with all other religious communities (Hindus, Sikhs and now Christians), being forced out of the valley.
It is not possible for security reasons to hold a media meet there. Hence, The CSF has brought human rights activists to address you or a correspondent, you depute at an International Press Conference :
After Pundits, its Christians: Religious Cleansing & Persecution in Kashmir
Venue: The Press Club, Mumbai Date: 25th February, 2012, Saturday Time: 2.30 pm
Speakers: · Justice Michael Saldanha (Retd. Karnataka & Bombay High Courts) · Adv. Iftikhar Bazmi (Poonch Bar Assn Sec., J&K; India Rep, ICRD, Washington DC)
· Joseph Dias (The CSF Fact-Finding Report from J&K for the Victims) · Human Rights & Religious Liberty Activists
The media is our only hope to highlight this issue, particularly since the Government has adopted total neglect. Hence, we would greatly appreciate, your coverage, which will save many more lives from being ruined, in addition to those who are already bearing the brunt of torture.
Thanking you, with warm personal regards,
Yours cordially,
Joseph Dias, MA (Eco) +919769555657 General Secretary, The CSF
Buddhist leader Thich Quang Do sends Message of Solidarity to His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the people of Tibet

Dalai Lama
PARIS, Feb. 16, 2012 (IBIB) - Following the recent wave of self-immolations by Tibetans calling for religious freedom, and the ensuing brutal crackdown on these protests by the Chinese authorities, the Most Venerable Thich Quang Do, Patriarch of the outlawed Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam (UBCV) has written to His Holiness the Dalai Lama to express the UBCV’s support of the Tibetan people’s struggle for freedom. The letter, dated 11 February 2012, was sent clandestinely to the International Buddhist Information Bureau (IBIB) from the Thanh Minh Zen Monastery in Saigon, where Thich Quang Do is under house arrest. In his letter, which we have forwarded to H.H. the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala, Thich Quang Do wrote:
“I am writing to express the profound grief of the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam on the recent wave of immolations of Buddhist monks, nuns and lay-followers calling for religious freedom and the return of Your Holiness to the sacred land of Tibet. I am informed that 21 people have self immolated over the past year, with five immolations in the past week alone. These tragic acts have not only taken place in the region of Tibet proper, but also in counties in the Chinese provinces of Qinghai and Sichuan, where many Tibetans live.
“Instead of investigating the cause of these acts of protest, the Chinese government has cracked down with intolerable brutality. Vast regions have been sealed off, media black-outs imposed, and Police have shot dead at least six Tibetans in Kham county in Sichuan. Despite this merciless repression, thousands of Tibetans continue to challenge the authorities by organizing candle-light vigils, hunger strikes, marches, and peaceful demonstrations with banners calling for a “free Tibet” and the release of all Tibetan political prisoners.
“I was especially moved by the words of Lama Sobha, who self-immolated on January 8th 2012 at his monastery in Golog in the Tibetan area of Amdo, Qinghai. In a moving tape recording made prior to his immolation, he called on Tibetans to unite to protect Tibetan culture, religion and language, and explained the reasons for his immolation: “I am giving away my body as an offering to chase away the darkness, to free all beings from suffering”.
“We Buddhists in Vietnam share this vision with Buddhists in Tibet. Self-immolation is indeed a tragic and extreme act, one that should be avoided at all costs. But there are moments when this ultimate gesture, that of offering one’s body as a torch of Compassion to dissipate darkness and ignorance is the only possible recourse.
“At the height of the Vietnam War in 1963, Bodhisattva Thich Quang Duc self-immolated in Saigon to call for reconciliation and peace. His act, filmed by the international media, shook the conscience of the world. Since Vietnam fell under Communist rule in 1975, 22 monks, nuns and lay-Buddhists have self-immolated to appeal for religious freedom in Vietnam, including twelve monks and nuns at the Duoc Su Pagoda in Can Tho on 2 November 1975. Under the fierce censorship of the Communist regime, not one foreign journalist was present to record these events. Their sacrifice was stifled in silence.
“It is therefore with a deep sense of communion and understanding, but also with infinite pain and grief, that I learn of the immolation of such young Buddhist monks and nuns in Tibet, and the escalation of violence by China’s communist regime to prevent the world from hearing their tragic cry. This situation is a challenge to all humanity. I call upon world leaders to take urgent action, demand an end to the violence and press for an independent international investigation into these cases of self-immolation.
“On behalf of the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam (UBCV), I pray for all those who have sacrificed their lives, and all those who have suffered repression in these peaceful protests. I wholly support the Tibetan people’s courageous struggle for survival, and share your aspirations for the right to freedom and life. Your suffering is our suffering. Your struggle is our struggle. The Buddhists of Vietnam stand beside you in this non-violent movement for religious freedom and human rights. For without human rights, human beings can never fully and freely exist.
“The UBCV will never forget the numerous appeals made by Your Holiness throughout the 1990s to obtain our release from the communist jails. During these dark days, we did not know of your efforts. Only when I was amnestied from prison in 1998 did I learn from the UBCV’s spokesman in Paris, Vo Van Ai, about your humane and crucial interventions. Today, I am still under house arrest at the Thanh Minh Zen Monastery, after almost three decades under different forms of detention. Yet I am always with you in spirit. You are always in my prayers, and I hope with all my heart and strength that you will succeed in guiding the Tibetan people through these difficult times”.
Yours in the Dharma,
Fifth Supreme Patriarch Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam (signature and seal) Sramana THICH QUANG DO
South Korea
A Korean Pastor Rev. Dr. Han Tae Rang conducts a weekly lecture for foreign students
By John S ThangSep. 19, 2011

A Korean Christian scholar Rev. Dr. Han Tae Rang
Although the Christian population is approximately only 25% of the entire population, South Korea is the largest and the only protestant Christian nation in Asia. The current Korean President Lee Myoueng Bak is the fourth Christian president and an elder of Somang Church (literally Hope church). Pastor Han recollected that in the early days of the President Lee used to serve at the church by supervising the parking of cars. At the time, no body though he would become a president. Now, the president might only be able to attend the church except for once or twice a year, Rev. Han guessed. The previous Korean Christian presidents are Syngman Rhee, Kim Young Sam and Kim Dae Jung(Catholic).
Rev. Han is a senior church Pastor of Youngbong church. Youngbong means the church of eternal blessing. He served for Youngbong church for 35 years as a pastor. He started with 30 church members and is actually the founder of Youngbong church.
Right now Rev. Han has 1,500 church members and Youngbong church is part of Korea’s largest Presbyterian denomination and its Haptong branch. He conducts a lecture to foreign students every Monday on various Christian issues. The subjects are various topics, such as Biblical studying, Christian morality, religious freedom, theology and philosophy, etc.
The Korean constitution allows religious freedom and equality for all kind of religions in South Korea, regardless of Christian, Buddhism, etc. Rev. Han said Christianity doesn’t face any oppression from other religions in South Korea. He kept explaining that we are free to practice religious services; South Korea has probably the best religious freedom in Asia.
According to Rev. Han, religious freedom means a relationship with God, who is a real God. Once we have a relationship with God, it means we have religious freedom. He regrets that in Myanmar many Christians cannot have a relationship with God. Myanmar is a Buddhist country predominantly. Regarding Buddhism, Rev. Han observed that even among Buddhists, they say Buddha is not God.
Furthermore, Rev. Han strongly insists the importance of Christian morality and practice, e.g. viewing drinking and adultery are as bad things. If Christianity doesn’t have such temperance, it is not a Christian faith, nor Biblical teaching at all, he preached before the foreign scholars at his church.
Rev. Han graduated with two doctorates D.Miss. degrees from Jubilee Institute for Mission Study from Australia and Juk Jae Theological University from South Korea respectively; two master degrees, MDB and M.Th from Chongshin University and Theological Seminary from South Korea; and a BA from Free Theological Seminary, South Korea. He also had a special Carrier education course studying at the London Theology (LBC) for a year in London.
The Global Digest editor Barry Welsh edited to this story.
South Korea
3rd All Nations Praise and Worship held in Ilsan dong
By Salai ThangStaff Correspondence
Aug. 16, 2011

Pastor Paul Kim(2nd R) and various countries Pastors
Thousands of foreigners and Koreans joined the 3rd All Nations Praise and Worship rally held on Aug. 14, 2011 in Ilsan dong-gu, Seoul, South Korea, the only protestant country in Asia. The Worship was kicked off by African singers with an African Christian pop song. Following this hundreds of national flags from around the world were carried out onto the stage.
The event was led by the tireless Pastor Paul Kim but amongst the worshippers were many different countries’ pastors from Myanmar, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Africa and the US. Each pastor blessed the congregation in their own native language at the celebration.

Numbers of All Nations' flags
The event was filled with music and songs, the core group of presenters on the front stage presented very excitedly and energetically, singing, dancing and jumping. After almost an hour long service of prayer and song the audience in the three story Bishop Sundo Kim Memorial building completely calmed down and the two speakers Rev. Dong Chan Park and Rev. Hae keun Yoo delivered blessing messages about the “Revelation Worship” to attendees in the Korean language. Unfortunately there was no translation for the non-Korean speaking worshippers.
The senior Rev. Yoo told the audience that “Korea is the ends of the earth.” Since there are more than a million foreigners living in South Korea the reverends want to help them learn about Christ. The only Asian protestant nation wants to spread the good news of Christ across the world starting amongst the foreigners at home.
Christian youth so called Rock Music band
The Migrant Missions All Nations Praise and Worship was brought to a climax by a Christian youth singing team who performed as a Christian rock music band. Most of the participating young people enjoyed and had fun at the event. A similar event is hoped to be held next year. May God bless you all.
The Global Digest editor Barry Welsh edited to this story.
South Korea
Christ for foreigners: the 3rd Migrant Missions All Nations Worship to be held
By Salai ThangStaff Correspondence
July 22, 2011
Pastor Paul J Kim
An independent New Covenant Church Pastor Paul J Kim is organizing the upcoming event of the 3rd Migrant Missions All Nations Worship in South Korea, the only protestant Christian nation in Asia. He is a director of the event hosted by Daseonhan and it will be held on August 14 Sunday 6 p.m. at the Ilsan Kwanglim Methodist Church. The Korean popular speakers Rev. Dong Chang Park and Rev. Hae Keun Yoo will deliver the powerful messages.
This annual program is expected to be attended by some 2,000 people, half of them are foreigners, and 30 churches are organizing for the success of the event, said Pastor Paul. The first and the largest event was held in 2009 at Yoido church about 8000 people attended from 80 nations and 150 churches were participated for organizing that event. And the second event was held in last year at Dream church about 1500 people attended, among them are 1000 foreigners from 50 nations, and only 500 Koreans and 30 churches could able to participated for the event.
This Revelation Worship event has three purposes: 1) to provide the way of the Lord as mentioned in Revelation for worship, 2) to open the eyes of Korean churches to see important of migrant’s mission, and 3) networking among migrant missions.
The event is for the kingdom ministry, said Pastor Paul, he doesn’t care about denominations. Any denomination is open to ministry together. Pastor Paul has a vision 1,000/100, a goal to win 1,000 migrants’ Souls and then resent them back to their home countries for ministry, up to now, he already got three souls.
Daseonhan is a network of multi-culture missions in Korea and its office is in Ansan. This organizing committee has 30 members and at least 15 members attended every one in two months meeting on the first Thursday, Pastor Paul said. They have foreigner pastors from Vietnam, Bangladesh and Myanmar.
At this moment, Pastor Paul and his church members are worshiping in the factory in Ansan, by next month, they will move to Pastor Paul’s house for a regular worship service. He has approximately 50 members, among them, 10 Koreans, 15 Vietnamese, 15 Myanmar and 10 Russians.
Pastor Paul has served for this New Covenant Church for more than a year. Before that, he served at Onnari M center and as a lecturer at Army College Seminary in Suji. Before he came to Korea, he served as a pastor in U.S. for 10 years. He has two sons.
Fort detail, visit to:
Christians faced restrictions on worship in Myanmar
University students’ case report
John S. ThangStaff writer
Feb. 17, 2011
Christian students building was being confisicated
Christian students from the Government Technology College of Kaley University in Myanmar were strictly restricted from worshiping and the building of a worship center was prohibited. The students are mostly of Chin ethnicity and they are mainly from the Chin state and the Kaley Township. In particular, the ethnic Chin people are predominantly Christian believers and approximately 90% of the Chin State population is Christian. As well as this, half of the Kaley Township’s population is of Chin ethnicity and Christian.
The military rulers in Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, pre-dominantly adhere to the Buddhist religion and have frequently used it to restrict and oppress Christianity in the country.
Original plan of locating university was in Chin State as its quota. But later, as is the nature of the junta - without public consent or rule by decree - they reversed the move back of university construction to the Kaley Township in Sagaing Division. Since the Chin State is the only state in Myanmar which has no University the Chin students subsequently had to go to other states for studying, such as to Kaley University, Pakokku University, Mandalay University and so on.
Kaley University branch, Government Technology College, is a few miles from Kaley town and the college has no churches or worship centers for Christian students nearby. So the students had to take turns worshiping in different private houses or in rented student houses under difficult circumstances. These circumstances have persisted since 2003 and continue now.
Unexpectedly, on June 06 2005, at the students worship place in a private house, the house owner was asked to stop and not to allow the students to worship there. The informer was an unknown person and it was later reported to be a person who belonged to an extremist Buddhist organization called the Kaley Township Buddhist’s Association (Gawpagah Association).
Regarding this matter, the students met with the local village head and the college Principle, but they didn’t pay any attention and ignored them. The reason for this is that the college administrators themselves are also Buddhists and of Burman ethnicity too.
Furthermore, the students asked Kaley Township Peace and Development Council to give them permission to worship several times but the officers were reluctant to give permission and made no response until 2007.
Due to the pressure and threats from the authorities, even the one who used to allow worship in their private house stopped allowing the students to worship there. The students were under terrible circumstances trying to find somewhere to worship.
It was no longer possible to rent a private house for worship nearby the college. So, the students finally decided to build their own center for worship and for other purposes. Since church building is strongly prohibited they thought the center might be the best option. But, even to get permission to build a center as a Christian group was restricted. They were asked to show things such as the building blueprint, building size, and the estimated expenses and so on, in order to prevent them building the church.
However, after not too long the building started in 2007, until the local authority, U Thein Win revoked the permission to build. Meanwhile, a letter was issued banning the building construction without any reason, and further threats were made to the effect that whoever continues with the construction would be punished. In the same year, the Kaley Township Peace and Development Council’s Chairman, U Ko Latt also ordered a prohibition letter against the building. They made no further explanation. Their intention was to target Christian students and prevent them from worshiping.
Instead of helping students, Kaley Township Peace and Development Council’s chairman, U Ko Latt called private house owners on September 8, 2007, and ordered them to stop worship services made by the students. Also, he threatened that house owners would face punishment if they further allowed worship services, saying he would issue orders to lock their houses and lands as well as expel them from Buddhism. It is clear that the authorities interfered in religious practice.
Furthermore, he even ordered a signboard to be pulled down on which was just written “Taungzalat,” which means rhododendron, which is popularly grown in the Chin state and is admired by the ethnic Chin people as their symbol. Destroying the “Taungzalat” signboard is a kind of symbolic assault on ethnic Chin people deliberately.
He continued, “This is not Chin state, it is Sagaing Division, do you not know that?” Since everybody knows that the military government didn’t provide a single university in the Chin state, when compared to other countries, each and every province and city has at least a university or a college. However, the Chin, is the only state in Myanmar which doesn't have a university. It’s widely known that the nature of the Myanmar military is that they really are not concerned about public social welfare or education.
Moreover, U Ko Latt provoked the villagers into occupying all the properties, and to damage the building constructed by the students. This is an offense. With the backing of the authorities, the extremist group came and destroyed the building construction on October 31, 2009 at night.
According to Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in Article 18 “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.”
Not only in Sagaing division, but even in the Chin state, which is called a Christian state in Myanmar, the rights to Christian freedom were and are being violated. Many church buildings were prohibited, many crosses were abolished and pastors were forced to go pottering.
Due to the Buddhist domain and the military government’s attitude there has been a constant conflict with Christian armed groups for several decades such as the Karen National Union and Kachin Independent Army and other Christian ethnics.
Myanmar is a member of the United Nations and has already announced a commitment to develop democracy in the country. It is important to allow freedom of religion and freedom of worship as these are fundamental rights of Christian inhabitants in the Chin state and the whole country.
The Global Digest editor Barry Welsh edited to this story.
This Week in Cloud Cuckoo Land: Rewarding the Criminals
Special ContributionBy Kevin Annett
May 5, 2011

The Roman Catholic Church sure knows how to bless its sickos. A few examples sprouted up this week, at home and abroad:
1. Post- Canadian Election Musings:
Live from the Nation's Capital: J.M., our very own pro-life child raping priest - and his buddy the Arch Bishop.
Members of Parliament aren’t the only ones settling in to a new job in Ottawa this week.
Just down the road from the Prime Minister’s residence on Sussex Drive straddles the ornate Notre Dame Roman Catholic Cathedral, where a recently hired Oblate priest named J.M. has been conducting "pro-life" masses with his friend and protector of pedophiles, Archbishop Terry Prendergast.
J is a convicted child rapist.
In 1992, J raped two young girls right about when I began working among a whole nation of other victims of Christianity, not far from my parish in Port Alberni, British Columbia.
Oddly, J was brought to trial. Most Catholic priests who rape kids get away with it and never see the inside of a court room. But the girls’ parents were persistent and didn’t buckle to the standard church and police pressure to drop the case, and so J was found guilty and did ten months in a New Westminster jail.
J didn’t actually commit a crime, according to the Vatican, which defines child rape in the church as a sin, not a felony. So, after the proper genuflections and absolution, J was back in the clerical saddle again, preaching on the sanctity of the unborn while raping the living.
J the Ripper M recently found an enthusiastic mentor in Terry Prendergast, another sicko who calls himself Archbishop of Ottawa. Terry has given sanctuary to another child abuser, Bishop R L, who just pleaded guilty today in Ottawa to possessing child porn, after being arrested in late 2009 upon his return from enjoying a little tryst with young boys in Thailand.
I’m curious to know what other Ottawa child rapists Terry is helping, including just down the road in Parliament.
Every Prime Minister since 1968, save two, has been a Catholic, and has dutifully filled the pews of the pedophile-protecting Notre Dame Cathedral - and not accidentally. For, according to former Parliamentary chauffeur and limousine driver John St. John, in his sensational book Working Class Hero, supplying politicians and diplomats with underage kids for sex, and more, is a normal feature of life in the Nation’s capital.
“If Canadian tax payers really knew how their hard earned money is being spent by the government, they’d rise up in a revolution” John said recently at a book reading in Vancouver.
“These are very sick men who are in power in Ottawa, and they all look out for one another.”
Sure enough. But the rot flows directly from Rome.
T and J and all the other priestly perverts aren’t simply acting alone. An Archbishop like T.P. is compelled and ordered by Vatican policy to do exactly what he’s doing, and absolve and reintegrate child rapists back into active ministry, since they have committed no ultimate wrong, according to the infamous Vatican document Crimen Solictationas.
If T had have reported perverts like M and F to the police, he'd have faced immediate censure and excommunication from Rome, under church policy.

The present Pope, Joe Ratzinger, helped compose the policy in 1962, and personally has protected and hidden quite a few child rapists within the Catholic church, including his own brother.
And speaking of Rome ...
Only the Bastards get Beatified, it seems: Reflections on “Saint” K W, aka “pope john paul the second”
K W, or what’s left of him, had the dubious honor today of joining the company of such notorious “saints” as Bishop Cyrus of Alexandria, who led the anti-Jewish pogroms in Egypt in the fifth century, and Thomas More, ex-chancellor of England, who once said, “The smell of burning heretics is fragrant to God’s nostrils”.
Covering up the murder of his predecessor, John Paul 1, as well as the Vatican Bank’s money laundering for the Mafia, clearly won K big points in heaven, it seems. And giving the CIA a hand in its covert funding of opposition movements in Poland secured him an equal appreciation from former President Ronald Reagan, who dutifully “diplomatically recognized” the Vatican in 1982.
K W was a longtime Vatican insider who was the only Cardinal willing to shoulder the dirty work of wiping out what his naive predecessor had tried to do, and that is clean up the filth called Roman Catholicism. And for that, the Cardinals and their brain–dead “faithful flocks” made him Pope, and are now making this criminal a saint. The whole messy saga is documented in great detail in David Yallop’s brilliant book, “In God’s Name.” Every Catholic who drops money in the plate each Sunday would do well to read it.
The Vatican invests heavily in the arms trade, land mines, pharmaceuticals and drugs, and virtually every planet-raping corporation you can name. The shadowy Jesuits own Citibank of America and invest more than a half a billion dollars in the United States alone. And it all happens through a secret society called the Vatican Bank, which cannot be legally audited, is not accountable to any court, and whose directors are unknown.
A cardinal called Albino Luciani tried to change all that. Luciani got elected as Pope in August 1978 in a fluke election run off and took the name John Paul 1. To the horror of his colleagues, Albino announced within a week that he intended to investigate the Vatican Bank and “bring its activities into harmony with the Gospel commandment to serve the poor.”
Silly boy.
Three weeks later, Albino was dead: poisoned, actually, which is the traditional Vatican method of disposing of pesky clerics.
His successor, K W, buried the murder, destroyed autopsy results, and reinstated all the crooks that Albino had removed as Vatican bank directors. And an appreciative Vatican establishment has now showered its gratitude on “Saint” K.
If that's their idea of saintliness, I’ll settle for the Devil …
Stay tuned for news of our upcoming International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State, which will bring these bastards to justice.
Centre, Supreme Court must ensure state governments crack down on communal violence, rescind “Freedom of Religion Acts”
International reviews an opportunity for India to improve human rights record
For immediate release
May 1, 2011

Christian villagers look on inside their burnt home at Minia village
The All India Christian Council (aicc) called upon the Union Government and the Supreme Court to ensure that governments and ruling parties in India’s states and Union Territories improve their religious freedom record by cracking down on communal violence and rescinding the controversial Freedom of Religion laws. These issues seriously injure India’s reputation at a time it is seeking a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council and a place in the comity of advanced and developed nations. Aicc leaders also called for an end to the environment of impunity in which politicians, bureaucracy, and police escape culpability in communal violence.
The United States Commission for International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) put India on its Watch List for the third year in a row, and Indian groups recently denounced the human rights record of the world’s largest democracy as part of the upcoming United Nations Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review. Both reports were published last week.
“Indian political reactions condemning the USCIRF report simply indicate a denial about the ground reality in various states, especially Orissa, Karnataka, and Gujarat. The USCIRF faulted state authorities for not ensuring prompt justice to the communal pogroms against Sikhs in 1984, Muslims in Gujarat in 2002, and Christians in Orissa in 2007 and 2008. The USCIRF and the UN human rights and freedom of faith apparatus also rightly faulted India for laws in six states which curb religious freedom under the guise of stopping illegal conversions,” said John Dayal, aicc Secretary General.
Joseph D’souza, aicc President, said, “The US Commission correctly lauded the role of the Union government whenever it acted to prevent communal violence, as in the wake of the Allahabad High Court judgment on Ayodhya which raised religious passions. We are encouraged that when there is the political will, India takes speedy and proactive action to stop inter-faith problems.”
The USCIRF is an independent, advisory body to the US government and makes a yearly report on dozens of countries. Officials tried to visit India in 2009 but were denied visas. “Countries of Particular Concern” are countries with “particularly severe” violations of religious freedom. The “Watch List” is countries with “serious violations of religious freedom engaged in or tolerated by the governments”. Separately, India is scheduled for the UN UPR in the 2012 session.
D’souza said, “As a signatory to many international covenants, India must not shy away from its duty to its religious minorities and must guarantee the rights of all citizens enshrined in the Constitution. India, quite correctly, faulted other governments whenever they transgressed religious freedoms, be it in France, Pakistan, or Bangladesh. As a mature democracy, we should not shun criticism but use it to improve ourselves.”
Dayal said, “The Union and state governments must show political will and take proactive measures to redress outstanding grievances such as the restoration of the rights and privileges of Dalit Christians and abrogation of the so called “Freedom of Religious Acts”. These laws precipitate vigilante action against Christians in several states by fundamentalist groups. The authorities must also ensure there will be no dilution of the Article 30, which guarantees the freedom of minority educational institutions, in the guise of implementing the Right to Education laws.” Dayal testified before the USCIRF at Washington, D.C. in September 2000 during the only hearing on India til date.
Other outstanding issues include the miscarriage of justice in the fast track courts of Kandhamal where there are no convictions in the dozens of murder cases and punishments only for minor offenses. For example, in the brutal killing of one Christian, the main accused was sentenced for an offence other than murder.
Orissa has been tardy in rehabilitating more than 50,000 people affected in the 2008 violence. About 2,000 families remain without adequate accommodations. Most men are without adequate employment, many youth have given up education, and women and young girls suffer from acute post-trauma ailments. Several victims have committed suicide.
The situation of religious freedom in Karnataka, ruled by the BJP, is critical with the state government and the ruling party protecting perpetrators in the 2008 wave of attacks. “We are worried by an emerging pattern of impunity which must end,” said Dayal.
The All India Christian Council (, birthed in 1998, exists to protect and serve the Christian community, minorities, and the oppressed castes. The aicc is a coalition of thousands of Indian denominations, organizations, and lay leaders.
Released by
Madhu Chandra PRO – aicc, New Delhi
For more information, contact:
Dr. John Dayal, Secretary General
Sam Paul, National Secretary of Public Affairs
South Korea
A longtime Pastor blesses Ansan church
Salai ThangStaff Correspondence
Apr. 20, 2011
Front line: GFC Chairman Mr. Sunggon Oh(L) and Pastor Nam Jyung Ho(C)
An independent Ansan Wadong Presbyterian church Pastor, Nam Jyung Ho, blesses his church members at every Sunday worship.
Pastor Jyung Ho, 74, started his ministry in Ansan in 1981 and has been blessing church members there ever since. He bought the church building in 1991 and now he has approximately 100 members.
The church board members are Elders Kong Jem-gon and Lee In-Soo, Deacons Kim Dong-won and Cha Sa-sim, Advisers Kim Yeong-cheon and Jeong Kyeong-sook, and a retired Pastor Yang Jae-cheon.
It is likely he will transfer his pastoral role to his son-in-law next year.
Pastor Jyung Ho native home town is actually Youngdeokgun village in Gyeongbuk province, South Korea.
He received his diploma in Pastoral Theology in 1990 from the late Ken. Johnson (Dean of BJS).
Furthermore, He received the 2002(Korea-Japan) FIFA World Cup award for his active involvement in volunteer reception services. He received another award at the 10th Asia Games in Seoul in 1986 for a handball reception volunteer service.
Although pastor Jyung Ho is old he is still an active member of his community and very much supports the Korea-Dokdo-Love program and is also a member of the Global Friendship Club.
The Global Digest editor Barry Welsh edited to this story.
The Netherlands
Help Bring the Pope to Trial: Support the application at the International Criminal Court today!
Special ReportBy Kevin Annett
Apr. 4, 2011

Protest against Pope in London, March 2010
Dear friends,
You can have a direct and real impact on the efforts to bring the Pope, Joseph Ratzinger, to trial at the International Criminal Court (ICC). Here's how:
Two German lawyers, Christian Sailer and Gert Hetzel, have applied to the ICC prosecutor, Dr. Luis Moreno Ocampo, to begin the prosecution of the Pope as a German citizen who is complicit in crimes against humanity.
The Prosecutor will decide by May 15 whether or not to pursue criminal proceedings against Ratzinger. If he does so, an amazing and historic opening will be made that will shift public consciousness enormously.
To make this happen, as many groups, individuals and survivors of church crimes as possible must IMMEDIATELY write to Dr. Ocampo and ask him to pursue charges against the Pope by supporting the Sailer-Hetzel application.
Please send a letter to:
The Prosecutor
The International Criminal Court
Dr. Luis Moreno Ocampo
Maanweg 174
NL-2516 AB Den Haag
The Hague, The Netherlands
Also by entering their names in one of the websites of the German lawyers Christian Sailer and Gert Hetzel: (English)
From these websites you will soon be able to go to the Spanish, Italian and French sites.
We in The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) fully support these two German lawyers and their application at the ICC. We call upon all our affiliates and supporters in every country to contact the lawyers and the ICC Prosecutor and immediately support the application to prosecute the Pope.
Do so before May 15! Have an impact!
We will keep you updated about the ICC application. With my thanks,
Kevin Annett Secretary, ITCCS
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Lotus Lantern Int'l Buddhist Center

One of South Korea Buddhist Center
Located in Sokyok-dong, Chongno-gu, the center offers Buddhism in English on Saturday at 5:30-7:00 p.m., Meditation on Thursdays at 7-8:30 p.m., and Sutra Class on Friday at 7-8:30 p.m. Call 02-735-5347.
Foreigners Fellowship Service at Ansan Multi-Cultural Family Center
Neil Paul ValentinoStaff Correspondent
Jan. 4, 2010

Foreigners have fellowship in Christ
The first day of the week, Christian fellowship service was started on December 02, 2011, Sunday evening at 6:00 pm, at Multi-cultural Family Service Center in Ansan City, People from Philippines, Burma, Congo, Thailand, Cameroon and Korea joined together in an English Worship for the first time which was headed by a 1000 Missionary movement member, Brother Noel Integro.
The first ever English Worship started with songs of praise and presided by Bro. Noel as well. A Korean pastor was invited to be a speaker of the worship, He is Pastor Kim who is also a Director of Multi-Cultural Family Service Center. The dynamic and compassionate Pastor Kim shared to everyone God's Words on that evening and that was a successful beginning of English Worship which attended by different People with different languages.
Likewise, the said worship has special presentation from members who sang religious songs to praise God as everyone amazingly heard extraordinary voices that members have unselfishly shared. Thus, English worship has finished with passionate end with a wonderful messages of the speaker.
We would like to congratulate the mission of the Multicultural-Family Service center for having this kind of worship not only to unite the people from different nations but also to unite them in God's presence. The missionaries as well played a big role for the people's unity and bring everyone to be God's people and children.
For detail:
English language service at SDA church on Saturday at 9:30 a.m. (Sabbath School) and 11 a.m. (Divine service). The service is also provided Dental Clinic, Computer Classes and others.
The first day of the week, Christian fellowship services on Sunday at 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Lunch provided, and evening at 6:00p.m. Dinner provided.
Address: 949-1 Wongok-dong, Danwon-gu, Asan City, Kyonggi-do Province, Republic of Korea(425-130). Phone: 070-7701-3636, 010-8693-8875, 010-8695-2160, 010-8685-8860.
Bhutan: Background of Country
Bhutan is situated at the lap of Himalaya bordering to India in the east, west and south; and China (Tibet) in the north. Its capital city is called Thimphu. Its population consists of about 700,000 with three major ethnic people group known as Ngalong, Sarchop and Lhotshampa (nepali) with same three major languages respectively. Dzongkha is our national language and English is getting common among young generation.
The religions are Buddhism 75%, Hinduism 23%, Christian 1% and others 1%. Bhutan has 20 districts, 205 blocks and about 3000 villages as of now. We have approximately 50 churches throughout Bhutan that means we need 2950 churches more to be established. We are praying to create a Indigenous Mission Society to reach these souls in Bhutan.
In Harvest Field Contact:
Dhan Raj Gurung P.O. Box: 839 Thimphu, Bhutan.
Cell: 00975-1787-1071