Indian Americans Express Shock At Trump-Incited Attack on US Capitol
Special ContributionBy Ajay Ghosh
Trump-Incited Attack on US Capitol
The Indian American community has expressed shock and is dismayed at the events that unfurled on Wednesday, January 6th on Capitol Hill. Supporters of President Donald Trump breached one of the most iconic American buildings, US Capitol, engulfing the nation's capital in chaos after Trump urged the mob of rioters and domestic terrorists to fight against the ceremonial counting of the electoral votes that would confirm President-elect Joe Biden's win. The rioters first breached exterior security barriers, and video footage showed protesters gathering and some clashing with police near the Capitol building. Soon, after breaching through barricades and security checkpoints, the protesters were inside the building -- forcing lawmakers to go into lockdown.
The violent mobsters went door to door waving Confederate flags, looting the offices of senators and congressmen and repeating the false rhetoric that the president has spread since November -- that Trump was the real winner of the election. Smoke grenades were used on the Senate side of the Capitol, as police worked to clear the building of rioters. Windows on the west side of the Senate were broken, and hundreds of officers amassed on the first floor of the building.
The Capitol police officer in the House chamber told lawmakers that they may need to duck under their chairs and informed lawmakers that protesters were in the building's Rotunda. Lots of House members were seen wearing gas masks as they moved between Capitol buildings. Members were calling family to say they were OK. As the minutes turned to hours of violence, politicians called on Trump to instruct his supporters to leave the Capitol. In a Twitter video that was later removed, Trump told them to go home, but repeated that the election was "stolen" from him and said he "loved" the protesters.
The chaos on Capitol Hill, in which a police officer and four others died, has been widely condemned by both Democrats and Republicans. “Our democracy is under unprecedented assault, unlike anything we have seen in modern times,” President-elect Joe Biden said. He described it as “an assault on the citadel of liberty, the Capitol itself.” Mitch McConnell, the Senate Republican leader, was right when he finally stood up to Trump and warned the Senate that legislative moves to overrule voters by excluding some states in the Electoral College count “would damage our republic forever.”
Dr. Sampat Shivangi, president of the Indian American Forum for Political Education and a delegate for Trump, and a veteran leader of AAPI, called the events as “shameful, shocking and unprecedented in the history of once upon a beacon of democracy on the planet. Even though I am a strong Republican and longtime serving US Republican Party delegate for the last four Republican Party conventions, I would not support a bit in any fashion. Now with all that carnage, President Trump has promised for smooth transfer of power on January 20th and with that in mind it is time for healing and I feel President elect Biden and VP elect Ms. Harris should be magnanimous to accept that offer and initiate the first few steps in that process that will bring sanity and respect that US has lost in the world community,” Dr. Shivangi added.
Dr. Navin C. Shah, Founder and former President of AAPI, said, “The unlawful entry and banalization of the Capitol Hill, the temple of the US democracy is totally unacceptable. These culprits be immediately caught and brought to justice. The authorities of the Capitol Hill complex should take urgent actions to inhibit such a mob violence.” Dr. Shah calls for “cool minds of leaders and law makers prevail to have a peaceful transfer of power and address the serious issues, like Corvid 19, unemployment and poor economy, challenging millions of our citizens. For over 200 years the US has survived with the rule of law and constitution and it will go on successfully for many centuries to come.”
Dr. Hetal Gor, a Board Certified OB GYN in the state of New Jersey described the events as “Unconstitutional, Unbelievable, Unimaginable, and Unpatriotic.” Pointing that in the midst of pandemic, a rally was called on the day of electoral vote certification “with the sole purpose of stopping the count,” dr. Gor said, “Years of brainwashing, spreading misinformation, without any evidence calling election rigged when most judges have confirmed no irregularities, instigating the crowd to march to Capitol was home grown terrorism. Months back telling white supremacy groups to stand by, putting pressure on Vice President Pence to act unlawfully & unconstitutionally: all this for a selfish man’s injured pride. One man has caused so much damage to this country, bringing it shame, despair, dividing people, abusing power, disgracing the office. He is not only fit to be a president but an American .He should be impeached, the least we can do. In spite of all the obstacles , democracy prevailed,” added Dr. Gor. Dr. Thomas Abraham, Chairman of the Global Organization of People of Indian Origin, condemned the behavior of the rioters as “deplorable that the President of the United States of America who lost the election incited his supporters to use violence and riots inside the Capital Building, the cradle of democratic institution, so as to keep his power and continue as the President. President Trump should have gracefully accepted the election results and hand over the power in a smooth transition.”
Khanderao Kand, Director of Foundation for India and Indian Diaspora Studies (FIIDS) USA, Founder of Global Technology Professionals Association (GITPRO), said, “I am shocked and saddened to see the unruly and violent protest in Washington DC. This is one of the worst un-democratic moment in the history of the world's longest democracy.” Mr. Anil Bansal, President of FIA (NY, NJ & CT) said, “As a non-white American, what I saw on my 65th birthday was no gift. Watching the dramatic visuals of thousands of Trump supporters, storming the US Capitol, my first reaction was to compare the stark difference between how the Black Lives Matter activists were treated versus the trump supporters. For the first time, I understood the word, “White Privilege.”
Kanchana Poola, past President of New York Tamil Sangam, lamented the lack of law and order on 1/6/2021, “which will go down in the history as the worst act by citizens, encouraged by a sitting President who is unfit to be the leader, whose false claims of stolen votes.” Quoting a CNN reporter, who called Trump “A Sore Looser” Ms. Poola reminded of what President George Bush said: “Trump has made the most powerful country into a Banana Republic. But in those countries he would be removed immediately- but as long as these Republicans are in majority at Congress he will get away with it. Hope the Republicans learnt a lesson loyalty is not earned when they allow an unfit-man at the helm. Hope the Republicans have the back bone to do the right thing for the great country USA claims to be.”
Dr. Mathew Joys, Vice Chair of Indo-American Press Club, called the riots by Trump supporters, including some of Indian origin as “unfortunate.” Stating that it may be common for political, cultural, and religious rallies to be held to display the country's flag in which they were born and raised. We have seen Malayalees carrying the Indian flag at the recent Democrat rallies and violent BLM rallies.The Indian flag was flown at the Capitol Building by a man I knew personally. Participating in such a Rally or bearing an Indian National Flag, only be viewed as a demonstration of our solidarity to the party or to the nation that feeds us.” Gunjan Rastogi, past president of IALI and currently serving as the president of NIAASC described the event on Jan 6th as “Absolutely despicable and a stain on this country’s history.” Stating that Republicans and Trump supporters “prioritized party allegiance over acknowledging President Trump for who he truly is – a liar who has continually incited violence through his words and tweets” she called on all Americans – Republicans and Democrats alike – “must wake up and start electing officials based on character and actions, not for their associated party. President Trump must be held accountable for causing this unforgivable assault on the Capitol.”
Trump, who lost the Nov. 3 election by about seven million votes, called on his supporters on Wednesday to march on Congress, telling them at a rally that “you will never take back our country with weakness.” What the pro-Trump rioters attacked was not only a building but also the Constitution, the electoral system, our democratic process. They humiliated the United States before the world and left America’s enemies chortling. They will be remembered as Benedict Arnolds.
Whatever a president’s rhetoric, he betrays the Constitution when he oversees a campaign to overturn a free election guaranteed by that Constitution, and when he galvanizes rioters to overpower our democratic process. Trump summoned supporters to Washington and unleashed them as rioters on the Capitol as the Electoral College votes were being counted. “Be there, will be wild,” he tweeted. “Let’s have trial by combat,” his lawyer Rudy Giuliani told a rally of Trump supporters shortly before they stormed the Capitol. So pro-Trump crowds dismantled security fences and invaded the Capitol. You can call them rioters or terrorists or coup plotters, but they were not Making America Great Again.
A Reuters/Ipsos national public opinion survey, conducted Thursday and Friday, showed that seven out of 10 of those who voted for Trump in November opposed the action of the hardcore supporters who broke into the Capitol while lawmakers were meeting to certify the election victory of Democrat Joe Biden. Nearly 70% of Americans surveyed also said they disapprove of Trump's actions in the run-up to Wednesday's assault. At a rally earlier in the day, Trump had exhorted thousands of his followers to march to the Capitol. The stunning display of insurrection was the first time the US Capitol had been overrun since the British attacked and burned the building in August of 1814, during the War of 1812, according to Samuel Holliday, director of scholarship and operations with the US Capitol Historical Society.
Stupid No More: Waking up to the Uses and Abuses of our Discontent or, Follow the Money, Dummy
Special ContributionBy Kevin D. Annett
Dec 31, 2012

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper(R)
If we assume responsibility for our self or the world around us we will be harmed by the permanently raised and threatening arm of authority. And so, to avoid this danger, we learn to become servile and dependent victims who are acted upon, or who act at the command and initiative of others. - Victor Frankl, Psychologist and Nazi Holocaust Survivor
Ours is a disappointed age. The End Times did not arrive after all with the close of 2012. But Canadians, at least, have been given a small consolation, of a sort: that is, if you believe their corporate media, who are suddenly raving about a new and supposedly "grassroots aboriginal protest movement" that pundits claim is sweeping the country, and calling itself the quite non-aboriginal name "Idle No More".
The protests of this mysterious group are undeniably real, as are the hundreds of eager, often non-aboriginal demonstrators who are about as worked up as Canadians can get over anything. But what exactly is this thing called Idle No More, and who runs and pays for it, is anybody's guess.
These latest, carefully managed demonstrations arrived right out of the blue, as only pre-fabricated dissent can, and has as its poster person an appropriately sympathetic figure: Chief Theresa Spence from the poverty-stricken Attawapiskat reserve in Ontario.
Chief Tess has been conducting a one-woman hunger fast to force Prime Minister Harper to halt his legislation, Bill C-45, that allows the government to sell Indian reservation land without first consulting the local state-funded tribal council "chiefs". Wow. Now that's an issue to go to the barricades over, eh?
Well, maybe for reservation council chiefs like Theresa Spence and her organization, the state-funded "Assembly of First Nations", who obviously need to improve their bargaining position with Ottawa - and who are most likely the originators of the whole "movement". But how does any of that help your average poverty-stricken Indians, most of whom live off reservation?
Besides, it's all bullshit, anyway. Under the Indian Act, the government can already sell off any reservation land they want without first checking with their puppet chiefs, since all reserve land is owned by that fiction called "the Crown".
Hey! You mean this whole issue is a big fraud and a red herring? Surely not in Canada! It seems that all those unfortunate Idle No More activists are being seriously lied to, and by the very people under whose banner they're protesting: that upstart class of native wannabe capitalists who want to profit off the sale of their own peoples' lands without having the feds interfere.
One such wannabe, "Chief" Ed John from northern B.C., has pocketed millions of dollars since the 1980's by forcing his own Carrier-Sekani people off their lands and signing illegal deals with Alcan and other mining companies. Ed's now a senior Canadian official at the United Nations - and a vocal supporter of Idle No More.
Surprised? I hope not. For none of this is new. History is replete with examples of masses of people being conned to fight and die for the interests of various elites, whether they be white or dark-skinned. Such "movements" are always created suddenly from the top-down just as Idle No More has been, trumpeting salvation for those who are duped into being the steam in somebody else's engine - and who gain nothing at the end of the day.
After all, how exactly will any of my dying aboriginal friends on Vancouver's mean streets benefit from the defeat of Bill C-45? Or all the moms on reservations who watch their kids decay as the housing and jobs and drugs are dealt out to the friends and family of the local "Chief"? In a word, not one bit. I don't doubt Chief Theresa's sincerity. But she is, after all, the front piece of a machine controlled from elsewhere. And what matters is not figure heads but who and what they represent.
Nevertheless, all protest is good. It gets people moving, even if it is in the wrong direction. And who knows? This "Idle No More" thing is just starting. Movements do morph, and sometimes they escape the clutches of the string-pullers and are transformed from below. But that requires alternative leadership, with a different view, and strategy.
So far, no such alternative has emerged. The Idle No More activists, native and white, are still taking their cues from well-funded aboriginal politicians whose notion of revolt is calling for "more consultation" from the government. Shit. No wonder the world thinks that Canadians are boring.
The whole farce reminds me of the sudden, solitary visit last year of top Apple, "Grand Chief" Sean Atleo of the Assembly of First Nations, to Vancouver's downtown east side slums. Sean walked around the streets for an hour or so, saying hi to all the dying Indians who don't share his $200,000 a year salary. And then Sean made a big splash with the media with his comment about how his organization - and not all those homeless Indians he'd met, apparently - needed lots more money from Ottawa.
As common law reminds us, Let he who will be deceived, be deceived. Idle No More is not a very well-crafted deception. After all, how many Indians that you know construct expressions like "Idle No More"? That language sounds more like the kind used by an academic-for-hire trying to sound radical: just like the very term "First Nations". But if it sounds politically correct and makes folks feel good, that seems to do the trick for most of the placard-waving crowd.
The real grassroots movements that pose a threat to Canada's colonial regime are never reported in the corporate media or listened to by the authorities. Such genuine movements are normally killed off before they can stagger to their feet. I've watched that happen more times than I want to remember, usually among impoverished people who have neither the right connections or funding on their side: simply the truth. And that makes them incomprehensible to many of the people presently engaged in respectable protest.
We built such a grassroots movement on Vancouver's streets after 2005, consisting entirely of aboriginal survivors of the Christian death camps quaintly called "residential schools" . Through direct and unannounced occupations of churches and government offices, our movement forced the feds to admit that genocide had happened in the Indian residential schools. We scared the churches responsible like nothing has before then, or since. And we even made Idle No More possible, since Christian Canada knew that, after having its cathedrals and church offices seized by angry residential school survivors, no more could the murderers of Indian children simply ignore the ongoing Canadian genocide.
By 2011, that movement of ours had been destroyed from within and from without by well placed operatives, and it cost the lives of at least six of our best activists and friends: all poor and aboriginal, of course. Our bravest and clearest people were killed, in plain sight, and as a warning to the rest of us. And like all uncontrolled opposition movements bubbling from below, our group was not only stamped out forcibly, but smeared and misrepresented by the media and hired mudslingers at every step.
That doesn't sound like Idle No More very much, does it? I don't imagine that many of their spokespeople will end up getting beaten to death by Vancouver cops or terminated with lethal injections in Catholic hospitals, as befell our organizers Bingo Dawson and Billy Combes. The protected and controlled opposition doesn't run that risk.
But at the end of the day, the truth always does come out, and the little jerk behind the big mask emerges. Just check out the website of the Assembly of First Nations and trace the corporate donors behind them and their local puppet chiefs, and you'll begin to see who the real "Idle No More" is: B.C. Hydro, Alcan, Power Corporation, North American Water and Power Alliance, Weyerhauser, and Cameco Uranium - to say nothing of all the Chinese resource consortia that own much of Canada's (formerly) Great White North.
These companies are the same ones that prop up the Harper Tory government, and such Big Money needs the tribal council chiefs to secure them their control over aboriginal lands and resources, freed of all government restraints. And that's why the contrived spectacle of a "conflict" between these same tribal elites and Ottawa is but the latest stage show managed from the Prime Minister's Office, to conceal its complicity, and from corporate board rooms, to grab the water, oil and uranium from under the feet of native nations across Canada, while we're all focused on the pseudo-political drama called Idle No More.
It's called the Big Distraction, people. But the very fact of its rapid staging right now means that somebody in charge is worried, and in need of deception. And I'll wager my next year's non-existent salary that Canada's upcoming condemnation in European Human Rights Courts for Genocide is not exactly unrelated to this latest Distraction - and Big Money's rapid effort to grab what it can from us, while it can. Stupid No More.
If God were Alive Today: Remembering Maisie Shaw and Berny Cameron
Special ContributionBy Kevin D. Annett
Dec 26, 2012

Canadas holocaust residential school
A Christmas Reflection to be read, if possible, in every Catholic and United Church service across Canada
It's well into the night here in Nanaimo, and although the cold rain beats incessantly at our home, the fire inside is roaring. Carol is asleep next to me on the couch and my stomach is filled and warmed with good cheer. And yet my thoughts are far from my cocoon of peace, as they have been every Christmas Eve for the past nearly two decades.
Her name was Maisie Shaw, and she would have turned eighty this year. Instead, she died a young teenager at the bottom of some concrete stairs an hour's drive from here, on Christmas Eve in 1946. A Christian killed Maisie with his angry boot: a man named Reverend Alfred Caldwell, who died peacefully in bed years later after being officially honored as a "true man of God and a servant of the aboriginal community" by his United Church of Canada, and handsomely pensioned.
But on Christmas Eve of 1946, Alfred Caldwell ignored Maisie's small corpse at the bottom of the stairs, according to the other young girl who saw the murder. He walked away from his crime, and sometime later that night he wished all the still-breathing girls and boys at the Alberni Indian residential school a happy Christmas after they'd sung songs about the gentle newborn named Jesus. And then, later, Alfred Caldwell raped another one of those little children in his room, or two of them at a time, like he did almost every night he was Principal there. The boot that erased Maisie Shaw wiped out a whole bloodline of unborn souls who would have sprung from her.
Somehow I see their many faces as I gaze just now out my warmth-fogged window, knowing that their spirits will linger among us only as long as someone cares about who they might have been. I even imagine that one or two of their spectral images might tonight visit a reclusive United Church official or Prime Minister with a name not unlike Ebenezer Scrooge, and pull back another one of them from the brink of their own selves. But such hope is for fairy tales told in comfortable rooms, and very soon all of their lost and betrayed faces ripple and fade away into the cold night.
What persists for Canadians is not the battered and bloody end of a little girl named Maisie, but the warm fact of our fireplaces and our full stomachs. And so ultimately I understand all the others who feel the fullness of their lives and so must deny the incomprehensible truth of what we have done and the filth that we all sustain.
I have told the world about Maisie Shaw and those like her for seventeen years now, ever since I learned of her fate; and Canada has been changed for it. And yet nothing has really changed. For just last month, another clergyman much like Alfred Caldwell got a medal from the Canadian government. His name is Bernard Cameron; and as a catholic priest in Cornwall, Ontario he was officially named in a National Citation as someone who has `"done a lot of good in the community and has made us all very proud", according to his local Member of Parliament.
Bernard Cameron is also a serial child rapist, as his own victims have declared in public. But like Alfred Caldwell, Berny will never see the inside of a prison, and he will rape children until he dies. Canada and its churches, after all, know how to take care of their own. If God were alive today, I wonder what would happen to Caldwell, and Berny Cameron, and all the others who officially do good? After all, since it's the drive to make the world a better place by making other people different that has brought us to where we are today, then I figure that a Supreme Deity might have a different plan in mind besides doing good.
For if God were actually alive today, and not allowing the Caldwells and the Camerons to win all the time, maybe all that stuff attributed to Him or Her in the Bible might start happening. And wouldn't that be pleasant for all of us, starting with our Official Do-Gooders like Alfred Caldwell and Berny Cameron? But I wouldn't hold your breaths.
I hear the Vatican is working overtime these days to have child rapists re-classified as "non-offenders" under psychiatric and statutory laws around the world. And the Harper government recently changed the law in Canada requiring only a one year mandatory sentence for child rape. So I guess Canada's medal to Berny Cameron isn't so unusual, after all: most likely, it's the wave of the future.
Things are probably better this way: Berny Cameron gets his medal and the rest of us keep trying to do good within easy reach of our fireplaces. And Maisie Shaw stays moldering in her unmarked and forgotten grave. After all, are you prepared for the alternative? Merry Christmas.
The Murder of Vicky Stewart by the United Church of Canada
Special ContributionBy Kevin D. Annett
Dec 17, 2012
Witnessing about Vicky's murder
Brussels: The ITCCS has received new evidence of the murder of aboriginal children at Indian Residential Schools in Canada, and of the apparent coverup of such murders by Canadian church and state.
The enclosed youtube posting describes the killing of a nine year old west coast aboriginal child, Victoria Stewart, by United Church employee Ann Knizky, as attested by Vicky's sister, Charlotte Stewart.
This evidence was submitted today to the docket of the ITCCS-sponsored International Common Law Court of Justice, which is considering evidence of Genocide in Canada. The Prosecutor's Office of the Court will be submitting its complete and final case evidence this week, which will be posted at .
Please circulate today's youtube posting widely.
With our thanks,
Kevin D. Annett, Advisor to the Prosecutor's Office, ICLCJ
Watch the video:
Canada's Official Whitewash of its own Genocide Exposed: Two Participants in the "Truth and Reconciliation" Forums tell their Experience of Fraud, Shutdown, Cover-up
Special ReportBy Jeremiah Jourdain
Occupied Squamish Nation territory
Vancouver, Dec. 6, 2012: Two participants at Canada's expensive "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" (TRC) forums went public today to expose the corrupt proceedings.
Shawna Green, a second-generation survivor of Indian residential schools, and Sylvester Greene, a former inmate at the United Church "school" in Edmonton, describe on the enclosed interviews a regime of silencing and intimidation at the TRC.
According to these witnesses, spokespeople for the churches responsible for the crimes in these schools were given precedent over survivors themselves at the TRC events, and survivors were prevented from speaking or were heavily censored and controlled by TRC staff.
The accounts of Shawna and Sylvester have been entered into the evidence of the International Common Law Court of Justice, which was convened in October to judge evidence of crimes against humanity by church and state.
During the Court's third round of cases, to be conducted in the spring of 2013, the issue of a criminal conspiracy by the government and churches of Canada to conceal their crimes in Indian residential schools will be in the docket, including a critical examination of the TRC and its sponsoring agencies.
Kevin Annett - Eagle Strong Voice Advisor to The Prosecutor's Office, The International Common Law Court of Justice affiliated with ITCCS International (Brussels)
Visit to -
Update and Latest Youtube posting from Kevin Annett and The International Common Law Court of Justice
Nov 30, 2012
Jutice symbol
Dear Citizen Jurors, friends everywhere, and all people of conscience,
For your patience and steadfastness, first of all, I thank you. As you know, on November 5 we posted at the first evidence concerning crimes of Genocide in Canada by church and state. We hoped to have the additional evidence in that case up by now, but the enormous volume of testimonies and documents to sort through and process has been greater than we had imagined. But this next round of evidence from our Prosecutor's Office will be up online at during December, hopefully by the middle of this month. We have also prepared the attached youtube segment that we hope you'll share widely. Otherwise, the news is all good.
Our work is being broadcasted on public television in the United States now, thanks to efforts of friends with Pubic Access TV in Oregon and Napa, California. Besides the wide internet postings, we estimate that several million people are now viewing our work on television, along with the original documentary film on Genocide in Canada, Unrepentant, viewable at Unrepentant has already been broadcast to millions of Europeans on German and Swiss television networks, along with a million or more hits on the internet.
In addition, for those of you who are regular listeners, our Hidden from History blog talk radio program has been re-scheduled to re-commence on Saturday, December 15 at 1 pm pacific time, 4 pm eastern, and 9 pm GMT in Europe. It can be heard on the internet at . I also draw your attention to the latest posting, where we list candidates for public de-frocking among known criminal members of the catholic and protestant clergy.
The disgusting "public honouring" by the Canadian government of a known child raping catholic priest in Cornwall, Ontario this past week - a child predator named Bernard Cameron - is not only a new low for Canada but a reason to continue naming and shaming these child killers in public, loudly and constantly. For the sake of the children, living and dead, and those who we'll save tomorrow by our work, let us continue.
Thanks for all your help, Kevin Annett - Eagle Strong Voice
Watch here -
Laughing all the Way to Purgatory, or Some Such Place: Bringing Down the Devil in Charge with a Chuckle
Special ContributionBy Kevin D. Annett
Nov 21, 2012

Pope in Vatican
The rain is beating something new on my roof tonight. I was just out in its downpour, racing my 56 year old body along Kennedy street in soaked sneakers to raise my metabolism or something. And even though I sprained my back during my final sprint home, getting soaked and exhausted like that was preferable to my latest effort today to rouse a dead nation, and world, using mere words.
It's time for a change of strategy, I've announced to my soggy frame, and expectations. Besides, I'm bored with trying to convince people of the obvious, namely to rise up against or even just disaffiliate from the maniacal system that's destroying us and our world.
For one thing, fear has too great a hold on the crowd these days to be budged by reason, or verbal appeals. Even setting an example of what to do doesn't catch on among our drugged-up people. And while it's nice to think that love conquers all, we all know better. But what I have discovered along the way is that what really shakes the thrones of the mighty is a good belly laugh at those in charge. Mocking a naked emperor is good for the soul, and the movement.
Besides, on a personal note, I'm beginning to find the whole effort to topple child killers in power genuinely amusing nowadays, after years of getting morally outraged and disgusted with everybody for their apathy or complicity. For I can't help but laugh at all my pious enemies and their paid flunkies, who above all else are undeniably mockable.
After all, the idea of dishing out money to "fix" one's own acts of mass murder of children is a pretty comedic notion: something akin to praying for your victims, or paying money to a big corporation in Rome to guarantee quick and easy passage into an other-worldly paradise.
I mean, does God really deal in cash? Or does He accept Visa and MasterCard too? I meant to ask about that the last time I picketed the Vatican. For as every good pope knows, there's more than one sucker born every minute when it comes to Big Religion.
So considering the gang of buffoons we're up against, Carol keeps urging me to take up a new profession. She says I should translate everything I've been through and know now into a one-man traveling comedic performance called "Under the Robes". She's even promised to accompany me on the guitar. It's a tempting thought, and as Oscar Wilde reminds us, temptation is the one thing we should never resist. For didn't another Gaelic bard, George Bernard Shaw, also teach that ridicule is the one thing the rich and powerful have no defense against? Or was that George Orwell?
I'm already starting to work on my stand-up routine for Under the Robes. Part of my costume includes a tea cozy for my headpiece and a long pink robe and a whip, as part of my "Flog a Money Changer for Jesus" routine. I plan to accompany my performance with such introductory titles to each scene change as "Let us Prey", "Suffer the Little Children" and "Christendom and Dumber". All things considered, I figure I'm holding in my paws quite a novel act: a veteran clergyman giving his audience the inside scoop on what's really behind the big mask that they're all taught to fear.
I mean, just think of it: I can reveal to a shocked and disbelieving world the final answers to such questions as, What do they actually teach ministers at seminary? (You'd be surprised) What do men and women of the cloth do in a week on the job? (You'd be even more surprised) And of course, the most burning and cosmic question of all: Do clergy do more than lay people? (Get it?)
In these pre-apocalyptic days of ecological collapse and the slow but sure poisoning of human bodies, minds and souls, it may seem trivial and even a distraction from all that "serious stuff" to indulge in a comedic challenge to the Bad Guys. Simply laughing at the psychopaths in power sure as hell won't unseat them, or their system. But it might snap a shackle or two around the compulsory mental deferring to their so-called authority that's so hot wired into us that we all display it like so many silly trained seals.
I've seen the magic of laughing at the enemy work: like the time the chubby Vancouver police sergeant fresh from the coffee shop lumbered up the steps of the catholic cathedral a bunch of us had just successfully occupied during a mass, only to inform us that we weren't allowed to do what we'd just done. We all spontaneously laughed at him, and he just sort of slunk away.
Or take the time the ponderous Anglican Bishop in Toronto challenged me to "prove" that any children had died at the hands of his church; and after handing him all the death records, I informed the cleric that there was a lot more historical evidence that kids died in his church's Indian schools than there was for the existence of Jesus Christ. He slunk away too. Residential school survivors target Catholic Church
Native activists issue eviction notice to Catholic church, Vancouver, 2011 You can bet your booty that this kind of ridicule works, because rational argument with criminals is pointless: especially when they're in power and have "law" and "decency" on their side.
The churches and their compliant governments have the discourse surrounding their abominations all sown up, as well as our imaginations: so much so that they can even talk matter of factly about their extermination of children and make it all seem that it's been neatly "healed" now, by them.
What can we do but laugh at such incredible bullshit? The killer healing his victims? That's almost as hilarious a notion as the expression "Aboriginal Healing Fund"! In the face of such absurdity, what do we have left to smash apart their sick arrangement other than the power of sarcasm and laughter? Nothing else seems to have worked. And trust me, it does work: especially against the powerful.
After all, think about it: how did you feel and react the last time you were laughed at? You weren't reasonable or understanding, I assure you. You lost your cool. You got angry. And that's exactly what we want, when it comes to our enemies. For having so much to lose, and so much to conceal, church and state are very easy to provoke into self-destructive responses - especially when they're being mocked and exposed in public.
My early taste of this happened at the first protest we ever held about the murder of an Indian child, Maisie Shaw, at a United Church residential school. It was December of 1995. Within a day of a Vancouver newspaper's reporting of the protest and an eyewitness account of Maisie's murder, the national office of the same church issued a hurried press statement saying that it had not covered up Maisie Shaw's death - even though nobody had yet accused them of staging a cover up! Oops. Touchy now, weren't they? But it's precisely those knee-jerk over reactions by the guilty that expose more of their crime than anything we few activists can ever do.
Big corporations with blood on their hands always expose themselves, with the right provocation. And there's nothing more provocative than laughing loud and long at hypocrites in high office. Besides, this whole matter of institutionalized child killing is too important to reduce it to yet another issue to "protest" about. When a murderous Emperor is naked, he needs to be jeered at, not politely commented about from a distance.
And anyway, comedy is a lot more creative and inspiring than tragedy, which is only one dimensional: the big guys win and we all get screwed. Comedy, contrarily, is the little belch of Yertle the Turtle at the bottom of the social heap that topples the King Turtle to the ground with an everlasting thud. And don't forget that laughing together also keeps us human, and hopeful: diminishing qualities in these last days.
So I figure that the sky's the limit when it comes to my Under the Robes production, or with any truly comedic project to topple the throne of the wealthy using humor. Just think of the possibilities! And the incredible vulnerability of those big fat juicy churches! So people, let's try to be original, for once.
Why don't you all invade next Sunday's local catholic mass with some people dressed up like the Pope, dispensing condoms to the parishioners? Or taking a collection for the Committee to Defend the Vatican, or (my favorite charity), The Caucasian Healing Fund? And whatever you do, be sure to film the fun and post it everywhere, to inspire other future ass kickers. But let's not forget the Protestants.
Some of my friends in Occupy Toronto have their eyes on the Anglican church headquarters where all those revealing documents are stored, showing a Crown-approved plan to wipe out Mohawk Indian children. Ever camp out in a Bishop's office? But I can't resist spilling the beans about my upcoming, personally favorite comedy action.
Sometime in 2013, I plan to set up a Papal Confession Booth in the middle of St. Peter's Square in Rome, and inform his Unholiness (and the press) that any Catholic cleric, Rat Boy included, can come and confess all their shit to me and receive absolution for only a few Euros. Seriously.
When in Rome, right? So go forth and multiply, O irreverent bards and bardesses. Strip away the big mask of the murderous little creeps behind it. And for goddess' sake, have fun doing it! It will sure as hell beat another internet posting.
What really forced the change: Remembering the spark that ignited the present storm
Special ContributionBy Kevin Annett
Nov 15, 2012

Ottawa protest
Some haughty critic of mine announced the other day that "We know all about the genocide in Canada!" Indeed you do, because we taught you about it.
Perhaps I've become a kind of ghost now, driven from your midst and lingering in the margins, but I and those like me have left an indelible mark on all of you, even on those who know nothing of these events; for we changed everything. Here is a moment that altered the soul of Canada.
In those days, we'd put out the word and within an hour a crowd of fifty or more men and women would gather from all over the downtown east side of Vancouver: hungry people, drawn partly by the food and coffee they knew was offered after the protest, but also armed with a justifiable grudge against those fancy church cathedrals and the drones who ran them.
Back then, I'd walk around the streets and gather people in the ones and twos, and rally them outside the Carnegie Center that we'd renamed the Brodie Place after Steve Brodie, who'd led the local sit down strikes of 1938 that won unemployment insurance. Better to call our community center after a rabble rousing radical than some robber baron industrialist, we figured. And from the steps of that place, I'd raise the standard of our movement and even more people would start flocking around it: a worn banner that would one day even flutter outside the Vatican, and read "All the Children Need a Proper Burial".
We'd already carried that banner into several local churches during their Sunday services, disconcerting the priests to no end and confusing the lazy cops who'd eventually show up and try to look like they were in charge. "It's about all the kids these churches killed" I'd inform the head cop when he asked what we were doing, and my words would confuse the police even more.
But this particular Sunday, things were different. The church brass had had enough, it seemed, and they'd ordered those occupations by wild Indians to stop. So as I stood on the steps of Brodie Place that March morning in 2007 and gathered all of the familiar faces around me, across the street a formidable phalanx of cops started assembling.
Such a coordinated effort by Vancouver police was unusual, since more often than not those particular boys in blue were off somewhere raping or hustling hookers, or beating up local drug dealers for being slow on their payoff payments or for cutting in on the cops' own dealing. So I was surprised when the police mob coalesced, and began gazing at me with a clearly nasty intent.
One of them sauntered over to me and asked me if I was Kevin Annett. "You mean you don't know by now?" I replied. "What are you planning today, Mr. Annett?" continued the young cop, blushing slightly. "We're having a protest, which you must also know" "Do you plan to go into any church service?" he said sternly. "Is that illegal?" I replied.
He seemed stumped by the question, and so I filled him in on the law. "Section 176 of the criminal code says we can't stop the clergyman from performing his duties, so we won't" "Well, if you give me your word you won't ..." said the cop, trying to sound intimidating. "I just said we won't" An elderly native woman named Maggie began berating the wannabee cop just then, freeing me to brief our little army about that day's plan.
Maggie hated cops. One night I saw her personally drag a police barrier across Main street in front of the cop shop, screaming the whole time, as she led a dozen other Indians in an impromptu protest, demanding that one of their friends be released from jail. Maggie didn't budge until friend Trevor staggered out of the police station hours later, beaten and bloodied, but beaming.
Other happy faces now long departed were in our crowd that Sunday morning: Bingo Dawson, half drunk of course, but even more articulate because of it; Billie Combes, sad as always and barely able to see past his pain, but determined "not to let you guys down"; and big Ricky Lavallee, dragging along a two string guitar he'd found somewhere with which he kept our spirits alive with his home made, terrible songs.
I led them all west, down Hastings street, and we picked up more friends along the way, like in one of those movie scenes where hordes of stampeding warriors stream down from the hills to join an ever expanding rebel army. We were known by everyone in the Hood back then, and semi-conscious guys waved their support and give us a thumbs-up from the alleyways that morning. They knew where we were heading, as did every cop in town.
Knowing this, we expected to be met by the usual wall of official thuggery when we got to the big roman catholic cathedral on Dunsmuir street, another place named after another filthy robber baron. But our better angels had cleared a way for us that morning, like they'd done for Moses and the escaping multitudes out of Egypt. The church doors stood wide open, and not a security guard or a policeman was in sight. "Holy fuck" announced Bingo. "Yeah, it's a sign, alright" I answered him. "Let's go in!"
I had been joined by then by the hereditary chief for the local Squamish people, Kiapilano, and the two of us led our motley crew into Holy Rosary Cathedral. We stopped briefly inside the front entrance, and then dressing our lines, we walked slowly towards the front of the church and the two priests who pretended to be essential links on a transmission belt to eternity.
The senior cleric saw us first, and he went even paler than he already was. The guy's name was Glen Dion, and his own cook told me a month later that "Reverend" Dion had stolen at least $600,000 from the local parish funds, including by taking a personal cut from the collection plate at every mass. So Glen obviously had a lot to be scared of.
"Get out of here!" he barked at me and Siem Kiapilano as we approached. We ignored him, and turned to face the startled parishioners, who were struggling through a ponderous hymn. Our army of light gathered around us, and three homeless guys held up high our banner for all of the pew crowd to see. The organist kept playing the same tune over and over, hoping we'd leave, I guess. But it got kind of ridiculous after awhile, and the priest told him to cut it out. Then the other man of god grabbed me by the arm and gave it a sharp twist.
"We've asked you to leave!" he hissed at me, his eyes staring daggers. "And we've asked you where the children who you killed are buried" I replied quietly. The arm twister stormed away in a huff, maybe to pray or something, although I doubt it. But Glen the Thief stayed put, trying to look like he was in charge, as Billie and Ricky and many others moved among the church crowd, handing them leaflets that explained what their church had done and was still doing to innocent children.
"Beautiful" Kiapliano said to me as he gazed around, and I smiled and nodded back at him. The moment was sublime, and I wouldn't have been at all surprised if a heavenly chorus had have burst into song just then. The priests were powerless, for once, and stood there like their counterparts must have done when a ragged Jew tried a similar number on another polluted Temple, long before. And the folks in the pews were mostly curious, or even awed, by what was happening.
Suddenly, the clan mothers among us sensed the right moment, and one of them began drumming slowly and singing an ancient message in her own language. She began to lead our group from the place.
Incredibly, as we walked out of the church holding aloft our call to remember 50,000 lost children, the entire congregation spontaneously stood as one body. The cops were still absent when we emerged joyfully from the cathedral, cheering and laughing, and hugging each other in triumph.
Billie Combes was especially happy. He used to get physically ill whenever he saw a crucifix, since that's what hung above him when the the priests at the Kamloops residential school tortured him on their rack in the school basement. But that day, emerging from the place of the enemy on which he had counted such a coup, Billie was a new man.
"I never thought I could do that" he said to me, incredulous, and twenty years younger. "We did it together, man" someone said. The keystone cops did finally arrive as we were dispersing, and a sergeant announced to those of us who remained that we couldn't go into the cathedral.
"We did already" I informed him. "Well, don't do it again!" he yelled at our smiling mob. I wanted to tell the cop that there was no need to go back into the place. The citadel of darkness had already fallen.
For the message was true, after all, I realized as I walked away in triumph with the others: The mighty and the wealthy have been driven from their thrones and sent away empty, and the poor and despised are inheriting the world promised to them. I know. I was there when it happened.
Truth, like the Air We Breathe: An Open Letter and Appeal to Dennis Banks, the American Indian Movement, and People of Good Will
Special ContributionBy Kevin Annett
Nov 3, 2012

Kevin D Annett
In times such as these, we should utter nothing for which we would not willing to be held to account thoroughout time and eternity. - Abraham Lincoln, 1863
You are more hated by white society than we are, because as one of their own, you are exposing their crimes. That is why I have adopted you as my son and given you this name Eagle Strong Voice, and the protection of our Crane clan. Whoever attacks you, attacks our people. - Anishinabe elder Whispering Wind, Louis Daniels, to the author, May 4, 2007, Winnipeg
Dear Dennis,
I have read the words that appear to come from you, in which you echo the untruths that have been concocted about me and the work I do: lies circulated by the very same forces that have attacked you and other AIM leaders over the decades, and have sought your destruction.
Having never met you, it's hard for me to imagine how you can know that much about me, besides what certain shadowy persons have "told" you. It is unfortunate and unjust that you have chosen to comment about me without even coming to know me and what I do in a week, or even speaking to me first. I don't need to tell you how insidious are the poisonous methods of character assasination, rumor and gossip, and how powerful and destructive a tool they have been in the government's war to destroy AIM and anyone who challenges the genocide of indigenous people.
Indeed, you yourself have been the target of such "badjacketing" tactics by the FBI, when one of their operatives, a criminal named Douglas Durham, infiltrated your organization in the 1970's and became your personal bodyguard and assistant. From that strategic position, Durham pit AIM members against one another and helped to factionalize and destroy your organization, using precisely the same methods and lies now being employed against me and the historic work of our International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State.
Now, I can't explain why or how people like "Lydia White Calf", the wealthy white woman whose last name is really Biddle, can pose as a friend and supporter of mine for years, and then in barely a day suddenly come to hate me, and lead a hysterical campaign to "expose" me, based on nothing. What she does has no honor in it, any more than it has truth.
But I am surprised and saddened that as someone who has already experienced how effective are these kinds of smears and badjacketing by the state against movements like ours, you have so quickly fallen prey to it once again. For the things you allege about me on a pathetic and fraudulent website called "Stop Kevin" are not only grossly untrue, but have been created by those same state operatives who seek to conceal the evidence of genocide in Indian boarding schools that I have unearthed and made public at enormous personal risk and cost for the past twenty years.
In a joint radio interview he and I did several years ago, your AIM co-worker Russell Means commented, "America needs a Kevin Annett down here to hold it accountable for its genocide". Russell also said to me over the phone afterwards, "I'm not surprised that the feds are trying to badjacket you like they did me. It's what they do to the true warriors".
I cannot judge what has compelled you to believe unsubstantiated lies about me, and to make the public declaration against me that you have. In justice, if you still disseminate those lies after today, I will expect you to substantiate those claims about me with evidence more than second hand allegations, and state how and why you came to believe such disprovable things.
From my own sources, I know who has influenced you. They themselves have received funding from Canada's covert arm of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police since at least June, 1998 to infiltrate and bad jacket the work I am doing. They have helped to destroy two of the organizations I helped establish, and I believe are responsible for the deaths of at least four of my aboriginal co-workers.
All of this evidence will be presented publicly in the course of our Tribunal. But that isn't the ultimate issue, and I refuse to play the government's covert game by shooting back at you, and thereby adding fuel to the civil war they are concocting between us. The issue, after all, is their crimes against humanity.
Besides, I do know that anyone who survives the horrors of state assaults like you have is left permanently marked by it. Practically every day, I work with the survivors of the Indian residential schools genocide - without pay or recognition, I should add. And it is sad but true that those who have been traumatized and abused can so easily be manipulated to abuse and attack others.
As Russell Means commented about you after the Douglas Durham incident, as is noted in Ward Churchill's book about the FBI's destruction of AIM, "After Durham's infiltration, Dennis (Banks) became paranoid about everybody" I hope this isn't in fact the case, and I am certainly not your judge and jury. I know what it's like to not know who to trust, or believe. Only the Great Mystery can ultimately know the truth in our words and hearts; but as part of that Mystery, we carry truth in us and rely on it as the very air we breathe. And so I know, after many long nights and bitter personal losses, that this truth is ultimately our only comfort and weapon in times like these, facing the murderous lies and oppression that we do.
But allow me to focus on what matters, which is the struggle to defend all of our children, our nations and the land we share from that which is threatening us - and to bring home for a proper burial, and to bring to justice those responsible for, the hundreds of thousands of native children killed by Christian churches and their "Indian schools". That struggle is at a critical point in history, as is the work I have done to link up survivors of Christian Genocide in nine countries to bring charges in a global common law court against the Vatican, the British Crown and the government and churches of Canada.
This week, we are posting online some of the exhibits and evidence of mass murder and 34 crimes against humanity in the residential schools across Turtle Island. And so the offensive to stop this truth has escalated, as is apparent by the growing assaults by internet smear specialists like those who are so crudely maligning me, with your help.
Because the fate of so many, living and dead, is now in our hands, I would like the chance to sit with you in circle and speak like men and as equals about these many grave matters. In the tradition of both of our peoples, that is the Natural Law and the justice owed by sovereign men and women towards one other. I have in fact been commissioned to do so by clan mothers of the Haudenosonee nation, who presented me with the Two Row Wampum flag of equality and peace three years ago at Kahnawake, and asked me to carry its message to my people. Under the authority of that original Two Row treaty of understanding between our people, I request that we come together to find the truth and make it known to the world.
Unlike my shadowy detractors who hide behind pseudonyms and lies, I have never concealed myself away from the light of public inspection. I have based all that I have claimed on hard evidence and with the full permission, which can be proved, of eyewitnesses to Christian genocide. But the fact is that I am not the issue. The guilt and the crimes of corporate Christian America and Canada are. I look forward to the coming weeks, when our Common Law court will commence, and we will directly challenge the crimes of the Vatican and the state. Our aim, and my aim, is to bring down these genocidal institutions and reinvent our culture to cleanse it of its genocidal heritage, and actions. I hope you'll join me and others in this task, and opportunity. In the guidance of my ancestors and in friendship, I am Kevin Annett Eagle Strong Voice
1497 and So On: A History of White People in Canada OR The Caucasian Healing Fund
Special ContributionBy Kevin D Annett
Oct 29, 2012

(a clearly disloyal 7th generation Canadian and a resolutely faithful member of the Republic of Kanata)
In the Beginning
John Cabot stumbled across Canada and he wasn't even an Englishman but he called himself one, which tells you something. Unable to hitch a ride with Columbus, the Italian seaman headed west in an English sloop and found himself stuck in a shoal of cod a hundred miles wide.
Somehow King Henry (not the wife killer, but his Dad) found out and granted John title to all that fish as well as to anybody's land he found, employing a trick he learned from Pope Alexander VI, who in 1493 told everyone that he owned the world and naturally they all believed it, since everybody was still Catholic back then.
Pope Alexander actually was a hit man for the Borgia mob, had thirteen mistresses and fathered a child off his own daughter Lucrezia Borgia, thereby proving his moral superiority to all the heathen savages in the New World. But that's a pig of a different color, as they say, and besides, let’s not upset the McNally kids before their first communion.
So meanwhile out west, John Cabot and his merry crew of sex starved, small pox laden civilizers landed in what's now Labrador and found a whack of obliging brown people called Beothuks waiting for them on the beach. Captain John was invited to kiss the local Beothuk Indian chief, which he did, and then promptly ordered the guy's murder. Apparently, John just couldn't tolerate the chief's outrageous Newfy accent. Actually, none of the Beothuk people hung around for too long to kiss anymore of the Europeans, but resettled themselves somewhere else so effectively that none of them were ever seen again, leaving the land wide open and Terra Nullius for the Civilizers.
Word got back to King Hank that there were no Spaniards in sight in the new land, so John Cabot (who was appreciatively nicknamed Cap'n Crunch by his men for his manner of dealing with brown strangers) was given the green light to keep heading west, young man. Maybe it was all those fish sticks he could eat, or the down home spoon-playing manner of life in Newfoundland, but John Boy never made it much further than the island, relinquishing the discovery of all those other brown people to guys like the Frenchman Jacques Cartier so he could go home to Italy.
Anyway, Cartier showed up years later down the coast at the mouth of a mother of a river that he naturally mistook to be the passageway to China. But Jacques was annoyed as hell to come across more brown skinned people who couldn't speak French, so he whipped out his cannons, had them blessed by the on-board priest and bombarded the Indian villages with bits of iron, glass and stones: a practice known in Catholic church circles as "administering canon law".
The survivors of this holy cannonade quite sensibly offered no resistance to what is commonly known as conversion, and soon they were all bowing and genuflecting and praying to invisible saints when they weren't picking smallpox scabs off their kids' faces.
Jacques Cartier was actually quite the sentimentalist. Commenting on his new friends, the seafarer wrote, "They are a people utterly unconcerned with wealth, and they share what they have with one another freely and naturally. Although they have not five Sous between them they are well fed and happy, and do no harm to anyone. They are far better Christians in that sense than are many of my own countrymen."
Naturally, such real living examples of Jesus Christ posed an obvious threat to organized Christianity, and had to go. So none of these Christ-like brown people hung around for long, either. But before they passed on to where aboriginal converts to "the Faith" seem to go, one of the natives showed Jacques the pelt of a furry little creature, and the Frenchman suddenly saw big Sous signs. The fur trade was on.
A couple of centuries and a million or so brown folks later, Madame de Pompadour - one of French King Louis' bed friends - said, "Canada exists solely to provide me with furs"
That pretty much says it, although Pompy the Romper left out the necessary religious rationales provided by her fellow fur trading monopolists, the Jesuits, whose gun-running priest Jean de Brebeuf aptly said, before being barbecued slowly to death by some smug Iroquois guys, "We must govern this country only according to what is of service to the Catholic Faith and the Fur Trade".
Things, of course, were not all bad. The French learned how to play hockey and lacrosse from the brown people who were still around, and went on to excel as goaltenders and inventors of muffins and the snowmobile. So I guess, no, things were that bad.
Never content to let anything remain French, the Brits showed up in Canada soon after Cartier shuffled off to that big shooting gallery in the sky. The poms arrived from south of that border that still wasn't there, where they had been killing off Indians with funny names like the Pequots and Narangassats by making them eat cold, greasy food, preaching to them a very dry kind of Puritanism and not allowing any of them to dance, since dancing of course is derived from sex. Or did I get the order right? Naturally, the French couldn't tolerate such austere aesthetics and decided to go to war over it.
Okay, so of course the fight was also about who controlled the mega profits of the fur trade, which worked like this: the Indians did all the work and were given a mirror or a knife for a hundred beaver pelts. The European traders then sold the pelts to companies set up by some royal fop somewhere who garnered an average 1000 per cent profit or something ridiculous like that on the whole transaction. Sound fair to you?
Naturally, anybody who tried chiseling in on this mobster action got the business end of a bayonet pretty quickly. This was commonly known as Civilizing the Wilderness. The Frenchies liked the Huron Indians because they seemed to welcome Catholicism, when in fact they just appreciated the free communion wine which was so much better than the cheap grape juice the Prohibition Presbyterians pushed.
The Brits, contrarily, sided with the Iroquois because the latter went to war so much and had really macho chiefs with cool war clubs the size of a Scotsman's pudenda. So each side armed their own Indians for a battle to the death over who would get to kill and skin all those cute little beavers. The Hurons lost, which is why you don't see any of them selling cigarettes on southern Ontario Indian reservations nowadays.
Well, the Brits were feeling pretty smug about the whole thing, as usual, having whipped their old enemies Les Francais once again. But just then a revolution broke out back in Old Blighty and the dour Puritans chopped off King Charles' empty head, giving the Frenchies a breathing space. So the fight for who would run Canada went on and on. And on.
An Open Letter to the "Aboriginal Peoples" Television Network
Special ContributionBy Kevin D. Annett
Oct 24, 2012
Mohawk elders - Cheryl Squire commencing the dig
Dear APTN, and assorted minions,
I was going to write to your lawyers about all this, but you know how humorless those guys tend to be. And this involves what's ultimately a laughing matter, despite the seriousness of the garbage you've been up to.
This week, as part of a grossly misrepresentation smear piece you've been running on me, you've been broadcasting my image on your network after I expressly denied you permission to do so. Somewhere, I read, that's against the law. You've also publicly lied about the work I've been doing at the Brantford Indian residential school in our search for the mass graves of the children who died there.
Let me say, first off, that I've tried unsuccessfully for several years to interest your station in our campaign to open these graves and bring the murdered children home for a proper burial. Ever since the farcical "apology" for genocide issued in June 2008 by your paymaster, the Prime Minister of Canada, you've ignored the whole issue, including the list of 28 mass graves near former Indian residential schools that I sent to your head office in April, 2010.
Even last year, when ten Mohawk elders gave me written authorization to commence surveys and digs at the Brantford "Mush hole" residential school, and when we actually uncovered evidence of buried children there, APTN refused to broadcast this historic news.
So it's quite odd, and humorous, that APTN is now trumpeting itself as providing the "real story" about the missing residential school children in Canada. Exactly how you'd know anything about the issue is beyond me, considering how steadfastly you've shunned it.
But the heat is on you now, obviously, with the guilty government and churches' need for a new big spin on the matter of mass murder of Indian children. Or is it coincidental that you guys are suddenly interested in missing Indian kids, now that the whitewash those killers call "canada's truth and reconciliation commission" is about to issue its final report? A report, incidentally, that's a $68 million version of the Warren Commission Report, except that it does the Americans one better: there wasn't even a lone gunman responsible for the crime up here, apparently, since nobody was responsible for the deaths of those 50,000 Indian kids, considering that nobody is standing trial for the death of even one child - especially not the churches responsible.
So I understand. But in your zeal to suddenly look credible on the issue and help discredit me and the only independent inquiry into the mass graves, your bits of journalistic integrity have vanished quicker than death records into a church shredding machine. Because you're openly lying about me, on the public airwaves.
One of your recent inflammatory pieces, for instance, claimed that our survey team at the Brantford Mush hole school relied only on "psychics" to identify the spot where childen were buried. I guess you guys don't watch youtube. In early October, 2011, images of our scanning the grounds of the school with a Ground Penetrating Radar machine were posted all over the internet. I can send you the link, again, if you like.
You also claim that our digging up a small two foot deep, five foot square patch of earth near the school has "irretrievably damaged the site", which is an odd thing to say, considering that the site encompassses more than three hundred acres.
What you convientally don't mention on the air is the significance of the evidence we dug up at the Mush Hole: namely, buttons from children's uniforms at the school, entangled in tree roots. Eyewitnesses say that when kids were buried on the grounds, trees were always planted on top of the remains.
Newsworthy? Apparently not to APTN. What you do consider important is to spread lots of gossip, innuendo and unsubstantiated nastiness about me personally, and pass that off as objective coverage of murdered children. Which brings us to those bones we uncovered.
What you claim is that I, a white guy, went it like a gangbuster at the Mush Hole and dug up some animal bones and then passed them off as human, and thereby so angered the Mohawk elders they asked me to leave. That's also what the government and church spin doctors are saying about me, but I guess that's another coincidence, eh?
What actually happened is that with full permission, I conducted two small digs in the presence of authorizing Mohawk elders and uncovered many bones close to and mixed with the school uniform buttons I mentioned. That same week, an archaeologist named Kris Nahrgang and an Ontario fire marshal called Greg Olson sat with me and the Mohawk elders and studied the bones we unearthed. After a half hour of examining one small bone, Olson said, with Nahrgang agreeing, "I'm 90 percent certain this is human, probably a small child's knee socket. But we'll need a forensic examination to be sure."
On the basis of his remark, I subsequently showed that bone on a you-tube broadcast and a Toronto TV program, and repeated Olson's words: that it was "probably human", but we weren't sure yet.
The bones were then sent off to the Smithsonian Institute in Washington for analysis. Their chief forensic specialist took three weeks to examine them and then told me on the phone, "They could be human but I think they're animal. I'll need more samples to be sure."
Frankly, his ambiguous comments seemed strange to me, and I believe he was influenced to say what he did and to be vague. It wouldn't be the first time a government scientist has responded thus when faced with the remains of possibly murdered Indian kids.
Meanwhile, back in Brantford, a woman name Jan Longboat, who admitted she receives government money, had been smearing me in the community from top to bottom and paying a man named Frank Miller to join the "Trash Kevin Annett" campaign. The two of them created enough confusion to put any further digs on hold - and again, I guess coincidentally eh? - Miller is the first and primary Mohawk that APTN went to for "the real story" about Kevin Annett and the Mush hole dig.
Of course, I'm not the issue at all: all those dead Mokawk children are, as is those who put them under the ground - namely, the Anglican Church of Canada and the feds. And Anglican Bishop Bob Bennett in London, Ontario has been sitting on hard evidence - including an 1870 Crown document outlining a plan to wipe out the Mohawks - that reveals that the church knew about the deaths at the Mush Hole and did nothing.
Funny that none of that made it into your programs, especially since, once again, I shared all of that information with you as I learned it from former Anglican researcher Leona Moses, who asked me to make it public. You are still getting my updates, aren't you?
I know the pressure you guys are under. Last January, Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, told top Canadian Anglican Fred Hiltz that not one church record about the Brantford school is to be made public. Back in law school, they called that obstructing justice. But I guess he can do that sort of thing, being an Archbishop. The Archbishop didn't call you guys too, did he?
Well, don't worry. All of this stuff is being documented and will be broadcast soon all over the world, through the online common law court I am involved in that is publishing hundreds of exhibits detailing the crime and coverup of genocide in Canada ... something else you've never mentioned over your airwaves.
So get the story straight, guys, and stop lying about me and what's going on. But of course, engaging in such journalistic integrity, so unusual in Canada, will cost you your jobs, your reputations, and perhaps a lot more. That's the price of truth.
Convening of The International Common Law Court of Justice
Special ContributionBy Kevin D. Annett
Oct 15, 2012
Logo of International Common Law Court of Justice
Hello. My name is Kevin Annett - Eagle Strong Voice, and I am the chief consultant for the Prosecutor's Office of the International Common Law Court of Justice.
Today is Monday, October 15, 2012, and marks the formal online convening of the five sworn judges of our Court, from Canada, the United States and Belgium. They are joined by fifty eight sworn citizen jurors from Canada, the USA, Ireland, England, Holland, Italy and Australia, who have been prepared to receive the evidence in the first of five cases in the Docket of our Court.
This first case involves the evidence that the government and churches of Canada entered into a criminal conspiracy to commit genocide and other crimes against indigenous people and their children for over a century; and that such crimes were committed by the defendants and their organizations, and continue today.
Thirty two officers of church and state have been issued Public Summonses by our Court to reply to these charges, and only one of them, John Milloy, has replied. Neither Mr. Milloy nor any of the other summoned parties have contested or denied the charges made against them, including Pope Benedict, Queen Elizabeth and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Our Prosecutor's Office has therefore filed a motion with the Court that a guilty plea be entered on behalf of all of the defendants named in our Summonses, in their absence, since they do not contest or deny the charges made against them.
The aim of our Prosecutor`s Office is to achieve a final verdict of guilty against all of the persons and organizations named in our Public Summons of September 21, which is posted online at .
For the record, our Office will demand the strongest sentences against these parties, including extensive prison terms, the expropriation of their property and assets, the citizens' arrest of their accomplices and others engaged in these ongoing crimes, the occupation and seizure of catholic and protestant church property, and the legal and practical dis-establishment of the criminal church bodies named in the main indictment. These sentences will be duly enforced by our own sworn Common Law Peace Officers and regular law enforcement officers deputized by our Court.
The defendants will not buy their way out of responsibility for the deaths of children and these other crimes against humanity, as they have up until now. Nor will they and their organizations be allowed to terrorize the innocent any longer.
The volume of evidence gathered against the defendants is considerable, comprising nearly two hundred exhibits that will be presented as primary evidence by our Prosecutor`s office in the course of our argument. For this reason, it is necessary to present the evidence as a single package, and not in piecemeal form, so that the citizen jurors and the public can receive the most accurate and truthful presentation of the evidence of genocide in Canada.
Accordingly, and for the sake of the judicial and historical record, it has been decided by the Court's Panel of Judges to allow our Prosecutor's Office until Thursday, November 1 at 5 pm Greenwich Mean Time to compile all of our exhibits and evidence in a condensed, viewable form, and to commence their complete presentation to the Court at that day and hour. This presentation will be posted that same day on You Tube, google video and .
I am therefore authorized to announce that the Prosecutor's Office of the International Common Law Court of Justice will commence our opening argument and presentation in the first case in our Docket, The People and Kevin Annett v. the officers of the government of Canada, the crown of England, the Vatican and other church corporations, on Thursday, November 1, 2012 at 9 am pacific time, 12 noon central, and 5 pm Greenwich mean time.
The duly sworn citizen jurors will hold themselves ready to convene on that day and hour. And you, the public, are invited to join us that day and view the online evidence in this historic court of justice.
On the Eve of A Final Accounting: An Update from Kevin Annett and The International Common Law Court of Justice
Special ContributionBy by Kevin D. Annett
Oct 5, 2012
The Brantford Excavations, October 2011
I've been traveling across Europe and North America since August, helping to establish our Common Law Court of Justice. This Court is something new and historic in the world, a grassroots movement of citizen-powered justice that on October 15 will begin to turn the tables on criminal bodies of church and state.
The Court is now functioning in seven countries, and will issue indictments and enforce its verdicts and sentences against those responsible for hideous crimes against children. More specific directions will be issued to all 58 of its citizen jurors before October 15.
Hundreds of people are on board now with the Court: citizen jurors, judges and prosecutors, and many eyewitnesses and plaintiffs. Summonses have been issued, including to the Pope himself and heads of state. And in response, a senior catholic Cardinal has shown a willingness to break from the Pope and negotiate some of our demands on behalf of a faction in the hierarchy.
And thanks to new information provided by church insiders, we are on the verge of revealing the unmarked graves of little children that scatter the lands of Canada, America, Ireland and other nations; and starting the process to bring those children home. So here's my report, written from Ireland, the Netherlands, Belgium, the USA and Canada.
John Deegan is one of our co-workers in Ireland who can cause panic among the catholic hierarchy just by walking into one of their churches. John has led continual occupations of Pro Cathedral in Dublin on behalf of child rape survivors. I got a real kick out of accompanying him into the Cathedral on September 9 to see where he had chained himself to the gold-plated pulpit.
"It's what they really fear, you know, occupying their churches during the mass" he commented, as worried Catholics watched us nervously. And I agreed with him, for it's been proven true all over the world.
A week later, I stood with other friends inside Amsterdam's main catholic church, St. Nicholas, handing out leaflets to startled parishioners and befuddled clergy. John's comment came true again, as the head priest hurried over to us and said that he'd negotiate anything we wanted, as long as we left the building.
One of our Dutch activists then read to the priest from our leaflet, which called on Catholics not to fund the church as long as it protected child raping priests through the Vatican law called Crimen Sollicitationas.
"But we don't do that!" exclaimed the priest. "We report all abuses to the police in Holland!" I quickly said to him, "Then you're disobeying this law from the Pope?"
He stared at me angrily and said nothing. I continued, "Because under this law, if you report an abusive priest to the police, you'll be excommunicated" Caught in his own lie, the priest threw up his hands and stormed away. And we kept leafleting his "flock". One of the parish council members even came over to us to pledge his support for our work.
Our action caused quite the stir in Holland. The top archbishop there wrote about our action to all his clergy, and that same week, over 20,000 people watched our broadcast from Holland about the launching of our International Common Law Court of Justice. (, Sept. 15 and 17) In response, a German-Swiss television network broadcast our documentary Unrepentant to ten million people across Europe.
These kind of church occupations are definitely an Achilles Heel to criminal bodies like the Vatican, the Church of England and the United Church of Canada. Don't forget that it was our March, 2007 occupations of Vancouver and Toronto churches and the massive media coverage of those actions that forced the government's "apology" to residential school survivors a few months later.
But an even greater weapon in our arsenal is the hard evidence of church-sponsored crime and murder that will begin to go online globally on October 15. And this is clearly what churches and governments are worried about. On September 18, an official with the European Union met with me for a day in Brussels and confirmed this.
"Parliamentarians here have been reading your documentation about the death rate in Canadian Indian schools, ever since your press conference in Rome two years ago" said the man. "Some of us are preparing a motion to have Canada investigated for crimes against humanity, along with Pope Benedict. There is plenty of evidence showing collusion, thanks to your work."
Equally encouraging, and a sign of the crisis in the Vatican, is that while in Brussels I received a communication from a senior Cardinal in Rome describing how an anti-Ratzinger element in the Curia wishes to discuss some of the Ten Requirements our Tribunal issued to the Pope on May 4 ( Now that these kinds of divisions in the Vatican are starting to crack open, it's clear that the tide is shifting.
Neither the churches nor governments under exposure are sitting idle, of course. The same European Union official told me that his sources in the British Home Office said that they plan to detain and imprison me if I try returning to England. And back in Canada, the government and its puppet "Aboriginal Peoples' Television Network" (APTN) is launching a renewed smear and misinformation campaign against our work and me personally.
That latest smear, not surprisingly, is aimed at the first excavation of a mass grave site at a Canadian Indian residential school that we commenced with Mohawk elders' permission just a year ago. That survey and dig, at the former Mohawk Institute in Brantford, uncovered for the first time verified clothing and buttons from children's uniforms, and other evidence indicating that children are buried there. This evidence will feature prominently in the third case in the Docket of our Court.
The sabotage campaign at Brantford involves a couple of government-paid operatives, Jan Longboat and Frank Miller, who have bribed or confused elders at Brantford to disassociate themselves from our inquiry and yours truly, with the usual kind of unsubstantiated lies and smears. They've even issued a fake story that unnamed "elders" have asked me to leave their community. And after consistently ignoring the actual dig and the evidence we uncovered, the government-funded APTN is now broadcasting this stage-managed black ops as the truth of what is "really going on" at Brantford. Meanwhile, the Canadian media is completely blacking out all of the actual evidence we've uncovered.
All of this is very familiar. On two previous occasions, exactly the same tactics of internal sabotage were used to successfully infiltrate and disrupt our work in Canada: in June 1998, when our first Tribunal into Canadian residential schools was held in Vancouver, and in the period 2007-2008, when our protests forced the "apology" by Canada for residential schools.
The difference now, of course, is that our campaign has spread globally, and the hard evidence of children's graves has finally surfaced. That's why the Brantford dig that we initiated with Mohawk elders is so important, and not only because it was the first independent excavation of an identified residential school burial site.
In the process of the Brantford inquiry, two sources in the Anglican church that ran the school, including an aboriginal researcher named Leona Moses, described how they uncovered a "smoking gun" document authorizing the extermination of all the Mohawks. It was signed by the Crown of England, the Church and state-allied Indian chiefs in 1870. This document is being hidden by Anglican Bishop Bob Bennett along with other material proving murders of children at the Mohawk school, under orders from the Archbishop of Canterbury in London, Rowan Williams.
So it's small wonder that the Crown and its paid agents are pulling out all stops to squash our exposure of such direct proof of deliberate genocide against Mohawk children. But the Brantford inquiry is continuing, and will feature in the third case in the Docket of our Court.
The important fact is that we've reached a new pinnacle in our work, and a crossroads: for instead of just documenting and exposing genocide, murder and child trafficking by churches, we are taking the next step, and placing the guilty on trial before the eyes of the world. What will emerge from that trial will be an enforceable judgement and sentencing against institutions that until now have been above the law and unaccountable.
Our Prosecutor's Office will begin to present the evidence against the accused on an online broadcast and You Tube posting starting October 15, focusing on five cases which are fully described at (September 17). All of you can be part of the court and its deliberations, as well as the public debate concerning the ultimate sentence to be imposed on the accused persons and institutions, so that their crimes will never re-occur.
Let me conclude by saying that what's happening with all of this is truly remarkable. The churches that for centuries have caused unspeakable crimes on the innocent are facing disestablishment, thanks not only to these protest movements and legal actions, but due to a genuine spiritual reformation that is undoing the fabric of false religions.
During September, for example, we were contacted by groups of "light workers" and spiritual elders in America and Europe who are helping to undo the deeper power of the Vatican and the dark forces behind it. We can see the positive results of this work, as more witnesses and even church insiders are coming to us now with information and help; and as more people leave these false churches.
Truth and knowledge are power, and over time can overthrow any tyrant, no matter how formidable. So help us and yourselves, and children both dead and alive, by engaging personally in the efforts of our Common Law Court and New Reformation during the months ahead. The end of the present cycle of decay and falsehood has been predicted, and is manifesting before our eyes.
Stay tuned on Monday, October 15 for the online posting of the first evidence about the crimes of church and state. And please contact me directly.
Thank you and carry it on! Kevin Annett Eagle Strong Voice
Opening Statement of the International Common Law Court of Justice re: crimes of church and state
Special ContributionBy by Kevin D. Annett
Sep 15, 2012
Sexual assault and torture by clergy of catholic
Hello and welcome. My name is Kevin Annett Eagle Strong Voice and I am speaking to you today on behalf of the Council of Elders of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State: a multinational coalition of over fifteen organizations in seven countries.
Under the authority of that Tribunal as well as Common Law and the Natural Land Law Jurisdiction of Sovereign Nations, I declare that as of this day, Saturday, September 15, 2012, a Public International Court of Justice is hereby convened to consider evidence related to charges of crimes against humanity and criminal conspiracy by institutions of church and state, and their fiduciary officers.
The crimes that will be documented and judged in our Court are abominable and almost unimaginable. They span centuries, and range from outright murder to systematic torture, rape, slave labor, germ warfare, medical experimentation, drug testing, involuntary sterilizations, child trafficking, genocide and wars of extermination against peaceful nations. These crimes are all the more heinous by the fact that they were often aimed at children and occured not randomly by isolated individuals, but historically, systematically, deliberately, and officially, by express command of heads of church and state according to their laws and customs - and by the fact that many of these crimes carry on today against the innocent at the hands of the same authorizing institutions and heads of state.
The enormity of these crimes requires a new approach. For this Court is a unique experiment, in that under existing international law, institutions cannot be brought to trial or account for genocidal or criminal actions, despite the fact that these crimes arise from and are caused by such institutions. There has consequently been no legal recourse for millions of people whose cultures and lives have been destroyed by the deliberate plans and actions of institutions of church and state, such as in the case of the conquest of entire continents of non-Christian people by European kingdoms operating under the sanction of so-called papal laws.
Similarly, in the case of countless victims of sexual assault and torture by clergy of catholic and protestant churches, national courts have continually denied these victims the right to sue these churches as a whole and restricted their litigation to individual perpetrators, despite the fact that church laws and policies allow, protect and legitimate such assaults.
These very restrictions require not only an entirely new legal approach to the historic wrongs of church and state, if justice is to be done and seen to be done; but the fact that existing courts refuse to address the root cause of these crimes by naming the systems respoinsible for them compels the citizens of all nations to rely on their customary and unalienable rights to win justice and protect themselves and their children when existing authorities refuse to do so. It is in this spirit that our International Common Law Court of Justice is convened.
Our Court stands upon the precedent of the Nuremburg Laws and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which state clearly that citizens everywhere have the right and obligation to refuse to obey or pay taxes to governments or institutions engaged in crimes against humanity. That is, it is recognized by international law that institutions as well as individuals can be engaged in criminal actions and can therefore be held accountable and liable in a court of law.
The purpose of our Common Law Court is to do precisely that. Our Court has standing under not only the customary right of citizens to pursue justice and defend their communities, but by our relationship with the courts of various nations that claim universal jurisdiction over human rights cases. The evidence presented before our Court will also be filed in these national courts that do not operate under the authority or legal systems of the various powers we will be naming as defendants, such as the so-called Crown of England and its Admiralty laws, or the Vatican and its so-called Canon laws.
Our Court will be pursuing this course in order to render an enforceable verdict against churches and states responsible for the heinous crimes that we will document to the world. Our Court is not a symbolic gesture but a legitimate legal procedure that will seek the indictment and imprisonment of guilty parties, the restoration of stolen land, lives and wealth, and the abolition of institutions responsible for ongoing crimes against humanity. With all this in mind, let me begin by explaining the procedure and protocols of our Common Law Court, and our timetable in the weeks ahead.
Today's session is part of a normal pre-trial process, in which the terms of the trial are established, the cases and parties to the action are named, and a Public Summons is issued by the Prosecutor's Office to the named defendants. These defendants will be given ten working days - until October 1, 2012 - to respond in writing to the Summons and agree to a Pre-trial Conference (often called Voir Dire or Examination for Discovery) in which evidence can be shared and pleadings heard. If the defendants refuse to respond, their silence can be deemed to mean they do not contest the charges made against them, and is often interpreted as a tacit admission of guilt. In this case, our Court will proceed with the Prosecution's case against the Defendants in absentia and the formal trial will begin.
This legal process will be overseen by a Panel of five sworn judges, an Office of Citizen Prosecutors, and a common law jury of fifty eight Citizen Jurors based in Canada, the United States, Ireland, England, the Netherlands, Italy, and Australia. All of these participants have as of today been duly sworn and have taken an oath of confidentiality and service. For reasons of security and due process, the identity of these judges and jurors will remain confidential until the day the final verdict of the Court is pronounced, and the court officers are discharged.
Today, September 15, a Public Summons is being issued to all of the parties and institutions named in the five cases being presented by our Court. These parties will have until midnight Greenwich mean time on Monday, October 1, 2012 to respond to the charges and agree to a Pre-trial Conference date. After October 1, either that Conference or the trial itself will proceed, if necessary in absentia. These events as they occur will be posted the same day on our tribunal's website, .
Now, in conclusion, allow me to present to all of you the five cases being brought to trial by our Prosecutor's Office: cases which summarize the main evidence gathered to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that the churches, governments and individuals named as defendants are guilty and indictable for crimes against humanity and a monstrous criminal conspiracy. Our first case, in the Matter of Kevin Annett and the People v. the Government of Canada, the United Church of Canada, the Roman Catholic Church, and the Anglican Church in Canada, and the officers of these churches, the Crown of England and its officers, the Assembly of First Nations and its officers, the Weyerhauser logging company and its orfficers, the RCMP "E" Division and its officers, and the Law Society of British Columbia and its officers.
The Plaintiffs Kevin Annett and the People claim that the defendants are associated with a centuries-old criminal conspiracy and crime against humanity authorized by church laws to conquer, enslave, terrorize and permanently eradicate non-Christian nations and indigenous peoples, and to deprive these peoples of their identity, livelihood, lands and resources; and that the same defendants have actively used and are using the medium of their religion and so-called Indian residential schools to accomplish this conquest and other crimes which fit the definition of genocide under international law.
The Plaintiffs further claim that these crimes have caused the death of at least 50,000 children in the residential schools alone, and many hundreds of thousands of other native people and their offspring. The Plaintiffs further claim that these crimes continue to the present day and involve the deliberate targeting and extermination of indigenous families, children, and land based communities across Canada; and that these crimes are aided and abetted by officials of the Crown and private corporations, as well as the media, church officials, the RCMP, the courts and legal community, and their agents.
The Plaintiffs further claim that this plan to eradicate native familes is deliberately aimed at traditional female elders and their lineage, and involves operating child trafficking and pedophile-sex slavery networks, the murder of native women and children, "snuff" films and other criminal acts. The Plaintiffs further claim that the defendants are actively concealing these crimes and their complicity in them through a sustained campaign of historical falsification, misinformation, lies, destruction of evidence and eyewitnesses, obstruction of justice, and other methods of dissumulation and fraud.
The Plaintiff Kevin Annett further claims that the defendants did knowingly and with malicious intent enter into an ongoing criminal conspiracy to intentionally assault and destroy his livelihood, employability, good name and family in order to conceal evidence of all of these crimes and especially of their theft and profiting off of land of the Ahousaht Nation, their defrauding of the public, and their collusion in genocide, rape and murder of generations of indigenous children across Canada in their so-called Indian residential schools and Indian hospitals.
In our second case, in the Matter of the People v. the Government of Canada, the Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Church in Canada and the United Church of Canada, and the officers of these institutions. The Plaintiffs claim that the government and named churches of Canada are deliberately obstructing and subverting justice, defrauding the public, and concealing their own crimes against humanity by establishing a self-regulated, restricted inquiry into Indian residential schools named the "truth and reconciliation commission" that has neither the mandate nor the legal power to conduct a competent and legally effective investigation.
The Plantiffs further claim that these named organizations and persons are deliberately concealing, destroying and subverting evidence of their own crimes in these schools, silencing eyewitnesses, denying the latter due process and civil liberties, and are re-traumatizing the latter with intent to destroy them. In our third case, in the Matter of the People v. the Crown of England and the New England Company, the Anglican Church of Canada, the government of Canada, and the Six Nations Confederacy and its officers.
The Plaintiffs claim that the defendants are responsible for the intentional, planned extermination of generations of native children at the Mohawk Indian residential school in Brantford, Ontario, and for the deliberate and ongoing concealment and destruction of evidence, documentation, burial sites and human remains at this school and elsewhere.
The Plaintiffs further claim that these parties actively conspired and planned ways to destroy the Mohawk Nation in its entirety through the medium of the same Mohawk Indian school by way of a formal agreement signed between these parties in 1870. In the fourth case in our Docket , in the Matter of the People and Victoria Stewart v. The United Church of Canada and its officers, the RCMP and its officers, the Estate of Ann Knizky, the government of Canada and its officers.
The Plaintiffs claim that the defendants killed and aided and abetted in the killing of Victoria Stewart, age 9, at the United Church Indian residential school in Edmonton, Alberta, on April 9, 1958. The Plaintiffs further claim that the defendants concealed this murder by falsifying records, removing body organs of the deceased, silencing eyewitnesses to the killing and issuing a false and fraudulent account of her death; and that this concealment and obstruction of justice continues.
And in the fifth case in our Docket, in the Matter of the People v. the Vatican and its chief executive officers. The Plaintiffs claim that the defendants are part of a deliberate international criminal conspiracy and crime against humanity to aid and abett organized child rape, torture and trafficking within the Roman Catholic Church, using their position to protect and maintain such crimes.
The Plaintiffs further claim that the defendants are actively obstructing justice in Italy and internationally according to a Vatican canon law policy known as Crimen Sollicitationis, which is binding on all Catholic clergy, and which compels them to engage in the same criminal conspiracy by protecting and aiding child rapsists within the Catholic church and concealing these criminals from police and legal authorities.
The evidence regarding these five cases will be presented by our Prosecutor's Office commencing October 1, in the absence of a pre-trial conference. That evidence will be posted and available on line in the course of the trial, as well as being submitted to the fifty eight sworn Citizen Jurors who will be charged with rendering a final verdict. The world in effect will be in the court room to hear and consider this evidence of some of the worst crimes against humanity in history, and to come to its own consensus about what must be done to end forever the reigh of terror of criminal institutions in our midst.
In the meantime, please read the background to these cases and some of the evidence being presented at the website:
Again, you can follow the progress of our court at . Our next broadcast will occur on October 2, 2012. Thank you, and may we close by saying: Let justice be done though the heavens may fall.
Public Warning: You are Entering a Crime Scene
Special ContributionBy by Kevin D. Annett
Aug 28, 2012

The earth
The Anglican (Church of England) and United Church of Canada caused the death of more than 50,000 children in their Indian residential schools and hospitals for over a century.
Until 1996 when the last “school” closed, children were deliberately starved, raped, sterilized, used as slave labor and murdered, with the full knowledge of church and state officers. (see this evidence at
Officials of these churches have refused to return the remains of the children who died for a proper burial, and have silenced witnesses and obstructed justice to conceal this enormous crime.
Under international law, if you donate money to these churches you are colluding in a criminal conspiracy and can face prosecution for aiding and abetting criminals.
On September 15, 2012, an international common law Court of Inquiry is convening to bring charges against Anglican and United Church officials for this conspiracy, and for Crimes against Humanity. Clergy in this church may be served a Public Summons to appear before the Court and can face arrest.
These church officials have betrayed the teachings of Christ and your faith, and are expecting you to assist them in their evil.
Choose what is right, and do not collude any longer in the violation of the innocent. Stop funding the rape and murder of children by withholding your offerings from this church. Choose life.
Learn more and join the campaign to reclaim the Church from wrongdoing at: and
Issued by Not in Our Name, a Coalition of Concerned Clergy and The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State
Summoning the Just: Global actions to stop Crimes by Church and State will commence in one month
Special ContributionBy by Kevin D. Annett
Aug 15, 2012

ITCCS's logo
Officials of the Vatican, the Crown of England and other accused parties will face summary banishment and trial commencing in exactly one month if they do not abide by ten measures issued to them on May 4.
This Urgent Action Alert calls upon just men and women everywhere to prepare themselves to launch church occupations, public protests, citizens' arrests and other direct actions beginning on September 15. The purpose of these actions will be to disestablish and bring to justice criminal organizations and their officials that have harmed, killed or exploited children or committed other crimes against humanity. A copy of our original ultimatum to the Vatican Incorporated and its chief executive officer, Joseph Ratzinger, is reproduced below. The same ultimatum has been issued by us to over 150 officials of the Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Church of England, and United Church of Canada, the governments of Canada and Great Britain, and major pharmaceutical companies.
The ITCCS will lead this public campaign at the head of hundreds of volunteers and organizers in Canada, the United States, Ireland, Great Britain, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain and Australia.
We urge the reader and our supporters everywhere to take the following five steps of preparedness:
1. Distribute an official ITCCS leaflet at Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Churches (Methodist-Presbyterian) in your community beginning Sunday, September 2. This leaflet will be issued to you by August 30. 2. Gather at least three to five other people to form a local ITCCS action group to regularly leaflet and hold protests and direct actions. 3. Volunteer to be a Citizen Juror in our International Common Law Court of Justice that will convene on September 15. 4. Arrange local media interviews and speaking engagements for ITCCS field organizer Kevin Annett. 5. Distribute this notice and all of our emails and You Tube broadcasts throughout your internet networks.
Please be clear that you will be acting within the Law when you confront churches and organizations that have harmed children and obstructed justice.
That is because after September 15, 2012, if these churches and other bodies do not respond to our Ultimatum they will be declared public enemies and will be banished from our communities. They will have lost all public and legal protection and their property will be considered free and open public space under common law jurisdiction. Their officials will face summary arrest and expulsion for aiding and protecting child rapists, and known offenders will be stripped of their office.
To enforce these actions, we are requiring that all police officers in these nine countries take a Public Oath of Service to help us protect the children of our communities by not protecting these criminal bodies, and by serving and enforcing subpoena and arrest warrants against church and corporate officials.
That is, we will be deputizing the police to obey and enforce their public oath of office, or stand down from their positions and be replaced by duly sworn Common Law Peace Officers.
Now is the time to take heart and unite in defense of our children and our liberty. We rely on each one of you to make real the hopes of the innocent. Further updates and instructions will be issued by ITCCS Central on September 1. You Tube Link:
The Elders, ITCCS Brussels, ITCCS Communique 15 August 2012, May 4 Ultimatum is reprinted, below
Breaking News from ITCCS: Key witness to Canadian residential school death dies
Special ContributionBy by Kevin D. Annett
Aug 11, 2012

Harry Wilson(1953-2012) and Kevin Annett, 1997
The first eyewitness to go public with his discovery of a dead adolescent at a United Church Indian residential school died yesterday in Vancouver. Harry Wilson, 59, sustained massive head and brain injuries earlier this year from an undisclosed cause. He lapsed into a coma and never recovered.
In the spring of 1997, Wilson first spoke about tortures he endured as a child at the Alberni Indian residential school at a public forum organized by Kevin Annett and west coast elders. He was subsequently threatened and assaulted by state-funded tribal council officials in Port Alberni for speaking in the media of his discovery of a dead native student at the United Church's Alberni residential school in the summer of 1967.
Nevertheless, Wilson went on to be a star witness at the historic IHRAAM Tribunal of June 1998, and was featured in the award-winning documentary film on Genocide in Canada, Unrepentant.
Harry Wilson had been homeless for many years. In March of 2011, he told Kevin Annett that two men had beaten him severely and threatened to kill him if he spoke at investigative forums of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State. The Vancouver Coroner's Office refuses to comment on Wilson's death or the head and brain injuries sustained by him.
A Personal Remembrance
I knew Harry for over fifteen years, and rarely have I encountered such heroism and suffering in one man.
Kidnapped by Mounties at age six, sodomized daily by United Church clergy and staff, starved, beaten and drugged, Harry had every reason to die or kill himself at a young age. But there was an iron quality about him that shone through the struggling homeless guy that the world saw. It was such character that caused him to keep speaking out, even after ever increasing beatings and threats. "I wasn't in the protected group at Alberni (residential school)" Harry told me when we first met, at a public meeting in downtown Vancouver.
"So I got it all the time. I had to hide out at night or they'd get me so I broke out of the place once and I found the body of a dead girl right behind Caldwell Hall. She was from up north. She was about sixteen, all naked and covered in blood. I ran and told Andrews (school Principal). But then he shipped me out to Nanaimo hospital and they put me in a padded cell, stuck needles in me so I wouldn't talk. They kept me there for months, giving me shocks, doing experiments on me"
On February 9, 1998, Harry was about to tell this story to a gathering in Port Alberni when he was approached by two officials of the local state-owned Nuu-Chah-Nulth Tribal Council: Charlie Thompson and Ron Hamilton. Both men threatened to kill Harry if he spoke.
In an affidavit Harry swore that same month he states, "First Ron Hamilton says to me, 'You're going to be real sorry if you talk about tha dead girl'. ... Charlie Thompson came to me after and said, "Harry, you've got half a brain and nobody'll miss you if you're found floating face down in the water.' " Both Hamilton and Thompson were "enforcers" for the white administration while students at the Alberni residential school during the 1960's.
The nightmare never stopped for Harry after that. He was threatened, pushed around and isolated in his community by all the classic black ops methods. Harry's own lawyer, David Patterson, refused to include Harry's statement about the dead girl in his legal statement of claim. When I asked him why, Patterson said, "I'm an officer of the court and there are certain issues I'm not allowed to raise, like that dead girl".
Censored and ridiculed, Harry was given $150,000 hush money in a deal that he wasn't allowed to discuss. Within two months, all the money was gone: blown through by family, his lawyer and all sorts of "new friends" that vanished once the money went. Barely a year after his settlement, Harry was homeless again, living off what he could pawn or recycle from garbage bins along east hastings street.
That's where I always found him. His eyes would light up and he'd chortle happily whenever I appeared, and we'd embrace and talk over his life over coffee at the Ovaltine. It was always the same story of unrelieved misery, and every time I saw him, Harry looked older, more beaten, and was more saturated with booze. But he never lost his humor, or his honesty and courage.
Just before I was expelled from vancouver Co-op radio in the summer of 2010, Harry came on my program for a final time to recount the Alberni school nightmare, and more recent criminality by the same United Church of Canada. "They got two rapists working at the First United overnight drop in" Harry described on the air , a few months before the story broke in the corporate media.
"Nobody's safe at the drop in at nights, especially women. The church hired those fuckers knowing they were rapers. Just like at their rez school." I tried to keep Harry's spirits up whenever we met, but he was nothing if not a realist. He knew his days were numbered.
In March of last year, I came across Harry at a bus stop. His face was bruised and bloodied and he could barely speak. After I cleaned him up and he'd calmed down, he told me that two men had caught him in an alley and beaten him up. They told him that he'd be killed if he got involved with Kevin Annett's new Tribunal. "You made that mistake once Harry, don't make it twice or we'll finish the job" said one of the men.
Harry had no reason to lie to me, and every reason to run and hide after the beating. But he stayed on the street, maybe out of intertia, but mostly because it was the only world he knew; and being destitute, he had nothing else to do. But like he told me all the time, he never forgave what had been done to him, and nobody was going to stop him from talking about it.
Somebody finally did stop Harry. A close friend of his told me yesterday that Harry was beaten about the head so badly a few months ago that he suffered "bad brain damage". He slipped into a coma and never came out of it.
I was always so happy whenever I saw Harry, still alive, at a bus stop or in Oppenheimer Park, even if he was completely tanked or wired with his buddies. It was a miracle to me that he could endure a lifetime of beatings, rape, torture and drugging and still be there, a living witness to so much of our crap.
I'll remember Harry like that: as one who endures, like the truth itself. I only hope that his example rubs off on us.
My Enemy is My Ally: Lessons on Using the Opposition, and the Bigger Picture
Special ContributionBy Kevin D. Annett
Aug 8, 2012
United Church of Canada
The nasty creep was named Phil Spencer, and his eyes shone with the same weird glow worn by the kid on our street in Winnipeg who used to take delight in smashing prairie dogs to death with a mop. Phil was a fellow United Church minister.
It was June, 1995, and just months earlier, Phil had gleefully spearheaded my secret removal from my United Church pulpit in Port Alberni. With the same infantile bulliness, Phil now sauntered over to me to as I passed out leaflets about my illegal firing to other clergy at the Comox-Nanaimo Presbytery meeting in Parksville.
"Hi Kevin!" he exclaimed, thrusting his smirking, triumphant face close to mine. Pulling back in disgust, I thought of my wife Anne's inconsolable tears and her nervous breakdown after I was summarily fired from my job, and of my two small daughters who had lost their home and friends - all because of Phil. A rage boiled up in me, a loathing for this man, and my fists started clenching.
"Hi Kevin!" he jabbered again, as he began to dance and jump excitedly in front of me. Filled with disgust, I looked past the leering buffoon, and walked away from him. I regretted my forebearance for weeks after that. As every new attack and lie rained down on me, and as my family and I were systematically ripped apart by the church, I imagined that at least I could have answered the bullshit by landing a well deserved blow to my tormenter's idiotic face.
But another truth came to me later that summer, when I received a heartening phone call from a woman who had been at the Presbytery meeting the day that Phil had goaded me. "We're behind you, Kevin, even if we can't say so" said the woman, another minister from Vancouver island. "It's just sickening what they're doing to you".
"Thanks, but it's not over yet" I replied. "Phil Spencer sure has it in for me." The woman laughed. "He's doing you more good than you know. Every time he attacks you everybody sees he's just a crazy, angry guy. His drinking is out of control again. You just keep the high ground, Kevin".
The system always rewards its own, of course, starting with its sicko hatchet men. For the same year I was defrocked, Phil Spencer was appointed to head the Comox-Nanaimo Presbytery - presumably with the same intelligence and morality he displayed in front of me that day in June of 1995.
But the point is this: Phil Spencer was an unwitting ally of mine that day, and he and his kind have been ever since. For his attacks helped to launch me on my new calling, and his deceit gave rise to the truth movement that is bringing down his United Church of Canada and its legacy of child rape and murder. I suppose I should thank him someday.
Like the gang of church officials everywhere who bury the truth, protect child rapists, and seek the ruin of truth speakers, those who seem to be our worst threat turn out, over time, to be the means for us to expose their entire, filthy arrangement.
I couldn't have known that in 1995. The assault on me and my children and all of my pain was too unrelenting for me to see the bigger purpose and panorama. But having endured that nightmare, I saw clearer. I eventually gained a strategic ability to manuever around the predictable methods that the church employed against me, and which the powerful always use to distract us from their crimes.
Soon, I grasped what the Chinese writer Sun Tzu describes in his Art of War, and that is that a larger enemy is always less flexible and more predictable than a smaller force, and the very size and strength of the powerful can be turned against them.
Some of you are caught up in a fearful panic these days by the extensive and quite vile misinformation being spread against me and our campaign on the internet by the latest government operatives.
The truth is that, like Phil Spencer, professional mud throwers like Greg Renouf are an excellent ally at this moment because of the opposite effect he is producing by the increasingly irrational and vitriolic tone of his hatred towards me - and because, unwittingly, Greg, like Phil, is a pawn in the hands of forces he cannot imagine.
Indeed, it's been well documented how any public smear campaign loses its effectiveness after a very short time because the perpetrator of the character assassination, relying on fabrications, has to overstate his case with provable lies and thereby he quickly loses credibility, while his target wins new sympathy because of the attacks.
This has certainly proven to be so with the recent assault on me and our work by Renouf, which has provoked dozens of new supporters to contact me and aid our campaign. Once again, my attacker has proven to be my best recruiting agent.
Of course, let's be clear: the latest smear effort has occured as part of a bigger necessity by church and state in Canada to publicly bury me once and for all before their "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" whitewash of the Canadian genocide winds down next spring. The TRC has stolen and exploited my research while doing its outmost to discredit me as its source.
In effect, the criminals have tried to steal my clothes and have found that, because they are so incriminating, the clothes don't fit. So now they have to resort to out and out violence against me and what I represent.
When people start calling us horrible names or inciting violence against us, as Greg Renouf and his ilk are doing, it means they are desperate, for they have nothing intelligent to say and no way to stop our impact except by such thuggery. And to quote Martin Luther King, at that point - when your opponent can only club you - you know you've won.
That wonderful old radical Saul Alinsky once said that the powerful, properly goaded, can be our best allies, and become their own downfall. The churches, the feds, and their corporate partners in crime have far more to lose than we do, and they know it.
For instance, the main concern of the church leaders has always been to safeguard their personal assets from lawsuits and the claims of their victims. I, on the contrary, have no financial assets, and nothing to lose but my life. As a disgruntled puppet Indian politician commented about me in 2008, "What's the point of suing Annett? He's broke! We couldn't make a dime off him!" So who's more vulnerable?
It's actually quite easy to goad and manipulate the powerful, for they are essentially frightened individuals hiding behind fictional institutions and their lawyers. The only defense of popes, queens and politicians is a psychological one, deriving from the fact that the rest of us assume they have a power they don't actually possess.
In reality, the "rulers" of church and state keep revealing by their responses to us where they are the most vulnerable, and how even a small group of us can trigger their downfall. One case in point: the day that fifty of us briefly occupied Holy Rosary catholic cathedral in Vancouver during a Sunday mass in early 2007.
We carried a banner that day that declared "All the children need a proper burial". The pew crowd were respectful and curious. The priests, however, went quite ballistic: one of them lost his saintly guise altogether and tried putting me into an arm lock and wrestling me out of the place. And small wonder: for by entering their church and confronting their crime, we threatened not only the public image of catholicism that Sunday, but, more specifically, the cash in their collection plates.
Sure enough, within a few weeks of that catholic church occupation and after we publicly announced that similar occupations would continue, the Canadian government declared that an apology for the Indian residential schools was forthcoming, along wth an "official inquiry".
Loose cannon tactics? Confrontational methods? So be it. They work! And they sure scared the shit out of the catholic archdiocese in Vancouver, whose lawyer called me up afterwards and literally pleaded with me not to lead any more occupations of the cathedral.
The fifty of us who invaded Holy Rosary church were mostly poor, homeless native men and women. We had nothing going for us except our own resolve. But our tiny group was nevertheless able to do the impossible, and use the very weight of the wealthiest and most "powerful" corporation in history, the roman catholic church, against itself, and force a change.
Frankly, the problem doesn't lie in such methods, as some claim, but rather with the inconsistency with which we rely on such direct action. Still today, few people are willing to challenge the church like the fifty of us did, even when its crimes have been exposed and the mass graves of its victims located. Too many of us, in truth, are still captive to the illusion that the powerful are unassailable.
The reality is that our campaign to bring down criminal church and government bodies has now reached such a level of successful, critical mass that the criminals in our crosshairs are acting ever more desperately, and are trying to strike at us with the only way they know how: with lies and confusion. Yet by so doing, they are exposing their real nature more quickly to wider numbers of people, many of whom are abandoning the catholic church in droves.
Put simply, the mask of church and state is slipping, and the illusions that have allowed their crimes to continue for centuries are evaporating daily. And it's up to us now to take full advantage of that golden historic opportunity.
Despite what Christian sunday school may have taught you, light and darkness are not opposites but rather co-dependent forces that work together for a third and higher purpose, unknown to either. Our enemies, and all that they inflict on us, are the means by which we not only learn endurance, courage and clarity, but have opened to us the real purpose of what we have struggled and suffered through. I began this journey twenty years ago, and only now am I aware of what it's really all about.
A religion and a culture that could so systematically kill off generations of children and then hide the evidence and continue to maim the innocent is an abomination that must be gotten rid of. The more seasoned and far seeing of us know this already, and have given up our naive hope that church and state can be "held accountable" for doing the atrocities which come naturally to them. Instead, we are committed to abolishing those murderous institutions altogether, as international law and the safety of children demands.
We have pledged our lives to the fundamental shakeup of our society. And our looming common law court of justice is the first stage in that shakeup.
Yesterday, I was accosted on the streets of Vancouver by a young man who grabbed my hand and exclaimed, "You're Kevin Annett! Man, I love you!" I must have looked self-conscious or something, for the guy smiled and continued, "With all that shit they say about you, fuck man, I knew you were the real thing!" OK, now I get it!
See the evidence of Genocide in Canada and other crimes against the innocent at and at the website of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State at . Messages for Kevin Annett can be left at 250-591-4573 (Canada).
The Case against the Crown, the Vatican and other Agents of Genocide: Common Law Courts, Indictments and Juries to be Established by September 15, 2012
The Legal Advisory Group of the ITCCS Central Office has completed a list of specifications, indictments and defendants in a global class action lawsuit to be brought against the institutions responsible for centuries of genocide, torture and human trafficking.
The material will be submitted on September 15, 2012 to de jure Common Law courts which shall be officially convened on the same day to receive the application for proceedings.
These courts shall convene on traditional territories under Natural Land Law jurisdiction. An initial roster of confirmed judges for these courts has been approved. September 15 is also the deadline issued by the ITCCS to the Vatican and Crown of England by which time they must respond to a program of ten measures or face prosecution and permanent disruption. (see posting at, May 30, 2012)
Today, the ITCCS Council of Elders is issuing a public call for all citizens to participate in these proceedings as witnesses and jurors. Citizen Jury members will be duly sworn in and given instructions by the judges of these courts, and will be expected to serve on a free, volunteer basis for an indefinite period of time.
Witnesses to crimes against humanity are encouraged to come forward with their affidavits and testimonies, and be duly sworn as witnesses at the court proceedings. The common law courts will be initially established in Canada, the United States, Ireland, England and Australia, in some cases in conjunction with sponsoring tribal elders.
The Court will be presented the indictments and evidence by trained Citizen Prosecutors, and arrest warrants and summonses against the named defendants will be issued and enforced by duly sworn Common Law Peace Officers employed by the Court. "The Court is going ahead" said ITCCS field worker and public spokesman Kevin D. Annett today. "We are proceeding with the public prosecution of the churches and states responsible for centuries of slaughter. The time for talk has ended. This is the first step in our dismantling of the worst criminals in human history."
The complete identity of the Common Law court judges as well as the Elders of the ITCCS will be made public on the opening day of the court proceedings at a global media conference. To volunteer for one of the Common Law juries in your country, or to submit a deposition to the Court, contact the ITCCS at this email:
ITCCS Communique 23 July 2012, Issued by the ITCCS Elders Council, Brussels - London - Ottawa
Shawn "The Pawn" Atleo is re-appointed as Canada's Big Apple: On Land Theft and "Honorable Men"
Special ContributionBy Kevin D. Annett
Jul 18, 2012
998_bateman Carmanah Contrasts
Canada's cherubic Indian poster boy has come a long way since he and some of his relatives in Ahousaht on Canada's west coast helped sideline the biggest corporate scandal in British Columbia history, and became millionaries in the process.
Shawn Atleo doesn't look like much, especially in that ridiculously fake cedar bark hat he loves to parade around in when he needs to play Indian during media photo ops. And frankly, he isn't that much, which is why he got re-appointed so handily by the feds as Canada's top Indian cop - some call him a "Chief" - at the Assembly of First Nation (AFN) convention yesterday in Toronto.
It is the banal personalities who run our world, of course; and I suppose brown skinned bureaucrats have every right to be so as do the Pale varieties. But Shawn has been demonstrating his good office-boy credentials for years now, ever since he and the Atleo Mob saved Weyerhauser's corporate butt in 1995 after an actual native elder named Earl Maquinna George exposed that particular logging multinational as a profiteer in stolen land belonging to Shawn's very own Ahousaht people.
I was there. The Ahousaht land deal scandal that year nearly toppled the B.C. government as well as the United Church of Canada, but instead it merely destroyed my life, and Earl George's, and let wrong prevail - thanks to the Atleos.
Aboriginal collaborators are handy guys to have around, if you're a planet-raping company like Weyerhauser, and their investor associates in the United Church of Canada. Whenever the heat starts coming down about all the secret back room deals to steal native land and conceal the theft, all you do is grab an Atleo, hand him a cheque, and have him bless the whole mess with official "native" approval by creating something called the Lisaak Logging company, so that a piece of the clear cut pie can be tossed to Shawn and his family.
The process is called "corporate red washing", and playing massively on the kind of liberal white guilt that prevents Pales from criticizing anything an Indian does, it always works. It sure as hell extinguished most of the huge environmental protests on Vancouver Island after 1997, once Lisaak Ltd. kicked into action with the Atleos at its helm. A 100% "aboriginal owned" logging company determined to devastate old growth forests for the mighty dollar can do what Weyerhauser could never have done - operating, assumedly, with "traditional indigenous respect for the land".
The lone adversaries of these insiders' machinations, Ahousaht elder Earl George and me, both got a rapid boot out of the United Church of Canada, whose missionary John Ross had originally robbed the land from the Ahousahts in the course of "civilizing" them, and then sold it off to Weyerhauser's gobbled-up predecessor, MacMillan-Bloedel. When I wouldn't shut up about the United Church's role in the whole thing, I got defrocked and publicly pilloried, and Earl George received a convenient aneurism and death.
Meanwhile, since that time, the Atleos and their Lisaak operation have been raking in the loot harvested from their slaughter of the last remaining old growth forests in their territory. And who said crime doesn't pay?
I imagine Shawn Atleo's re-appointment as AFN "Grand Chief" yesterday happened with the same ease and behind the scene wheel-greasing as the Ahousaht land theft. Being a government operation, the AFN doesn't actually elect its leaders, appearances to the contrary. All 633 of its self-appointed "chiefs" are given their orders by Indian Affairs and the Prime Minister's Office. That's at least what Wilf Price says, and he was an AFN delegate for years until he quit in disgust.
Wilf is a Haida elder who I got to know in Vancouver's downtown eastside some years back. One day in the spring of 2007, he described how the AFN works on the airwaves of my former program at Vancouver Co-op radio: "At my very first AFN convention, all of us delegates were given the same gold-shield credit card with no limit on it, as part of our package. We could have anything we wanted: booze, drugs, kids, women, anything, as long as we did as we were told. When it came time to vote in the new Grand Chief, I was told my vote was to go to the government choice, Phil Fontaine, and nobody else. It was that simple."
Unlike Shawn Atleo, Wilf Price lives in a cheap rooming house in Vancouver's east side skid row, where many of the other real Indians struggle and mostly die. Wilf refuses to take any government money now, and he lost all of his prosperous former AFN contacts when he quit the aboriginal gravy train. But he is a contented man. "I can be myself down here and like who I see in the mirror each morning" he told me recently, and his words struck a deep chord in me.
"I don't regret a thing. This is just the price I've had to pay for honesty" Meanwhile, back in Ottawa, newly appointed "Grand Chief" Shawn Atleo beamed blankly at TV cameras after his inauguration yesterday, and announced to not that much applause that he would continue to defend something he called "the honor of the Crown".
For Brutus is an honourable man, So are they all, all honourable men.
Dozens of people rally to our class action lawsuit – Mohawk-Onkwehonwe elders reaffirm support for Kevin Annett and ITCCS/ACP – and the black ops campaign against us intensifies as our lawsuit proceeds

The victim child
A Message to Consider ... The little boys and girls who are lying slaughtered and forgotten in the earth are waiting and watching us right now. And they are asking us: Will you find us, and bring us home? Or will you squabble and debate among yourselves?
The children who will suffer and die tomorrow at the hands of wealthy and protected men - they too are waiting and watching us, and are asking: Will you stop those men once and for all, and protect us with all your means, every day? Or will you fear such men and those who shield them, and shrink back from what must be done, and allow us to die? What will your answer be to these children?
Latest News from ITCCS and Kevin Annett on our Criminal Conspiracy lawsuit against the Crown, Big Pharma, the Vatican and their accomplices – Wednesday, July 11, 2012
See this latest interview with Kevin Annett / July 9, 2012:
Dear friends,
From mothers who’ve lost their children to in-house child trafficking, to native people searching for their murdered relatives, many victims of church and state are rallying to our class action lawsuit that commenced on July 4 in a Federal Court in Toronto. Since that day, more than thirty people have contacted us to sign onto our class action suit.
Meanwhile, news of our effort has been reported on media around the world and has even prompted diplomatic inquiries to the Canadian government by other states.
Jason Bowman, who commenced the suit on behalf of The Association of Citizen Prosecutors (ACP) and our ITCCS, expects to proceed soon with the next aspect of the case, despite a heightening “black ops” campaign to derail and discredit our efforts by full-time operatives like a shadowy figure going by the name of “Greg Renouf”.
Predictably, that campaign has focused on trying to defame both Bowman and me by circulating on the internet unsubstantiated and false claims about both of us.
In response, we’ve posted some material to counter these lies and rumors, including this recent note from Cheryl Squire of the Mohawk-Onkwehonwe Nation, who is one of the elders who authorized me and the ITCCS to operate on their territory and conduct excavations at mass graves at the Church of England Indian residential school in Brantford, Ontario:
Subject: Re: “The Elders of the Mohawk Nation parted company with Kevin Annett” (Frank Miller video): Google Alert - Mohawk Nation
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to let you all know that the video Frank Miller put out regarding Kevin Annett is his own personal opinion and he does not speak for the Mohawks at Kanata Village in Brantford.
As you will notice in the video, it is done at the long house with a bunch of strays Frank got together to make it look like he has some support. Frank Miller and his partner have been informed that they are no longer welcome at Kanata because of the video he put on you tube which is nothing but lies.
The truth is that Frank Miller is jealous of Kevin and just simply has great difficulty understanding how the modern world operates. Kevin still has a lot of support from the people who attend mtgs at Kanata and he is welcome to come back to Brantford whenever he chooses to continue his work regarding the residential schools.
For those of you who don't know me, I am 100% Mohawk from Grand River Territory. I have been involved in Native politics for the past 40 years. I have two years of college, a university degree in psychology and 15 yrs. experience working front line at the Children's Aid Society of Brant. I retired last April. So I do know right from wrong and when someone is "simply lost".
Respectfully, cheryl squire,
The criminals in high office who we’ve been battling for years always drop us strong clues by their reactions to our efforts. And from the sudden increase in such overt smears against us, we’re on the right track and have them worried.
Clearly, focusing on their criminal liability for planning and concealing genocide in collusion with pharmaceutical companies is striking at the Achilles Heel of church and state. So we will press on all that much harder because of their mounting attacks.
Please help us by ignoring the lies being circulated about us by “Greg Renouf” and his associates. Renouf has already been named as a provocateur and disruptor by activists in Vancouver and Toronto, and has even claimed that our entire lawsuit is a “hoax”.
In truth, copies of the Court Application and Affidavit submitted by Jason Bowman are available online and can be sent to you on request. More importantly, you can provide your best help by circulating our updates and evidence as widely as possible, and join our legal and public protest actions over the months ahead.
Follow our historic work and updates at . Thanks to you all, and keep your hearts pure, your courage strong, and your minds vigilant and clear. This battle has just begun, and our hopes are high! More updates are coming. Kevin Annett
A Love Letter to Greg Renouf from your Nefarious Enemy Kevin Annett
Special ContributionBy Kevin D. Annett
Jul 8, 2012

Torture survivor Harry Wilson and Kevin Annett in 1997
On a spring evening in 1958, Martin Luther King was quietly signing copies of his book “Stride toward Freedom” at a New York City store when he was stabbed in the chest with a seven inch long letter opener.
His attacker was Izola Curry, who screamed at him as she drove the knife home, “I finally got you, you liar, you fake!” King survived the stabbing. He did not press charges against Izola but asked that she “get some help”.
Dear Greg,
It’s something of a thrill to be the subject of so much attention, especially on the part of someone like you whom I’ve never met or spoken to. Thank you, by the way, for all the free publicity! Like P.T. Barnum used to comment, I don’t care what you say about me – just don’t spell my name wrong!
But since we have never met, Greg – unless my 56 year old brain has missed something – and you do seem to nevertheless know a hell of a lot about me, I hope all your efforts aren’t misplaced – I mean, considering the amount of labor you’ve put in to learning all about “the REAL Kevin Annett”. Ah, but what IS truth? asked Jesting Pilate. Or the elephant, to a dozen blindfolded people?
When one like me is talked about so much in cyber world, or in the foggy reaches of various fertile imaginations, I guess that any combination of truths is possible. And you do the combining so masterly, Greg. Whatever set you upon this quest of yours, to gut my reputation, is for you alone to know, Greg, and others to endlessly ponder. But your continual expression of public passion towards me does afford me a chance to reciprocate, and express with equal ardor my true feelings towards you. But first, let me see if I follow your reasoning about me.
I’m really a fraud, according to you, based on some unnamed people I've "harmed" and some undisclosed evidence you can’t mention. Well, you’re in good company when you make that kind of unsubstantiated claim, because the churches and government do that all the time, too. Maybe you know some of those guys who spout the same line about me? Like RCMP Inspector Peter Montague, a.k.a. “Our specialty is smear campaigns”?
You don’t know Pete? Well, that surprises me, because that bit of “insider” knowledge you have about me – my “nefarious” past as a (brief) member of the (gasp!) International Socialists when I was in my early twenties – was only known by a few people in the world thirty five years ago, starting with the Mounties. I guess you move in some pretty exclusive circles, Greg.
Then there’s all the hullaballoo you’re making about my mom and brother’s (equally brief) ownership of Western Canada Water. Yes sir, back in the 1980’s they were water exporters – well, they tried to be. I never swam in their effort. In fact, I told them I didn’t want anything to do with the bulk export of water from Canada, on principle. So I never owned a share in their company or made a cent from it.
Mom and Bill got booted out of WCW in a hostile takeover, by the way. Again, a long time ago. Right. So what does all that have to do with anything, besides some odd notion by you of guilt by association? The world wonders.
But let’s get down to basics, Greg. If we’re to believe you, and the clique of smear artists whose ranks you’re joining, I have perpetrated the following “nefarious” (you really like that word) deeds:
Besides being a general “con artist” and a moral degenerate, I have financially ripped off Indians (presumably, all those homeless ones I work with); used their testimonies without their permission; "harmed" elderly or struggling native people; forced them to make up atrocity stories that aren’t true; drugged eyewitnesses (I love that one); fabricated documents; made several Indian women pregnant and even messed around with a prostitute in a radio station at night (again, one of my favorites); beaten people up; exaggerated everything; and even, according to one of my more delusional detractors named Helen Michel, actually worked in an Indian residential school (presumably before I turned sixteen in 1972, by which time many of them were closed or closing).
Did I miss anything? You might want to consult the Montague File. Well, none of it's true, Greg. But in your world, apparently, I deliberately destroyed my ten year marriage, lost both of my children, sacrificed my livelihood and career, and have endured blacklisting, harassment, public ostracism and poverty for two decades simply so that I could do all that “nefarious” stuff and in return, endure the tender mercies of people like you.
Just one bit of advice, Greg. It’s not a smear, actually, to tell a man like me who’s 56 that he has the sexual prowess to do all night orgies with hordes of women. It’s called a compliment. So I wanted to ask if you actually have any spare copies of that alleged videotape of me getting high and engaging in flagrant delecto with that unknown and unnamed woman one summer night in 2010 at Vancouver Co-op radio?
I guess that it’s just coincidental that such a tale about me started circulating soon after I was unceremoniously canned and banned from that station after ten years as a programmer when I spoke on the air about eyewitnesses who saw RCMP officers taking native women out to the Pickton snuff film farm. Maybe you can check with your buddy Inspector Montague about that one.
You see, Greg, life’s really a comedy posing as pathos, and the basic problem with you is you take it all way, way too seriously. Maybe that’s your handler’s fault. After all, I know the Mounties have one of the highest professional burnout rates of any cop force on the continent because they have no union or grievance procedure. Female Mounties like Catherine Galliford in Vancouver get raped by their male colleagues if they get too mouthy about what they know – especially about the missing women. So it’s a stressful work environment to say the least, and I’m sure a low level flunky like you has to bear the brunt.
So it might be best if you change your approach to your work. Try doing like your fellow smear artist Lydia Whitecalf, when she took up an alias and started posing as a disgruntled "former supporter and admirer of Kevin who now sees the truth about him". It's a more convincing line, and you might garner some sympathy to boot.
But all that aside, let me say that I don’t bear you a grudge. I’ve seen your type come and go. And mostly go. And to quote Jack Palance’s cowboy character Curly remarking to a city slicker,
“I’ve crapped bigger than you, son” Don’t take it personally, Greg. I never do. So, drop the letter opener, brother, and get some help.
Yours affectionately,
Official Revision: Breaking News Report from the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) and the Association of Citizen Prosecutors (ACP)
Jul 5, 2012Jason Bowman (holding papers) in Federal Court, Toronto, July 4
Class Action Lawsuit against Church, State and Big Pharma is given Green Light
History was made yesterday when the Association of Citizen Prosecutors (ACP), headed by Jason Bowman, took the first step towards in exposing Vatican, Crown of England and other parties, and in holding these cartels to account in the Federal Court of Canada.
A Federal Court in Toronto examined Bowman's materials and essentially outlined the framework by which this unprecedented undertaking shall now proceed in Federal Court.
The result granted leave for a full application to be filed, and still provides the applicants with the opportunity to file additional motions for directions if, and as required.
According to Bowman, who acted on behalf of both the ACP and ITCCS, “We expected to simply file a motion … Instead, the Court directed that we file not only the ex-parte motion materials, but also our entire Application a full week earlier than we were expecting. Naturally, I was elated.”
A crowd of supporters accompanied Bowman to the Federal Court and were present as the Court's outline was explained in great detail.
Afterwards, the group held a press conference nearby and was harassed at least one agent provocateur - a 'blogger' known as "Greg Renouf", who tried to incite violence and discredit both Bowman and ITCCS founder and co-applicant Kevin Annett. Renouf has since then posted a derogatory and untruthful you tube posting about the event.
An attempted live stream broadcast of the event was inexplicably disrupted, although blog media activists who were present reported the news extensively on the internet.
None of the “mainstream” media in Toronto attended the press conference. The ACP-ITCCS lawsuit is the first of its kind: a class action aimed at so-called heads of state, including the Pope and the Queen of England, on behalf of victims of alleged crimes against humanity committed by churches, governments and corporations.
Also named in this suit as defendants are the government of Canada, the United Church of Canada, the Church of England, and pharmaceutical companies, all of which are charged with crimes against humanity and criminally conspiring to obstruct justice.
Kevin Annett, who is named in the court application as a plaintiff against the Crown, Pope and other defendants, commented, “As usual, the corporate media ignored us and paid operatives tried to discredit and stop us, but this time, we got our foot in the door of the court system. Wherever that leads us, we’ve taken another step towards forcing criminals in power to do time for their crimes. Whether it’s in this court or in a common law de jure one, the tables will be turned.”
Kanata Day Communique: A Chance to Turn the Tables on the Oligarchy of Crown, Church and Corporation
Special ContributionBy Kevin D. Annett
July 1, 2012

ITCCS's campaign logo
The biggest criminal conspiracy in history is being confronted this week in a federal court house in Toronto. On Wednesday July 4, our friend and ally, Jason Bowman of The Association of Citizen Prosecutors (ACP), will be filing the first class action lawsuit in history against the Vatican, the Crown of England, the government and churches of Canada, and pharmaceutical corporations for crimes against humanity and criminal conspiracy.
Anyone who has suffered at the hands of these groups can come forward and join our action. For instance, for a century doctors and clergy of both the Roman Catholic and United Church of Canada sterilized and experimented on countless aboriginal people – many of them children who died as a result – under agreements with the Crown of England and prominent pharmaceutical companies with ties to the military.
In 1995, when as a west coast United Church clergyman I began to uncover the grisly evidence of such practices as testing drugs for these companies on children at United Church facilities like the R.W. Large Hospital in Bella Bella, B.C., I was targeted for personal and professional destruction by that Church and its friends in government.
Across Canada, there are many such cases of criminal conspiracy to silence the truth and truth tellers. Now, for the first time, there’s a chance for these crimes to be brought to light and those responsible made to publicly account. That opportunity commences Monday, July 9, when Jason Bowman will argue our application before a Federal Court judge.
Besides the historic “McLibel” lawsuit in England during the 1990’s when two people singlehandedly took on the McDonald’s Corporation, I can’t think of a bigger case of David confronting Goliath in the courts. For in our suit, we are naming the biggest actors in global genocide as having conspired to commit and conceal centuries of pillage, murder and corruption.
Our phones have been flooded already by dozens of people who want to support us and bring forward their own cases, and by media outlets wanting interviews. Clearly, we have struck a chord.
Let’s be clear about our purpose.
This lawsuit is not an end in itself but one step, albeit a big one, to unseat and disestablish self-governing corporations of church, state and business that have wreaked havoc on our world. For this unholy alliance has been behind the destruction of millions of people and poses an ever-growing threat to the welfare of our children, our liberties, and our planet.
So, we’re not out for a financial settlement or “compensation” from these oligarchies. Nothing can compensate for what they have done, and their lawyers will not buy themselves out of their responsibility for mass murder. This is not a “personal injury” lawsuit but a blow aimed at the power of business, church and state.
So, if justice is to come, it won’t happen through a court decision but by getting rid of these tyrannical institutions altogether and reinventing our world so that their crimes will never be repeated. We want the Vatican and profit-hungry drug companies gone altogether, not simply modified. We see this class action is a means to that end.
This fact makes today’s Kanata Day message all that more poignant.
Three years ago today, a group of patriots in Winnipeg announced the formation of The Republic of Kanata: a grassroots movement of those descended from aboriginal and European peoples who are determined not only to sever ties with the fictitious “Crown of England”, but to do so in order to return the land, wealth and power to all of our people from the few who presently monopolize it.
We who are embarked on this path of sovereignty and independence are total realists. We know that such a Republic of Equals will not come about by declarations and “cyber radicalism”, but by building on the ground a new society within the shell of the old. And the first practical action towards this aim is creating a moral framework through a new judicial system based on common law courts under the authority of our Republic of Kanata.
The first case brought in such a new court system will be against the so-called Crown of England and the Vatican for centuries of terror and theft against all the peoples of Canada. The case that will be argued by Jason Bowman on July 9 in Federal Court is the opening volley in this campaign to dislocate Crown and Church in our land.
Personally, I feel many spirits and ancestors watching what we are doing this week. In many ways I feel like I am continuing the unfinished work of my great-great-great grandfather Philip Annett, an Upper Canada farmer who fought in the Patriot movement if 1837 to overthrow the oligarchy called The Family Compact that in many ways still rules Canada and our world.
We are fighting the same battle my grandfather and others waged two centuries ago because that movement was crushed, and Crown and Church and their wealthy friends became enthroned in Canada. The same year the Patriots were defeated, the first murderous “Indian residential school” was created by the Crown at the “Mohawk school” in Brantford, Ontario. That blow was aimed not only at indigenous people but at every European settler, to impose a mental and spiritual tyranny of Bishops and Bankers on our land from which we are struggling to emerge.
Over half of Canadians polled are with us, and want an end to our ties with the Crown. But we are not envisioning a mere changing of the political guard, with new elites running the show under a new flag. We must achieve mental liberation and spiritual reform before a new social reality is possible. On July 9, we are beginning this emancipation. We need you to not only climb on board but use our effort to transform your own life and community from the bottom up.
Send us your story. Share our messages and you tube postings that will document our ongoing lawsuit. And resurrect the dreams of our earliest ancestors of the Two Row Wampum by which indigenous and settler shared all the land equally, and in peace. It is a joy and an honor to stand with you all in this cause, and battle.
Torture by any other Name: How the Abomination Continues, A Sequel to The Forgiveness Fallacy
Special ContributionBy Kevin D. Annett
Jun 28, 2012
Must Torture Continue? Giving up Child Sacrifice and Repression
It felt like they were raping me all over again, but this time they were calling it healing and reconciliation. - Sylvester G., aboriginal torture victim, after attending Canada’s “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” hearing in Vancouver, 2011 Torture is the perfect crime … in the vast majority of cases, only the victim pays. - - Unspeakable Acts, Ordinary People by John Conroy
I have worked for many years with torture victims who are never called that, but rather are known and labeled as “survivors of abuse”. So why is this misnomer so commonly used?
Torture is a criminal act under the law; abuse is not. And so while it may profit the torturers known as church and state to moderate and minimize their crime with doublespeak, it is, contrarily, a matter of life and death for the tortured to know their condition for what it is, and to call it so. But for them to do so is a direct challenge to not only the torturers but to we not so innocent bystanders.
In The Forgiveness Fallacy, I asked why it is that our culture tolerates the rape, torture and even murder of children by so easily forgiving those responsible – especially when they occupy positions of “authority”. The answer: we are conditioned from childhood to remain battered victims by enabling our torturers at every step. Forgiveness, I concluded, is a tool fashioned from the perspective of the torturer, since absolution is expected to flow essentially in one direction: from the violated to the violator.
The devastating consequence of doing so, and of respecting those who harm us when none of their behavior has changed, was demonstrated in the closing paragraphs of my Forgiveness piece, where I described a recent, grotesque incident at the government’s stage-managed “Truth and Reconciliation” (TRC) hearings in Victoria, B.C.
The ones who raped and killed brown skinned children, or who protected those who did, received front row seats at this supposed “healing event”, and all the time they needed to publicly exculpate themselves. They were white men adorned with crosses who elbowed out the ones whom they had crucified. Those who somehow survived church torture got to sit behind the church leaders, and were limited to ten minutes to “share” their agony in the presence of those responsible for it.
Some of the victims took offense, to their credit. They called the church men liars, to their face – until, at least, they were silenced by “one of their own”: a trained seal named Murray Sinclair, who as top ab-original TRC Commissioner told the residential school survivors to shut up and “show respect” to the criminals.
After his command, one old native woman broke down and sobbed openly, “like she had just seen someone die”, to quote an onlooker. But the other victims kept their tears to themselves, crushed inside, their wounds open and flowing, like the silent accomplices they were taught and are expected to be.
One should recall that this debacle is occurring in a country where it is more of a crime under the law to possess six or more marijuana plants than it is to rape a child. The law, and Murray Sinclair, are speaking the same message: children are expendable.
And thus, the spectacle of a supposed “inquiry” into crimes against children needs to be understood for what it really is in a nation like Canada : not a process that has anything to do with actual truth or recovery, but in reality, deliberate psychological torture aimed at those who know the truth and may speak it, in order to disable them. This method is well known in counter-insurgency manuals issued during warfare.
Every aspect of the “truth and reconciliation commission hearings” seems designed to psychologically disable and re-traumatize survivors of church torture, by denigrating them, restricting and censoring their statements, and brazenly reasserting the authority of their torturers right in their face. The harsh effectiveness of this assault is evident in the continual tendency for the suicide rate among aboriginal families to climb whenever the TRC events come to their community.
In Canada, and wherever eyewitnesses to church and state pose a threat to the evasion of justice by the powerful, this kind of re-traumatizing is a sure-fire method deployed against those who are veterans of the oldest war in human history: that staged by Christendom – the corporation of the roman catholic church – against its perceived enemies.
The Vatican officially sanctioned the use of physical torture against non-catholics in the year 1252, to “destroy the body that the soul may live”, to quote one of the three “philosophical fathers” of Catholicism, Thomas Aquinas. The practice has never stopped, and not just against “heretics”.
Why the church so deliberately rapes and tortures children seems at first glance as morally perplexing as why it is allowed to do so by governments and courts. But in truth, such violence flows naturally from Christendom’s core “Original Sin” belief in the corrupt and debased nature of every newborn child, indeed of Creation itself: a belief upon which our society arose.
To suggest that our very innocence is in fact the source of all evil in us and the world creates an irresolvable psychosis within every believing Christian that breeds the kind of self-hatred that transfers itself onto anything innocent, beginning with our own childhood and capacity to practice empathy.
Is it small wonder, then, that the culture of Christendom has bred such violence, rape, and wars of extermination for centuries? Or that children have been seen in the European world as a permanent and unmanageable threat to society, by the simple fact they refute the very tenets of Christendom by being so innocent and untainted?
It is natural, then, that such little “heretics” can be assaulted and killed with impunity and clear conscience, since they are in the same category of the damned as any real or potential “enemies of the faith”. As unacceptable a notion as this may be to some, the raw statistics of the continual enormity of child rape and torture bears it out.
The fact that church-sanctioned torture of children is so rationalized and legitimated by every level of our culture, and that “child abuse” is a non-issue in practice for most people and health professionals, is even more proof of the unconscious hatred that western culture holds for childhood. It is why, in fact, the sacrifice of children is unrelenting.
Very soon in my work as a therapist with victims of childhood torture, I realized that the whole notion of “survivors of abuse” was inaccurate and did not reflect what people endured. I began to refer to the “survivors” as veterans of warfare, and significantly, when I did so in healing circles, people began to sit up, gain confidence and speak more clearly about what they had suffered.
I can only conclude that something in my designation of them as veterans rather than survivors or victims touched honestly on how they felt about themselves, and what they had gone through. And the fact that they had all indeed been through a hellish battle and bore all the same psychological traits as combat veterans allowed many of them to begin naming their torturers and what they represented rather than dwelling on their own personal agony.
If it is true that “For any veteran, the war never ends”, it is equally the case that the knowledge of why one has fought and suffered equips veterans with a moral fortitude and psychic strength to endure their own suffering, even in the face of massive Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
For instance, those survivors of Indian boarding school tortures who have read the laws and church edicts allowing them to be incarcerated at a tender age are far more capable of discussing their torture than those who act from a victimized, uninformed belief that their suffering was somehow their own fault or the result of bad circumstances. As one veteran put it to me, “I always blamed my parents for being locked up in that hellhole, until I read in your book that it was a federal law to do that to every Indian kid. Then I didn’t have to hate my folks anymore. I could put the blame where it belonged.”
It is therefore hardly surprising that the government and church funded system of “therapy” for these same survivors discourages such knowledge of the historical reasons and the systemic context of their suffering, and prescribes an individualistic, a-historical counseling model that places sole responsibility for recovery on the victim. As one survivor describes it, “It’s like we’re told we suffered a crime, but we’re not allowed to name the criminal, and if we do, we’re victimized all over again.”
This system, I would argue, is part of a wider process of social and collective denial of responsibility for the torture itself on the part of the guilty mainstream society.
In his book Unspeakable Acts, Ordinary People, John Conroy describes nine characteristic reactions to torture by those responsible for it. These nine features could be an exact description of the attitude and responses of mainstream Canada – or any culture that wiped out another - to the reality of their own home-grown genocide.
1. First and foremost, the torture is denied: “It never happened - those are just wild conspiracy stories”. 2. Next, when the fact of torture can no longer be refuted, the extent of the torture is minimized: “It’s not as bad as they’re making out. Only a few people were harmed.” 3. As part of this trivialization of the crime, the victims themselves are disparaged and dehumanized: “They were criminals or unruly elements who needed to be treated that way.” 4. The torture, which is never called that, is portrayed as being a necessary act of defense that was some kind of prior societal norm: “We had no other way of dealing with those people; and besides, everybody was abusing children back then” 5. When the fate of the tortured is exposed in all its ugliness, those who take up the cause of the victims are attacked as “aiding the enemies of society” and causing needless social disruption that is “impeding healing”. 6. Another defense is that the torture is over and done with, and whoever raises it is “needlessly raking up the past and causing pain”. 7. A commonly employed “Bad Apples Defense” claims that only individuals acting alone, without authority, caused the torture; and that no higher authority or institution can be blamed or held accountable today. 8. A final justification of the torture is that far worse things happen in other places, and that relatively speaking, the victims are not so badly off and are not really suffering. 9. The final defense is that the victims themselves will “heal” and recover from the “abuse”, provided the torture is forgotten and the guilty are unconditionally “forgiven”.
And a final rationale, not mentioned by Conroy, is that the tortures inflicted on people were legal acts and orders which had to be obeyed because they were “the law”. I like to call that one the “Nazis’ Nuremburg Defense”.
In such a mainstream climate of systemic denial, where the guilty institutions effectively justify their crimes and absolve themselves from all wrongdoing – as is occurring in Canada - the torture victims have no means to actually recover from their trauma, since every level of society is telling them that their ordeal was not actual torture but simply “abuse”, and may even have been necessary at the time.
In other words, from the victims’ experience and in truth the torturer is still unrepentant and in charge, and can therefore safely strike at them again at any moment. Indeed, a dominant culture’s denial of its own deeds seems designed to maintain the torture survivor in a prolonged state of fear and dysfunction, precisely as if the torture is continuing – which in a basic sense, it is.
Wherever I look, I see signs of the commandment to honor one's parents, and nowhere of a commandment that calls for honoring of the child. – Alice Miller
Years ago, I spoke at a gathering of clergymen and women who seemed passionately concerned about “helping” aboriginal people recover from the devastation we have inflicted on them, even though these clergy were members of the very church that caused the crime. Eventually, I suggested to the Christians in the room that it would be far more productive for them to hold therapy circles for themselves and their fellow church members, starting with the church officials, since it was all of them who were responsible for the wrong.
In the dumbfounded silence that followed my words, I added, “After all, what does it say about us as a people that we can cause the death and torture of so many children in the name of God, and never be held responsible for it? And that we never hold ourselves responsible? Shouldn’t that be treated as indicating a profound moral, spiritual and mental illness?” None of them responded, and the topic was quickly changed. I was never asked back.
Aristotle said that to know any phenomenon, we must first understand its nature: its behavior is then predictable. When we finally recognize that the nature of Judeao-Christian culture is to dominate and subjugate innocence, and specifically childhood, the epidemic of unrelenting child abuse and torture in our midst will be seen as something much more than episodic and abnormal. On the contrary, child sacrifice has remained a template of western civilization, emblazoned in the archetypal image of the slow torture to death on a cross of God’s only child, Jesus. Must it remain so? This is the heart of the matter, an insight and a problem with no easy answer, and perhaps no answer at all.
I say no answer because of the observed reality that no active empathy exists for torture victims on the part of those who would normally care. The victims becomes nullified and reduced to people without rights or even humanity, functionally dead in the eyes of the world: ones to be avoided at all costs.
Any rape survivor, political prisoner or whistleblower who has been demonized by official society understands exactly what I’m referring to.
The Romans can share some of the blame for this, for they invented the “win-lose” concept of end game: there can be only one victor, who is deified, and one loser, who is condemned for all eternity. This worldview was encompassed in a saying – “Woe to the Vanquished” – which has molded all western thought and practice for millennia.
Under Roman, and then church, law and custom, whoever was conquered, either in war or peace, lost all legal status and was declared “res nullius” – literally, reduced to a state of non-existence, or ex-communicato … one made mute. And thus from birth each one of us has been conditioned to avert our eyes and our hearts from, and to help silence, those who are targeted for destruction, or who have survived brutalization. Such people, who are the casualties of the powerful, have not simply been defiled, but been made invisible and of no account.
Since neither women nor children had any status in the Graeco-Roman tradition, childhood in the western world, like slavery, has always amounted to being in a state of nullification comparable to the condition of a victim of war, or of any conquest.
Indeed, the subjugation of each person’s innocence at a tender age is a precondition for their admission into society as a functional slave; and that subjugation is always forcible and destructive. The fact that most people psychologically adapt themselves to their forced subordination and nullification does not for an instant make the violence and torture any less real.
The key, then, to genuine recovery from such a regime of institutionalized repression is to foster an active in-subordination in the very place where each of us has been subordinated: in our very self-conception.
We have noted how people who struggle in daily, unalleviated conditions of systemic violence and unrelenting trauma rapidly become psychologically and functionally dissociated because of society’s requirement that they repress their own pain and experience to protect the guilty. That is, the battered ones come to reflect the operational insanity of the culture and persons who destroyed them. Learning to function as a sort of dead soul in this toxic wasteland of enshrined injustice is what “helping professionals” like to call “healing and closure”.
Naturally, any focus on the need to undo such subordination by refusing to adapt to this torture of innocence is a direct threat to not only such pseudo-therapy but those responsible for the torture, and the crime. And yet it is precisely such a challenge that the tortured themselves need to mount, simply by never surrendering their own voice, and truth: a fact that makes their pain and condition inherently political, and perhaps even revolutionary.
Within the aboriginal and sexual violence healing circles I have served for many years, when the veterans of torture reach such a point of discovery in their own recovery, many of them shrink from the next obvious step of seeing their trauma as a political and a social reality that must be dealt with collectively. The limits of “personal therapy” are reached, and a deeper and riskier response is required by everyone.
This next step could be called a form of group or transpersonal recovery that seeks to name and uncover the social roots of repression and suffering, and actually end the institutional practices that cause child torture.
How we go about such a monumental, generations-long undertaking is the subject for another article. But one taste of the nature of this type of collective recovery is found in proposals put forward by residential school veterans themselves, when they are asked “What would real healing be for you?” Their answer in many cases is the same: “Shutting down the church that hurt me and killed my friends”, “Putting the Pope and the Queen on trial” or “Getting back the land they stole from us”.
These goals, while hardly acceptable or achievable to mainstream Canada and its psychologists, are precisely what is needed in a genuine transpersonal or collective recovery program for victims of genocide.
By definition, such a radical program is an obvious political challenge to the status quo. If it is to be viable, such collective therapy must be linked to a broader movement to dis-establish a society that spawns and rests upon child torture and genocide, and create one where freedom and joy are the norm. How else, indeed, can we not simply mitigate the effects of our war against children and childhood, but abolish it altogether?
An Apple Sprouts in Manhattan: Mr. John goes to the United Nations, unfortunately
Special ContributionBy Kevin D. Annett
Jun 19, 2012
Racist poster in Canada
I first heard Ed John’s name mentioned when a large and nasty thug shoved his arm into my throat and bellowed in my ear, “Eddie John is pissed off at what you’re doing here, so cut it out now!”
The ruffian was named Dean Wilson, an enforcer with the Carrier-Sekani Tribal Council in Prince George, British Columbia. The day of his assault on me was June 13, 1998, during the opening session of the only independent Tribunal ever conducted into the Canadian Indian residential schools holocaust.
Dean was a feared man at our Tribunal that weekend. Aboriginal men and women would literally scurry away whenever he entered the hall where a dozen unsuspecting judges from around the continent gathered to hear what torture victims had to say about the Christian death camps. Nobody dared to ask Dean Wilson to leave.
“That’s one of Ed John’s goons” said a native man to me nervously. “And who’s this Ed John?” I asked him, more than annoyed. The guy shook his head and muttered, “You don’t want to know”
I read this week that the same “Chief” Ed John has just been appointed to head the United Nation’s prestigious Permanent Forum on Indigenous People. I wonder if he’s bringing Dean Wilson with him to New York. They seem to like hit men there.
It isn’t every puppet Indian politician who gets to head up the Indigenous Forum, and Eddie isn’t just any apple. He’s one of the richest Indians in Canada, and a government insider who even got the B.C. government to fund a lawsuit for him in July, 2002 to silence his public critics with a ready-made Supreme Court gag order. And Mr. John has brokered the selling off of the lands and resources of his own people and many other west coast tribes too often to keep track.
It gets worse. On the same day that Dean Wilson passed on Eddie’s inelegant warning to me at our Tribunal, two members of his Carrier-Sekani Nation spoke in private to me and Tribunal official Rudy James. They told us that Ed John had tried to have them killed.
“He wants our land and that’s how he gets land” said Helen, one of the witnesses. “He’s knocked off lots of people to get their trap lines and mineral rights. He had my cousin killed. He signed away all our water to Alcan and anyone on council who objected got a one way trip to the lake.”
Her partner Frank added, “Eddie’s the big power up north and he keeps everybody in line by grabbing their kids. He runs all of the drugs and the child trafficking around Prince George with some of the Mounties and local judges. The feds look the other way ‘cause he does what they want. That’s his payoff.”
These folks weren’t just two malcontents with a grudge against a politician. My own aching neck told me that Ed John was somebody with muscle, and a motive to exercise it.
So why doesn’t he like our Tribunal? I asked Frank and Helen. “I told you!” exclaimed Frank. “Eddie’s the government’s boy and he was even when he went to residential school. You think he wants what he did to all those others kids there to ever come out?”
Mind you, all of this is sacrilege in mainstream Canada, who adores Ed John. He’s the Indian always quoted in the press, including at the recent stage-managed “truth and reconciliation” fiasco where his crocodile tears were caught live on television as proof that aboriginal people “finally forgive” Christian Canada for doing to Indian kids what Ed apparently did as well.
Maybe Mr. John Boy and I knew each other in another life, or something, because our paths keep crossing all the time.
In the spring of 2010, just before I was forced off Vancouver Co-op Radio’s airwaves for documenting aloud the RCMP’s involvement in the murder of native women, a man named Les Guerin asked to see me. Les lives on the Musqueam reservation in Vancouver, and is the grounds maintenance worker there. He’s also a neighbor of Ed John and his charming wife and fellow government insider, Wendy Grant.
Les met me at the Ovaltine restaurant and handed me a pile of documents. One of the pages was a signed letter from a now-deceased Musqueam band member named Jim Kew, who claimed to have seen Ed John participate in a group beating of a disabled native man at Musqueam in the fall of 2004.
“Jim didn’t last long after he wrote that. You can look at it but I can’t give you a copy. Not if I want to live” said Les laconically.
Les went on to describe how Ed and Wendy run the Musqueam reservation like their own private fief, evicting opponents from their homes and grabbing their children and property at will.
“The feds call it Agenda 21. They want Ed and Wendy to get rid of half the people on the reserve by denying them services and housing. Just toss them out on their ass and kill ‘em off. The cops can’t lift a finger to stop them.”
Les hesitated, and handed me another document. “That’s a forensic report” he said quietly. “So where did you find these human bones?” I asked him after reading the report. “Dave Pickton buried them at Musqueam. Ed John hired him in 1999, it says so right there. I guess somebody knew that Eddie gets rid of bodies”.
Dave and Willie Pickton were part of the disposal crew who cleaned up the mess after powerful men, including some Canadian senators and military brass, had raped and tortured perhaps hundreds of native women to death. Willie Pickton, the poor sap with an idiot-level IQ, is Canada’s “lone gunman” nowadays, rotting in jail as the prepared distraction so that the bloody elites can carry on their sick pastime and snuff films – with the help of celebrities like “Chief” Ed John.
For those of you who are worried that this article may cause Dean Wilson to do a repeat performance on my throat, or that some heavy duty court summons will clap me in jail, or worse, I wouldn’t fret.
Gangsters like Ed John don’t like drawing more attention to bad publicity about themselves – especially when they know it’s all true. Nor do they worry much about people like me when they’re being groomed by the global elites for bigger stakes: like completing the extermination of those few aboriginal people still on their land, to secure Canada’s vast water and uranium resources for the highest bidder.
Of course, you never know. Life is uncertain, even for people with all the protection and exposure in the world. And even, I might add, for a truly ab-original man like Ed John who thinks he’s swimming with the big sharks now and has the world by the cajones.
I’m so sorry, Ed, but I’ve got bad news for you. You’re still a dark-skinned flunky to the big boys, and you always will be. So at the end of the day, will it all have been worth it?
I’ve often asked myself the same question. And I guess we’ll find out one day, you and I, in the place where fear has no dominion.
PUBLIC NOTICE issued to all Clergy of the Roman Catholic Church, Inc. on Friday
Jun 15, 2012Priest in hand cuffs
You have 90 Days from today to Cease and Desist from colluding in the Criminal Conspiracy to harm children and obstruct justice known as Crimen Sollicitationis
You may face citizen’s arrest and banning from the community unless you take the following public oath no later than September 15, 2012:
I, (name), do solemnly, publicly and unconditionally swear before God to defend and protect all children in my parish, church and community from any person or group that might harm them, and to immediately report and disclose to the police and the community any person or group that preys on or who has raped or violated any child.
I, (name), do further swear before God that I refuse to aid or abet or otherwise collude in the protection of child rapists or other criminals in my parish, church and community, or to help conceal assaults on children by any of my fellow clergy, parishioners or church officials; nor will I assist in the obstruction of justice or investigations by the police and community into such crimes.
I, (name), make this binding oath before God and according to my conscience, freely and without coercion, ulterior motive or reservation.
(To be signed, witnessed and dated)
If you do not agree to this public oath to protect the sanctity and welfare of children, you are declaring that you are in fact part of a criminal conspiracy to harm, exploit and traffic in children; and accordingly, you will be declared a public enemy and a threat to our community and its children.
You will then be subject to expulsion, defrocking and permanent banishment from your church and the community.
This is your only warning. Issued by the local Child Protection Action Group* and members of your parish and wider church
*Affiliated to the nine-nation International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State ( and Not in Our Name, a coalition of concerned Catholic and Protestant Clergy
The Mass Graves at Brantford: An Update from the ITCCS Indigenous Elders Advisory Council and Kevin Annett
Special ContributionBy Jeremiah Jourdain
Jun 5, 2012
Kevin Annett (left) is adopted into Mohawk Nation, Brantford, 2011
The first successful uncovering of apparent mass graves at a former Indian residential school in Canada began in October, 2011 at the “Mush Hole” Mohawk Institute: the former Church of England (Anglican) facility in Brantford, Ontario.
After being formally authorized by Mohawk elders to begin the inquiry, two teams associated with the ITCCS successfully surveyed the grounds of the Mush Hole with Ground Penetrating Radar. This survey revealed massive soil dislocation in areas where eyewitnesses describe seeing burials of children who died in the Mush Hole.
Based on this discovery, the ITCCS teams sunk two small test digs which revealed positive evidence of burials. These included remains of clothing and buttons positively identified as coming from school uniforms, as well as bone samples which turned out to be primarily animal mixed with probable human remains of small children.
The very success of this dig, and its kindling of similar independent excavations at two other former residential schools during 2012, has sparked a counter-attack by the government of Canada and the Anglican Church which has caused the Brantford inquiry to be put on temporary hold. This counter-attack has followed the usual pattern of divide and conquer tactics utilizing the already factionalized atmosphere in the Six Nations community in Brantford.
Early in 2012 after the test digs had uncovered the first bone samples, a government-funded operative named Jan Longboat recruited and paid one of the tribal members who had authorized the ITCCS inquiry, Frank Miller, to begin criticizing the inquiry and calling for the expulsion of ITCCS field worker Kevin Annett from the Mohawk community. Miller successfully factionalized the original group of authorizing Mohawks by stoking fear and spreading state-sponsored smears about Kevin Annett in the community, despite Kevin having been adopted into the Mohawk Nation and given a name.
Nevertheless, to solidify the ITCCS inquiry, in late March, 2012, a new group of ten Mohawk elders and Mush Hole survivors issued a new statement authorizing Kevin Annett and ITCCS to proceed with the Mush Hole inquiry and excavation.
To counter further disruptions and rally native supporters, ITCCS has also established a seven-member Indigenous Elders Advisory Council with representatives from the Cree, Anishnabe, Haudenosaunee, Squamish, Mohawk, Wyandotte, and Maliseet Nations.
The Mush Hole inquiry will be proceeding under the authority of the ten authorizing Mohawk elders, along with a new international team of archaeological and forensic specialists who will seek to recover and identify the remains of children who died at the Mush Hole, for analysis and traditional re-burial.
This inquiry is now joined by similar independent excavations on Cree and Squamish territory, authorized by survivors at the site of residential schools in Ontario and British Columbia.
Obviously, this initiative is a direct challenge to the present state and church-funded whitewash known as Canada’s “truth and reconciliation commission”, which has no mandate to lay criminal charges or search for the remains or cause of death of the 50,000 and more children who died in these schools.
We can therefore expect further efforts by Canada and its guilty churches to disrupt and discredit the independent search for the missing children at the Mush Hole, and elsewhere. And so we urge all people of conscience and all survivors of Canada’s genocide to rally behind our efforts, and to launch similar digs in their own communities.
For further updates and information, see and contact ITCCS International Communique, 5 June 2012, Brussels
America: McWorld in the context of cultural imperialism
By Salai ThangStaff Writer
Jun 1, 2012
McDonald's Restaurant with Arabic letter
McDonald’s Corporation, started in 1940, is a multinational restaurant company that serves hamburgers and other fast food that has come to be a symbol of American culture and food.
McDonald’s is a perfect symbol of what capitalism in general is doing in the world society. McDonald's marketing is very powerful. For example, McDonald's spends well over $2 billion every year worldwide on advertising and promoting its restaurants.
According to a 2012 report, McDonald’s has a total of 33,000 McDonald's restaurants in 199 countries around the world, including South Korea, which ranks 12th with 243 of those restaurants. McDonald’s also ranks 18th for points for Food & Beverage Industry in 2012. It has potential to expand more which means more Americanization.
McDonald’s and examples of the controversies involved in specific terms
Looking at the example of American’s illegal invasion in Iraq, and its soft power, economics, pop music, and culture as dominating the world, all show American imperialism. On the other hand, it has failed to fulfill helping poor countries and never met the level of the percentage to contribute ODA according to the UN mandate. Rather, the US spends large amounts of money for building military as the world's most expensive institution, which is not at all for global society's welfare, such as public health, education, and basic needs for living - food and housing where the majority of the world’s population is under the poverty line. In this context, people see McDonald’s as an Americanization and as penetrating and absorbing their energy.
In the meantime, the (lack of) quality of its products, exploitation of workers with low wages, animal cruelty, and damage to the environment show the global domination of corporations over poor countries.
For example, its food from meat causes the majority of food poisoning incidents and gastroenteritis disease. Similarly, exploiting children with their advertising strategy, promoting food linked to a greater risk of heart disease, paying low wages, and being irresponsible for animal cruelty are problems. In the US, obesity accounts for approximately 300,000 deaths a year and approximately a million worldwide.
In case you let things be as they are, what would happen?
Although it’s easy and cheap food, the negative side of McDonald’s is that it’s killing local food products. Subsequently, local food sellers are losing their jobs. It also means local organic food is diminishing as it’s replaced by fast foods. Actually, it is bad for human health and healthy organic foods are becoming rare and very expensive.
The company looks after their own profits leading to exploiting consumers, workers, the world's natural resources, and billions of factory farmed animals. McDonald’s occupies vast areas of land in poor countries that are used for cash crops or for cattle ranching, or to grow grain to feed animals. It makes local people homeless and landless. And this modern intensive agriculture is based on the heavy use of chemicals which are damaging to the environment. Methane emitted by cattle reared for the beef industry is a major contributor to the global warming crisis.
To improve McDonald's global image through effective global communication
Global communication means all forms of sending and receiving messages for political, diplomatic, business, educational, cultural, religious, and all other purposes to facilitate the attainment of intended effects. McDonald’s marketing system is as a kind of global communication. Similarly, it is a tool to spread America's culture .
According to McDonald's statements, it’s providing high quality food and superior service in a clean, welcoming environment. But, anti-McDonald’s campaigners claim the opposite.
They also said they maintained ethics, are individually accountable, and collectively responsible. They also setup charity organizations to support the community, such as Ronald McDonald House Charities, and show willingness to improve through constant evolution and innovation.
If they can increase their good work, value and ethics, and charity work. McDonald’s can improve their global image. Particularly, transforming into a local context and sharing their wealth with needy people as a way of solving social injustice and inequality.
The Global Digest editor Rob Arnold edited to this story.
When Seeing Leads to More than Believing
Special ContributionBy Kevin D. Annett
May 17, 2012
Torture survivor Harry Wilson (left) and Kevin Annett, 1997, Vancouver
What I held in my hand yesterday caused me to flee from the University of British Columbia library, and seek solace in the deep forest that surrounds the campus where I grew up, and where I have discovered the unimaginable.
It was an unusual reaction, for I had encountered much worse over the years. But after seeing the document, something snapped in me and made nothing else possible than to rush to the woods, fall to the bountiful soil behind a hidden tree tangled in moss, and dig my hands desperately into mother earth and sob like I had not done since I was a child.
I lay there for some time, after the tears were spent, and gradually the quiet bird song and sunlight merged with a perfect aroma I had not breathed for so long: the forest loam itself, and its rich, musky decomposition so alive and sweet. I hugged the ground and buried my face in our good earth, and felt suddenly that my own corrosion from the long and hard years could be the source of something more than personal agony. For I turned over just then and scribbled on a piece of paper,
My pain and suffering is the nursing log out of which so many and so much will grow. I lay on my back, wonderfully calm and spent, and looked again at the photocopied document I had unearthed that morning from the government archives in Koerner Library’s microfilm section.
It read, “Department of Indian Affairs, Dental Report: St. Paul’s Catholic Indian School, Squamish Mission Reservation, May 1924”.
And beneath that title was listed the names of fifty six children who had had their teeth extracted without painkiller by Dr. E. Fraser Allen of Vancouver. No anesthesia.
Matilda Miranda was seven years old, and six of her teeth were yanked from her jaw without anesthesia. Theresa George was eight, and five of her teeth were similarly pulled. Leonard Rodrigues, age 10, Ralph Atkins, age nine, Doreen Thomas, age nine: all denied painkiller. Over 80% of the group of fifty six “students” at St. Paul’s Indian school were tortured thus.
Dr. Allen was paid $20.54 for his efforts, including the cost of $1.50 for his tools and amalgam dressing. It took him about a half hour to yank out all those little teeth, according to the good doctor’s report of May 7, sent to C. C. Perry, the local Indian Agent.
That meant he yanked out a tooth, on average, every ten seconds: non stop. Harry Wilson never opened his mouth much when he first spoke to me, in the fall of 1997, because his teeth were such a mess.
“Naw, I never go to a dentist” he explained sadly. “They never gave us painkiller at residential school, when they pulled our teeth”.
Harry’s teeth were yanked over forty years after the same torture was performed by Dr. Allen on the St. Paul’s children: a different school, and a Catholic one, but identical to the practice inflicted on Harry at a United Church Indian residential school in Port Alberni in 1967.
Harriett Nahanee had the same story, at the same school in 1946. So did Vera Little, at the Anglican school in Alert Bay in 1953. And the husband of Alia MacKenzie-Point at the Chehalis reservation in 1969.
I can’t hate Dr. Allen, or any of the other specialists who have ripped the teeth and the innocence from children with the full sanction of church and state for so many years. For like you and I, these torturers learned quickly how to numb themselves to the screams and the blood in order to get on with their job.
That struck me with a sudden clarity, alone in the forest, after my own tears had washed away my numbness, and I began, as always, to grapple with how to share this new evidence with the world in a way that would make others do something more than believe that the crimes did happen, and still happen. And yet I knew that, as with all the other evidence of these grisly acts done to aboriginal children, very few people would want to know the horrible truth, let alone dare to do anything about it.
Tempted by the old despair, I stared just then at what I had scribbled moments before: My pain and suffering is the nursing log out of which so many and so much will grow. And then an answer echoed in me, from something Alice Miller had written once:
We can never find empathy for the suffering of others until we have faced and embraced the pain done to ourselves.
I’ve often noticed how the church goers who trudge past our offered leaflets on a Sunday morning bear the same look, when confronted by what their church did, and what their collection money helps to cover up: people who are resigned. Batter someone enough, and they become that way.
We are all so weary of the battering we have each endured since infancy, and yet are so incapable of feeling we can do anything to stop it. Even the very life-giving sky above seems to mock life itself these days, stained by vile chemical trails spewed by corporate and military madmen far beyond our reach. What can even our best integrity and courage do in the face of the enormity of the violence we face?
Harry Wilson, and his counterparts Matilda and Theresa and all the other helpless little victims, knew the same despair, and some of them found a way to endure. And like Harry, who was able to tell what happened to him, when my own tears freely flowed the other day I found it easier to face the truth and find a light where there shouldn’t have been one. So Alice Miller must be on to something.
When we see our lives and our worlds for what they are, and can say so, we gain a power over what seemed like fate or irresistible injustice: sort of like naming a demon and calling it to leave a possessed soul. That’s the power of knowing our true history, individually and as a whole, and not denying the darkest moments, but describing them out loud, for what they are.
Rising up from the forested earth, I felt like a demon had indeed left me, and a warm surge of love filled me for those long dead and violated Indian children who still wait for justice. That kind of love doesn’t allow apathy or timid excuses: it does not rest until right is done. It was blessing beyond expression that day to feel the old flame arise in me again, born from my own grief, and theirs.
I ran joyfully from the woods on the sunlit path towards the bus stop, armed again with my being and the documented truth in my bag, and I knew that the time to act is always present in us. And from somewhere, the words of Rabbi Hillel sounded then:
If I am not for myself, then who will be? If I am only for myself, then what am I? If not now, when?
The Lilies of the Field, and Krista Lynn: A Prescription for Tired Hearts, and Bishops
Special ContributionBy Kevin D. Annett
Apr. 28, 2012
Kevin and Carol Annett (under Cross), and friends, Vancouver, April 15, 2006
Though nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in the grass. of glory in the flower, We will grieve not, but rather,
find strength in what remains behind: In the primal sympathy which having been must ever be; in the soothing thoughts that spring out of human suffering; in the faith that looks through death,
thanks to the human heart by which we live; thanks to its tenderness, its joys, and fears. To me, the meanest flower that blows give thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears. - William Wordsworth
The first of so many aboriginal friends of mine who have died for speaking up was a young woman named Krista Lynn.
On January 29, 1995 - the Sunday after I was barred from my pulpit at St. Andrew’s United Church in Port Alberni - Krista stood up in my place and did like Jesus did, and caused a riot in the synagogue by calling down the Pharisees.
Before the ushers dragged her from the church, Krista cried out, “You people are crucifying Kevin! You’d crucify Christ too if he came back here. But I ain’t afraid of you anymore! Because if you put aside all your fancy clothes and titles and robes and stood naked before God, would you be able to look him honestly in the face and say, yes, I did right by you?”
Krista was found dead in her apartment a week later. The cops, who had threatened her, said it was a drug overdose, even though she never went near drugs.
I’m supposed to write a statement to the Bishops of Ireland, for friends who are meeting with them on May 4 to once again demand justice for the raped and murdered victims of the Church. But for some reason, all I can think of tonight is Krista Lynn, and what she did with her last measure of devotion.
William Wordsworth might have had Krista in mind, as well, when he penned Splendor in the Grass; for “the faith that looks through death, and the human heart by which we live” is the best and only epitaph I can give for my long lost friend. And, indeed, these are the words which, like Krista’s life and death, are meant to be spoken to the Irish Bishops and their counterparts everywhere.
The tired functionaries of Rome don’t live by the human heart anymore, but like all of us, they once did. I know them, for I was once like them. But it was Krista Lynn and those like her who saved me from what I was becoming, within the church. Her, and something in me.
Perhaps that same something is asking me tonight to lay aside demands and protests for a moment, and speak to that place in the Bishops’ hearts that yearns, as mine did, to break free of itself and recall the splendor in the grass, or perhaps simply, the lilies of the fields.
Jesus’ words – so echoed in Wordsworth – about the glory of our world and of ourselves has always brought tears of a rare joy to my eyes, even as a boy. I’ve always believed that his words have the power to change us, and return us to a love that can bind up any wound and wipe away any tragedy. And yet how often have others tried to prove me wrong, and snatched away my innocent faith, leaving bitter loss in its place.
I could never have imagined that fate and those around me could be so cruel as they have been, and remain: brutal enough to smash down a struggling young girl of such pure honesty, like Krista, or to steal my own children from me. But a faith that does look through death has emerged where there should have been none at all; and beyond it, I am glimpsing the radiance that makes all that we presently fear as nothing.
Krista never came to my church very much; her brief time with me was spent where it mattered, among her fellow wanderers, helping moms and their kids in our food bank line, or delivering bread with me at the local Tseshaht Indian reservation. She hated churches, in fact, not only because of her rape by a Lutheran minister, her step father, when she was very young. And yet, all alone that final Sunday, when all who had loved me and our work were slumped in fear, she strode into my church and spoke.
I would like to think that I could stand before the Bishops in Dublin soon, and speak to them with the kind of love and valor that bore Krista to my pulpit, and to her end. I wish, constantly, for the kind of faith that can move hearts of stone and break open all the prisons of the mind that keep religions so fortified against God. I want there to be a future for all of us, even in the face of all the doubts and disasters.
Krista once told me in her simple way that she really understood Jesus, because like him, her father had betrayed her, too, and put her up on a cross. I thought of her words the day I heard she had died, and I felt I had lost one of the few people who had ever understood me. But I do find strength in what is left behind: and from the example which Krista set for me and all the other crucified ones who have stepped out from the shadows and spoken, and changed the world.
So many of my heart-warrior friends have joined Krista now that the reassurances of Jesus, and Wordsworth, can seem to weigh for little in the brutalities of my week. But since I carry all of those friends now, and they carry me, in the place that has no shadow or defeat, their memory and example is a stream of constancy that neither Temple nor Crown can stop, or overcome.
It may even convert a Bishop, or two.
Impact of Nuclear Reactors on Marine Life
Special ContributionBy Thomas Kocherry
Apr. 26, 2012

The Laughlin coal plant, each coal plant in the US kills about 30-300 people
Fifty nine out of 103 nuclear plants in the US rely on what are known as ‘once through cooling systems’ to remove waste heat. Nuclear plant authorities have always claimed that their intake and discharge of billions of litres of water a day did very little harm to the surrounding marine life.
Some years ag, a major report, LICENCED TO KILL: HOW THE NUCLEAR POWER INDUSTRY DESTROY ENDANGERED MARINE WILD LIFE AND OCEAN HABITAT TO SAVE MONEY , released by the well respected Nuclear Information and Resource Service on February 22, 2001.” These cooling systems suck in and discharge as much as four million litres of water per minute. This water is sucked in at such a high velocity that along with the water, marine life is also sucked in , it is unable to resist velocity. These are dumped back as dead. The that the nuclear se high destruction rates can over take recovery rates, resulting in extensive depletion of the affected species. In this way, entire marine life communities can lose their capacity to sustain themselves.”
“While millions of litres of hot water being discharged into the sea every minute, the total heat dumped into the waterway every minute, the total heat dumped into waterway is tremendous. Roger Withersperspoon, the well known US journalist, author and editor, in a recent article has given some figures. Citing company records, he points out that the nuclear power plants, at Salem, New Jersey, USA, dump about 30 billion BTUs of heat hourly into Delaware Bay. That is equivalent of the heat which would be generated by exploding a nuclear bomb, the size of the bomb which destroyed Hiroshima, in the waters of Delaware Bay every two hours, all day, every day.” Roger Witherspoon, ‘Ravishing the waterways, DEP vs the power Plants’ Dec 13, 2010.
Truth and Consequences in the Land of Nothing
Special ContributionBy Kevin D. Annett
Apr. 15, 2012

Images of United Church
I’ve been ignoring the orchestrated circus calling itself the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, but now that it’s meeting in my own backyard, I’ve been asked to comment.
Frankly, it’s all quite the déjà vu experience. The travesty going on this weekend in Victoria reminds me of a story told to me by one of the few survivors who hasn’t been gagged.
When the children weren’t being starved, raped and tortured to death, they were dressed in decent clothing every Sunday and paraded in front of a smiling and appreciative middle-class congregation at the local United Church. And there, to the happy amusement of the official Christians, the boys and girls of the Edmonton Indian Residential School would sing hymns of praise to Jesus.
After they had performed for the Christians, the children would return to the school, where half of them would die.
Those who did survive are still performing for us, because we still desperately need to smile on Indians and think good of ourselves. That’s really why we created the misnamed “Truth and Reconciliation Commission”: to reassure ourselves that we aren’t, in fact, murderers.
The Indians are singing a new tune to us these days, perhaps not a church hymn anymore, but one just as crafted and controlled by us. Those chosen survivors whose statements have been reviewed and officially approved by the state and church-funded TRC are presenting to us what we need to hear: a sanitized version of the unspeakable that will not disturb either our sleep or our legal liability.

Kevin Annett was having a Press Release
The survivors will say many things, but none of it will ever be acted upon, or, heaven forbid, used as a way to bring to justice the churches responsible for killing more than 50,000 children. That’s not allowed. The head TRC official, another sanitized Indian named Murray Sinclair, has even called the whole thing “a big venting session and nothing more”.
Like in the days they sang in the church choir, the survivors will be doing all the performing. We will do the listening. That’s how the game has always worked. That’s how we learned how to conquer and enslave them: watch, and learn, and manipulate.
One of the few indigenous people left standing, a traditional Anishinabe man named Peter Yellow Quill, had the temerity to ask the TRC Commissioners in Winnipeg last June why none of the church officials would be testifying at the hearing.
“Shouldn’t the people who caused this holocaust be made to explain and be held accountable?” Peter asked.
He was told to sit down.
Peter still doesn’t get it, but I don’t blame him. He doesn’t understand who and what he’s dealing with yet. Neither do all the desperate brown men and women who will walk on razors and publicly undo themselves once more by recalling their torture in order to provide satisfaction to we who caused their suffering: the Mu Multh Nees.
That’s a west coast word from a nation long gone, and it means, “Those who are nothing”. It’s what the Nuu-chah-nulth people named the first Europeans they encountered.
I’ve pondered that word mu multh nee ever since it was first told to me in 1993 by a hereditary Nuu-chah-nulth chief in Port Alberni, where I began to learn of the mass graves of all the children behind the United Church residential school there.
Stirring his tea, the old man explained, “Sometimes it means ‘the ghost people’, ‘cause that’s what you seemed like to my ancestors, spirits who were lost. But it really means, people who are Nothing.” “Nothing?” I repeated, confused. “Yeah” he said. “You appear to be real but you aren’t.” Appearance, after all, is everything to us Nothings.
If we create an appearance of an investigation and call it a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, then it is faithfully believed to be so: even when it has no power to subpoena, or prosecute, or allow names of criminals to be named.
If we speak of healing, we genuinely believe that we know what that is; and that we are actually capable of it. But the Appearance is shattered in an instant by simple questions like “Where are the bodies?”, and “Who is responsible?”, which is why the TRC must be as rigidly controlled as a Sunday church service.
Most of the many aboriginal survivors I know have avoided the TRC like the plague, knowing that Nothing will come of it. And sure enough, tomorrow in Victoria, as at every TRC event, the carefully screened and selected witnesses will tell their tales of woe and desperately believe, as all slaves must, that Caesar will be moved, and will change, as if he were human. But that which is Nothing cannot change.
And yet, the performance must go on, and this week the Canadian “media”, which has for so many years utterly ignored the evidence of murder and torture and mass graves at the Indian residential schools, will suddenly and dutifully describe how something called truth and healing has finally arrived. All of the right kind of Indians will be quoted. But the survivors will continue to die in droves. And the graves will remain closed.
My closest friends worry about me these days, even more than normal. One of them called me up yesterday and said, “It must be hard for you to be so ignored when you’ve been so vindicated. After all you’ve sacrificed, I don’t know how you can stand it, this huge cover up of the truth.”
“It’s okay” I replied. “None of it’s real”.
For in the last days, I will pour out my spirit on those I have chosen: even on my poorest servants. For the sun will be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the coming of the great and terrible Day of the Lord. And there will be deliverance for the survivors of that Day, even though their wound be incurable. For I the Lord God will make myself known to them.
An Open Letter to “Thievin’ Steven” Harper, Alleged Prime Minister of Canada - Concerning your use of tax payer’s money to fund child-raping-and-killing churches
Special ContributionBy Kevin D. Annett
Apr. 12, 2012
Rev. Kevin Annett
Dear Steve,
I doubt that if one of your own kids was savagely raped, strangled to death and thrown into a garbage pit somewhere, you’d look too kindly on a government that gave $57 million to the killer’s employer, especially when the latter had been caught red-handed concealing the crime.
But that’s what you’ve just done, according to your own 2012 federal Budget. Your government has given that much money to the Roman Catholic church and its agencies across Canada. In fact, of the more than $80 million you shelled out to religious groups, nearly three quarters of that money went to the same catholic church that caused the death of most of the 50,000 little kids who never came back from the Indian residential schools.
Now I understand why the Vancouver cops come down on us so hard whenever we picket the downtown Catholic cathedral on behalf of those missing kids, since the local Archbishop is another recipient of taxpayer’s largesse, to the tune of $231,321. I wonder what that particular payoff is for? Or the cool $200,000 you gave directly to one particular catholic parish, St. Patrick’s church in St. John’s, Newfoundland?
And just so we’re clear, your Budget doesn’t stop at the catholics. You also handed to another church with aboriginal blood on its hands, the United Church of Canada, nearly $1 million, to its national office in Etobicoke. Even little Simcoe Street United Church in Oshawa got $136,785!
Steve, you’re colluding with murderers, and for some reason you’re compelling Canadian taxpayers to help you do so, by bankrolling church organizations whose stated policy regarding child rape in its ranks is to obstruct justice by concealing the crime and silencing the victim.
That’s the case for the catholics, at least, who have always been more honest in their criminality than the more “liberal” United Church, who nevertheless shuffle their own rapists around for their own protection: guys like convicted former national officer “reverend” Russell Crossley.
So, to leave aside for a moment the gross immorality of all this (something I’m sure you won’t find that hard to do), your use of public funds to subsidize proven criminal bodies is an offense, not only under domestic but international law.
Let me repeat: you are committing a crime, and are forcing taxpayers to help you. And I know why: it’s because of something called a Financial Concordat, which you share with the Vatican and its subsidiary churches. Under its terms, you’re obligated to subsidize catholic agencies, and even funnel taxpayer’s money directly to the church, as your own Budget reveals.
In other words, you’re in a pact with the Devil.
Somebody who you’ve probably never read, Ralph Waldo Emerson, was once expected to pay his American government a tax that would help fund a Fugitive Slave Law, compelling all citizens to return runaway black men and women to their slave masters. Well, Ralph wouldn’t do so, and, echoing modern day international law, he wrote to the President in the year 1852,
"Whenever government surrenders its moral authority by aiding oppression and evil, then I am absolved of all allegiance to it, and I know no ruler save God Almighty, and no law but that of conscience itself."
That’s the natural law, Steve, and it’s my birthright. And like anyone of conscience, I’m invoking that higher law right now, and I’m asking everyone I know to do the same. We ain’t gonna pay your butcher’s bill any longer, Mister Prime Minister.
But that’s just for starters. You are inviting us to also issue a citizen’s arrest warrant against you, Steve, on behalf of all of our fellow citizens, who you are compelling to break the law. We can do that, under common law. It’s called a Necessity Defense, and it has to happen whenever the courts and police refuse to protect the public from criminals in high office, like you.
Some of my friends among the Cree Nation on the prairies started the direct action ball rolling back in the fall of 2008, right after your bullshit “apology” to them for the residential school terror. They did their own kind of healing when they entered a catholic church and stripped the local priest of his vestments and told him to get off their land. He ran out the front door of the church, and he’s never come back since then.
That kind of action has always been our only real safeguard against the likes of you, Steve, and the monsters in robes who prey on our children. My ancestor Philip Annett knew that when he picked up his musket in December of 1837, and marched through the Ontario snow to join with other farmers when they tried overthrowing the clique of bishops and bankers that ran Canada for their own private profit.
We may have lost that battle, but we’re patient. We learn from our mistakes, and we know you now for what you are. And our arm is strong, and reaches far. It has to, for our children’s lives are at stake, and our future.
So I won’t bother asking the bought and paid for “members of parliament”, who are the bonded servants of a foreign ruler and another criminal called “the crown of england”, to do something about your funding of child killers. Instead, we’re turning you off at the source. No more taxes. No more votes. We need a new deal, altogether.
Welcome to the Republic of Kanata, Steve. You can leave now.
A statment releases by Kashmiri American Council
Apr. 5, 2012Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai
The Kashmiri American Council (KAC) Board of Directors today expresses its satisfaction at the conclusion of the proceedings against Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai. The Board appreciates the process followed by the Government in bringing the matter to conclusion, and expresses its faith in the judicial system. They specifically appreciated the Government’s voluntary withdrawal of FARA charges attempting to brand Dr. Fai, and by default the KAC, an agent of a foreign government. The KAC is, was and always has been an independently organized and Kashmir focused organization.
The Board reaffirms its unflinching dedication and commitment to the cause of the freedom for Kashmir, and pledges to continue its work unabated. It confirms its faith in the principles set forth in repeated United Nations unimplemented resolutions granting Kashmiris their right to self-determination. The KAC seeks a peaceful resolution of the Kashmir issue, in accordance with the wishes and aspirations of the Kashmiri people.
The Board further expresses its concern at the continued human rights violations in Kashmir, including the recent discovery of over 2700 mass graves. The United Nations Special Rapporteur’s report on Involuntary Disappearances to its Human Rights Council in Geneva in 2011 was yet another confirmation of the massive scale human rights violations ongoing in Kashmir. The UN has recognized the gravity of the human rights crisis by dispatching Mr. Christof Heyns, Special Rapporteur on Extra-Judicial and Arbitrary Executions to Kashmir, March 26, 2012.
The Board takes the opportunity to remind the world community that Dr. Fai’s existence as a Kashmiri leader was a result of the people’s revolution in Kashmir, and not the other way around. The KAC shall not be maligned by Dr. Fai’s plea and sentence, and will continue its work for Kashmir.
The Board appreciates the support extended by the KAC’s friends and well-wishers during these times.
Not a fable: Eugenics in Canada
Special ContributionBy Kevin D. Annett
Mar. 30, 2012
Nanaimo Indian Hospital survivor Joan Morris, who was imprisoned there for years as a child
Even after microfilm came along, the secrets were stored in long manila file folders tucked randomly throughout the acres of shelves of at least four different departments of the government of Canada. It was reasoned that no-one would ever bother looking there, even if they did learn of the secrets, which was unlikely.
Occasionally, a zealous or naïve researcher would trip across one piece of the horrifying enigma, and ask questions that would lead nowhere, for there was no answer. How, after all, could Canada have done such horrors – and to live children? There had to be some mistake.
A Belgian student who had no particular loyalty to the Canadian Myth did try to push the envelope once, during the summer of 1995, when she was interning as a research assistant for a Carleton University historian who had access to government records. She doggedly connected the evidence and found that Canada and its American bio-weapon contractors had for years been testing out a race-specific virus that killed only Indians.
The woman imprudently told her boyfriend about it, and unfortunately, he had a brother in law who was an inspector with the RCMP. The Belgian lady vanished, and all her belongings perished in an unexplained house fire.
Just in case of the unforeseen, a cover story had been standing by for some years, but it needed dusting off whenever children went missing or piles of bones appeared where they shouldn’t have. For the experiments have never ceased, and not just concerning deadly pathogens.
It was all part of the labors of Section Y. Long time government insiders in Ottawa used to joke about Section Y, and the oddballs who worked for it, possibly to mask their own fear of its operations.
The man whom we’ll call Dr. Gustav Meyer, of course, never could keep a secret, even after his SS military background was scrubbed as clean as an Aryan’s pedigree after World War Two, and he went to work for the federal health department under the cover of a Royal Canadian Air Force doctor named Bob Armstrong. Meyer loved to mingle with matrons and nabobs at Ottawa gala social functions and answer the inevitable query about his occupation with the remark, “I tear the wings off helpless little butterflies.”
Gustav Meyer ran Section Y for the Canadian government, and it wasn’t insects he ripped apart.
How Meyer and Section Y found their way to the Nanaimo Indian Hospital on the west coast of Canada is not hard to imagine, considering the number of Indian children imprisoned there, and their cheap availability. They were, in Meyer’s parlance, “virgin targets”: an expression he’d picked up, rather perversely, from his former enemies, just after the immolation of his home town Dresden: a beautiful baroque city of no military significance that 800 RAF bombers wiped out completely one evening in February, 1945, after dubbing it a “virgin target”. Meyer, presumably, wanted some revenge for his 90,000 barbecued family members, friends and neighbors.
Meyer preferred torturing kidnapped Jews and blacks to death in his RCAF laboratories at the Lincoln Park Air Force Base in Calgary, and at the chemical weapons test range in Suffield, Alberta during the 1950’s and ‘60’s, but Indian kids were the next best thing. He found that Indians, for some reason, lasted longer when exposed to various deadly pathogens and chemical agents: findings he described enthusiastically in his bi-monthly reports to the Defense Research Board in Ottawa.
But the SS doctor was under major contract as well with NASA and the US Army, both of whom paid him handsomely to probe the limits of human endurance to pain, and how it affected the brain’s capacity to function in combat. US soldiers guarded his grisly slaughter of "patients" at the Lincoln Park facility, where he'd burn kidnapped children and transients with chemical agents and blowtorches until their flesh peeled away. They all died, of course, save one eyewitness, who lives in hiding today but who wrote about the nightmare.

Dr. Gustav Meyer - "Major Bob Armstrong" - was never arrested or suspected of anything, because he enjoyed the same kind of top security protection as Joseph Mengele, his mentor at Auschwitz, and all the other Nazis who worked for the Americans and at the Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal, where Meyer began his work. He was not a man consumed by fear, which was, after all, his primary research interest.
Meyer set up his torture room at the Nanaimo Indian Hospital in the spring of 1967. He got along well with the local United Church crowd, and was a constant church goer, for the same church funded and helped operate the Nanaimo hospital. Meyer killed dozens of children there.
Thanks to all the Indian children delivered to him by the United Church from its Alberni Indian residential school, Meyer was personally responsible for the slow death by chemical injections and other tortures of the uncle of my friend, whom I’ll call Charlie George, during the spring of 1970, just before Section Y closed down its Nanaimo Indian Hospital operation. The victim was a boy ten years old, and what was left of him was buried in a hill now overgrown with blackberry bushes not far from Vancouver Island University, behind barbed wire fences still patrolled by Canadian soldiers.
None of Charlie George's family ever talked about what happened to him until the dead boy’s sister mentioned it to me in 1999 - the same year I met the survivor of the Lincoln Park holocaust.
And since then, of course, I have not let it lie: much to the chagrin of the government of Canada, which was forced to confirm the existence of "Bob Armstrong", and of Section Y, in 2004.
The year I encountered the truth, in 1999, all of the records of Lincoln Park, and the Nanaimo Indian Hospital, and all other Indian Hospitals, were "officially sealed" by the Canadian government.
On Missing Women, Missing Children, and Missing Intelligence: Looking for Justice in All the Wrong Places
Special ContributionBy Kevin D. Annett
Mar. 13, 2012
Missing Women and Children
It was the Mounties who were delivering the women to Pickton’s farm to be raped and killed on film. They told me so. - Annie Parker, Picton farm survivor, to the author, January 2006
Ten years from now, nobody will care about any of these horrors you’ve uncovered. The feds will hold an expensive Royal Commission into the Indian residential schools to cover this all up and put everyone back to sleep. - Vancouver radio host Rafe Mair to the author, May 2000
Despite their generally well deserved reputation for being Lotus eaters, I don’t believe that west coast Canadians are any more brainless or politically native than your average citizen – appearances to the contrary these days.
With a decided lack of fervor as typically Canadian as cold maple syrup, both the federal and the provincial governments are staging dual inquiries into their own crimes this week here in Lotus Land.
After officially exonerating the churches that engineered the slaughter, the feds are pretending to search for 50,000 children chopped up in their “Indian residential schools”; while a former Attorney General who helped derail repeated inquiries into hundreds of missing aboriginal women, Wally Oppal, is heading an investigation into his police buddies who regularly rape and kill women on Vancouver’s streets.
No surprise there. That’s what guilty governments get to do, after all.
I don’t find the process of self-exculpation by the wealthy particularly unexpected or a cause for moral outrage. Shit, the government and their church allies have been hiding all those little brown bodies and shredding evidence from the residential schools for decades now. They’ve even admitted it. Their self-appointed whitewash they call a “truth and reconciliation commission” (TRC) is just the final icing on the cake; or more accurately, the topsoil on the grave.
What does startle me is how so many Canadians, and victims, really and truly believe that the same people who did them such harm and put those innocents in the ground are going to come clean and reveal it all.
I know a lot of the native men and women who will be flocking to Port Alberni tomorrow to stand so hopefully in front of the three trained seals calling themselves “TRC Commissioners”, and will once again walk on razors and rip out their innards in order to tell the government what it already knows - in no small part because I've been publishing the truth since 1996.
Many of these survivors first told me of the crime twenty years ago, in the little Port Alberni church called St. Andrew’s United where I let them speak freely about it from my pulpit, and from where the world began to learn that Christian Canada means genocide.
So it’s a very odd feeling to see the same people – those who are still alive – once again speak publicly of murders and mass graves when in the decades since they first spoke thus in my church, and after their stories have spread around the world, not a single person in Canada has ever faced trial for a residential school killing; and not an ounce of soil has been turned at the mass grave behind the Alberni school to bring home the children tossed there by United Church ministers, and Mounties.
I’ve been threatened, harassed and physically attacked by government-paid tribal council goons when I go back to Port Alberni, to the place where it all began for me in 1992; and the TRC, I’ve been told, has a standing policy to bar me from all of its events. So I don’t relish trying to show up at their bullshit forum tomorrow in the town where I lost my own children.
But yesterday, a desperate man asked me to come.
I’ll call him Arnold. He used to attend my church and help me deliver food to the local Tseshaht reservation’s hungry kids. And in 1968, he saw a little girl get beaten to death at the Alberni residential school by a church matron called Mrs. Frale.
“Everybody wants you there” Arnold told me outright over the phone. “I know” I replied, wanting to say more.
“But I don’t blame you if you don’t come” he continued. “Ron Hamilton has his people watching for you. They won’t let you speak, he said so.”
After a pause, Arnold said, “We play along because we’ve been told to. But everybody knows the truth, even if they’re not saying.”
Arnold’s words prompted me to write this piece, and wonder aloud to all of you who so rarely reply to my discourses why it is that we have to keep the lie alive, with such effort and sincerity. When will the truth be given more than a hearing, but be armed with the same power to change and overturn that all the sordid shit now enjoys?
I lost my pulpit and my family for people like Arnold, and in 2010, I was stripped of my decade long radio program at Vancouver Co-op Radio after I gave voice over the airwaves to an eyewitness who saw two RCMP officers bring native women to be killed at serial killer Willie Pickton’s Coquitlam farm.
Two of my friends who voiced the same story were murdered by Vancouver police: Johnny Dawson and Ricky Lavallee.
There’s always a cost for the truth, and the question is always, who will pay it. The truth is costly when it implicates those who can still do us harm, and none of us wants to be the one, naturally, to step on such toes and bring down such wrath upon our own heads.
But there are a few just souls, I think the Bible calls them, who don’t count such a cost, but are more burdened by what will happen to others if they don’t act than by their own fears. Ricky and Johnny were such souls. And I suppose I am one too.
After years of toil and loss, I’ve changed, and I realize now that we are the means of our own justice, and that documenting a crime is often just a way to avoid doing anything to actually stop it. So even if the TRC fiasco was run by survivors themselves and had the power to try and jail the church leaders fiducially responsible for all those residential school deaths, even then, the essential act would be missing. For it is time to undo what bred the thing we call European Genocide, and which continues to rip up and poison our land, and rape and traffic children without fear of penalty.
We can start by ignoring the expensive distractions staged by the government to make us think that the crimes will be uncovered and stopped by them.
Only we can do that, for the simple reason that for every honest cop there are two or three who deal drugs, clobber the homeless, rape women, and protect those who do. And behind every “honest priest” there stands a Vatican policy, enshrined in their self-governing “canon law”, which commands every catholic clergy to conceal child rape in the church, and silence the victim – a policy mirrored in every major Protestant church, as well.
Last night, as I sat despondently and wrestled with my sense that I might let down Arnold, and all the other Port Alberni survivors, I heard from a friend in Wexford, Ireland.
He told me excitedly that he and a few others planned to drag out a known child raping priest from his church this next Sunday, and publicly strip him of his vestments.
“Some of us are scared, Kev” he declared. “But Jesus, who else is gonna defrock that bastard and save the next child?”
Carry it on.
Al Giordano’s Remarks to 1st Nonviolence Training of Mexican Movement
Special ReportBy Al Giordano
Feb. 27, 2012

the Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity in Mexico
Dear Colleague,
Mexico's Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity, the world's first mass movement to end the war on drugs, held its first nonviolence training session this month in Mexico City, and asked your correspondent to come and speak with the movement's leaders and work commissions on the topic of how successful nonviolent movements organize to win.
I began with these words (translated from the original Spanish):
"I will speak about organization, based on my own experiences as a community organizer and a journalist. The first thing you should know is this: All organizing begins with the telling of a story.
"When we listen carefully to somebody's story, we learn what motivates him, what she is passionate about. When we listen and learn from this story, we can then organize that person to do things that help us get what we want, by helping him and her get what they want, too. Listening is the first skill and duty of a community organizer. Before we can get somebody to do something, we have to learn what he and she want, which is usually different than what we presumed they wanted.
"My story began at a workshop very much like this one. I was 17. It was an eight-hour nonviolence training session for people who wanted to participate in an occupation of a construction site in the Northeastern United States where a nuclear power plant was being built in a town called Seabrook."
You can read the whole thing at Narco News:
Of course, that story continues today, and I'm very grateful that you, too, are part of it. From somewhere in a country called América.
A Day in the Life of a Banned Canadian: Conversing with Kevin Annett
Special ContributorBy Sarah J. Miller
Feb. 18, 2012
Kevin Annett
I had been prepared to distrust the quiet, intense man who sat across from me, not only because most people I know expected me to.
Zealots of any variety are sowers of unhappiness, and from most of what I had read about him, Reverend Kevin Annett is a latter day John Brown, seeking the downfall of all of official society in his determined quest for justice for the violated. And frankly, I just don’t like clergy persons, including the defrocked brand, for “once a black robe, always a black robe”, from my experience.
And yet the man before me didn’t match my prejudice, especially when he began to speak. He does so calmly and gently, with a confident logic based on hard and compelling evidence garnered from years of research.
Rumors to the contrary, Kevin Annett is neither crazy, nor a charlatan. He is someone, rather, who bears a shocking truth that most Canadians, understandably, do not want to hear.
My pleasant surprise at the man’s unexpected demeanor and the intelligent clarity of his words made me realize right off the bat that everything I had been told and fearfully warned about Kevin Annett was unfounded: a fact that made me want to learn more.
A second look at my subject reminded me of the Vietnam veterans I had come to know during my fledgling days as a greenhorn reporter: someone bearing the kind of war-weariness and “thousand yard gaze” that says more than words ever can.
Kevin talks like a battlefield veteran, with regular references to fallen buddies and unrelenting attacks. But his aura is not weighted down by any kind of post traumatic reactions that I can see, despite the brutal personal savaging he has been put through over the years. He is not a bitter or a vengeful man, although he has enough cause to be.
My own positive vibe from the quietly graying man with an irrepressible smile made the professional journalist in me play hard ball with him.
“So why do people call you crazy?” I asked him provocatively, nudging my pocket recorder towards him. He smiled. “I guess it must seem crazy to take on the government of Canada and its churches”
“Is that what you’re doing?” “Well, that wasn’t my original plan. Don’t forget, the United Church went after me first”
“That cost you your family” I offered. His deep brown eyes showed a brush of sadness for the first time, and he nodded.
“Was it worth it?” “Not for me, or my daughters” he replied. “But for a hell of a lot of other people, it was”
I stared at the documents spread before me, showing how half of the children at Alberta Indian residential schools had died in one school term; and at a Canadian law from 1933 allowing any Indian to be sexually sterilized.
“Why did nobody know about all this?” I asked him, holding up a document.
“They did” he replied laconically, gesturing to a photocopied article from a November 15, 1907 issue of The Ottawa Citizen that described the enormous death rate in the Indian schools.
“But the churches are acknowledging this now …” I said.
“No, they’re not” Kevin replied, his eyes suddenly hard. “They’ve been forced by us to admit that children died, but they claim it wasn’t from deliberate intent. Like, 50,000 deaths were somehow accidental”
“They murdered them, is that your line?” “There’s lots of ways to kill off Indians. The preferred method in the rez schools was deliberate exposure to TB and smallpox.”
I felt a strange vexation just then, an angry unacceptance that must have been obvious to my interviewee, for he smiled again as he saw my expression.
“So what do you want?” I exclaimed, trying to sound calm. “Something that won’t happen in this country. Justice”
“Meaning?” “Prison terms for church officials. A war crimes trial. Returning the children’s remains, first of all, for a proper burial”
I’d read all of that from his websites, and I knew he was alone in demanding such things. All of Canada, it seems, is content with issuing an apology for what is undeniable genocide – including the aboriginal chiefs. I asked Kevin why he thought that was.
“It’s convenient. Canadians will bear any amount of corruption or murder rather than face anything unpleasant, or controversial. And as for the national chiefs, well …”
Again, that ironic smile, and the piercing turn of phrase. “There’s always been Around the Fort Natives. You know, the AFN”
The conversation was frustrating me. I wanted to know more about the man, and what allowed him to endure what he has. “You’re not a very well liked guy” I said. “That depends who you talk to”
“Look, Kevin, you can’t get a job. You’re a pariah. You’re castigated every day over the internet with some new smear. I think you called yourself a social leper, in your film. Most polite society avoids you like the plague. A lot of powerful players seem determined to shut you up.”
He said nothing as I uttered the obvious. “So tell me. What’s it like to be banned?” He smiled at my reference to South African apartheid. “Seriously” I continued.
He took a moment, and then muttered, “Very lonely” Kevin looked out the window at the puffy clouds hovering over Vancouver’s north shore mountains.
“For a long time, I expected a Hollywood ending to all this” he continued frankly. “You know, I’d be vindicated, all the assholes would go to jail after admitting everything, and all my friends would recover. I had to wake up to the way things are. It’s been a long process” “Waking up?”
“Yeah, to what we’re really a part of. To how these crimes never stop, they just shift location. To how I’m going to go through this shit until the day I die.” “How does that feel?” He gave me a long, penetrating stare.
“Indescribable” “Try” He shook his head sadly. The room grew very silent.
“I interviewed Leonard Peltier a few times” I offered, trying to break the log jam. “He said it didn’t matter that he was in prison, because everywhere’s a prison for him and his people.”
“That’s about it” Kevin replied, nodding. “But he has the advantage of being an obvious target. I’m a white guy, a former church insider. My imprisonment isn’t so obvious.”
“Oh, I don’t know” I shot back. “Your case is broadcasted all over the world.” “That really hasn’t helped me, not practically. Anybody who gets too close to me is eliminated, especially if they have pull”
“What do you mean, eliminated?” “Killed off, if they’re aboriginal. Scared off or bought off, if they’re white”
Kevin proceeded to list off an impressive array of names of lawyers, scholars, and even politicians who had once sponsored his work or come to his aid, and then inexplicably dropped away from his campaign. What I’d been told by a confidential source in the RCMP confirmed a lot of what he was claiming.
“I’ve been told you’re definitely on the fed’s shit list” I ventured. “You should try telling your newspaper colleagues that, because they won’t believe me”
I shook my head and leaned towards him to emphasize my point. “It’s not that they don’t believe you, Reverend. They can’t do anything about it, and they know when to avoid a story.” “No shit”
“There’s just no percentage in backing a whistle blower and giving him a lot of exposure, not unless their target is about to crack. Trust me, I’ve interviewed enough of them” I said.
“So what’s the usual outcome?” he asked me. “For somebody like you? Exactly what you’re going through” I proclaimed.
He pondered for a minute, and then said, “The thing is, I’ve already beaten them. I feel like I’ve won” “Won what?”
“I survived all they could throw at me. I brought out this truth and forced them to respond. I did the right thing and I helped save lives. That’s enough of a victory.”
I doubted he believed what he was saying, knowing something of his character. I told him so. “So tell me what you really think” I said to him.
“Okay. I feel like I’ve been smashed into the ground and nothing is ever going to stop those fuckers from raping and killing more children whenever the hell they want. I feel stupid for having even tried taking them on. Some days, it’s like, I made a big fucking mistake. I wish I could go back and make a different choice. But I can’t. I’m stuck with my choice, and I’ve got to make the best of it.”
“But in your film you said you’d do it all over again if you had to” “Of course I would” “Then, I don’t get it …” “Neither do I” he said curtly. After laughing together, I asked him,
“So David didn’t beat Goliath this time?” “I don’t think he ever does. Maybe it’s not about beating him, but ignoring him” “How do we do that?” “Stop paying him taxes and voting for him, for starters. Stop buying his useless shit and going to his bloody churches” “Are people doing that?” I asked. “I think so. Here and there. I’m hoping we reach a critical mass of non-cooperation before it’s too late for all of us”
“Did you used to preach like this?” I asked him. “Not at first. I was trying to be a minister, at first. But yeah, eventually.” “Do you miss that old life?”
There’s a long pause in our conversation then, for Kevin couldn’t reply. I thought he was going to break down, for the tears welled up in his eyes, and he looked away, embarrassed. I remember turning off the recorder respectfully.
At the time, his reply mattered to me, but it’s strangely unimportant to me now, maybe because it’s so obvious.
I have never been able to say how much of a person’s life I’ve been able to accurately represent in my writing, and whether what I call a story is not just my own yarn, seeking an echo somewhere.
What I can say is how completely shaken I was by my encounter with Kevin Annett. Beyond and beneath all the words and the deep resonation of his character, he left me with a sense of heroic tragedy that I have rarely encountered, even amidst wars and revolutions. The term “lonely courage” says something of the man and his nobility, but there is much more to him and his quest. I would dare to call it an epic.
Kevin was the one to excuse himself, after speaking to me for a few hours. A friend of his needed help of a sort he wasn’t free to describe, but he did allude that the fellow was homeless and without a friend - except, of course, Kevin himself.
I am an agnostic, and rarely do I hold out hope for anything like salvation to pull us from the hell we’ve created for ourselves. But I have indeed met someone I can genuinely claim is a man of god: banned from our midst, to be where he is meant to be, as one despised and feared by those who know him not, and shunned by those who should know better, and yet beloved by the lost and neglected ones; and thus, by all of who and what he is, making a new chance for the rest of us possible.
Sarah J. Miller is the pseudonym of an award-winning syndicated journalist. In her words, “I’m assuming an uncharacteristic anonymity in this case because of threats made against me if I proceeded with an investigative piece about Reverend Annett. Such warnings actually perked my curiosity about the man and the shit storm surrounding him.”
An Open Letter to the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) concerning its efforts to Reject the “Doctrine of Discovery”
Special ContributionBy Kevin D. Annett
Feb. 12, 2012

Adopted member of the Abishinabe and Mohawk Nations
Dear friends,
It’s more than encouraging that yours is the first major church denomination to consider officially “repudiating” what some call the “Doctrine of Discovery”, which is a benign, academic term for the motive force that caused the vast, systematic slaughter of entire nations by Christianity here on this continent.
Your repudiation of the idea that non-Christians are naturally and legally inferior to Christians, I trust, will comprise more than words.
I glanced through my Latin dictionary today and found that the word “repudiation” comes from “repudium”, which means a divorce from that which we once loved, and a rejection of the authority of a former allegiance. To repudiate something, in short, is to deny and cast down what we once worshiped.
That’s a tall order, especially if we’re talking about actually rejecting the Doctrine that gave and still provides us Europeans the legal and moral right to destroy indigenous people and take away their land. For once you publicly say the words of repudiation, these questions must follow like day after night: Are you actually repudiating anything in a real sense, and, if you are, with what will you replace the repudiated Doctrine?
Repudiation, in truth, is not an exercise in idle rhetoric. It means shifting allegiance from one authority to another, and acting differently. That’s why your step is an intriguing one, since the entire world, beginning with native people, will be watching you closely to see if your debate and resolution will result in such a new allegiance on the part of Unitarians to something other than “mainstream” American culture, which rests upon the continued genocide and displacement of indigenous people across this continent.
We cannot, after all, reject the very foundation of our culture without offering an alternative. And the “Discovery Doctrine”, also known as Christian Superior Dominion, is the basis of everything we’ve fashioned as settlers here on Turtle Island. It even allows you to “own” your church buildings and operate as tax-free legal organizations on stolen land.
And so if you as a church are actually willing to undergo such a risk, and challenge your own privileges and illegal squatting on indigenous lands, I have a suggestion what an actual alternative to Discovery and Dominion could be; for it is something that was actually given to our ancestors centuries ago in the form of what my adopted nation, the Mohawk Confederacy, calls The Two Row Wampum Treaty.
The Two Row Wampum was an agreement made between the Six Nations and the Dutch, French and English powers during the 17th century, whereby whites and Indians would share the land in equality and peace, not seeking to displace or dominate the other. But the very laws that allow you as a church to operate and avoid paying taxes repudiated that original Two Row Treaty and asserted instead the jurisdiction of the American Constitution and the so-called Crown of England.
In truth, then, if your own words of repudiation are to mean anything, you must also repudiate the continued practices of your own government in which indigenous nations are not recognized as such. And to do so requires advocating for a new constitutional arrangement between whites and Indians.
Are Unitarians up for advocating such a political revolution in America? For let’s be clear, that’s what repudiating the Discovery Doctrine will require, if it’s to actually mean anything in the real world.
Oscar Wilde once said, “Those who look beneath the surface of things do so at their own peril.” And what lies beneath daily life on this continent is a vast, continuing killing field aimed at indigenous people, required by the economic and political needs of white corporate America.
We can never come to terms with or change something we don’t understand, and we settlers do not understand what we did and continue to do to Indians on this land. Our minds and our hearts cannot fathom the depth and the severity of the slaughter, or realize that we invaders are not capable of somehow making better an abomination of this magnitude, even if such a “healing” was possible.
Nevertheless, the real value of what you are attempting lies in whether publicly rejecting the idea of Christian Superior Dominion will translate into the active disestablishment of such a dominant culture here on Turtle Island.
Will your resolution, for example, be accompanied by a demand by your church to the Roman Catholic, Anglican-Episcopalian and United Churches (Presbyterian-Methodist) that they return for a proper burial the remains of the many thousands of children who died under their care in their Indian boarding schools?
Will the Unitarian-Universalist church help sponsor our formal inquiry into the crimes against humanity committed by these churches?
Will your resolution be followed by a public request by your local congregations to the local Indian nations in their communities for actual permission to continue to operate on their land?
And will your church demand from the federal government that it relinquishes all authority over Indian lands and resources, and grant diplomatic recognition to indigenous people as sovereign nations?
If you in the Unitarian-Universalist church are not able to make such real steps towards actually repudiating your own special privileges and the culture that arose from the Discovery Doctrine, then all your words will amount to simply that.
Nevertheless, I sincerely hope that you will choose to take the risky but necessary, prophetic step of translating words into deeds, especially at this time, as our network is uncovering for the first time the physical evidence of killings in Christian Indian boarding schools among the Mohawk people.
On behalf of this network and our International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (, I encourage you to officially repudiate Christian Superior Dominion and its Discovery Doctrine, in both word and deed; and to join with us in our global campaign for justice and reclamation.
Let us re-establish the original Two Row equality that existed between our peoples as a concrete way of repudiating the deadly Discovery Doctrine, so that the land and its people can know justice. That ultimately is the promise and hope of what you are attempting.
An Update on the Investigation of Bones Unearthed at Canada’s oldest Indian residential school – and a Response to Fear Mongering by the APTN
Special ContributionBy Kevin D. Annett
Feb. 8, 2012

Mohawk sovereign territory (Brantford, Ontario)
Yesterday, a misleading, inaccurate and inflammatory report was aired by the state-funded “Aboriginal People’s Television Network” (APTN) across Canada, concerning the status of our inquiry into the buried remains of children who died at the Church of England’s Mohawk Institute Indian residential school.
Since the purpose of the APTN telecast appears to be to cast doubt on our inquiry, distract viewers from the crimes of church and state, and generate a fear that the bones we have unearthed have “mysteriously gone missing”, we are compelled to both issue this clarification, and state categorically that all of the bone samples we have sent away for analysis are safely in the hands of competent specialists.
We therefore challenge APTN to stick to accurate journalism, and assist rather than impede the uncovering of the truth about the fate of the many children who died in the Mohawk school.
The State of our Inquiry
As is known by both APTN reporter Donna Smith and archaeologist Kris Nahrgang, who colluded in the APTN report’s obfuscation of the truth, our inquiry is temporarily on hold for the cold winter months while the bones we have uncovered in Brantford are being analyzed at an American research facility.
Between October 5 and November 28, 2011, our research team surveyed lands and conducted a shallow test dig on grounds adjacent to the former Mohawk school. We did so under the authority and with the permission of nine elders of the Mohawk Nation of the Grand River. A total of twenty eight separate bone samples were unearthed, along with considerable pieces of charcoal and buttons which were positively identified as coming from uniforms worn by children at the school.
Kris Nahrgang of Trent University and Greg Olson, an Ontario Fire Marshal, examined some of these bones in late November in the presence of Mohawk elders and myself. Mr. Olson claimed then “with ninety percent certainty” that one of the bones was human, and Mr. Nahrgang said that this was possible. However, both men agreed that an analysis of the bones by a forensic specialist was required to be sure, and they were both subsequently informed that the bone samples were in fact sent to such experts.
The bones were initially mailed to a forensic anthropologist in British Columbia, but his role as an advisor to the RCMP and his aversion to proceeding with tests without first consulting that agency caused us to seek a more neutral individual who was not associated with the very police agency responsible for the crimes we are investigating. Accordingly, the bones were re-issued to a leading forensic specialist at an American research facility during late December.
Because of the considerable rumor mongering surrounding our work, the authorizing elders have decided since then to maintain tighter control over press statements and information relating to the dig. For that reason, we are refraining from sharing the results of the forensic examination of these bones until a definitive report can be issued by experts who all concur in the findings. We expect this will occur by March, 2012.
Misinformation and Scare Mongering by the APTN: A Big Distraction?
The recent broadcast by APTN concerning our work claimed without proof that the bones we unearthed have “mysteriously gone missing”, and features Kris Nahrgang questioning the integrity of our work and suggesting that we have an ulterior motive. Since both Nahrgang and reporter Donna Smith know where and when the bones were sent for examination, their claim is deliberately misleading, and designed to mislead.
What is mysterious is not the fate of these bone samples, but why Nahrgang and Smith are choosing to create such a red herring in order to distract from the real issue, which is that the Anglican Church and Crown of England are the ones causing key evidence to go missing, by locking away documents and other evidence related to the death of children at the Mohawk school. This cover up by the church was never mentioned in the APTN report.
Donna Smith has been notified on several occasions since November that local Anglican Bishop Bob Bennett ordered the silencing of clergy and church researchers with a ten year “gag order”, and has locked away from all scrutiny an official Crown document from 1870 which Leona Moses, one of the researchers, has called “a smoking gun” because of its authorization of a deliberate plan to exterminate the Mohawk Nation by means of the Brantford Indian residential school.
One would assume that such an explosive revelation would have been the chief item of any credible news report looking into the Mohawk school inquiry. And yet the APTN continues to ignore such evidence of church cover up of planned genocide.
Equally questionable is the fact that it was Kris Nahrgang on his own initiative who invited APTN reporter Donna Smith to the November meeting where we met he and Olson to examine the bone samples, without the knowledge or permission of the Mohawk elders. Such apparent collusion by Nahrgang and Smith has yet to be explained by either of them.
These facts strongly suggest that the recent APTN “report” on our inquiry was simply a staged smear of our work, designed to discredit it and cause fear and division among the Mohawk elders who are authorizing the investigation.
None of this will stop our efforts to return for a proper burial the remains of children murdered at the Mohawk school, and to determine how and why they died. It simply casts doubt on the credibility of so-called “aboriginal” media like the APTN, which is in reality a funded arm of the Canadian government, which is itself liable for the crimes at the Mohawk school.
The full results of our analyses of the bone samples and other evidence will be released in March, and the excavations at the Brantford school will continue, as part of a wider campaign to indict the Crown of England, the Anglican Church and the Vatican for crimes against humanity.
Stranger in a Strange Land: Notes on a Trip through Florida amidst a Sort of Primary Madness
Special ContributionBy Kevin D. Annett
Feb. 3, 2012

Homeless family in America
Terry and his wife and four kids live in a tiny, barely functioning house in the poorer part of Daytona Beach. He’s been out of work for over a year and they’re down to living off food stamps and whatever they can borrow from friends and family. And next week, the rent is due.
Nevertheless, outside their crumbling home they’ve proudly erected a “Mitt Romney” election sign.
“We always bin good Republicans” explains Terry, who like most Americans is open and welcoming to strangers: even a nosy Canuck on a bike. “We got to turn the country ‘round.”
I asked him how Mitt would do that. “He’s one of us” Terry replied, puffing on a remnant of a butt. “Not like that coon in the white house.”
I inquired of Terry whether he knew that Mitt Romney wants to cancel the food stamp program and medicare, and encourage landlords to foreclose on people who can’t pay their rent.
Terry shrugged. “Whatever’ll help the economy”
I looked at his hovel, and then at him. He didn’t seem to figure himself or his family into the picture.
Terry isn’t that unusual. He reminds me a lot of the stumbling aboriginal woman I once handed a leaflet to outside Vancouver’s Catholic cathedral as she tried hurrying into its morning mass. “What you got against the church?” she bellowed at me.
“Well, it caused the death of a lot of your people …”
“Ah, bullshit!” she exclaimed. “We was all savages back then!”
I expected to dislike what I encountered this month in Florida, awash as it is in the gyrations of Republican politicians in heat as they hustle votes for the upcoming Primary from people like Terry. But it was all too familiar to me.
The beaches here are empty, except for Canadians and other odd sorts who dare to dip into the Atlantic at this time of year. The Gulf Stream must have a problem, for the ocean is colder than a banker’s heart. But the locals still act like every day’s a pause before summer, and they see the world laconically, like Yankees do, as either right or wrong.
I blame the Puritans for that, but I admire their simplicity.
Mitt Romney knows his audience, and he speaks in simple language, like any successful politician does. He may be a Mormon and a bland sort of bloke who tells shitty jokes, but he’s the favored son down here because of his pigment, at least among folks like Terry.
Meanwhile, down the street from Terry is a big housing complex filled entirely with black families who are just as destitute as he is.
I tried biking in there to see what people thought of the Republican Primary, but before I’d advanced a dozen yards two young dudes approached me suspiciously, and asked me where the fuck I thought I was going.
“Just looking” I replied.
“Lookin’? You lookin’?” one of them said, reaching for something in his pocket.
“Naw” I answered, and sped away quite rapidly.
I didn’t see a Mitt Romney sign anywhere in that particular black ghetto, or any election signs, for that matter.
Frazzled, I biked along a nearby drainage ditch surrounded by the lush tropical foliage that’s everywhere, and watched the alligator turtles slither their prehistoric tails in the garbage-covered slough. I stopped to get a closer look, and imbibe the humid quiet, when a cop car drove bumpily towards me along the grass, its light flashing.
“Hey” said the young cop as he approached me, his hand on his holster.
“Hi” I replied. “You live heah?”
“Well, I’m visiting my Dad, in there” I replied, pointing to the senior’s complex across the slough.
“Canadan?” he said, grimacing, as I nodded. “You better watch youself ‘round heah”
He must have known that Canadians listen attentively when a cop speaks, for he simply nodded goodbye and left after the opaque warning.
I gave a couple of sermons while I was in Florida, in local churches whose ministers are buggering off somewhere. The pew crowd seemed to like me, especially when I ventured into politics; not because they agreed with me, but because they’re Americans. Speaking your mind is as much a religion down here as obeying the law is in Canada.
After one of the services, an older white man came up to me and remarked, “What you said about the Seminoles, hiding in the Everglades to survive. They did that to a lot of our people, you know. Wiped ‘em out mostly, then stuck’ em in those camps, like in Canada.”
“Are you native?” I asked him, curious.
“Scots Irish. The original savages” he smiled.
I asked him how he was going to vote in the Primary. “Thought I’d write my own name on the ballot” he answered. “I can do a better job than any of those jokers.”
He saw me smile, and added, “I’m serious. It’s time the people ran this country.”
We were conversing over coffee in the church hall, in the small Gulf resort town called Bradenton. The place is miniscule, but even here, there’s a local Occupy group that’s planning to sit in at City Hall next week.
If you believe every network on the television, life in America these days is about choosing between a rich white guy and a rich semi-black guy who are basically saying the same thing. You’re either a Republican or a Democrat. There is nothing else, and no room for you, as a partisan of either team, to offer criticism of your All Star, or suggest another possibility. That’s what’s Primary: getting behind your Team.
But shut off the Sleep Machine, and step out under the heavens, and you realize that what everybody on the ground is really saying without words is that they know the entire Game is already over; they just don’t know what to do about the score.
Even Terry.
Just before I peddled away from the guy’s place in relative disgust, Terry surprised me. The man stepped towards me, holding on tightly to one of his youngest daughter’s scrubby little hands, and he shook his head and remarked,
“Not that I trust any of ‘em. They just is all we got.”
Rise like lions, after slumber, in unvanquishable number; Shake your chains to earth like dew, which in sleep had fallen on you. You are many; they are few. - Percy Shelley, 1815
Stephen “Pinocchio” Harper Tries More Holocaust Denial while Bobbing for Apples: Will Someone Please Pinch Me?
Special ContributionBy Kevin D. Annett
Jan. 26, 2012

Stephen Harper(R) Hey, didn't I see you on The Lone Ranger?
Consorting with Indians, even the domesticated brand, isn’t one of the Prime Minister’s habits. He’s from Alberta, after all. But Stephen held his nose and sat for a whole hour yesterday with the manicured government Indian chiefs he keeps around for photo ops whenever the stink from unearthed mass graves of children at former “residential schools” gets too noticeable.
Canada’s top apple, “Chief” Sean Atleo of the “Assembly of First Nations”, looked truly radiant at the official event, donning an ostensibly “aboriginal” head dress that resembled a dunce cap, appropriately, since the Big Chief exhibited all the political acumen of a student council president. This was evident as the noxious event culminated in Harper’s two-fold slam at his rapt aboriginal listeners: the genocidal Indian Act, which bars citizenship and human rights to all on-reserve natives, would stay intact, declared Harper, and the Indian residential school “wounds” were declared officially a matter of the past.
I love it when the government spin boys adjust reality like that: we’re not dealing with mass murder or dead children anymore, folks, but with “hurt” people who still carry “wounds”.
“Now Stevie, you say you’re sorry to the nice little Indian boy for smashing his head in with that rock!”
“Yeah, heh heh, sorry …” “That’s better!”
With such inspiring leadership at the top, it’s small wonder that Canadian society is resolving the residential schools untidiness so well, and with such typical Canadian niceness.
I mean, think of the enormous healing that’s gone in since Steve’s “apology” a few years ago: all of that talk by eyewitnesses of killings and sterilizations, of fifty percent death rates and newborn babies being tossed live into flaming furnaces, it’s all been resolved now and made better. We don’t have victims of the “G word” anymore, people: we have only some wounds left. And wounds, as we all know, are best cured with band-aids.
We Canadians specialize in band-aids. They were invented here, along with ski-doos and muffins.
Our latest, most successful wound-dressing called itself the “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” (TRC), and until it burned through all of its $68 million this year from all of the free smorgasbords and glitzy conferences it was staging for mostly pale academics, the TRC was making real headway at sanitizing corpses and letting survivors of torture speak for a whopping three minutes about some of what they’d endured: provided they never sued or named those responsible.
The whole TRC farce, while it lasted, made us whiteys fell pretty good about ourselves, which was its purpose, of course: so much so that last month, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation happily displayed the new era of anti-racist, pro-aboriginal sentiment sweeping our land, in the form of their newest TV program with a “First Nations” star: “Arctic Air”, featuring Adam Bleached (sorry, I mean Beach).
To be fair, I don’t see how we Canucks know how to do anything else but engage in banal band-aid-isms which we then call justice towards those few Indians who managed to survive our religion, and our superior culture.
The normative attitude across Canada towards the dried blood on our hands still seems to be embodied in the confused stammering of a United Church clergyman in Vancouver one day who screeched at me and my picket sign,
“We’ve given them money! We’ve said we’re sorry! What more do they want?”
And in response, I still get mostly perplexed looks from people like that minister when I reply,
"Well, what would you want if your child was raped and killed, and thrown in a ditch somewhere?”
Enough said. Words are part of the band-aid, after all. Words, and more words. Verbiage is the refuge of every scoundrel rushing to hide his crime, and every idiot who endorses him. Somebody, somewhere, needs to pinch us all, or slap us hard, and wake us up from the madness in which we slumber.
So here I go.
Since the time for more placating words is over, I suggest that we trust in experience – not rhetoric – to change people. Us white Canadians have no experience of the death inflicted on others to begin to understand, or comment on this thing called Genocide. So it’s really about time that we learned what it is all about.
Naturally, then, I was going to prescribe a simple solution to our ignorance, dear reader: Let’s start burning down churches, banning Christianity and the English language, throwing white Christians off their land and dragging them into special camps (we'll call them schools) where they’ll be raped, tortured and slaughtered en masse … starting with the clergy.
Some may call that vengeance. I call it fairness.
But even more basically, that’s the kind of healing we all need. For those of us who will survive this massive table-turning might finally be healed of our own insanity, and the corporate Moloch, child-eating culture that has ruined our planet and slaughtered everyone who was different than the pope, or the king.
That’s what I was going to advocate. But then, I paused briefly just now and realized something that suffering and betrayal had almost made me forget: that there is actually a God, and Judgment, as much as our churches and leaders have forgotten and scorn both of them.
The Verdict is upon us now – and that means that all I can really say to all of you now is goodbye.
So, look: it doesn’t really matter what Mr. Harper or his aboriginal flunkies do today, or tomorrow. Look, instead, towards the looming finale.
Thomas Jefferson once said, “I tremble for my country when I recall that God is just.” But then, he owned slaves.
Is it Nothing to You? Another Hero Falls Ricky Lavallie: 1960-2012
Special ContributionBy Kevin D. Annett
Jan. 23, 2012

Ricky Lavallie(3 L)
Ricky Lavallie is dead.
He was a 51 year old native man, and was the sole witness to the murder by three Vancouver policemen of another key aboriginal activist in our network, Johnny Bingo Dawson.
The sudden death of Ricky Lavallie on January 3 has wiped out the last of my original core supporters among urban native people in Vancouver and Winnipeg. Our original nucleus of the Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared (FRD) has been extinguished.
In barely two years, all of our strongest activists, and those who forced the missing residential schools children into national and world consciousness, have died: Chief Louis Daniels, Elder Phillipa Ryan, Johnny Bingo Dawson, William Combes, Harry Wilson, and now Ricky Lavallie.
These deaths follow on the earlier, equally sudden demise of key eyewitnesses to murders in Indian residential schools: Archie Frank, Willie Sport, Joe Sylvester, Virginia Baptiste, Nora Bernard, and Harriet Nahanee.
These witnesses, and the dead native leaders of our FRD, were instrumental in publicly naming the churches and government of Canada as being guilty of crimes against humanity. And they have all paid the ultimate price for doing so.
I charge these religious and state organizations with their murders.
I charge the E Division of the RCMP with complicity in these deaths, along with the head officers of the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada, and Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
In the case of Ricky Lavallie, I charge the Vancouver Police Department with complicity in his death. For I have two separate videotaped testimonies of Ricky from last August, in which he states that a Vancouver police sergeant threatened him with imprisonment and death if he continued to speak about his witnessing of the deadly beating of Bingo Dawson by the same sergeant and two other Vancouver cops on December 6, 2009.
I have written the following obituary and tribute to my friend Ricky, for his steadfast courage and devotion to the missing children. I hope and pr...
Jul-Dec 2011
Jan-Jun 2011