The Refugee week celebrates in Korea
By Salai ThangStaff Reporter
Jun 18, 2013

Flashmob dance infront of King Sejong's statue
South Korea based refugee NGOs organized Refugee week and Refugee Day at Kwanghwamon Square in downtown Seoul city, on June 15th. A head of Refugee Day on 20th June, they organized Refugee week for the whole week for more activities.
The opening event on Jun 14 was warmly welcome by staff woman at the reception in the boot tents. The event is to promote and awareness among Korean people about refugee. Such the Refugee Week is held for the first time in Korea.

Flashmob dance
At the event, flashmob dance was also perfomanced, and there was various activities to send the message to the Korean society that we can all get along together as one, regardless of our different walks of life.
This week-long event is organized by the National Human Rights Commission of Korea(NHRC-ROK), UNHCR-Korea, Human Asia, and other organizations working for the rights of refugees in Korea.

Flashmob dance
The Republic of Korea is among a few Asian countries, adopted the 1951 Refugee Convention in 1992. S. Korea has recognized 175 refugees and provided humanitarian status to a further 93 people who were found not to be refugees but still in need of international protection. Between 1994 and the end of 2009, the South Korean government received 2,492 applications and 321 are still pending.
The National Assembly of the Republic of Korea has passed a new refugee law which will come into force in July 2013. Hopefully, more rights for refugee, including basic living assistance.
Is "Chin National Day" achieved?
By John S ThangStaff Writer
Feb 19, 2013
Chin refugees live in fear of police harassment in Malaysia
Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, was formed an independent multi-nations state, a combination of different nationalities and their territories. The ethnic Chin is one of eight major nationalities in Myanmar, the other seven are Kachin, Karen, Karenni, Shan, Mon, Arakan, and Burman.
In Myanmar, Chin state lies approximately between North Latitude 21°0' and 24°15' and East Longitude between 93°15' and 94°0. It has an estimated area of 13,907 sq miles.
The Chin people are obviously involved in freedoms and independent movement in Union of Myanmar through fighting the British colonization, Japanese Fascist in World War II and the Communist in civil war. For example the "Chin Rifles," one of federal government army made up of Chin ethnics, and its military hero Capt. Thai Coeng was both outstanding fighter against Fascist Japanese in World War II and Communists in Arakan, Shan state and Pagu Yomas.
"Chin National Day"
It was the Chin Conference held on Feb. 20, 1948 in Falam town, the state capital of the Chin state, that abolished traditional ruling system such as chieftainship and feudal system. It was only on the occasion of the conference that Myanmar stated to have democratically elected leader in the state followed.
The day of February 20 was designated as "Chin National Day" and it is the beginning of freedom and democracy in Chin state. It is the first time democratic ruling system was practiced in Chin state. In the process of democratization this "Chin National Day" was reaffirmed by the Chin affair council on Oct 9, 1950. Since then "Chin National Day" have been widely celebrated as commemorative day.
Nationality of Chin People
The word "nation" comes from the Latin "natio," meaning birth of place or origin; it was used to refer to a certain group. Likewise the "Chin National" also symbolizes the origin of Chin people's birth place on the Chin land and reflects the Chin people's dignity, freedom, and cultural.
Chin people never belonged to Burman nationality. They were the first to migrate to the Chin land. They have always been the native residents and owners of the Chin territory.
In terms of territorial boundary "the Chin Nationality" is from Matupi, Palatwa, Mindat, Hakha, Falam and Tedim districts/townships of Chin state. People descendent from these towns are legally owner of the Chin territory and native residents.
People living in other areas like Asho, Lushai and Thado in Myanmar are also Chin nationals but they do not have clear cut territory of their own.
Therefore "Nationality" is very important and meaningful in geographical, political and historical context. Moreover the term "Nationality" is a choice of Chin people for their political rights.
It is the rights of Chin people and these rights should be protected. It is reflected in commemoration of the "Chin National Day," nobody should abolish this commemoration day. According to UN Declaration on Indigenous People, Article 33, "Indigenous peoples have the rights to determine their own identity in accordance with their customs and traditions."
Furthermore "Chin Nationality" compares equally with other nationalities in Myanmar. Therefore "Chin National Day" is very important day for Chin people and it is the highlight in the Chin people's identity. Through this symbolic day of "Chin National Day" Chin people want to preserve and pass down the Chin cultures and customs into the future generation.
Nowadays, military government ruined the culture and identity of the Chin people by sending troops to their territory. The life of the Chin people was deteriorated. One of the reasons is lack of political knowledge among Chin people. In fact Myanmar's military government itself is still illegal government.
Chin people are denied religious freedom as well. They are forced to observe Buddhism instead of Christianity. Over 99 percent of Chins are Christian.
Presently, thousands of soldiers are sent to every towns and villages in Chin state to indirectly occupation and oppressing the people there. The soldiers are asked to marry Chin women by the military government which promises them for promotion as part of bio-genocide. Although, some handful Chin rebel groups are there, but inactive and merely a show case, which are imposition to push back that any of military government projected and entering into Chin territory.
Looking back on the whole story, it is a consequence of aggressive policy of Myanmar military government. Certainly, the Myanmar military government neglected the development of Chin people and disregarded Chin sincerity toward the formation of union country in early time.
It is also to recall democracy, human rights, and freedom in Myanmar on the occasion of the "Chin National Day." The military government must stopped any kind of oppressing the Chin people politically, social-economically, and religiously.
At the moment, ongoing offensive war against Kachin ethnic, they are ethnically brother of Chin people, must stop. It is needed the international society to get involved in their efforts to end the ethnic repression in Burma. There are still thousands of refugees from Myanmar in its neigboring countries.
Special ContributionBy Buliko Desire Mawa
Jun 27, 2012

Human Rights Counselling Clinic for Refugees
Lack of basic housing facilities is one of the biggest problem facing refugees and asylum seekers in Korea. This is due to government failures to plan the resettlement programs of asylum seekers and refugee’s, this problem is also caused by the high cost of renting and deposit/key money refundable to rent an apartment. It is a challenge to many asylum seekers and refugees to find good accommodation. Finding a place to live and the additional costs such as gas bills which are expensive during winter, electricity and water bills add to the cost of living. Not all asylum seekers can afford the deposit money for accommodation which creates a big problem.
Refugees are discriminated against by potential employers, and verbally abused on the basis of race, language and nationality when it comes to jobs, social treatment, hiring, and being stereo typed as people who can disrupt the society. Even those with university education fail to get good jobs because of discrimination.
Discrimination that draws a clear line around us and distances others and treats them unequally is one of the many obstacles that have make the lives of these asylum seekers and refugees so difficult in Korea. It not only violates their human rights, but also creates other problems such as a personal identity crisis and becoming listless (Kwon Jung-min, May 31.201, Koreatimes).
In addition, non North Korean refugees and asylum seekers issue is serious but little known in the Korea society, they have received little or no help at all from the government. North Korean refugee’s go through 12 weeks of resettlement training before becoming South Korean citizens, supported by the country’s social safety net. They receive 6 million (about $5,320) in cash per household for settlement, employment and college tuition, in addition to career training opportunities and preferential treatment in college admission. As they complete the 12-weeks training program in Hanawon, they also receive 420,000 won per month as living costs for a single-person household for five years. Unfortunately these kinds of support are virtually non-existent for non-North Korean refugees (Rich V.B. Lian, December 08, 2012 Koreatimes).
Furthermore, North Korea refugees face difficulties in human relations mainly due to language barriers and differences in value and beliefs (In-Jin Yoon, 2009). They heavily depend on mass media, such as TV, radios and videos, for leisure activities, hobbies or learning self development activities (Cho et al., 2008: 14). The defector from N-Korea, and asylum seekers and recognized refugees with no friends or family in South Korea also lack social gatherings or organizations that can bring them together. It becomes difficult for them to have a primary relationship with Koreans, and they end up befriending their fellow migrants.
The socio-economic and civil injustice feared by most asylum seekers and refugees is unfair arrest, detention, payment of fines and deportation. The Ministry of Labor requires asylum seekers and refugees to obtain work permits and contracts which are difficult to get because employers will not do this, as employing illegal asylum seekers allow them to pay low wages and not to cover their insurance. If found working without a work permit, or contract they face arrest, imprisonment, deportation and payment of fines.
According to NANCEN refugee center program manager, Choi Won-geun, asylum seekers in Korea are not allowed to work while their case is being considered, but are not given any financial support from the government, those with court appeal process could be left destitute. “Many asylum seekers are suffering economic problems because the Korean government does not provide any economic assistance, and they are prohibited from working to earn their own living. Many asylum seekers in Korea are suffering right and no one knows where they’re or the condition they are living in (Kirsty Taylor, March 07, 2012, The Koreanherald).
Discrimination at schools of refugees children of school going age from their classmates, language barriers also add to the problem and this causes misunderstandings between classmates, bullied because of their skin color and sometimes told to go back to their home countries by stubborn children, “I couldn’t understand Korean at the time, but I sensed instantly that they were speaking ill of me,” Yann from Congo said (Kim Mi-ju, Joongang Daily Monday, December 21, 2009).
Asylum seekers also face the problem of recognition as refugees due to lack of substantive evidence that is required to prove their asylum claims, and if the evidence is not submitted, the government takes it as a chance to reject the asylum seekers claims. The government does not understand that asylum seekers leave their home countries when they are not prepared and aware of what they are going to pass through along the way into their host country. The long waiting process for asylum seekers is also a burden. The process takes long time, almost a year, due to lack of staff at the immigration center to handle their cases.
According to the Center for Refugees’ Rights (NANCEN), it estimates that there are more than 700 people in Korea living with expired passports that leave them unable to go abroad. Much of the blame for this lies with the excessively long refugee status eligibility review period. Applicants who are denied refugee status after waiting years for the result end up losing the opportunity to go elsewhere because their passports expired while they wait. A Justice Ministry review takes eighteen months to two years. It can take more than five years if an administrative lawsuit is filed to appeal the decision (Um Ji-won, June. 20, 2012, the Hankyoreh).
In addition, the government prejudice and bias is another issue that asylum seekers and refugees face in Korea, government seems to have strong belief that most asylum seekers enter the country for economic reasons and then lie in order to stay in the country. This affects not only asylum seekers but also recognized refugees because the government cannot plan for their social living condition because of bias and prejudice that they are here for economical reasons.
Lack of understanding of Korean culture, values and norms of the Korean society is also another challenge facing many asylum seekers and refugee. Korean culture is built on filial piety and Confucianism that require a lot of respect and understanding of each other. Traditional life values are difficult to learn and understand due to varying rules and values. Many asylum seekers and refugees come from culture’s that is quite different from Korean culture, and most of them are told to quickly learn the language. Because of this problem Korean people think that emigrants disrespect Korean culture and end up calling them bad foreigners.
Asylum seekers lack of access to competent or independent interpreters, some of them come from developing countries with poor education and lack English skills; the lack of translators at the immigration make it difficult for them to express themselves during asylum claim submission.
REMINDER: Counselling Clinic this Sunday
Dear Refugees, Refugee Applicants, and Humanitarian Status Holders,
We kindly remind you that the “2012 Human Rights Counselling Clinic for Refugees” will be held by the National Human Rights Commission of Korea (NHRCK) and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) this coming Sunday.
We would like to advise you to bring documents relevant to the topics you wish to discuss with counsellors at the Counselling Clinic.
As announced, Medipeace will provide free medical checkups at the Counseling Clinic.
1) Skin disease examination
2) Blood pressure test
3) Blood test
4) Urine test
If you wish to take 3) blood test and/or 4) urine test, you must not eat or drink anything from 10pm the night before the Counseling Clinic (Saturday 16 June 2012, 10pm). 1) Skin disease examination and 2) Blood pressure test do not require any special preparation.
Directions to the venue are attached to this email for your convenience. The venue details of the Human Rights Counseling Clinic are as follows:
Date: Sunday, 17 June 2012
Time: 2.30 pm – 6.00 pm
Place: Outdoor car parking area of Seongbuk Gu Office (Located in Samseon Dong), Seoul
* If you cannot find the venue, please call this phone number: 010-9025-7003 .
We encourage you to inform your friends or acquaintances, who are refugees, refugee applicants or humanitarian status holders, about this event, so that as many persons as possible can take advantage of this special opportunity to receive free counseling and a free medical checkup.
If you have not done so yet, please respond via email and let us know (1) if you will be able to attend the event and (2) your preferred language.
Kind regards,
UNHCR Representation in the Republic of Korea, Seoul, Counselling Phone: 02-773-7003 , Counselling Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, 9.30am ~ 12.30pm
Special ReportBy Katrina Jorene Maliamauv
Mar. 5, 2012
Malaysian police rally
We have just received information that about 33 Chin refugees, including women and children, were arrested in Alor Setar (in the northern state of Kedah) on the 24th of February 2012.
The refugees had fled to Malaysia, via Thailand, and were arrested after crossing the border.
The refugee leaders understand that at least 15 of the 33 have been sent to Belantik Immigration Depot. They are currently trying to obtain more information.
If you have any information pertaining to this arrest, please contact Tenaganita's Refugee Action Programme at: rap[at]
The arrest, detention & deportation of undocumented migrants is the final phase of the Malaysian government’s Illegal Immigrant Comprehensive Settlement Programme (6P Programme, “6P”) In spite of the Secretary-General of the Home Ministry, Tan Sri Mahmood Adam’s declaration that the deadline for the 6P has been extended to April 10 2012, we have already started receiving reports of arrests and detention.
On 11th of February, we were informed by refugees and members of the public that a raid was conducted in Kuala Lumpur, during which between 100 to 200 migrants and refugees were detained. We are aware that some refugees were taken to detention centres, while the whereabouts of others are currently unknown. They have been several more raids and arrests after the 11th, and many more during this entire "6P" programme.
In previous Immigration crackdowns (2005 ; 2008) there was high use of violence against the migrants, migrants were not granted access to a phone call, or to lawyers ; we fear that similar (if not worse) rights violations will also take place during this crackdown.
We are also especially concerned for the lives of refugees & stateless persons (who remain ‘illegal’ under Malaysian law) and for victims of trafficking who will be arrested, detained and run the risk of deportation during this crackdown. We are not aware of any processes in place to protect these populations, and the refugees who are still in detention after being arrested on the 11th is a reminder of these real threats.
4 million Malaysians have been mobilized to seek out, arrest, detain and deport any migrant found to be undocumented in Malaysia. Out of this, 2.8 million are ordinary citizens with no proper training (RELA Volunteer Corp), while the remaining 1 million are Immigration officers, police, the military and other enforcement agencies.
In order to protect the rights and lives of migrants and refugees, we call on all parties to be vigilant and assist us in monitoring and responding to this crackdown.
Despite statements by the Home Ministry that the "amnesty period" has been extended to 10 April 2012, refugees and migrants continue to be arrested, detained & whipped.
Key concerns:
* Detention and deportation of refugees, stateless persons, trafficked victims & other vulnerable populations including children * Use of violence by enforcement officers during raids, arrests & detention * Violation of rights during arrests & detention : i.e. no access to lawyers, phone call to family, deprivation of basic needs, etc
In order to monitor and respond to this crackdown, several hotline numbers have been set up:
* Tenaganita: *hotline number pending; email: rap[at] * MSRI (hotline for refugees & asylum seekers): +6-012-6628483 * SUARAM: +6-03-7784 3525 / 013 3470860, /
Please send information about raids, rights violations during this crackdown or any other relevant information to: raidwatch[at]
Media contact: Irene Fernandez (Tenaganita):
* irene.f[at] * +6-012-316 3011
Reminder : Government Subsidy for Childcare / 정부 영유아보육지원관련 안내
(한글 안내는 영문 아래에 있습니다. )To all Recognised Refugees with children aged 1-6
Further to last year email regarding government subsides for childcare for refugee children, UNHCR wants to inform that the Ministry of Health & Welfare has expanded the program to children aged one (born after 1 January 2011) to six years old (1 January 2006 ~ 31 December 2006)
We also want to remind that the subsidy will only be given from the day the application is submitted. We would therefore recommend that persons wanting to receive the subsidy make their application as soon as possible. Information on the application process is as below.
Please note that the government will only subsidize the fees for children enrolled in government-registered kindergartens and childcare centers. The list of government registered childcare centers can be found at and the list of government registered kindergartens at The government will not subsidize fees for unregistered kindergartens, unregistered childcare centers, or private institutions (학원).
- Where to apply:
The community center/dong office (주민센터) responsible for the area where you live. - Required documents:
l Your family members’ Refugee Recognition Certificates (난민인정증명서) issued by the Ministry of Justice
l Your family members’ Alien Registration Cards (외국인등록증)
l A photocopy of the front page of a Korean bankbook in your or your spouse’s name
l Completed application form (available at community centers/dong offices). Please note that this form is only available in Korean. (A scanned copy of the application form is attached.)
l Official documents proving your parental relationship to your children (i.e. a birth certificate, or a certificate of alien registration issued at local immigration office) may be required.
In order to show that your child is eligible for the subsidy, you need to hold an authentication card. The authentication cards issued for kindergartens and childcare centers are different.
- Childcare centers: Apply for the authentication card (아이사랑카드) at the community center/dong office (주민센터) at the same time as you make the application for the subsidy. The application form is available at community centres/dong offices (A scanned copy of the application form is attached.)
- Kindergartens: After making the subsidy application, apply at a Nonghyup Bank (농협은행). (Busan residents should visit Busan Bank(부산은행)). In Korean this authentication card is called 아이즐거운카드.
Required documents: l Your Alien Registration Card
l If you do not have a bank account with Nonghyup Bank or Busan Bank, you need to open an account in order to obtain the authentication card. When you open the bank account you may be required to submit a document verifying your residential address, such as an electricity or gas bill that contains your name and address, or a copy of your house lease contract that contains your name and address.
If you are issued with an authentication card, you can bring this card to your child’s kindergarten and childcare center to pay the fees. The subsidy will be issued as a voucher through your authentication card.
Once the application is made, the subsidy will automatically continue until your child is six years old. You will not need to reapply for the subsidy and authentication card if your child moves from kindergarten to kindergarten or from childcare centre to childcare centre. However, if your child moves from kindergarten to childcare centre or vice versa, a new application for the subsidy will need to be made and a new authentication card should be obtained.
Kind Regards,
UNHCR Representation in the Republic of Korea Counseling Hours: M T Th F 09:30-12:30 Counseling Line: 02-773-7003
1-6세의 자녀가 있는 난민인정자 여러분께,
안녕하세요. 보건복지부에서 시행하는 영유아보육정책을 통한 난민아동 유아학비 지원에 대하여, 올해에는 그 해당 아동의 연령이 1세 (2011년 1월1일 이후 출생)에서 6세 ( 2006년 1월 1일 ~ 2006년 12월 31일 출생)로 확대되었음을 알려드립니다.
아시다시피, 신청서를 제출하는 날짜부터만 유아학비 지원을 받을 수 있으니 관심 있으신 분들은 빠른 시일 내에 신청하시기 바랍니다. 지원절차는 아래에 설명되어 있습니다.
지원절차를 설명하기에 앞서 유아학비 지원에 관련된 다음과 같은 중요한 사항을 유의하시기 바랍니다. 유아학비 지원은 정부기관에 등록된 유치원과 어린이집에 다니는 어린이들에게만 지원된다고 합니다. 정부에 등록된 어린이집 목록은 에서, 정부에 등록된 유치원 목록은 에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.
유아학비 지원 신청 절차:
1. 신청방법: - 신청장소: 본인의 거주지를 관할하는 주민센터(동사무소) - 신청 시 필요한 서류: l 부모와 아동의 난민인정증명서 (법무부장관 발급) l 부모와 아동의 외국인등록증 l 본인 혹은 배우자 명의의 통장 첫페이지 사본 l 신청서 (주민센터에 비치되어 있음) (참고로 신청서 스캔파일을 첨부하였습니다.) l 부모와 아동의 혈연관계를 증명할 수 있는 서류가 요구될 수 있음. (외국인등록사실증명서 – 출입국관리사무소 발급, 출생증명서 등)
2. 인증카드 신청방법: 유아학비 지원 대상자 인증을 위해 인증카드를 신청하셔야 합니다. 유치원과 어린이집에서는 각각 다른 인증 카드가 사용됩니다.
- 어린이집: 아이사랑카드 관할 주민센터에서 유아학비 지원을 신청할 때 같이 신청하시면 됩니다. 신청서는 주민센터에 비치되어 있습니다. (참고로 신청서 스캔파일을 첨부하였습니다.)
- 유치원: 아이즐거운카드 주민센터에서 유아학비 지원을 신청한 후 가까운 농협은행에서 인증카드를 신청하시면 됩니다. (부산 거주자는 부산은행) ‘아이즐거운카드’ 를 신청하러 왔다고 말씀하시면 됩니다. 신청
Dear refugees, humanitarian status holders, and asylum-seeker
The Seoul Immigration Refugee Office has advised that refugees, humanitarian status holders, and asylum-seekers holding valid G-1 or F-2 visas who have visited a hospital sometime on or after 1 January 2011 for medical treatment, and who wish to apply for reimbursement of medical costs should submit their applications to the Seoul Immigration Refugee Office by Friday, 16 December 2011.
Please be informed that there is an application process, which means that a medical reimbursement is not guaranteed.
For the application, the following documents must be submitted:
1. Medical report issued on or after 01 January 2011
2. Receipt of payment for medical treatment issued on or after 01 January 2011
3. Photocopy of personal bank account details or bank account details of a spouse (in this case, an official document establishing spousal relationship should be attached)
4. Personal statement
Please note that this is not a UNHCR offer and that all enquiries regarding the medical reimbursement should be directed to the Seoul Immigration Refugee Office (Telephone: 02-2650-6329 ).
Kind regards,
UNHCR Representation in the Republic of Korea, Seoul
Counselling Phone: 02-773-7003
Counselling Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, 9:30am ~ 12:30pm
유엔난민기구 한국대표부입니다.
법무부에서 공지한 의료비 상환제도 계획을 알려드리니 참고하여 주시기 바랍니다. 이번 제도는 유효한 비자 (G-1 비자나 F-2비자 등)를 소유하고 계신 난민인정자, 인도적체류허가자, 난민신청자 중 2011년 1월 1일부터 현재까지 지불하신 의료비를 상환해드리는 제도 입니다. 의료비 상환을 받기 위해 아래와 같은 서류를 서울출입국 난민사무실에 2011년 12월 16일 (금요일)까지 제출하시기 바랍니다.
1. 2011년 1월 1일부터 현재까지 발행된 의료 진단서
2. 2011년 1월1일부터 현재까지 발행된 의료비 청구서
3. 본인의 통장사본 혹은 배우자의 통장사본 (후자의 경우, 부부관계를 입증하는 공문서 첨부 요망)
4. 진술서
이번 의료비 상환은 제출하신 서류를 바탕으로 서울출입국 난민사무실의 심사를 통해 상환여부가 결정될 예정이오니, 이 점 유의하시기 바랍니다.
또한, 이번 의료비 상환제도는 유엔난민기구가 제공하는 것이 아니오니 관련된 질문사항은 서울출입국 난민사무실 (전화: 02-2650-6329 )에 직접 연락하시기 바랍니다.
유엔난민기구 한국대표부
상담전화: 02-773-7003
상담시간: 월요일, 화요일, 목요일, 금요일, 오전9:30 ~ 오후12:30
UNHCR Emergency Hotline (010-4970-1335) available during MOJ Crackdown period
Dear Asylum-Seekers, Humanitarian Status Holders and Recognised Refugees,
Further to our email, dated 18 October 2011, regarding the Ministry of Justice’s planned crackdown on irregular migrant workers from 01 November 2011 to 30 November 2011, the UNHCR Representation in the Republic of Korea will operate an Emergency Hotline during the month of November 2011.
UNHCR Hotline: 010-4970-1335
You may telephone this number if you are arrested or detained during the November crackdown. The Hotline will be available from 9:00am to 6:00pm Monday to Friday.
This Hotline will only be available during the MOJ crackdown period of November 2011.
Please also find attached our previous email regarding the MOJ Amnesty and Crackdown notice.
Kind regards,
UNHCR Representation in the Republic of Korea, Seoul
Counselling Phone: 02-773-7003
Counselling Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, 9:30am ~ 12:30pm
1. UNHCR email regarding MOJ amnesty and crackdown (Eng+Kor)
2. MOJ notice (Eng+Kor)
유엔난민기구 한국대표부입니다.
유엔난민기구 한국대표부는 지난 10월 18일 법무부에서 공지한 11월 1일부터 30일까지 시행되는 합동단속에 대하여 알려 드린바 있습니다. 이에 대하여 유엔난민기구 한국대표부는 11월 한 달 동안 체포나 구금 시 연락할 수 있는 긴급 상담전화를 운영하고자 합니다.
긴급 상담전화 번호는 다음과 같습니다: 010-4970-1335
이 긴급 상담전화의 운영시간은 월요일부터 금요일 오전 9시부터 오후 6시까지입니다.
이 긴급 상담전화는 법무부의 합동단속기간인 11월 한 달 만 운영하오니 이점 유념하여 주시기 바랍니다.
지난번 보내드린 법무부 합동단속에 대한 유엔난민기구 공지를 첨부하였으니 참고하시기 바랍니다.
유엔난민기구 한국대표부
상담전화: 02-773-7003
상담시간: 월요일, 화요일, 목요일, 금요일, 오전 9:30 ~ 오후 12:30
첨부: 1. 유엔난민기구에서 보낸 법무부 합동단속기간 안내 이메일
2. 법무부 공지 (한+영)
South Korea
Attention: MOJ and KIS Amnesty and Crackdown
Amnesty to facilitate voluntary departure
Please be advised that the Ministry of Justice and Korean Immigration Service have announced that there will be an amnesty to allow the voluntary departure from Korea of irregular migrants from 01 October 2011 to 31 October 2011.
This means that if you do not have a valid visa (G-1 visas and F-2 visas are valid visas) or Exit Order that permits you to legally remain in Korea, you can leave Korea between 01 October and 31 October 2011 and be exempt from paying a fine.
Crackdown on irregular migrant workers
Please also be advised that the Ministry of Justice and Korean Immigration Service have announced that there will be a crackdown on irregular migrant workers from 01 November 2011 to 30 November 2011.
This means that if you are working, but do not have a visa that permits you to work, you will be at risk of being arrested and detained if you are caught working, especially between 01 November to 30 November 2011.
The particular areas where the crackdown will be implemented will include large scale industrial complexes, locations where there is a concentration of migrant workers/foreigners, construction sites, and adult entertainment facilities.
Please be advised that UNHCR understands that the G-1 visa does not permit work activities.
Humanitarian Status Holders
However, if you are a humanitarian status holder with a G-1 visa, under Korean law you are permitted to work, but you must apply to the Korea Immigration Service for the conditions of your G-1 visa to be changed so that work activities are included. For information on how to apply for this permission, please refer to the attached information sheet for humanitarian status holders.
If you have made a refugee application and it is one year or more since the date you made your application and you have not received a first instance decision from the Korea Immigration Service, then under Korean law you can apply to the Korea Immigration Service to change the conditions of your G-1 visa to permit work. For asylum-seekers who have not yet waited one year and have not received a first instance decision from the Korean Immigration Service, there is a provision in Korean law that gives discretion to the Korea Immigration Service to give permission to work to some G-1 visa holders who have “special circumstances”. The term “special circumstances” is not defined, but if you think you have special circumstances then you may wish to talk to the Korea Immigration Service regarding this.
Kind regards,
UNHCR Representation in the Republic of Korea, Seoul
Counselling Phone: 02-773-7003
Counselling Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, 9.30am ~ 12.30pm
the Korea Immigration and Integration Program (KIIP)
Dear all,If you have been residing in Korea on a valid visa for five consecutive years or more, you may be eligible to apply for Korean nationality. For more information about eligibility for Korean nationality please visit the website: (English) and click the “Immigration” bubble above the “Information Shortcuts” box in the middle of the homepage screen, and then click on “Nationality/Naturalization”.
Generally persons applying for Korean nationality must sit and pass a naturalisation exam as part of the process. However, the Korea Immigration Service also offers an alternative to the exam in the form of a course called the Korea Immigration and Integration Program (KIIP).
The KIIP is now open for applications. The application period is from today, 25 July 2011 to 5.00pm 05 August 2011. If you are eligible to apply for Korean nationality, then you may wish to apply for the KIIP program.
All applications must be made online. Attached please find more detailed information on the KIIP and instructions on how to apply for the program.
If you have any questions regarding the KIIP program, please contact your local Immigration and Integration Support Center, listed below.
Kind regards,
UNHCR Representation to the Republic of Korea
Counselling Telepphone: 02-773-7003
Counselling Hours: M T Th F 9.00am - 12.30pm
Immigration Office
Phone number
158-076 서울시 양천구 목동동로 121
600-814 부산시 중구 충장대로 20
032-890-6404, 6411
400-800 인천시 중구 항동7가 1-31
441-340 수원시 영통구 영통동 1012-6
690-800 제주시 임항로 277
701-040 대구시 동구 안심로 117
301-840 대전시 중구 목동길 150
555-110 전남 여수시 무선로 267
480-848 경기도 양주시 덕계동 467-2
502-838 광주시 서구 화정로 196
631-410 경남 창원시 마산합포구 해안로 260
200-882 강원도 춘천시 동내면 사암길 12
361-825 충북 청주시 흥덕구 새터1길 23
561-211 전북 전주시 덕진구 호성로 213
모든 분들께,
만일 적법한 비자를 가지고 한국에 거주하신지 5년 혹은 그 이상이 되었다면 당신은 귀화 신청 대상자일 수도 있습니다. 귀화 신청대상에 대하여 더 자세한 정보를 원하신다면 해당 홈페이지 (를 방문하시어 “정보 마당” – “국적/귀화”를 열람하시기 바랍니다.
보통의 경우 귀화를 신청하는 분들께서는 과정의 일환으로 귀화시험을 쳐서 통과하셔야만 합니다. 그러나 한국출입국관리사무소에서는 그 시험의 대안으로 ‘사회통합프로그램(KIIP)’이라 불리는 강의도 제공하고 있습니다.
사회통합프로그램의 신청기간이 이제 막 시작되었습니다. 신청기간은 2011년 7월 25일 오늘부터 8월 5일 오후 5시까지 입니다. 만일 귀하께서 신청대상자에 해당되신다면 사회통합프로그램에 지원하는 것도 좋을 것입니다.
모든 신청은 온라인상에서 이루어집니다. 사회통합프로그램에 대한 보다 자세한 정보와 프로그램을 신청하는 방법을 첨부해두었으니 참고해주시기 바랍니다.
사회통합프로그램에 대한 문의사항이 있으시다면 아래의 목록을 참고하여 해당지역의 이민통합지원센터로 연락하시기 바랍니다.
상담 시간: 월, 화, 목, 금 9:00-12:30
상담 전화: 02-773-7003
이민통합지원센터 전화 번호
주 소
서 울
158-076 서울시 양천구 목동동로 121
부 산
600-814 부산시 중구 충장대로 20
인 천
032-890-6404, 6411
400-800 인천시 중구 항동7가 1-31
수 원
441-340 수원시 영통구 영통동 1012-6
제 주
690-800 제주시 임항로 277
대 구
701-040 대구시 동구 안심로 117
대 전
301-840 대전시 중구 목동길 150
여 수
555-110 전남 여수시 무선로 267
양 주
480-848 경기도 양주시 덕계동 467-2
광 주
502-838 광주시 서구 화정로 196
창 원
631-410 경남 창원시 마산합포구 해안로 260
춘 천
200-882 강원도 춘천시 동내면 사암길 12
청 주
361-825 충북 청주시 흥덕구 새터1길 23
전 주
561-211 전북 전주시 덕진구 호성로 213
UNHCR - South Korea
Korean Red Cross expands the relief of refugees with KBS Hope 2011 Fund
Building a cooperation system between Ministry of Justice and UNHCR Korea
July 12, 2011 Korean Red Cross will expand the relief of refugees with donation from joint fund raising campaign with KBS – the “Hope 2011 Fund.” The Fund will supply relief goods such as staple foods, side dishes, and daily necessities that worth KRW 100,000 to single person households from July 1st to October31st (4 months), and the amount of relief goods will vary according to the number of family members. Moreover, there is extra support up to KRW 2 million for those who need emergent medical service.
Korean Red Cross has been supporting refugees in response to the requests of refugee-related institutions such as Korea Immigration Service and UNHCR Korea. However, there has been increasing number of asylum seekers in recent days and it has been considered that further attention is needed for those who have trouble earning a living. The organization decided to expand the relief in response to these concerns and plans to use the donation from KBS Hope 2011 fund raising campaign that value KRW 100 million. Customized relief goods according to culture and religion will be provided to those who need support among refugees and asylum seekers.
Refugees, asylum seekers, and humanitarian status holders who have difficulty earning a living due to lack of opportunities for employment can apply the relief through any of nearest Korean Red Cross chapter. Korea Immigration Service of Ministry of Justice and UNHCR Korea are planning to inform the contents of the relief programme and help them with application.
Also, Korean Red Cross will call for workers of Korean Red Cross, Red Cross Youth of universities, and other volunteers who are interested in this matter in order to achieve efficient customizing process of the relief goods.
Unofficial translation by UNHCR Korea
Dear asylum-seekers, humanitarian status holders, and refugees
The Korean Red Cross, in cooperation with the Korea Immigration Service and the UNHCR Representation to the Republic of Korea, is now providing humanitarian aid to asylum-seekers, humanitarian status holders and refugees in Korea. This assistance program is a result of the joint fundraising campaign with KBS, the “Hope 2011 Fund”. The Korean Red Cross is able to provide relief goods, such as food and daily necessities, to applicants’ households from July 2011.
If you are interested in applying for this assistance program, please submit the required documents by 29 July 2011 to your nearest Red Cross Chapter in person or by fax. For details of the various Red Cross Chapters please see the attached list.
- First application period : 1st July ∼ 29th July 2011
- Where to apply: Your nearest Red Cross Chapter (list attached) in person or by fax - Required documents
1) Application Form (Form attached: Please fill out only the top box, the section within the bold border.)
2) A copy of your Refugee Application Receipt or Court Appeal Document, or Humanitarian Status Decision Document or Refugee Status Certificate
For more information please visit the Korean Red Cross website (, contact your nearest Red Cross Chapter or refer to attached press release.
Kind Regards,
UNHCR Representation in Korea
Counseling Hours: M T Th F 09:00 - 12:30
Counseling Line: 02-773-7003
한국 내 난민신청자, 인도적 체류허가자, 난민인정자 분들께,
대한적십자사는 KBS와 공동으로 모금한 희망 2011 캠페인 성금으로 법무부 출입국-외국인정책본부, 유엔난민기구와 함께 난민지원프로그램을 실시할 예정입니다. 7월 1일부터 대한적십자사의 각 지사에서 신청을 받은 후 주식, 부식, 생필품 등의 구호물품을 각 가정에 지원할 계획입니다.
이 프로그램에 관심이 있으신 분들은 첨부된 양식을 작성하여 가까운 대한적십자사의 지사에 방문하거나 팩스로 접수 하시면 됩니다.
1차 신청기간: 2011년 7월 1일 ~ 7월 29일
신청처: 대한적십자사 14개 지사 (명단과 연락처 첨부)
신청방법: 다음의 두가지 서류를 대한적십자사 지사에 직접 방문하거나 팩스로 제출.
1. 난민구호 요청서 (서식 첨부 – 윗쪽의 진한 선으로 구분된 곳의 내용만 기입.)
2. 난민신청서 혹은 난민지위인정소송 증명서,
혹은 인도적체류허가서, 혹은 난민인정증명서 중 한가지 문서의 사본
궁굼하신 사항이 있으시면 대한적십자사 홈페이지(를 방문하거나 가까운 대한적십자사 지사에 문의 혹은 별첨한 보도자료를 참고하시기 바랍니다:
상담 시간: 월, 화, 목, 금 9:00-12:30
상담 전화: 02-773-7003
South Korea
This is NANCEN.We want to invite you to the events that are held during the "World Refugee Day."
1. Photo Exhibition (
NANCEN prepared a photo exhibition with refugees.
The refugees took pictures and wrote stories about the photos.
We believe that it will be a precious time.
NANCEN and the refugees are putting a lot of effort in opening this exhibition.
Therefore, we gladly invite you to join.
Opening: June 16th PM 6:00
Date: June 15th-22nd
Time: AM 10:00-PM 7:00
Location: Gallery SAPA
Seoul National University of Education Station(Gyodae Yuk 교대역) exit no. 13
2. Flashmob ( (
NANCEN and many other organizations are planning to do a flashmob to spread awareness of the situation of refugees in Korea.
Flashmob is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual action for a brief time, then quickly disperse. We invite you to be a part of this flashmob.
Please let us know if there is anyone who is glad to participate.
June 18th: last rehearsal at Wold Cup Stadium Peace Square (), AM 10:30-11:30, PM 1:30-2:30
June 19th: flashmob perfomance (Seoul City Hall Square PM12, Seoul Station PM 2, Myungdong PM 4, Daehangno PM6)
June 20th: National Assembly Building 12:00

Please share this information with your family, friends, and neighbors. Hope to see you soon.
You will have a lot of fun!
Have a nice day.
Job Fair at Seongdong District (03 June 2011) /성동구청 취업박람회 (2011년6월3일)
For recognized refugees; humanitarian status holders; and refugee applicants eligible to work. Who can speak some Korean language.From 1.00pm to 5.00pm on Friday, 03 June 2011, the Small and Middle-sized Business Center in Seongdong District, Seoul, is hosting a JOB FAIR for people from multi-cultural backgrounds and young people.
Employers will interview people at the fair in Korean language. If you are eligible to work in the Republic of Korea and if you can communicate in Korean, this might be a good opportunity to find employment.
If you have any questions please contact:
The Seongdong Small and Middle-sized Business Center
Telephone: 02-2286-7788
Fax: 02-2286-6250
Registration Method:
You can register on the day of the fair in person.
Please complete the form attached and take it with you to the fair.
Form: 성동구 취업박람회 안내문 및 신청서식.hwp
Description of Job Fair:
- Date: Friday, 03 June 2011
- Time: 13:00 – 17:00
- Place: 3rd Floor, Seongdong District Office Building
Participating Businesses:
Small and middle-sized businesses (businesses that hire more than five people) that are registered with the four major national insurances schemes
Target Job Seekers:
Multi-cultural families, students attending specialized education programs, and young people (age 15 – 29)
Map and Directions:
By subway
Wangsimni Station (Line 2, 5 and Joongang Line), Exit 4 (Seongdong-gu Office Exit), walk 3 minutes.
By bus
1) Seong Dong District Office Station
Blue Bus: 110A, 110B, 141, 145, 148, 421
Green Bus: 2015, 2222
Town Bus: 03, 08
Airport Bus: 2001 (Dobong – Seong Dong – Incheon International Airport)
2) Wangsimni Station (walk 5 minutes)
Blue Bus: 263, 302
Green Bus: 2012B, 2013, 2014, 2222
Town Bus: 02, 03, 08
Kind Regards,
UNHCR Representation in the Republic of Korea
Counseling Hours: M T Th F, 09:00 – 12:30
Counseling Telephone: 02-773-7003
취업허가를 받으신 분께,
안녕하세요, 성동구청에서 지원하는 “다문화가족 및 청년 취업박람회”에 대해서 알려드립니다. 난민지위를 인정받으셨거나 취업 허가를 받으신 분들에게 좋은 기회가 될 수 있으니 많은 참여 바랍니다.
이 행사는 유엔난민기구 행사가 아닙니다. 문의사항은 성동구 중소기업종합지원센터(02-2286-7788)로 하시기 바랍니다.
“다문화가족 및 청년 취업박람회”
1. 박람회 설명:
구직자와 구인기업체가 참여하여 1:1 면접을 합니다.
2. 모집 대상
- 구직 대상자 : 다문화가족 취업희망자 및 청년 구직자
- 참여 기업체 : 성동구 및 서울시 소재 30여개 우량 중소기업체
3. 신청서 접수
- 접수기간 : 2011. 5. 16.(월) ~ 6. 2(목)
※ 당일 박람회 행사장 현장접수 가능
- 접 수 처 : 성동구청 1층 취업정보은행,
※ 성동구 중소기업종합지원센터[(133-724)성동구 성수2가 300-3 베컴빌딩(3층)]
- 접수방법 : 방문접수, 이메일(, 팩스(02-2286-6250)
4. 행사 일시 및 장소
- 행사일시 : 2011. 6. 3(금) 13:00 ~ 17:00
- 행사장소 : 성동구청 대강당(3층)
5. 제출 서류
취업박람회 신청서 (첨부 파일: 성동구 취업박람회 안내문 및 신청서식.hwp )
6. 접수 및 문의
- 성동구 중소기업종합지원센터(Tel : 02-2286-7788, Fax : 02-2286-6250)
- 성동구청 취업정보은행(Tel : 02-2286-5410)
7. 오시는 길
● 지하철 2호선, 5호선 및 중앙선 이용 왕십리역 하차 4번 출구(성동구청 출구)에서 도보로 3분
● 버스노선
■ 성동구청 앞 하차
-간선버스 (파랑): 110A, 110B, 141, 145, 148, 421
-지선버스 (초록): 2015, 2222
-마을버스 (초록): 03, 08
-공항버스: 2001번 (도봉-성동-인천국제공항)
■ 왕십리역 하차 도보 5분
-간선버스 (파랑): 263, 302
-지선버스 (초록): 2012B, 2013, 2014, 2222
-마을버스 (초록): 02, 03, 08
유엔난민기구 드림
유엔난민기구 한국 대표부
상담시간: 월 화 목 금 09:00 – 12:30
상단전화: 02-773-7003
“The 9th Children’s Day Rainbow Festival”
Dear Refugees, Refugee Applicants, and Humanitarian Status Holders,We are writing to inform you about “The 9th Children’s Day Rainbow Festival” hosted by the Migrant Health Association in Korea ( This is not an UNHCR event. Applications will be shared with the Migrant Health Association in Korea which will be organizing the festival.
“The 9th Children’s Day Rainbow Festival”
Date and Time: 05 May 2011, Thursday, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm.
Location: Nanji Hangang Park (* map included)
Sponsor: Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture, Hyundai Motor Group
Participation Fee: Free
Lunch: Lunch Box for Children (Age 4 – 13), Lunch Box for Adults (Age 14 and over)
- 10:00 – 11:00 : Registration and Free Activity Time
- 11:00 – 12:00 : Opening Ceremony and Performance
- 12:00 – 12:40 : Lunch
- 12:40 – 14:30 : Free Activity Time
- 14:30 – 15:30 : Group Activity Time
- 15:30 – 16:00 : Closing Ceremony and Cleanup
Application Deadline: Please apply by 18 April 2011, Monday.
Application Directions:
Please fill out the application form attached to this email and return it to us by email ( or fax (02-773-7014). If you are participating as a group, please designate a representative and make sure that his or her name and phone number is included in the application. Up to 1 vehicle can be provided to group of more than 30 people.
* There will be a family-to-family matching program between multi-cultural families and Korean families at the festival to help facilitate participation and interaction. If your family would like to be matched with a Korean family to receive language help and assistance during the festival, please indicate this in the application. (Matching is not guaranteed for all applicants due to the limited number of volunteer Korean families).

Kind Regards, UNHCR Representation in Korea
Counseling Hours: M T Th F 09:00-12:30
Counseling Line: 02-773-7003
UNHCR - South korea
The Korea Immigration and Integration Program (KIIP)
Mar. 30, 2011Dear Refugees, Refugee Applicants, and Humanitarian Status Holders,
The deadline for the second round of recruitment of the Korea Immigration and Integration Program (KIIP) is fast approaching.
There are several benefits from participating in KIIP including exemption from Naturalization Written Exam and Interview, shortening of the waiting period for nationality attainment, and additional points when changing to F-2 visa status by point based system.
The deadline is 01 April, 2011 and you can only apply online.
download file
Detailed information on KIIP and directions for using the internet application system on Hi Korea is attached to this email. Please find the two documents.
We trust that this information is useful to you.
Kind Regards,
UNHCR Representation in Korea
Counseling Hours: M T Th F 09:00-12:30
Counseling Line: 02-773-7003
(한글 안내는 영문 아래에 있습니다. ) UNHCR
South Korea government subsidies for Recognized Refugees childcare
Further to our earlier email regarding government subsidies for childcare for refugee children aged between three and five years of age, UNHCR has recently learned that there is an application procedure for receiving this government subsidy, and that the subsidy will only be given from the day the application is submitted. We would therefore recommend that persons wanting to receive the subsidy make their application as soon as possible. Information on the application process is below.
Please note that the government will only subsidise the fees for children enrolled in government-registered kindergartens and childcare centers. The list of government registered childcare centers can be found at and the list of government registered kindergartens at The government will not subsidise fees for unregistered kindergartens, unregistered childcare centers, or private institutions (학원).
- Where to apply:
The community center/dong office (주민센터) responsible for the area where you live.
- Required documents:
l Your family members’ Refugee Recognition Certificates (난민인정증명서) issued by the Ministry of Justice
l Your family members’ Alien Registration Cards
l A photocopy of the front page of a Korean bankbook in your or your spouse’s name
l Completed application form (available at community centres/dong offices). Please note that this form is only available in Korean. (A scanned copy of the application form is attached.)
l Official documents proving your parental relationship to your children (i.e. a birth certificate) may be required.
The authentication card will be used at your child’s kindergarten or childcare centre to show that your child is eligible for the subsidy. The authentication cards issued for kindergartens and childcare centers are different.
- Childcare centers: Apply for the authentication card at the community center/dong office (주민센터) where you live at the same time as you make the application for the subsidy. The application form is available at community centres/dong offices (A scanned copy of the application form is attached.)
- Kindergartens: After making the subsidy application, apply at a Nonghyup Bank (농협은행). (Busan residents should visit Busan Bank(부산은행)). In Korean this authentication card is called 아이즐거운카드.
Required documents:
l Your Alien Registration Card
l If you do not have a bank account with Nonghyup Bank or Busan Bank, you need to open an account in order to obtain the authentication card. When you open the bank account you may be required to submit a document verifying your residential address, such as a power or gas bill that contains your name and address, or a copy of your house lease contract that contains your name and address.
Notes on subsidy for March:
Since application approval will take some time, you will have to pay full fees of your child’s kindergarten or childcare centre for the month of March. The subsidised amount will be reimbursed about one month after the application is made. The form of the reimbursement would depend on the individual kindergarten or childcare centre (i.e. it may be given in cash, or by bank transfer, etc.)
Period of the subsidy:
Once the application is made, the subsidy will automatically continue until your child is six years old. You will not need to reapply for the subsidy and authentication card if your child moves from kindergarten to kindergarten or from childcare centre to childcare centre. However, if your child moves from kindergarten to childcare centre or vice versa, a new application for the subsidy will need to be made and a new authentication card should be obtained.
Kind Regards,
UNHCR Representation in the Republic of Korea
Counseling Hours: M T Th F 09:00-12:30
Counseling Line: 02-773-7003
난민인정자 여러분께,
안녕하세요. 지난 번 이메일로 안내해 드린 난민인정자의 자녀 (만 3세부터 5세)의 유아학비 지원에 관해 추가 정보를 드리고자 합니다. 최근 유엔난민기구는 난민인정자 가족도 유아학비 지원을 받기 위한 신청절차가 있다는 것을 알게 되었습니다. 신청서를 제출하는 날짜부터만 유아학비 지원을 받을 수 있으니 관심 있으신 분들은 빠른 시일 내에 신청하시기 바랍니다. 지원절차는 아래에 설명되어 있습니다.
지원절차를 설명하기에 앞서 유아학비 지원에 관련된 다음과 같은 중요한 사항을 유의하시기 바랍니다. 유아학비 지원은 정부기관에 등록된 유치원과 어린이집에 다니는 어린이들에게만 지원된다고 합니다. 정부에 등록된 어린이집 목록은 에서, 정부에 등록된 유치원 목록은 에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.
유아학비 지원 신청 절차:
1. 신청방법:
- 신청장소: 본인의 거주지를 관할하는 주민센터(동사무소)
- 신청 시 필요한 서류:
l 부모와 아동의 난민인정증명서 (법무부장관 발급)
l 부모와 아동의 외국인등록증
l 본인 혹은 배우자 명의의 통장 첫페이지 사본
l 신청서 (주민센터에 비치되어 있음) (참고로 신청서 스캔파일을 첨부하였습니다.)
l 부모와 아동의 혈연관계를 증명할 수 있는 서류가 요구될 수 있음. (외국인등록사실증명서, 출생증명서 등)
2. 인증카드 신청방법:
인증카드는 유치원 혹은 어린이집에서 유아학비 지원 대상자 인증을 위해 신청하셔야 합니다. 유치원과 어린이집에서는 각각 다른 인증 카드가 사용됩니다.
- 어린이집: 아이사랑카드
관할 주민센터에서 유아학비 지원을 신청할 때 같이 신청하시면 됩니다. 신청서는 주민센터에 비치되어 있습니다. (참고로 신청서 스캔파일을 첨부하였습니다.)
- 유치원: 아이즐거운카드
주민센터에서 유아학비 지원을 신청한 후 가까운 농협은행에서 인증카드를 신청하시면 됩니다. (부산 거주자는 부산은행) ‘아이즐거운카드’ 를 신청하러 왔다고 말씀하시면 됩니다.
신청 시 필요한 서류:
l 부모의 외국인등록증
l 농협은행 (혹은 부산은행)의 은행계좌가 없으신 분은 카드 발급을 위해 새 은행계좌를 만드셔야 합니다. 새 계좌를 만들 때 본인의 거주지를 확인할 수 있는 서류가 요구될 수도 있습니다. (본인의 명의와 거주지 주소로 발급된 전기 혹은 가스요금서, 본인의 이름과 거주지 주소가 포함되어 있는 전세계약서 등)
3월 유아학비 지원금:
유아학비 지원 신청서 처리에 시일이 소요되기 때문에 우선 유치원 혹은 어린이집 3월달 비용은 모두 지불하셔야 합니다. 정부보조금은 신청 후 약 한 달 후 소급 지급될 예정이며 지급 방식은 유치원이나 어린이집에 따라 다르다고 합니다. (현금 지급, 은행계좌이체 등)
유아학비 지원금 지원기간:
유아학비 지원을 한번 신청을 하여 대상자가 되시면 자녀가 만6 세가 될 때까지 지원금을 받으실 수 있습니다. 자녀가 한 유치원에서 다른 유치원으로 옮길 경우, 혹은 한 어린이집에서 다른 어린이집으로 옮길 경우에는 다시 신청하실 필요가 없습니다. 하지만 유치원에서 어린이집으로, 혹은 어린이집에서 유치원으로 옮길 경우에는 유아학비 지원과 인증카드를 새로 신청하셔야 합니다.
유엔난민기구 한국 대표부 드림
상담 시간: 월, 화, 목, 금 9:00-12:30
상담 전화: 02-773-7003
UNHCR - South Korea
Information on Government Subsidy for Child Care
From March 2011, the Korean Government will subsidize a fixed amount of childcare center fees for all refugee children aged between 3 and 5 years of age. The following are the details of the subsidized amount according to age:
(Unit: KRW/month)
AgeNational/Public Centers | Private Centers
3yr 59,000 | 197,000
4yr 59,000 | 177,000
5yr 59,000 | 177,000
For children who attend the childcare center all day (more than 8 hours/day), the government will provide additional assistance as follows:
(Unit: KRW/month)
AgeNational/Public Centers | Private Centers
3yr 30,000 | 50,000
4yr 30,000 | 50,000
5yr 30,000 | 50,000
There is no application process to apply for the assistance. If you show your official documents proving your refugee status and your parental relationship to your child, the centers will automatically deduct the amount that the government subsidizes, and will charge you the rest of the fee only. For more information, please visit the relevant government website
Kind regards,
UNHCR Representation in the Republic of Korea
Counseling Hours: M T Th F 09:00-12:30
Counseling Line: 02-773-7003
South Korea
Permanent Residency
AnnouncementDear all,
Please find attached the document regarding permanent residency. We hope this information will be helpful to you.
Kind Regards,
UNHCR Representation in Republic of Korea
Counseling Hours: M T Th F 09:00-12:30
Counseling Line: 02-773-7003
Immigration Control Act Enforcement Decree
Annex 1. 28.3. Permanent Residency
(a) an adult under the Civil Act of the Republic of Korea, able to support oneself or family, whose conduct shall be orderly, have basic knowledge as a permanent resident of the Republic of Korea, have stayed in the Republic of Korea with D-7 to E-7 or F-2 status for at least five consecutive years
Required Documents:
1. Passport
2. Alien Registration Card
3. Visa Issuance Fee KRW 60,000
4. 3X4 Color Photo
5. Invoice of withholding tax (근로소득원천징수영수증) or a copy of Certificate of income(소득금액증명원) Note: income must be higher than the official per capita income of 2010 by the Bank of Korea (approximately KRW 22,000,000)
6. Certificate of TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean) by Korean Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation or National Institute for International Education (must be higher than level 2)
Note: Exempted if you have stayed in the Republic of Korea for at least 10 consecutive years
UNHCR - South Korea
With easier attainment of Korean citizenship
Dear all,
Please find attached the article in Korean Immigration Service Quarterly Magazine on Nationality Attainment Policy and Korean Immigration and Integration Program (KIIP). We hope the information will be helpful to you.
Kind Regards,
UNHCR Representation in Korea
Counseling Hours: M T Th F 09:00-12:30
Counseling Line: 02-773-7003
South Korea
Foreign Workers Center Refuses Refugees

Foreigners at Uijeongbu Foreign Workers Center
Uijoengbu Foreign Workers Center and Ansan Foreign Workers Center were not allowed refugees to use their centers. Director of UFC said, that center is for only E9 visa holder workers, not for F-2-2 or any other refugees. He further said, "we don't know you and we cannot accept to use our shelters."
Similarly, AFC manager, also to be known as a Pastor, said the shelter is not for refugees and any others except from E9 visa status. Although all foreigners are similarly suffering in Korea, it makes unnecessary more differentiated among foreigners by the centers.
Since refugees in Korea has no separate center arranged by Korean government. They used to share the migrant centers. When the migrant centers are extremely restricted, the refugees are no place to go but to find a new one. As the situation indicated, refugees are really needed to demand their own center from the Korean government.
Your can make further protest to the following centers:
Uijoengbu Foreign Workers Center Kwang Il, Lee Director 010-9191-1158, 070-4169-8800
Ansan Foreign Workers Center Park, Heungsoon president 010-2288-2508, 031-4750-111(100)
South Korea
Medical Bills
All refugees can submit your medical bills and medical certificate and your bank a/c to Refugee office at Immigration.
Then, you can reimburse your expenses up to 500,000Won.
Dec 23 2010 is the last date to submit.
South Korea
UNHCR announcement
There will be no counselling hours at the UNHCR Seoul office tomorrow, Friday 17 December. Regular counselling hours (9.00am-12.30pm) will resume on Monday 20 December.
We apologise for any inconvenience.
Kind regards, UNHCR Representation in the Republic of Korea, Seoul Counselling Phone: 02-773-7003 Counselling Hours: M, T, Th, F 9.00am - 12.30pm
12월 17일 금요일 내일 유엔난민기구 한국대표부 상담 쉽니다. 상담(오전 9시~오후12시30분)은 12월 20일 월요일에 다시 정상적으로 재개됩니다.
불편을 끼쳐드려 죄송합니다.
유엔난민기구 한국대표부 드림. 상담 전화: 02-773-7003 상담 시간: 월, 화, 목, 금 오전 9시 - 오후 12시 30분 본 메일은 2010년 8월 11일 기준, 회원님의 수신동의 여부를 확인한 결과 회원님께서 수신동의를 하셨기에 발송되었습니다.
SWAN denounces Burma Army build-up and rape in central Shan State
Nov. 10, 2010

Burmese Refugees
SWAN strongly denounces the Burma Army build-up around the Shan ceasefire area in Ke See township, central Shan State, which led to the rape of a young disabled woman on the eve of the November 7 election.
Since November 3, more than 1,000 new troops have been deployed from other parts of Shan State to areas adjacent to territory of the Shan State Army-North (SSA-N) First Brigade.
These troops have been conducting patrols and hunting out villagers suspected of supporting the SSA-N 1st Brigade, which refused to become a Border Guard Force under the Burma Army.
On November 6, a fully armed 10-man patrol from Mong Nawng-based LIB 286, led by Major Win Zaw Latt, searched the village of Wan Nawng New, about five miles north of Mong Nawng. One of the troops raped a 25-year-old disabled woman who was alone in her house with her two-year-old niece.
The soldier tied up the woman’s hands and feet, and then bound her hair to one of the house posts before raping her. Neighbours heard her screams but did not dare come to her aid until after the patrol had left the village. No one dared complain about the crime, and the woman herself has fled the village in fear of repercussions.
SWAN is gravely concerned at the fate of this woman, and of other civilians in this area, who are being deliberately targeted under this new military campaign against the SSA-N.
SWAN has repeatedly documented the systematic use of sexual violence by the Burma Army, and is appalled that even just before the election, when the eyes of the entire world were on Burma, troops dared openly commit rape. This is a clear sign that the impunity enjoyed by the Burma Army for sexual violence is set to continue.
“We strongly urge the international community not to recognize the Burmese generals’ new proxy government,” said SWAN spokesperson Nang Moan Kaein. “It is tantamount to legitimizing the Burma Army’s crimes, and will condemn women in Burma to continued systematic sexual violence.”
Contact persons:
Nang Moan Kaein Tel: (+ 66) 81 992 1121
Ying Charm Hom Tel: (+ 66) 85 107 1452
Peoples Partner for Development and Democracy
Mar. 09,2010

Burmese Refugees camp
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
I hope all of you are well upon receiving this. I would like to inform everyone that as of February 5, 2010, as the outcome of the meeting with people directly involved with Light School: “Alternative School for Marginalized, Displaced and Illegal Migrant Children at the Thai-Burma Border –Maesot” namely the community surrounding the school, the teachers and Peoples Partner for Development and Democracy (PPDD) represented by myself, as a final decision, and as the result of all the discussions that took place in all issues vis-à-vis Light School Project and because of the interest itself of the teachers and the committee of the school to handle and to take care over the whole operations of Light School and the school as a whole by themselves, PPDD decided to donate the school to the kids, to the students of Light School who are the direct beneficiaries of the project and the very reason why the project has been put up and implemented in the very first place.
On this note, I would like to inform everyone that this is official as far as my organization is concern. We in PPDD on whatever grounds since February 5, 2010 are not anymore in whatsoever way connected or associated to the school and are not responsible for the school. As an organization, we already turned over the school to the people concern as mentioned above. We hope that this clear to everyone.
On behalf of PPDD I wish the people who took over the school good luck and I also personally hope that they will take care of the school and develop it far more than what my organization and I have done. Just to express my personal sentiment, personally, I invested my time and to a greater extent my personal resources for the school and even I sacrifice four (4) years of my life working for my organization without remuneration, totally and purely work in a voluntary basis and I never expected anything in return because I want to see the students of Light School be given the best possible education and school facilities that they can have. The work of my organization and myself speaks for itself. Light School, I am proud to say is one of the few migrant schools in Maesot that is well developed to a great extent. I, personally hope that the people running the school at the moment will maintain the school this way and will far improve the school and pursue the vision of the project and that is to give quality education to the students of Light School and take care of their welfare.
To those who have been instrumental and has been very supportive of Light School in different ways, I would like to express my deepest and most sincere gratitude and thanks to all of you. I through PPDD will never have done a good job with Light School without your support and encouragement. Thank you and I will always remember your kindness.
To everyone, I wish you all good luck in your endeavors. I wish you all the best in life and work. My apology as well for the late release of this official statement, I was kind of pre-occupied with lots of things and we waited for the right moment to release this official statement as well which is this month.
I will be keeping you all posted of the work of the organization and what its new initiatives and projects
Thank you again. Good day to all.
Sincerely yours,
Anna ---------------
Anna Malindog
Founder/Executive Director
Peoples Partner for Development and Democracy (PPDD)