Wave in our Cup of NaMo /Global Chai
Special ContributionBy Rakesh Manchanda

Modi Tea
About author : Has worked in India and abroad in several countries and is now in Delhi- North India monitoring the historical people movement for an Ecological Swaraj. Making tea is the first cook in Kitchen lesson any mother may give to a child. During my 2006-11 visits to Republic Of Mali a French colonised West African country, I learned about Malian Chai cultural and its import since hundreds of years. It is important to understand the global reach of Tea before we start enjoying Na Mo (Modi) promotional Chai.
In Mali villages during tea time and during peaceful days(at present civil war is going on in Mali) civil servants are found missing. Offices get empty. There's no equipment, no computers, nothing – not even a chair except a 24x7 kettle outside the office waiting for the chai walla to pour tea in a single glass. Same single glass of tea get shared by all Malians who believe it shall enhance unity and brotherhood. Whenever it is impossible to work in Africa to install a cotton- oil factory then only three things work. First is the African hungry to participate and learn new skills. Second is a cup of African-Malian tea break and third is a pirated old Hindi movies dubbed in French of Mithun Charavati Bollywood know as `Jimmy`.
Kudos to The Hindu recent article title :Rhetoric, not foreign policy which appeared on 19th.March-2014.This article has gone in depth with favourite `tea comment` of Modi during his visit to Russia where he asked in English for tea several times but he got nothing. When Modi asked for `chai` only then he got the tea. Global historical trade links with the rest of the world have definitely resulted in various cultural exchanges, but Modi’s “chai” example fits with a `strange` pride. The BJP PM candidate almost makes it sound as if the Chinese-French-Dutch-Russians had borrowed the word “chai” from India. Instead of getting trapped in the patriotic riddle that My Hindustani Chai is better then your tea let us talk wisely beyond Chai. Few things a global city-village needs to protect against price rise wave and in order to function besides tea are – jobs, wages, electricity, water, gas, banks, marketplaces, and basic government services such as the town hall for peoples participation and a judiciary. NaMo Tea Stall invited you for a cup of chai but refuses to discuss as the clear stand of prospective BJP PM-Modi on Current A/C deficit and Fiscal Deficit ? Tea Stall with religious chant of Har ! Har ! Modi replacing Mahadeva(Lord Shiva) in the slogan appear ready to replace `God Shiv` in each house with `God Modi`. According to AAP-leader Manish Sisodia findings the Modi Model in Gujarat has fixed Rs.5200/- as stipend for 3 years for government posts like police, doctors, IT expert, nurses. For job confirmation after 3 years huge `bribe` is an open secret.
Let us dump tough questions and try to enjoy Modi wave in `Chai`. Both people and future PM fail to understand Macro Economics in line with purchasing power of pockets . Let us give a benefit of doubt to Modi and stop taxing him as he messed up in the location of Takshashila -in Bihar instead of Pakistan in his recent speech. Take A `Sip` from history of Chai : Almost five thousand years ago, when people in China started sipping beverage made from dried leaves-buds, different regions had different names for it. Portuguese traders, claim to be the first to bring the herbal drink to Europe in the late sixteenth century, followed new names : cha, shai, choy. Same story with overland routes to Central Asia, the Arabian Peninsula, India and Russia resulting in the hence use of “chai” in many languages. Dutch traders, who had a control on the tea trade in Western Europe—including Spain, France, Germany and Italy—got most of their derivations on its Min Nan Chinese name: té, tèh, tey. Europe as evident exported the word “te” to their colonial regions.
Weak `Desi-Videsi` Retail Tea Policy
“This is our way of saying we are with the Aam Admi-common people,”-says the BJP poster. The process of promoting Chai culture and players involved is a good promotion.Shows how a tea stall contractor(Modi) can become a leader.Intention and the Chai walla act via Modi as role model is however full of doubts. Modi has no respect for hedging and wasting taxpayer`s money Rs 70 lakh plus while contesting safe from two seats-Varnasi and Vadodara. Sample a chat over tea- `Chai Pey Charcha` in Na Mo Tea Stall :BJP promoter drums a boost- “Modi Ji will solve our problems. He will attack Pakistan and bring `development` like he has in Gujarat. Arvind Kejriwal and Congress both are American Agents and cannot fight China or Pakistan.” An elder sipping Chai said-“Vajpayee our credible ex-PM is forgotten- he tried to settle many India-Pak roadblocks over a cup of `Chai`. Today`s generation has no consultation and respect for elders in BJP.” Advani comment on Jinnah`s `good` works and Pak is also buried over a cup of tea and Jaswant Singh ex-Defence Minister NDA has resigned. `Settle all global problems over a cup of tea`- is a world wide trend started by elite class from 7 Race Course Road to White House . The shameful list of tea party invitees at times were Osama Bin Laden invited to White House or Bhinderwala of Khalistan demand over tea with then PM-Indra Gandhi.
Chetan Bhagat in the recent past wrote big volumes on `Corruption and how AAP can help India grow`. Thanks to the Na Mo free Tea stalls Chetan Bhagat now takes a U-turn and become Ambani-Modi Poster boy. `Honest` Chetan Bhagat today is hiding and running away from his new showcase that demands as to how according to him Modi is learning from the mistakes of others and Congress.Instead of addressing the root cause worker- management human relations (Maurti-Nano factory strikes) Modi is seen grabbing and showing `false carrot` to the investors based on his corrupt police control in Gujarat. You cannot stop a leak in the Modi dam using your fingers and kids gloves Chetan Bhagat. For more details readers may read my published article dated 11th. Mar-2014 title : Politics and Shades of Chetan Bhagat. We often see Modi protecting only the cotton exporters and traders who want to export all cotton Lint/Fiber to China with `No Quota for textile mills`. This is done for a petty short term profit.
As an Indian I tried my best to help Africans in bushes to replace the China tea leaves with India Tata Chai but failed. My African friends in several countries used to accept `free` tea leave packs but later followed their old tradition flavour of making tea outside the office using cheap outdated Chinese tea leaves. They refuse to call it Chinese tea and insist that their local tea preparation as the best. My appeal to all desi- videshi tea lovers including Chetan Bhagat is to go and enjoy `honest` free NaMo `Tea`. Once the `Chai` and Tsunami finishes ask sellers solutions for a better India. If the stall owner fails to convince ditch the stall by taking a `T` turn and explore serious and safe `desi` options. For a better corruption free life with a `chai` with no wave.
Hidden Havens & Stolen Money Management
By Rakesh Manchanda
Thanks to election season today Narender Modi and Finance Minister P Chidambaram both halfheartedly promise to bring back Black money. How ? Process remains a secret .Hope of recovery emerges only by applying `Reverse Hawala`. Arvind Kejriwal sets the fearless ball rolling by spelling the Swiss Account No of Ambani Brothers in Public. To understand Heaven-Hell divide allow me to take you back to my old published archives. Heavens as we learn in religious teachings are known to provide unlimited luxury and rewards. People on earth are assumed to qualify for a heaven by virtue of good deeds. Remove `e` from “Heaven” and we get a different paradise on this earth.“Tax Haven” is a hush-hush “Th” term coined by competitor banking system in early globalization era. It points out a far away foreign offshore land used as a shelter or a hideout of accumulated money.
Heaven-code divides global citizens and stakeholders into “devils & angels”. Need and greed articulates a haven for hiding money on this sole living planet. This magic term spells empowerment with protection to crony few by accumulation of hidden money siphoned from the “parent producer” team and the country. This system which used to be a dream seller to 99% leaves the real producers of the hidden profit cheated. Majority are morally reduced as evil or lazy losers who are unable to covert the fast forward opportunity. Opportunity for selected few gets articulated by economic liberalisation. Hide and seek of this invisible money today in turbulent times is a global game in almost every part of the world. The booty popularly known as black money in India is termed as dirty money in Europe. In Africa and in the West it is identified as blood money. Politicians at large, pretending to be honest patriots, play the game often to keep the public engaged. People in a hell away from heaven remain patiently glued to their daily work with hope based on false spell of 1%. Unlike feudal lords who used to identify a worship place used by people as a shelter or a hideout for the hard earned money, the modern industry uses offshore banks outside the country to park the loot. Such Banks are identified in countries like Switzerland, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Cyprus, Bahamas, Bermuda and so on. This list of havens continues to grow to compete with each other, to protect the money of investors in foreign lands.
Corporates pay extra to CFOs to help them to hide money in a Heaven. In most of the popular havens, there is no `capital gains’ tax, no corporate tax, no income tax for say 20 years, no gift tax and no withholding tax. The dirty game cannot remain so hidden- if the bank, the booty and the sources of production are found in the same country. The trick here is customer loyalty and commitment of secrecy. No one shall come to the foreign bank to park dirty money if this activity is not kept secret. Result; the bank and the host country flourishes by providing tourism incentives and luring hospitality to patriotic capitalists. The honest production driven country having no tax heavens; remains poor. However this myth gets broken when a superpower applies diplomatic pressure. According to global media last year the Swiss Bank agrees to help American Parliament fighting recession to know the names of secret account holders having American citizenship. This proves that getting the hidden money back for saving the crisis is possible.
Waste Money Management- How it works ? Today, Production is a growth issue. When loans via Banks are awarded to the producers of mines & factories, the money is treated as private not as public or national. Present system is engaged in maximising personnel profit by individual heroism of few trusted managers. Small groups and lobbies of excellence, working in a business team, having no ownership mechanism in industry helps that 1%.
What goes wrong in a business of Hell-Haven divide? There is nothing wrong in collective hard work, national spirit and intentions of 99% to grow. Fault lies with the deliberate design and a disconnect between the wheel of production and the consumption controlled by that 1%.Unlike BPL (below poverty line) the standard in India which helps to measure poverty there is no line to regulate, limit and count the unlimited wealth of the filthy rich. We must see the corporate modus operandi in this chain of survival of Heaven-Hell divide. Corporate in nexus with politicians fails to audit and gives no participatory role to workers. Handling of public sector business by government in India is so weak and highly corrupt that even pilots and national hockey team are not paid in time and they go on strike in India. Laws get bend and twisted in favour of the corporate. In the wheel of production the industry produces goods using casual labour monitored by managers. Part time worker as real producer is sent off as soon as production is over. So there is no sense of belonging. If workers go on strike to increase their standard of living then the paid media, governments and corporate management continues to paint them as lazy, unproductive and anti-nationals. Media understands this corporate design but ignores it in favour of corporate and government. At times, media showcases Ministers on Television declaring India falling on 132nd position from 128th position as per the UNDP study of 200 countries. `Rewards & Punishment` as a check-balance stands teasing and unjustified. What stands good for 1% cannot help and support the rest.
CFOs assist industrialists to steal money from the production cycle and pump it in the market of speculation and gamble called share baazar. Consumption or Industrial sales “score board” is kept hidden from the stakeholders of production and from the public investors. Unlike the wheel of production, the cycle of consumption throws open-unequal sharing, unequal profit, unequal responsibility, unequal surplus control and its dissemination. Public, in most cases as investors feel cheated but get re-convinced by the so called share market experts & promoters to invest again and again. CFOs who are well versed with Banking Laws & its twisted version are hired in the country hosting production. Back in host country say in India, these financial managers advice the Capitalist not to re-invest in the parent country as the indigenous policy analysed by them is comfortably declared as non-encouraging for faster `jobless` growth of money.
Competition in the industrial playing field is good only when the competition forces the whistle blowers to blow off the rival company. In-house competition in production and sales team helps but this competition fails to touch the issues of transfer of money to heavens. For more details read my recent article published by Global Digest on 6th. March-2014 title: Stop Corporate Match Fixing : Apply Cricket Swaraj. So long we have failed to question the base of a business paradigm that we must not expect a breakthrough and miracles. In the conventional system top leaders are expected to showcase all answers and solutions. What if this does not work?
We often fail to encourage change because it directly shakes our blind trust, faith, beliefs and prejudices. Right from our childhood, we are programmed to escape from participating in deep experiences. We feel threatened to use simple enquiring tools like How! When! Why! Where! and so on. The nuts and bolts at the site of production and consumption need to be identified and this can help to generate black money Indigenous fund recycling monitored with strict regulations with more jobs is the only ways out. Tax Havens-Why should we accept them ? Helping less equals to transform into more equals can save the crisis. This is not a philanthropic business step but a long term human survival kit. It will ensure more productivity, sense of belonging, sharing, participation and `actual` consumption. If Africa and India is able to plug the weak production and sales format that allows such ongoing inhuman corruption how shall it honour the ink of its signature to UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC)? UNCAC clause (Article 51 & 52) has provision to help countries for recovery of hidden money in foreign lands. Solutions need to be rescued at gut level. If a child’s trousers get caught in the wheel, the bicycle chain is rotated back and not forward.
Vietnam: Free the over 200 imprisoned dissidents

Ta Phong Tan
PARIS, 6 March 2014 (FIDH & VCHR) - Vietnam must immediately and unconditionally release the over 200 political prisoners who are languishing in jails across the country, FIDH and its member organization, the Vietnam Committee on Human Rights (VCHR), said today. In connection with this demand, FIDH and VCHR jointly published the profiles of 17 political prisoners,whose cases are of particular concern.
“Vietnam holds the highest number of political prisoner in Southeast Asia. That is deplorable for a country that is currently a member of the UN Human Rights Council,” said FIDH President Karim Lahidji. “The recent string of convictions, assaults, and harassment of bloggers, journalists, and activists shows that the Vietnamese government’s crackdown on dissidents is intensifying. It’s time for the international community to mobilize and demand that Hanoi stop the repression of peaceful dissent and release all political prisoners,” Mr. Lahidji urged.
It is estimated that there are at least 212 political prisoners behind bars in Vietnam and many more are under house arrest. Those incarcerated include lawyers, bloggers, land rights activists, Buddhist monks, journalists, writers, singers, labor activists, pro-democracy campaigners, and members of ethnic and religious minorities, including Hmong, Buddhist Khmer Krom, and Christian Montagnards (1). Many of Vietnam’s political prisoners are women. Many of the dissidents are serving lengthy prison terms in extremely poor detention conditions. As a result, their health is deteriorating and they are in need of urgent medical treatment and ongoing care.
FIDH and VCHR also urged the Vietnamese government to undertake a comprehensive review of legislation used to arrest and imprison activists who have merely exercised their fundamental human rights. “Vietnam must immediately repeal draconian laws that severely restrict freedom of opinion and expression,” said VCHR President Vo Van Ai. “The government’s claim that it respects and protects human rights will continue to ring hollow unless Vietnam upholds its obligations under Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) to which Vietnam is a state party,” he added.
On February 5, at Vietnam’s second Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in Geneva, the government’s Deputy Foreign Minister Ha Kim Ngoc said that Vietnam has a “consistent policy” to respect, protect, and promote all fundamental human rights and promised that Hanoi would “expand democracy.”
AAPI Members Take Healthcare To Rural Gujarat
Special ReportBy Ajay Ghosh

AAPI Members, who were part of the first ever rural medical camp at RMS Hospital in Dhandhuka, a rural village in Gujarat
AAPI Charitable Foundation Organizes Rural Health Camp Treating Over 1,800 Patients... Next health camp is scheduled in Mandi, Himachal Pradesh from March 1st, 2014... (Ahmedabad, Gujarat: February 19th, 2014) Inspired by the mission to give back to their motherland, nearly two dozen members of Association of American Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) devoted their time, talents and skills in a rural village in Gujarat offering medical help, guidance and support to thousands of patients. Straight from the historic AAPI’s Global Health Summit 2014 in Ahemedabad, Gujarat in early January, these dedicated physicians from across the nation, travelled more than two hours to reach RMS Hospital in Dhandhuka, a rural village with the sole mission of alleviating men, women and children from various diseases. They stayed at the Hospital premises upto seven days, during the camp that lasted until mid-January, meeting patients who had come from different parts of the state.
Organized by the AAPI Charitable Foundation, the first ever Rural Medical & Surgical Camp, in collaboration with Dr Kanti Bhalani of Goodwill Foundation of Florida and Dr Nitin Shah of AAPI's Medical Missions Committee, the physicians did pro bono services during the health camp, treating over 1,800 patients. Many volunteers also performed specialized surgeries at the RMS Hospital, which serves approximately 450 villages in the region. The facilities at the camp included a simple lab, X-Ray, Ultrasound, and a basic Operating/Surgical suite. “Our focus has been to provide quality medical care and to educate the public on disease prevention,” said Dr. Nick Shroff, Chair of API’s Charitable Foundation. “We educated patients on prevention of disease, hygiene, diet management etc. Many people with illnesses such as heart problems, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and various infections are not diagnosed timely and addressing these issues was also our goal. In addition, our medical colleagues in Gujarat were able to appreciate the world class health care delivery systems and adapt their working environment with the help of AAPI volunteers. We expect that this will have a lasting impact in the care being given to the people of the area,” he added.

Dr. Jayesh Shah, President of AAPI, talking to a patient after performing a procedure during the rural camp organized by AAPI Charitable Foundation
Dr. Jayesh Shah, president of AAPI, examined several patients with diabetes and associated wounds, and performed procedures on needy patients. Dr Rakesh Gupta, a pulmonologist, and his wife, Neelam, an internist, made ICU and hospital rounds on sick patients with the staff physicians. They primarily treated patients who had Diabetes, Hypertension, Cardiac and Respiratory problems. Dr Krishan Aggarwal helped treat several patients, many of whom had dermatological ailments. Drs Madhu Aggarwal and Kanti Bhalani performed various Gynacological procedures, collected Pap smears, and delivered babies. Drs Jaishree Jagirdar and Dipika Shironi, were actively involved in Cervical cancer screening and performed over 100 PAP smears. The slides were fixed and stained using rapid PAP stain kit, donated by USA vendors. Pulmonologist, Dr Siva P Sivakumar, also made hospital and clinic rounds on sick patients with the staff physicians.
Dr Suvas Desai and Dr. Shroff performed a Cystoscopy and Transurethral resection of the prostate, a bladder biopsy with resection of a bladder tumor engulfing the left ureteral orifice. Drs Sanat Gandhi and Nitin Shah provided excellent anesthesia during the procedures. Drs Ajay Bhora and Krishna Khandala of eSerona Health helped update physician profiles, basic patient records in a safe and secure manner. Eventually this application portal can address issues such as specialist unavailability in remote areas, streamline manpower and ease deployment in medically under-accessed regions. Dr Nat Rajpara treated several patients at the nearby Timbi Hospital. At the PNR Society and Bahgini Mandal hospital, Bhavnagar, there were other physicians who had treated several patients. Dr. Bhushan Pandya performed nearly 20 GI procedures. Anesthesia was provided by Drs Nitin Shah and Sanat Gandhi and was assisted by Jasmine Pandya. Drs. Bhalani, Vijay Katukota, and Deepal Pandya did Pap smears on about 70 patients. Dr. Sirohi did the smearing and reading of the Pap smears. DePaul did a phenomenal job of explaining to the patients the significance of a Pap smear for screening of cervical cancer and also advised women about breast examinations for early detection of breast cancer.
Dr Ravi Jahagirdar, president-elect of AAPI, and his wife, Dr Udita along with Dr. Amish Parikh and Dr. Ajeet Singhvi were others who were part of the medical team. Upon their arrival, the physicians were given a rousing formal reception during which several local leaders from the region praised the dedication of these physicians for taking their time out to meet these needy patients. Addressing the audience, Dr. Jahagirdar, said, “We were overwhelmed by the generous hospitality of our hosts. This was indeed a fulfilling experience and we look forward to the next year. We want such camps to take place, at least once a year, on a regular basis. We need to strategize what needs to be done to optimize functioning of rural health camps.” According to Dr. Shah, “Overall, our rural camp proved to be a tangible way to build a relationship between AAPI and the clinics in Dhandhuka, Timbi, and Bhavnagar. This raised awareness of the latest in medical management and how to optimize resources. Since we wanted to do this in a meaningful and productive way, this was an organizational commitment, requiring coordination, infrastructure, and outstanding teamwork by many dedicated volunteers. We plan to involve local NGO's and local volunteer doctors in the future to continue making it a rewarding experience for all involved.”
AAPI-CF plans to incorporate operational and educational meetings between clinics managers and staff. “We encourage practicing doctors, physicians in training, and medical students to periodically volunteer to work in various clinics in 1 to 4-week stretches. AAPI-CF will make every effort to accommodate their requests,” Dr. Shah stated. AAPI wants to take this unique way of giving back to the community to the next level. The next health camp is being organized at the AAPI Charitable Foundation Clinic in Mandi, Himachal Pradesh for three days, starting on March 1st, 2014 “If you have been thinking of helping and did not know how to proceed, then here is an opportunity to help in an organized and meaningful manner. I sincerely hope that we will continue with this concept of conducting health camps and enhance it in future years. The strength of our organization depends on the generous support of our members and for that we are eternally grateful,” Dr. Nick Shroff, stated. For more information, please visit: www.aapiCharitableFoundation.org
Nitin Gadhkari Anti Defamation suit on Arvind Kejriwal : Poll Khol
Special ContributionBy Rakesh Manchanda

Gadhkari and Kejriwal
Thanks to the rigid stand of Nitin Gadkari aggressive suit on Arvind Kejriwal. Nitin Gadhkari anti defamation suit on Arvind Kejriwal opens several bleeding hidden links in Corrupt Systems Mr Gadkari had a past conventional reputation of being a state public works minister who completed numerous flyovers in Mumbai & Mumbai-Pune expressway in record time. No minister thereafter has ever matched this speed finish record of his. Indeed, he had a technocrat style of running a Govt dept.
The Purti group expose of Nitin Gadhkari shows two things. That Politicians are clever and can easily finish work faster and before time. Coventional leaders all need dirty unfair oxygen called Corruption for self survival at the cost of rest 99%Indians. Why Double standards of work culture in India ?
Lal Krishna Advani in media had argued that laissez faire Nitin Gadkari is about “standards of business” and not corruption. This is in fact the challenge of the Indian Work Culture: that the standards of business are horribly different for one set of people. Whether or not the charges against Mr. Gadkari are ever proved in a court of law, what has already been proved is the ability of the power elite to lubricate the wheels of industrial delivery to the exclusion of workers but handful of Investors. What was the business intention of Nitin Gadkari ? The real game of `change` or `no change` with porous laws and weak regulatory teams is played at the sites of work production where the Corporates instead of Politicians or Nagar Sevaks are the REAL real masters. Exposure-Pol Khol of Nitin Gadkari companies at the site with false Pan Cards show how the persons with no means like pundit ji /astrologer,guards, drivers are made Directors for maximization of profit. This is a shame of Government`s Governance as a stakeholder or as weak regulator.
In Industrial system if the owner of 24 odd companies is Nitin Gadkari he wants to hide himself on papers and runs the business via dummy directors who are a part of his match fixing design then democracy cannot function for long.This Nitin Gadkari Modus Operandi and forceful exposure under pressure is the true face of Business code of conduct in India. How can a system in India allow one person to manipulate Directors in 24 companies ? This is a reality check on the system nursed nationally by BJP for five years and Congress for 60 years with no improvements but match fixing as and when required in the broken system. Politicians, investors and corporate has reduced the largest democracy called India to a laughing stock for the world. Good advocacy and road map to end work discrimination in India is not possible without a code of conduct of all stakeholders from top to the bottom. This route cannot work without connectivity of the whole system and overall reforms in shape of a work culture revolution.
The story is not limited to few business and Investors with no code of conduct monitored by `honest` regulatory system but it tells as to how the system favours few. Code of conduct of system in Delhi rape case on 16th.December- 2012 exposes the role of transport owners and school authorities who keep footloose migrants without proper check up. The unauthorised bus with tinted glass and curtains keeps violation Supreme Court directive and runs shamelessly on Delhi road. There is no social audit and transparency for Public while hundreds of dummy companies get floated say as in case of Nitin Gadkari- President-BJP. When a `dummy director` say a driver is shown in a company there is allowance for transport/car/mobile etc but because of greed this is how companies in India and overseas are run.
"I feed you so be loyal to me" tag in absence of a contract or a fair agreement would be a constant reminder of the worker servitude and undermine their self-esteem. All this is deliberately done by keeping employees unsecured and their loyalty is purchased cheap payment. With no contract and no written agreements at times workers do not know they are shown as `Directors` in the company. There it will be unfair to call the Nitin Gadhari scam as Political scam because it is controlled by business mindset of India where twisting of laws and no contract to most of the employees has been evident and the employees in the business team are reduced to dirt. Result ? The gap between the handful of corporate owners and rest is increasing dangerously with system helpless to control it. It shall shock you to learn that income of Wheat and Rice Farmers & labor in India with 700m Population is just half of Tatas and Ambanis families each.
Families each. To stop `rapes` in Delhi and other cities there needs to be clear goal post of minimum wages as the migrant workers cannot bring their families in Delhi slums from their distant villages.Indian media today should gather some courage to highlight this fact. This is just a tip of an iceberg.Buck should not stop as a football-Pol Khol match between Bjp and Congress with AAP as a referee.
In Memorial of Myanmar's Union Day in South Korea
Feb 9, 2014
Members of All Ethnics Democracy and Human Rights Network
We are a group of ethnic people from Myanmar and a collection of other human rights activists. Today, we are holding a democracy and ethnic freedom rights demonstration in front of the Myanmar Embassy. This is in commemoration of Union Day, which started in Panglong Town, Shan State, Myanmar on February 12, 1947.
The “Union Day” is the birthday of the Myanmar nation, which was formally formed a multi-nations state for the first time. On this day, 23 representatives from four territories, which comprised of the Shan state, the Kachin state, the Chin state and mainland Burma, signed an agreement in Panglong to form the Union of Myanmar. To honor this historical agreement, all Myanmar people celebrated the day as a “Union Day” across the nation on February 12th every year. This day is the most important day in modern Myanmar’s history.
These four territories are also representative of almost the entire territory of the current Myanmar region as drawn in the country’s map. Not only did the Panglong agreement pave the way for the formation of the Myanmar nation, it also enabled the country to gain independence from the British emperor. Significantly, the Panglong agreement guaranteed the people freedom in both the ethnic minority territories and mainland Burma, and included such things as equality and justice, unity and sharing together resources for the country’s prosperity. The core issue of the Panglong agreement was to setup “a multi-nations state” to be a peaceful and prosperous country.

Patriot Kimsatgat drawing at the campaign
However, the country’s successive rulers, Myanmar military governments, have never implemented the Panglong agreement and have not respected the “Union Day” since 1962, when the country fell under the military government’s rule completely. From that time, the military abolished the Panglong agreement and the “Union Day” has never been honored in its original spirit since then. Instead, the military government wrongly represents “Union Day” and misleads the people from the real essence of its goal.
In 2008, the military government deliberately drafted constitution in order to keep military control over the country, which is against the principle of the Panglong agreement, such as a 25% limit on seats for the military in parliament. Several ethnic groups requested that the draft constitution be a genuine one ahead of its creation. However, the military government flatly rejected this proposal. Military and its party, current government, continued conflict with ethnic minority in peripheral areas and human rights violation. It is clear that the Myanmar military’s attitude has been shown to be deceitful with regards to its country’s people and before the international community.
Therefore, we, the All Ethnic Democracy and Human Rights Network (AEDHRN), demand that the Myanmar military backed current government: 1. Stop the military interfering in civil government. 2. Eradicate the constitution which guaranteed 25% military representation in the parliament and amend the constitution according to democratic and international human rights principle. 3. Immediately cease its human rights violations and religious repression. 4. Provide humanitarian assistance to ethnic minority in conflict zone. 5. Relief the country from economic oppression.
Furthermore, we ask that the Korean people and the international community show staunch support the end of ethnic repression in Burma/Myanmar.
Immediately Release North Bengal Adivasi Leaders

Campaign of Adivasi
We strongly condemn the arrest of Kiran Kalindi, Baijnath Naik, Azad Ansari & Wilson Guria from Nagrakata, Jalpaiguri on January 27, 2014. The four persons were peacefully campaigning for a bandh condemning the gruesome sexual torture and rape of the Adivasi girl at Labhpur, Birbhum. The police have arrested them with charges under Sections 353, 143,341,332,422,506 of IPC, and Section 25 of the Arms Act. 3 false cases were filed against them by the police – all for incidents on the 27th itself.
The arrested are trade-union leaders of the tea workers of North Bengal. The four persons from the Adivasi community were arrested from a peaceful demonstration in support of the bandh. Different Adivasi organisations have strongly reacted against the ghastly incident of Labhpur, Birbhum and had decided to voice their dissent through the bandh. Many others have also expressed their solidarity in support of the bandh. They feel that this incident is against the culture of the Adivasi society and are concerned that this incident is being used to condemn their culture as a whole. They have demanded a proper probe into the incident and action thereof. It is clearly evident from the arrests and the false charges levied upon the above four at Nagrakata that the police and the administration have acted vindictively to stifle the voices of protest and dissent in the society.
The following organisations demand: · Immediate release of Kiran Kalindi, Baijnath Naik, Azad Ansari & Wilson Guria. · Withdrawal of all false charges against the above. · A fair and proper probe into the Labhpur incident. · A proper trial and the punishment of the accused in the Labhpur incident.
Tarun Sanyal (Shilpi Sanskritik Karmi, Buddhjeebi Mancha) Sunanda Sanyal (Democratic Citizen’s Forum) Amitdyuti Kumar (Working President, Association for Protection of Democratic Rights) Dilip Chakrabarty (Saptaha) Sujato Bhadra (Manabadhikar Sanghati) Miratun Nahar(individual, ex-member West Bengal State Women’s Commission) Meher Engineer (individual) Swapan Ganguly (Ashanghatit Khetra Shramik Sangrami Manch) Dipak Roy (Terai Dooars Progressive Plantation Workers Union) Loes Hosapurthi (Progressive Tea Workers Union) Arun Pal & Debjit Dutta (NAPM) Anuradha Talwar (Paschim Banga Khet Majoor Samity) Somanth Ghosh (Hosiery Workers Unity Centre) Murad Hossain (Hawkers Sangram Committee) Choton Das (Bandimukti Committee) Ashish Sengupta (All West Bengal Sales Representative Union) Rabin Soren (Birbhum Adivasi Gaonta) Gautam Bandopadhyay (Nadi Ghati Morcha, Chattisgarh) Madhuri (Jagrut Adivasi Dalit Sangathana, Madhya Pradesh) Pritwish Bose (Shramajeebi Samanway Committee) Sajal Biswas (Service Doctors Forum) Dr Swapan Jana (Health Services Association – HSA) Shiladitya Mondal (Liquor Shop Employees Union) Bela Adak (Paschim Banga Swarojgari o Radhuni Union) Sushovan Dhar (IndianOil Petronas Contractors Shramik Union) Bodhisatwa Ray (Haldia Dock Complex Contractors Shramik Union) Uttam Burman (Paschim Banga Sericulture Workers Union) Suktara Khatun (Paschim Banga Chatra Yuba Sangrami Mancha) Pratip Nag (Sundarban Banadhikar Sangram Committee) Namita Gayen (Sramajibi Mahila Samity) Kunal Deb (Uthnau) Dr. Debal Deb (Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies) Satish Kar (Paschim Banga Telecom Tower (USO) Union)
Delhi`s People Grievance mechanism need peoples protection & participation
Special ContributionBy Rakesh Manchanda

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal
Janta Durbar or People Grievance platform of CM-Delhi and others ministers was an interesting baby`s first step to help defeat the unfair system which was running on network of corruption. Delhi`s People Grievance mechanism needs people protection and participation at ground zero. People in large number are pouring in any AAP meeting with loads of their collective and personnel grievances. This public outburst shows that how the hidden `pains` stands unaddressed since several decades by the old broken, corrupt and disconnected system. Instead of Pehley aap !.. Pehley aap ! ( First you...First you) protocol in an organised civil administration at times Public meetings go out of hand and become a satire with `pehle ! me` `pehla ! me` ( First Me) syndrome. People in Janta Durbar or Mohalla Sammitti are so passionate to get connected with `new` leaders and CM that they fight to grab the mike and want to air their pains and grievances. The mind set of the aaam admi is still to wish a hero or a leader single handed to do magic and deliver results.
People accustomed to old corrupt delivery system controlled by a single leaders are still not recognizing their ownership rights. The reason is there was no collective mechanism called mohalla samaitte at that time. The new government Janta Durbar step needs to be welcomed. Need of the hour is consolidate or build mohalla samatti organization in each ward via trained volunteers to shoot the troubles of residents and evolve a mechanism for fire fighting with better organisational handling. CM-Delhi last such 'janta darbar' ended in total chaos, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday said there would be no such public meets and the government will open new channels where people can report their grievances online, via post and through calls. There are people who just want to meet the Chief Minster, "so I will be available once a week for two to three hours to meet the people. People need not come to us at local level for their grievances. For that we are opening several avenues". Imagine a small cut while shaving a beard. Do we have to run to hospital for medical aid ?
No ! we have to allow the body holistic swaraj and `civil engineers` body platelets to naturally stitch the minor blood flow and stop the blood by cold water and by manual pressing. Rather than addressing the complexities of people`s relationship with Nagar Sevak to an advantage, the rotten old system allowed its misplaced judgment to cloud its decision-making on palm greasers and corrupt middle men. Instead of wielding a partnership with the people of Delhi by addressing their grievances and assuaging their fears, `Netas` had put in place a system of extended patronage pivoted on select individuals. This was to serve as a one-stop fix-it-all. Not only was it a short cut to “manage” the state rather than “govern” it, it was also a means of checking dissent and Delhi inherent proclivity for self-governance which traditional political parties perceived as secession.
Sample a local comment to see how the traditional parties like BJP-Congress react to Janta Durbar : “Think over it -if he(Arvind Kejriwal) become P.M of this country crores of people might be coming to Delhi to get their electricity connection restored or their water meter repaired what a fools paradise we are living now ?” What these traditional corrupt parties leaders do not tell is why was Sheila Dixit –Anil Ambani nexus in 2007 allowed to inflate power bills three to four times without matching the purchasing power of pockets of aam admi that kept getting squeezed ? The reason is there was no collective mechanism called mohalla samaitte at that time. At present, I am trying to establish a Jan sampark yatra ( Journey to connect people problems) each day to meet people of East Delhi constituency and understand their problems. A girl from Gandhi Nagar phoned me early morning on my number saying that she wants to stop the alcohol habit of his father. She wanted all the liquor shops to get closed immediately? My humble submission is instead of outsourcing political help to settle such issues there should be mobilisation of neighbours and relative consoling.
In Gandhi`s Gujarat there is `daru` being sold in backdoors of `Kirana` Shop which shall need a national policy attention and it is not clear that why should people working to survive under pressure to excel in their daily work drink at the cost of family unity. The new government Janta Durbar step needs to be welcomed only to meet the CM. Need of the hour is to consolidate or to build mohalla samatti-Local peoples parliament organization to shoot the troubles of residents and evolve a mechanism for fire fighting with better organisational handling. People as real owners of new system need some time to take simple, wise and fair decisions to deliver and protect the Swa-Raj or Self Raj.
BURMA/MYANMAR: Police, soldiers still getting away with murder
Jan 17, 2014Myanmar Police
Despite the political and social changes in Burma (Myanmar) of the last two years, police and soldiers continue to enjoy impunity for the murder and torture of civilians. Despite the constant efforts of the families of victims to obtain justice, the military and police institutions are resistant to efforts to have perpetrators in their ranks held to account for their crimes. Among the cases that the Asian Human Rights Commission has in recent times issued appeals on are those of Myo Myint Swe, tortured to death by the police during 2011; U Than Htun, also tortured to death by the police, during 2013; and Zaw Min Oo, whom three soldiers murdered on a riverside in the same year. In none of these cases have the exhaustive efforts by family members and their supporters resulted in any form of satisfactory action against the perpetrators. Rather, in each case we observe a pattern that involved agencies have taken some kind modest administrative measures against the accused, saying that they are for some reason unrelated to the actual offence, and leaving matters at that.
The AHRC in 2011 issued an appeal on the case of Myo Myint Swe, whom policemen in Rangoon, or Yangon, during the same year brutally tortured to death over his alleged part in a murder case. Despite the overwhelming evidence of torture, including eyewitnesses and photographic evidence, a doctor recorded his death as being due to natural causes. Observing the records of the extent of injuries to the body, a judge concluded her post mortem inquiry in 2012 that it was difficult to believe that the young man died naturally (AHRC-STM-251-2012). Despite this finding, no further investigation has been conducted against the police, and lawyers are pessimistic that they can take the case forward. Myo Myint Swe’s family has worked tirelessly to pressure the concerned authorities into action but to date their dozens of letters and meetings—including with the UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in Myanmar—have been to no avail. In 2013 police in Pyi, or Pyay, central Burma, tortured U Than Htun to death in another criminal case (AHRC-UAC-098-2013). Than Htun was among a group of farmers struggling to reobtain illegally confiscated farmlands, and he had already been prosecuted for trespass onto the land, among other matters. Like in Myo Myint Swe’s case, extensive evidence exists to show that the police tortured him to death: including eyewitness accounts, photographs and other material evidence. Unlike in the former case, the doctor also resisted pressure from the police to collude with them, the ordinary practice in Burma, and recorded the death as unnatural. Despite the finding, both the township and district level courts declined to pursue the matter, finding that the injuries were not likely to have been caused by someone else. On 7 October 2013 the Bago Region High Court on appeal from the family overturned the findings of the lower courts that nobody could be held responsible for the death, but did not give a specific order on what action should be taken next. Because the court gave no order on further action, since that time
Three low-ranked soldiers attacked Zaw Min Oo and his companion on a riverbank in Pyi during 2013 nearby the Nawaday Bridge over the Irrawaddy River (AHRC-UAC-122-2013). Zaw Min Oo died in the attack while his companion survived by feigning death. She ran to call for help and in a short time local search parties had located the men, whom they took to the police. The police initiated criminal proceedings but the commander of the battalion where the men were stationed came and took them from police custody. Although investigating police, including from the specialised Criminal Investigation Department, told the family and other persons involved that they have enough evidence to prosecute and are sure that the three soldiers are the perpetrators of the crime, the army has refused to hand them over. Instead the battalion conducted a court martial that absolved the men of any responsibility in the crime. The court martial was closed off from the family or other persons concerned with their interests, and according to them all the authorities have refused to deal with them or keep them informed of what has happened to the alleged murderers. Even the men’s whereabouts are uncertain, with some reports suggesting they are still being at their battalion camp, others that they have been transferred elsewhere. Each of these cases speaks to the incredible efforts that relatives of persons murdered by the police or military must go even to have their voices heard in Burma today, as in the past, let alone to have any effective action taken. The power of the police and military is manifest by the fact that in the case of Than Htun, even the accurately recorded death certificate was insufficient to get the lower courts to move on the case, and it was only in the high court that the possibility of some kind of action against the accused was reopened. In the Nawaday Bridge case, widespread public anger and the involvement of many people in the search for and arrest of the three police were insufficient to get them brought before a civilian court. The o
bvious problem here is that the primary, or rather exclusive concern of those involved in the maintenance and management of police and military forces in Burma continues to be with the reputation and integrity of their institutions. All responses to such events, and public actions and criticisms, are designed to devolve the institutions from any type of responsibility or blame. With this purpose in mind, minor disciplinary action is taken against accused officers, to signal to others that the institution of which they are members suffers inconveniences as a result of wayward behaviour—at least, wayward behaviour resulting in death that attracts public attention and condemnation. In the case of Than Htun, the police station chief was demoted shortly afterwards, not, supposedly, for the case of torture but for dereliction of duty. In the Nawaday case, the three soldiers also received punishment for breaches of discipline, independent from the question of their role in the murder and attempted murder of civilians. And as the purpose of such action is also to offset the possibility of any further formal inquiries or criminal actions, it is not only meaningless but also counterproductive for the families and friends of victims like those in these three cases. The larger concern for people in Burma at a time of political change and progress on some fronts is that if those changes do not penetrate institutional behaviour and impunity for grave crimes by military and police personnel is not brought to an end, then Burma’s democratisation will prove to be ephemeral. If greater political openness and participation do not correspond with institutional changes for the defence of human rights and prosecution of police and soldiers responsible for crimes like these then people in Burma will rightly be sceptical about the real meaning of the much-vaunted change for their daily lives.
Of course, large-scale institutional change after protracted military dictatorship is nowhere an easy task, and in Burma it will likely be more difficult than many other places. But it should at least be possible, and is in fact essential, that in cases such as those of Myo Myint Swe, U Than Tun and Zaw Min Oo where the facts of the crimes are manifest and the evidence for prosecution available, that if impunity is to be ended the accused be prosecuted and punished for their crimes; the families, compensated and offered other support in accordance with international standards. Impunity needs to be tackled both at the larger institutional level and as well as one case at a time. Therefore, the Asian Human Rights Commission again calls for the prosecution and penalization of those police and soldiers responsible for the deaths of these persons, accompanied by other actions, legally and institutionally, to bring an end to impunity of the police and soldiers in Burma. In particular, the legal barriers to prosecution of these persons, in the case of the police through the Criminal Procedure Code and in the case of the military through military regulations and orders, need to be removed so as to enable ready prosecution of accused persons in cases of this sort.
THAILAND: The Failure of Justice for Somchai Neelaphaijit
Jan 12, 2014Somchai Neelaphaijit
In late December, just days after the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) claimed that the file for the case of the disappearance of Somchai Neelaphaijit had been lost, Niran Adulayasak, Director of the DSI Special Criminal Case Office 1 announced in a news report on Thai PBS that the file had been found (see AHRC-STM-242-2013 for analysis of the alleged loss of the file, and click here to watch the news report). Niran claimed that the file went missing following the occupation of the DSI office at the Government Complex in Chaeng Watthana by the demonstrators affiliated with the People’s Democratic Reform Council (PDRC). After criticism by the AHRC, Human Rights Watch, and other human rights advocates, the film reappeared, with the explanation that it had been found in a cranny of a steel cabinet. In the same news report announcing the reappearance of the file, Niran announced that he planned to consult the prosecutor of special litigation to terminate investigation into the case of disappeared human rights lawyer Somchai Neelaphaijit in January 2014.
The Asian Human Rights Commission is concerned that a decision to end the investigation will result not in simply another deferral of justice in this case, but will make it impossible. In the nearly ten years since Somchai was assaulted and abducted from his car on 12 March 2004, none of the perpetrators have been held to account. The DSI has often seemed to actively obstruct the struggle for justice in this case. This has included the mishandling of evidence, a lack of interest in pursuing the investigation, and the failure to provide proper witness protection to Angkhana Neelaphaijit, Somchai’s wife.
Over two years ago, on 9 January 2012, the Thai Government signed the UN International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance. To date, the convention has not been ratified nor has domestic law making disappearance a distinct crime moved forward in Thailand. The lack of a formal legal and investigatory framework accounting for disappearance in Thailand is part of what makes it possible for the DSI to arbitrarily announce that they plan to halt the investigation into the disappearance of Somchai Neelaphaijit.
The AHRC concludes by sharing part of a recent article published in the Bangkok Post by Angkhana Neelaphaijit, Somchai’s widow and the chairperson of the Justice for Peace Foundation. In the article, Angkhana spoke of her husband’s struggle and death, Angkhana and her children discussed her husband’s life, ideas, and the years since his disappearance. She wrote: “Over the past 10 years, I have tried hard to reach for justice. But it is getting even harder given the situation. I have been through many things in my life, sorrow, disappointment and hardship, but nothing has warranted such extensive use of knowledge, patience and tolerance like this time. In many instances, my petitions for help have been turned down by the powers-that-be. It looms as an insurmountable obstacle for an ordinary person like me to reach out for justice and the rule of law in Thailand. No one knows how painful and traumatic the experience can be to bear witness to the fact that a person who had done so much for so many people cannot even be bestowed with a graveyard where his descendants could hold a service in memory of him.”
The Asian Human Rights Commission calls on the Department of Special Investigation to keep the investigation into the disappearance of Somchai Neelaphaijit open until the truth has been firmly and publicly established. Without truth, accountability is impossible. Angkhana Neelaphaijit and her children will not be able to buy their husband and father, and justice risks being permanently deferred in Thailand.
AAPI's 8th Annual Global Healthcare Summit 2014 In Ahmedabad
Abdul Kalam addressing audience
Ahmedabad: January 3rd, 2014: Welcoming the nearly 1,000 delegates from around the world and from India to the "land of Gujarat," Narendra Modi, Chief Minister of Gujarat, inaugurated the 8th annual Global Healthcare Summit (GHS 2014) organized by of American Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) at the prestigious Ahemedbabd Medical Association, here on Friday, January 3rd, 2014.
"I am unworthy to be invited to this global event," he told the delegates. "My job is nowhere closer to what your noble profession is all about," he told the physicians of Indian origin who had packed the J B Auditorium, and gave him a very warm welcome with loud cheers as walked onto the stage with his hands folded in reverence. In his welcome address, Dr. Jayesh Shah, president of AAPI, described Modi as "the leader of leaders." Sharing his past experiences with Modi, Dr. Shah told the audienc, "I am personally touched by his simplicity and transparency and quick and timely follow up actions." Stating that Modi to be a "vibrant leader of Gujarat," Dr. Shah allured to him to be fit to be the "vibrant leader the nation needs at this time."
Recounting his past association with AAPI, when he was invited to participate at an AAPI event in 1992 in the United States, Modi dressed in his traditional Pajama and Salwar Kurtha, said, "I got to meet with so many Indian Doctors and was impressed with what you do there in your adopted land." While being critical of the loss of closer relationship patients used to have with thier physicians, Modi lamented that today, technology has taken over the 6th sense of the physicians. "People rely more on health technology than their own physician," he said.
Drawing parallels between India and the United States, Modi said, "Health sector has come to be a big part of the politics both in India and the US. "We need to have a holistic approach to heath. We need to invest more on preventive healthcare through educating the patients on the need for hygiene and healthy food habits. And our focus must be on health assurance rather than health insurance," he said. In his nearly 30 minutes address, during which the auditorium erupted with loud cheers several times, Modi called for more partnership between the private and public sector in the health arena. Special Distinguished Leadership Award were presented to Dr. Harsh Vardhan of New Delhi, former President of Delhi Pradesh BJP and an ENT Surgeon; Dr. T. Rajeshwari, Dean & Director of Bangalore Medical College; Dr. Keyur Parikh, Chairman of Care Institute of Medical Science; and Dr. Srinivas Ramaka, Chairman of Srinivas Heart Foundation. Each of them received the award from Chief Minister Narendra Modi.
Earlier during the day, while delivering the keynote address, Dr. Abdul J. Kalam, former president of India lauded Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) for its 32 years of strong leadership in the United States. "You are part of 1.2 million physicians of Indian origin around the world, and growing, making up 25% of all physicians in the world," he said. While introducing Dr. Kalam to the delegates, Dr. Jayesh Shah described him as a visionary, intellectual and a world leader. Dr. Abdul Kalam released AAPI’s Nutrition Guide, an updated and revised version, which was presented to him by Neha Shah, the First Lady of AAPI.
Dr. Kalam’s more than 35 minutes long address was devoted to “What Will I Be Remembered For?” Describing the medical profession as a noble profession Dr. Kalam stated that it has always been patient centric. "The patient has the right to have right type of medical care, with right type of medical practitioners. An integrated mechanism is needed to see that patient without frustration is directed to the right specialist for right diagnosis at the right time at a right cost. Let us try to apprehend patients as a whole person and not know him as composed of distinct parts, which are created by our methods.: Referring to the 2020 Vision Document prepared by TIFAC, which mentions about the typical disease pattern, which will be faced by the country in 2020, Dr. Kalam told the AAPI delegates, "It is expected that HIV/TB combination, water borne diseases, cardiac diseases will be the predominant diseases and we have to find solutions through research for diagnosing and treatment."
Considered among the most brilliant persons on earth, Dr. Kalam said, "Our young India with 1.25 billion population of which 50% below the age of 30 years need to be transformed as a valuable asset by providing them adequate healthcare, education and occupation. This human resource will then transform India into a developed nation." Referring to India as a knowledge power a few thousands years ago, giving to the world Vedas, Upanishad, Bhagavat Gita, Yoga and Ayurveda. "Before the evolution of the Allopathic healthcare system, our people in India relied on Ayurveda for a few thousands of years. Ayurveda is a Science and Art. Its practitioners focused on holistic healthcare through Mind, Body and Soul approach. It is time for us to place this ancient science and medical practice on a scientific pedestal."
The day was packed with workshops, CME Seminars and conferences led by some of the world’s most well known physicians and industry leaders, sharing with their Indian counterparts about the ways the most innovative, efficient, cost effective healthcare solutions to India. For the first time, clinical practice workshops were held at this summit. Through back conferences, world renowned physician leaders were able to exchange their knowledge, wisdom and expertise on best practices, developing efficient and cost effective solutions for India. The scientific program of GHS has been developed by leading experts with the contributions of a stellar scientific advisory board and international scientific committee.
Dr. Jayesh Shah led a seminar on “Delivering on enhancing Clinical Practice Guidelines for India” during which Keshav Desiraju, Secretary Health, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Dr. Jagdish Prasad, DGHS, Dr. V. Katoch, Secretary ICMR, and Dr. R.K. Srivastava, former Chairman MCI, Dr. Jayshreeben Mehta, President MCI were honored guests. Dr. Vemuri Murthy & AHA Leadership led the workshop on Advances in Resuscitation Science. Management of Type 2 Diabetes was conducted by Dr. Banshi Saboo & Dr. Sunder Mudaliar.
An interactive session on Recent developments and what lies ahead was moderated by Anwar Feroz. Discussing Cardiology with an enthusiastic audience was Dr. Keyur Parikh, and on Robotics was Dr. Dipen Parekh, on IMR was Dr. Arun Pramanik, and on MMR was Dr. Pravin Goud. A discussion on Role of Industry and Potential Collaboration was led by Milind Shah, CEO Medtronic India, Bob Miglani, Senior Director, Pfizer, and Maulik Nanvaty, President Boston Scientific Neuromodulation. The day concluded with a grand Dinner Reception and entertainment, consisting of Garbha Night by Famous Sangati Group: Nisha Parghi & Prince Troupe -winner of India’s Got Talent as well as a special performance by Blind School of India (Chalo Gujarat Fame). For more information on AAPI Global Health Summit, please visit: www.aapighsindia.org
Shri Narendar Modi addressing the more than 1,000 delegates at the 8th annual GHS organized by AAPI in Ahmedabad, Dr. Abdul Kalam addressing the delegates on “What will I be remembered for?” Dr. Kalam releasing the AAPI GHS 2014 Souvenir. Also on the picture are: DR. jayesh Shah, president and Dr. Ravi Jahagirdar, president-elect of AAPI, A section of the packed audience listening to Shri Narendra Modi at the J B Auditorium at Ahemedabad Medical Association
AAPI s Global Healthcare Summit 2014 in Ahmedabad
Special ReportBy Ajay Ghosh

Indo-US Healthcare Summit in 2007
The groundbreaking Summit from January 2-4, 2014 will discuss ways to bring the most innovative, efficient and cost effective healthcare solutions for India.The 8th annual Global Healthcare Summit (GHS) 2014, organized by the Association of American Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) in collaboration with the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs & Ministry of Health and the government of Gujarat, with participation from some of the world’s most well known physicians, and industry leaders, is all set to start.
Realizing that healthcare in India is one of the largest sectors, in terms of revenue and employment and that India is making tremendous progress in the healthcare sector and is building modern medical facilities throughout the country, AAPI has embarked on this initiative, seeking to help make healthcare affordable, cost effective and efficient for all of India’s over one billion people. Physicians of Indian origin have earned a name for themselves in the medical field and India is now being touted as a medical tourism hub. With a rise in population, there is an urgent need to create additional health infrastructure, which entails a higher level of investment in the Indian healthcare market in the coming years.
This international healthcare summit is a progressive transformation from the first Indo-US Healthcare Summit launched by AAPI USA in 2007. “Providing a forum for innovative opportunities for learning, networking and giving back to our motherland that have now enabled us to plan ahead and prepare for an outstanding event that has already received confirmation and endorsement from over 300 very prominent and talented physicians and surgeons from abroad, who are very passionate about serving their homeland, mother India,” Dr. Jayesh Shah, President of AAPI, says.
Among the featured distinguished speakers at this international event include, Chief Minister of Gujarat, Shri. Narendra Modi; India’s Minister of Overseas Indian Affairs, Shri. Vayalar Ravi; India’s Minister of Health and Family Welfare, Shri. Ghulam Nabi Azad; and former President of India, Abdul J. Kalam. To be attended by nearly 1,000 delegates from around the world, GHS 2014 is a forum for exploring the most innovative, efficient, cost effective healthcare solutions for India. Aimed at advancing the accessibility, affordability and the quality of world-class healthcare to the people of India. While seeking to identify ways for greater collaboration and cooperation between the physicians and health care providers in India with those of Indian origin and major healthcare providers abroad, the Summit will focus on prevention, diagnosis, treatment options and share ways to truly improve healthcare transcending global boundaries.
According to Dr. Shah, AAPI has been engaged in harnessing the power of Indian Diaspora to bring the most innovative, efficient, cost effective healthcare solutions to India. For the first time, clinical practice workshops will be held at this summit. GHS-14 will focus on sharing best practices, developing efficient and cost effective solutions for India. The scientific program of GHS is developed by leading experts with the contributions of a stellar scientific advisory board and international scientific committee. “This Summit will display how well the Indian doctors have shown themselves as an effective force in the medical world in USA,” Dr. Ravi Jahagirdar, President-elect of AAPI, says. GHS 2014 will include a scientific programs developed by leading experts with contributions by the Scientific Advisory Board and International Scientific Committee, which will includes high priority areas like Cardiology, Diabetes, Oncology, Surgery, Mental Health, Maternal and Child
Health, Allergy-Immunology and Lung Health, Health Information Technology (HIT), and the impact of co-morbidities, Dr. Jahagirdar explains. The workshops will be led by world famous physicians on topics relevant to the needs of the time. Some of the topics covered will include: Advances in Resuscitation, Endoscopy Skills, Gastroenterology, Surgery, Oncology, Diabetes, Cardiology, Wound Care and Hyperbaric Medicine, and Robotic and Laprosopic Technology. These pioneering leaders and expert speakers from across the globe drawn from major centers of excellence, institutions and professional associations will present cutting edge scientific findings related to clinical practice by speakers.
Featuring plenary sessions, interactive roundtables, clinical practice workshops, the scientific poster session and meet-the-expert sessions, the Summit will facilitate dissemination and exchange of best practices including a special session on Public-Private Partnership featuring AAPI Healthcare Charitable showcase & innovation. During the Return to India Seminar, a high caliber faculty will share the experiences of NRIs who have returned and about the financial, real estate and legal challenges faced. The Summit will also feature a CEO Forum, where CEOs from around the world from hospitals, teaching institutions and major healthcare sectors, including pharmaceutical, medical devices and technology, will join to explore potential opportunities for collaboration.
“This international health care summit is a progressive transformation from the first Indo-US Healthcare Summit launched by AAPI USA in 2007,” Anwar Feroz, Honorary Advisor of AAPI, says. “With the objective of enabling people in India to access high quality, affordable, and cost-effective world class health services, the Summit to be held in collaboration with the Indian Medical Association (IMA), the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs & Ministry of Health, will have participation from some of the world’s most well known physicians and industry leaders.” Colorful entertainment programs are presented by Nisha Parghi & Entertainment of Prince Troupe, winner of India’s Got Talent with special performance by Blind School of India (Chalo Gujarat Fame), while Bollywood Dhamaka is by Brij Joshi & Party, with the Summit concluding with a Laser Show at Akshardham. Gandhinagar.
“With the changing trends and statistics in healthcare, both in India and US, we are refocusing our mission and vision of GHS2014, and AAPI would like to make a positive meaningful impact on the healthcare in India,” Dr. Shah says. “In our quest to fulfill the mission of AAPI, we are proud to share best practice and experiences from leading experts in the world and develop actionable plans for launching demonstration projects that enable access to affordable and quality healthcare for all people. To accomplish this mission, AAPI is backed by leading healthcare experts and professional associations, including Indian Affairs and Indian Development foundation Overseas Indians,” he adds. For more information on Global Health Summit 2014, please visit www.aapighsindia.org
CJ of M.P. High Court resolves to address concerns of canal affected farmers Principal Secretary, NVDD summoned to Court today and tomorrow
Dec 18, 2013
Hon’ble Justice A.N. Khanvilkar(C)
The new Chief Justice of Madhya Pradesh High Court, Hon’ble Justice A.N. Khanvilkar, along with Hon’ble Justice Shantanu Kemkar has been hearing two public interest petitions on the Omkareshwar (OSP) and Indira Sagar Canals (ISP) since yesterday. One of these was filed in March, 2013, on behalf of thousands of canal – affected families (CAFs) many of those are already seriously affected by the canal network. This petition raises serious issues of social and environmental impacts, lack of rehabilitation, unnecessary excavation of canals in irrigated villages, severe crop losses etc. The other petition was filed by one Mr. Virendra Patidar, complaining of slow work, illegalities by the contractor, corruption, impacts of water logging in the 1st Phase of the Omkareshwar Project.
The Chief Justice questioned the state authorities on the issue of project delay yesterday. There was a dispute over the government’s claims that 95% of work in the Right Bank Canal (RBC) and 80% work in Left Bank Canal (LBC) of Omkareshwar was complete. Since the counsel and Superintending Engineer could not convince the Court, Mr. Rajnish Vaish, Principal Secretary of the Narmada Valley Development Department, was summoned in the Court today and questioned on delay in the project work, status of overall canal works including construction. Referring to the people’s agitation being shown as a ‘barrier’, by the state, the CJ asked as to why will people agitate if their issues are solved and demands met within the framework of law.
Even the Principal Secretary, did not give a complete and correct account of the construction as also compliance on other legal measures including environmental measures and rehabilitation. We questioned the same on the basis of field level reality, upon which the CJ directed him to place his statement on affidavit tomorrow. The CJ also asked the Principal Secretary as to whether there were financial constraints and directed him to consult the Chief Secretary and file an affidavit with details.
The CJ, expressed an initiative to resolve all the outstanding issues within the framework of law such as non-compliance with the directions of the Supreme Court, recommendations of the Expert Committees of the Union Environment Ministry, lack of rehabilitation, severe crop loss in dozens of villages due to water logging and muck disposal and lack of compensation for the same, lack of dialogue and use of police force on aggrieved farmers etc. The hearing shall continue tomorrow as well in the Court of the Hon’ble Chief Justice at Indore. Medha Patkar pleaded on behalf of the canal-affected farmers. Adv. Dharmedra Chelawat appeared for the petitioner in the other case, Mr. Virendra Patidar.
Lalchand Patidar Mukesh Bhagoria For details: 09826811982
Confronting the Nuke-colonization of India: A National Convention of Anti-Nuclear Movements, January 4-5, 2014, Idinthakarai, Tamil Nadu

Nuclear power plant at Mithi Virdi, Westinghouse AP1000
Greetings from Idinthakarai!
Despite all the power claims of the KKNPP, the struggle continues here at Idinthakarai for the 845th day! In the meantime, the election mood is setting in in India. As you must have noticed, no political party or "leader" talks about the nuclear issue and none of them seem to consider it as an important poll issue.
No matter who wins in the next general elections, the new dispensation will certainly continue with the nuke-colonization of India. With a Russian outpost in Koodankulam, a French settlement in Jaitapur, and American joints in Kovvada and Mithi Virdi, our country will look and feel like the colony of a new East India Company. We, the citizens of India, may have to behave like the energy slaves of these White and Brown power barons.
Some friends have just suggested that we convene all the anti-nuclear groups and activists from all over India, discuss the ongoing developments and the upcoming dangers, and devise a national strategy to confront the nuke-colonization of our country and our futures. This will be a strategy-oriented convention rather than a talking-forum and it will focus on national networking and activism. We, the PMANE Struggle Committee members and the Idinthakarai Village Committee, will host this convention on January 4-5, 2014 (Saturday & Sunday) here at Idinthakarai. We can make arrangements for everyone's room and board. Please make your own travel arrangements as soon as possible.
The best way to reach Idinthakarai from northern, eastern and western India is to travel to Chennai and take one of the southbound trains (Kanyakumari Express or Ananthapuri Express from Chennai Egmore station) and get down at Valliyoor (which comes after Tirunelveli). From Valliyoor, you can reach Koodankulam by bus or vans and take a trucker to Idinthakarai. If you fly, you can come down to Madurai or Thoothukudi and travel by road to Idinthakarai. Better yet, you can fly to Thiruvananthapuram and travel by road through Nagercoil. If you travel from Kerala, you can reach Thiruvananthapuram and travel to Nagercoil and to Koodankulam and then to Idinthakarai.
If you need any help, please email us
Safety of Fisher People –World Fisheries Day 21st November 2013

Indian Fishermen
All over the World Fisher people are facing violating boarders in the process of fishing. It is very common in Europe, Gulf Countries, African Countries, South American Countries, Asian Countries like India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka boarders. Nowhere in the world boarders are earmarked. The Fisher People are facing a lot of hardships like court cases, due to lack of country visas, etc. It is a perennial problem. There are many stories like landing I n jails for months and years. There are criminal charges filed against Fisher People. Why should these small scale fisher people fishing for livelihood landing un in jails. What about the sufferings the families have to undergo. Is there any humanity left in this World? Is there a way out?
There are many ways to solve these problems if boarder countries collaborate. We have to make the United Nations (UN) to involve in this issue. Since World Fisheries Day has become common all over the World, let us start a campaign to have International laws to be enacted like Law of the Sea. Every sea boarder between two coastal countries 50 kms should be declared as Common Peace Area(CPA). If 50 kms are available let us make it half of the available sea as CPA. In this CPA fisher people in both the countries are free to fish. But these fisher people should be from these boarder areas and no question of fishing vessels with foreign flags and foreign investment as well.. There should not be any destructive fishing gears. If a boarder country has banned one particular fishing gear the same banning should be applicable in the whole of CPA. Those who wish to fish should obtain NO OBJECTION IDENTITY CARD counter signed by both the respective boarder countries. These fisher people should be owner operators. Each Fishing vessel should carry a CPA flag. This CPA should be ear marked by floats .
During this year’s World Fisheries Day let us make this as a campaign all over the World. Please circulate these boarder problems among us `and the UN. Let us demand for CPA Law by the UN.
World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) 21-11-2013. thomasksa@gmail.com, www.thomaskocherry.com Tel/Fax: (91)4651 237 297, .Mobile: (91) 936 064 5772.
NFF leaders meeting with the Prime Minister and Political Leaders at the National Level in New Delhi

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh
The office bearers of the National Fishworkers Forum(NFF) lead by R.K.Patil, Chairperson, met various political party leaders in New Delhi and submitted the memorandum containing various issues of fishing community of our country.
The Delegation which include M.Ilango Ex.MLA, General Secretary, T.Peter,Secretary, Narendra Patil and Rajendra Meher, Executive Members of NFF camped at Delhi and met various Political Party Leaders including the ruling Congress Party, the Opposition Party BJP, General Secretary Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) Shri.Thariq Anwar, CPI(M) General Secretary Shri. Prakash Karath, CPI National Secretary Shri. D.Raja, Janatadal (United) General Secretary Shri. Zaveed Raza, Aam Aadmi Party Leader Mr. Waghela and representatives of BSP, Trinamool Congress, Rashtriya Janata Dal, Samajwadi Party and handed over National Fishworkers Forum’s memorandum which contains charter of demands of the fishing community and requested them to incorporate those demands in their Election Manifesto of their party for the ensuing Lok Sabha Elections.
The demands includes a separate ministry in the union Govt. for fisheries and fishermen welfare, separate category for the diesel and kerosene for the usage of fishing, loans at 4%p.a rate of interest for the fishermen from nationalized banks, waiver of loans of the fishing community during the time of natural calamities, including of fishing community in the SC/ST list of Govt. of India etc. The detailed memorandum here with enclosed with this note.
The Delegation consisting of the Office Bearers of NFF led by R.K.Patil met Hon. Prime Minister Dr.Manmohan Singh, Minister for External Affairs Shri. Salman Kurshid, Hon.Minister for Defence Mr.A.K.Antony, Minister of State in PMO Mr.V.Narayanasamy and presented the memorandums of NFF requesting them to intervene and do the needful to solve the problems faced by the Fishermen belonging to five Districts of Tamil Nadu (Nagapattinam, Ramanathapuram, Pudukottai, Thiruvarur, Thanjavur) and Karaikal District of Puducherry Union Territory. The Delegation demanded the release of 81 Tamil Fishermen who are in the prisons of Sri Lanka, and also the release of 41 fishing boats belonging to Tamil Fishermen of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry which is being impounded by Sri Lankan Authorities.
The Delegation is also requested the Hon’ble Prime Minister and Hon’ble Minister for External Affairs to take necessary action for releasing 280 Gujarat fishermen jailed in Pakistan prisons and to release 780 boats belonging to Gujarat fishermen seized by the Pakistan Authorities The Delegation also requested the Hon’ble Prime Minister and other Hon’ble Ministers to arrange for a bilateral talks between the Fishermen belonging to India (Tamil Nadu and Puduchrerry) and Sri Lanka. They also suggested the bilateral talks can be arranged during the middle of December 2013 as suggested by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Selvi. J.Jayalalitha.
The detailed memorandum in this context is herewith attached with this note. M. ILANGO GFENERAL SECRETARY NFF

Protest against POSCO in India
Dear Friends,
While the mass protest is going on at Patna village daily and at a time when thousands of our villagers have a sent a petition to the President of India requesting his intervention to stop state supported and POSCO financed forceful assaults and human rights violation in our area and to cancel the POSCO project, we are receiving shocking but not surprising news about POSCO’s involvement in one after another scam and violations. The whole nation now knows how POSCO is involved with Rs 1000 million tax evasion in Maharshtra. The article attached below will tell people what POSCO is capable of doing in Odisha.
If you may recall, the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) had slapped a penalty of close to Rs.100 million on one of its associate companies in India, POSCO India Delhi Processing Centre (IDPC), for alleged tax evasion. The customs department has also ordered the confiscation of goods worth about Rs. 2000 million imported by the company. While condemning POSCO’s nefarious activities we call upon all conscientious people to condemn POSCO and demand its ouster from India as the company has taken the people and law of the land for granted.
We may also remind you that our preparation is going on to observe ‘Protect and Promote Forest Week’ from 15- 21, November 2013 on the coast and in the surrounding villages. As we have shared in the last mail, we are planning to plant Mango, Coconut, Lemon, Sapeta, Karanja, Neem categories in our area. Hope you will join us in the afforestation effort and motivate our villagers. You can call Mr. Sisir Mohapatra, Secretary, POSCO Pratirodh Sangram Samiti, phone no – 09777268442 and contribute the above said plants.
In solidarity, Prashant Paikaray Sopkesperson, POSCO PRATIRODH SANGRAM SAMITI Phone no - 09437571547
Requested to incorporate our long pending demands in your party election manifesto to the ensuing General Election to Loksabha –Reg.
Special ReportBy Thomas Kocherry

Upcoming Indian election PM candidates Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi(R)
To, MS Sonia Gandhi, Dr. Manmohan Singh, Narendra Modi, All the Coastal Members of Parliament, Sir/Madame,
We state that you are well aware of the fact that there are 13 states including union Territories namely –West Bengal, Odisha, AndraPradesh, Tamilnadu, Puducherry,Kerala, Karnataka, Maharashtra,Gujarat,Goa, Diu Daman,Andaman Nicobar and Lakshadweep islands on the coastal area of our Nation and they are surrounded by seas at a stretch about 8118 km in length.
Residents of the coasts are involving in the ancestrally inherited fishing occupation in 2.02 million sq.km sea water which includes 0.5 million sq.km continental shelves and Exclusively Economic zone. Approximately the fishermen who are solely depending upon fishing for their livelihood is2 Crore. Apart from those coastal fishermen, the inland fishermen who is depending for their occupation utilizing perennial rivers, seasonal rivers,lakes,ponds,pools, back waters and lagoons who are living in 35 states including 7 Union Territories is about 1 Crore of our population.
Thus fishermen are 3 Crore of our Indian population. Though they are striving and providing nutritious fish as food to 80% of people of our country at cheapest cost, it is easy to construe from the life style, they are leading, even after 66 precious years of our independency shows that they have not attained sufficient or expected growth in Education, Employment, and Economy and in permanent income. They are socially, economically and educationally in the lower strata.
We believe that you too have well acquainted with the above facts and from the facts that it is easy to derive that the fishermen are living in misery, anguish and in stigma secluded even from the other backward communities, and also in most economically backward and further in a suppressed manner. During our 66 years of Indian Democratic Parliamentary system of governance, several ministries were bifurcated for the benefit and welfare of several groups which are deliberately lesser in number when compare to the fishermen population.
But contrary to the need and necessity fisheries is being added as the fourth behind Agriculture, Animal husbandry and Dairy in the Ministry of Agriculture, since its inception and fishermen welfare is continuously neglected by the Authorities concerned. Hence, as a first step to alleviate the sufferings of fishermen Community, Central Govt. must form a separate “Ministry for Fisheries and Fishermen Welfare.”
After considering all the pathetic, heart breaking suppressed and depressed conditions of fishermen community living throughout our country, the Backward Classes Commission under the Chairmanship of Shri.B.P. Mandal has rightly observed the stigma of untouchability against fishermen in some parts of the Country.
>> May-Oct, 2013
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