World Bank Turns Its Back on Rights Protections for the Poor - Global civil society response gathers momentum

OriginalFRSN at Cambodian Embassy
(New York, London, New Delhi, July 29, 2014) - Civil society organisations around the world are decrying a leaked draft of the World Bank’s proposed new policies to avoid harmful impacts from the development projects that it finances. Despite earlier commitments by Bank President Jim Yong Kim that the policies would not be diluted and that safeguards on land rights would be strengthened, the proposed changes have gutted essential requirements that are necessary to prevent displacement, impoverishment, and environmental damage. The draft policies are up for discussion by the Bank’s board on July 30 ahead of public consultations. “This draft effectively winds back the clock to the 1970s, before the Bank had binding policies in place to protect the poor and the environment. We see nothing more than a naked attempt by the Bank to shield itself from accountability for the destructive impacts of the mega-projects it is planning.” said Madhuresh Kumar, National Organizer of the National Alliance of People’s Movements in India.
Most shockingly, the draft policies provide an opt-out option for governments that do not wish to provide essential land and natural resource rights protections to Indigenous Peoples. Joji Carino, Director of the Forest Peoples Programme, said “we have engaged with social and environmental safeguard development with the World Bank for over twenty years and have never seen a proposal with potential for such widespread negative impacts for indigenous peoples around the world. The proposed ‘opt-out’ for protections for indigenous peoples, in particular, would undermine existing international human rights law and the significant advances seen in respect for indigenous peoples rights in national laws.” The draft also weakens protections for people who will be evicted from their homes, land and livelihoods, increasing the risk that Bank-financed projects will impoverish people, exacerbate inequality and cause human rights violations.The proposal scraps critical rules that have been in place for thirty years requiring the Bank to take concerted measures to avoid and minimise displacement and for resettlement action plans capable of restoring the livelihoods of the displaced to be in place before committing funds to projects.It provides multiple opportunities for borrower governments, or even private “intermediary” banks, to use their own standards for impact assessment, compensation and resettlement, without clear criteria on when and how this would be acceptable.
Theodore Downing, President of the International Network on Displacement and Resettlement, a 14-year old network of involuntary resettlement professionals, said “the proposed changes eviscerate existing international standards - knowingly placing millions of people at risks of impoverishment.” “The Bankis trying to exonerate itself from all responsibility for the devastating effects of the displacement it finances, while giving private equity funds to some of the world’s most abusive governments unfettered discretion to uproot the poor as they fit,” said David Pred, Managing Director of Inclusive Development International.
Land titling projects are exempted from the coverage of the draft resettlement policy. This will leave affected communities completely unprotected from forced eviction by their government, as happened in the case of Cambodia’s BoeungKak Lake community whose homes were demolished after they were deemed not to have ownership rights under a Bank-titling project. “If this policy is adopted, many communities around the world will be forcibly evicted like mine was, and they will not be able to seek any recourse from the Bank,” said Te pVanny, a community leader from BoeungKak Lake. After filing a complaint with the World Bank’s Inspection Panel about the controversial project, Tep Vanny and local organisations finally secured title for hundreds of families that were previously threatened with eviction. With the proposed changes to the Bank’s policy, that would not have been possible.
Despite the growing land-grabbing crisis displacing countless indigenous communities, small farmers, fisher-folk and pastoralists throughout the global south,the draft policy fails to incorporate any serious protections to prevent Bank funds from supporting land-grabs. “In Ethiopia, World Bank funds have been used to facilitate one the world’s biggest land grabs, with the indigenous populations of entire regions being uprooted to make way for agro-industrial investments.We had hoped that the new safeguards would include strong requirements to prevent governments like Ethiopia from abusing its people with Bank funds, but we are shocked to see the Bank instead opening the flood-gates for more abuses,” said Oban gMetho, Executive Director of the Solidarity Movement for a New Ethiopia.
Not only is the current draft an unconscionable weakening, it is a complete misrepresentation of two years of consultations with civil society.The Bank's Board must not endorse this draft, and at a minimum must insist that these fundamental loopholes be addressed before the next round of consultations," said SasankaThilakasiri, Policy Advisor for Oxfam International. 97non-governmental organizations and civil society networks and 17 distinguished individualsfrom Asia-Pacific, Africa, Latin America, North America and Europe sent a statement to the World Bank’s Board yesterday, demanding that the draft be sent back to the drawing board and re-written with serious safeguards to respect and protect the land, housing and livelihood rights of the poor.The statement is available here.
For more information and press enquiries, please contact: - In New York, David Pred, Managing Director, Inclusive Development International (IDI), +1 917-280-2705 or - In London, James Harvey, Communications Manager, Forest Peoples Programme (FPP), +44(0)1608 652893or - In Delhi, Madhuresh Kumar, National Alliance for People’s Movements (NAPM), +91 (0)9818905316
“Want to Enhance Further the Good Work Carried Out by Great AAPI Leaders” Dr. Ravi Jahagirdar, AAPI’s New President Says

Dr. Ravi Jahagirdar with his wife Udita
(San Antonio, TX: June 28th, 2014) A member of AAPI for 15 years, Dr. Ravi Jahagirdar, the new president, who assumed office as the president of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) for the next one year, during the historic convention in San Antonio, TX on Saturday night, June 28th, believes that he can “only enhance further the good work I have seen carried out by a legion of great AAPI Officers and Members.” “I am proud to report that the state of AAPI is strong. We have made significant progress; Our reputation, our credibility, our member engagement, our sponsor commitment & our financial status is stronger than ever,” declared Dr. Jayesh Shah, who passed on the mantle of AAPI’s leadership to Dr. Ravi Jahagirdar during the solemn Gala Dinner attended by nearly 2,000 delegates from across the nation and in the presence of Harsh Vardhan, Heath Minister of India, who flew in from New Delhi to be part of AAPI's convention.
A leader with deep commitment for AAPI and its members, Dr. Jahadirdar wants AAPI to be an all inclusive organization that is nurtured by the collective efforts of its members. " Our Shakti is you the Members, and I want you to get involved at any level. We, the AAPI troops are passionate, but are not businessmen and event planners, and we will welcome participation of all medical and nonmedical organizations and individuals, as AAPI builds a solid organizational fortress for the future," he told the enthusiastic audience in Texas, hile delivering his first presidential address. “There are many diverse avenues by which a member can contribute to AAPI.” Dr. Jahagirdar reflects. “AAPI always has a place for such individuals and it rewards them with spiritual satisfaction and a rich treasure of like-minded friends.” The Florida-based renowned Urologist, Dr. Jahagirdar rose up the ladder in the long tradition of AAPI, working hard and devoting his life to the realization of AAPI’s lofty ideals and goals, and is now chosen to be the president of this more than three decades old noble organization, representing more than 100,000 physicians of Indian Origin. While being “perfectly content as a foot soldier in this service organization” it was the “prodding of my fellow members that made me seek a position in AAPI”. He credits his further rise in the ranks to the best mentors he had in AAPI, and firmly believes that in turn “mentoring the younger AAPI Member and Officer is critical for our sustenance” – in the ancient tradition of “shishyaparampara.”
Recognizing the great tradition of AAPI, Dr. Jahagirdar said, “ AAPI has had great visionaries in its short life. As President, I see myself as another member in the trenches who likes to team with others and reach out to even higher goals.” As he take charge of AAPI, Dr. Jahagirdar believes that everyone needs to “Think of our organization first, and not about individual glory. No one person has a monopoly on ideas, and any Member with a passion will have a role to play.” AAPI’s role has come to be recognized as vital among members and among lawmakers. AAPI is also transitioning into a multiyear thinking and behavior by maintaining core continuity . Dr. Jahagirdar considers the Officers in each year as caretakers of established plans and projects, advancing progressively towards these goals with the vertically expanded use of diverse professionals” His vision for AAPI focuses on five vital areas: Education, Community/Charitable service, Member Support Programs, Mentorship and the Mantle, and Legislative Action. Realizing that AAPI was born in response to discriminatory policies, he says, “AAPI must not forget and should assist those amongst us who have suffered injustice. Mentoring the younger AAPI Member and Officer is critical for our sustenance.” He believes that Legislative actions are vital to effect change, and “AAPI should continue its traditional efforts, as well as work with other organizations for causes of mutual interest.”
The new president of AAPI wants to emphasize the need for ““Our Educational level is the key reason for our status in the community - and should be our primary focus. We will continue to keep AAPI members abreast of recent advances – increase current clinical networks and showcase the clinical and academic wealth we have as we record our achievements. We have magnificent thought leaders recognized all over the world and we need to provide them with multiple platforms to use on a regular basis.” Dr. Jahagirdar is in favor of a national think tank encompassing the various Alumni, the younger physicians and past officers. “No one person has monopoly of ideas and any Member with a passion to serve will have a role to play”. He feels the Regional Directors should be entrusted with an expanded role in midlevel AAPI leadership. AAPI’s future is in the ability of the younger physician to take leadership roles, “we need to have the confidence to appoint capable younger doctors to higher positions in our ranks and mentor them.” For Community/ Charitable projects : “it is time to expand our pro bono work within the USA, and work in tandem with likeminded organization whilst providing continued support to the legacy of Charitable Clinics in India that serve more than a million patients a year”. He has all praise for the generous individuals who serve here and in India, and the AAPI Charitable Foundation that supports those goals.
Any large organization of the magnitude and history that represents the diverse needs and interests of professionals such those represented by AAPI will have challenges, the new president of AAPI admits. Having an open mind and giving everyone of its large membership an avenue to express opinion, is the greatest strength of AAPI, the new President of AAPI says. “AAPI is young at 32 years – compared with AMA from 1847. Dissent is welcome in any free spirited organization, to be used constructively for betterment, and should be differentiated from discord - with its long lasting negative aftertaste.” Dr. Jahagirdar points to AAPI’s time tested grievance process, and the policy of transparency, which is “our strength.” And he goes on to add, “Individual freedoms are cherished, but the decision of the majority will prevail as a democratic principle. The AAPI member is sophisticated and knows the difference.” Not content with professional accomplishments, Dr. Jahagirdar has devoted his time, energy and resources for numerous charities. He was the Chairman of the Hindu Society of Central Florida, and has been active in multiple Charities here in USA and in India. Of all, he considers his work at the AAPI Charitable Foundation to be the “best.” Dr. Jahagirdar considers, his “best professional accomplishment has been to try to do the utmost for my patients.”
Dr. Jahagirdar believes that AAPI is a service organization where the Members share a joy of spending their own time and money into worthy causes. He believes in “Vittasya patre vyayaha vibhushanam” the translation of the Sanskrit in English -- “the crowning glory of owning wealth is to give to deserving causes.” According to him, “Positions and titles have little meaning for a true AAPI foot soldier, and this camaraderie helps sprinkle their positive energy around. AAPI rewards the Member with a rich treasure of likeminded friends.” Having completed his Master of Surgery Degree from G.S.Medical College and KEM Hospital in Mumbai, Dr. Jahagirdar obtained his Board Certification in Urology from Tulane University, New Orleans in 1984. Since then, he has been in active urology practice in Orlando Florida. He specializes in minimally invasive da Vinci robotic and laparoscopic surgeries, and corrective surgery/prosthetics for erectile dysfunction and urinary incontinence. Recognitions and awards came his way as he began his professional and community leadership across the country.
He has been active in American Urological Association and Florida Medical Association. He served as the President of Orange County Medical Society and of Doctors of South Asia (DOSA) and on Board of Directors of FLAMPAC. He has been on the Risk Management Committee of Florida Hospital for over fifteen years. He was the Chairman of the Hindu Society of Central Florida and has always been involved in multiple charities including AAPI Charitable Foundation. His long association with AAPI, a noble organization and his active participation in it and having served in every Committee of AAPI are his “greatest advantages that enable him to serve AAPI and its 100,000 strong community,” Dr. Jahagirdar said. “My role as your President is to preserve what we have achieved and expand on past success,” said Dr. Jahagirdar. “We have achieved the lofty goals envisioned by our founders and made great gains over the years. With our AAPI Officers, Executive Committee, and all of you, we can take AAPI to achieve newer and greater heights.”
Town Hall Meeting on AAPI-India Engagement Reviews Accomplishments With Focus On “Enhancing Engagement Via Collaboration

Dr. Jayshreeben Mehta lighting the lamp
(San Antonio, TX: June 26th, 2014) The 32nd annual convention of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) was solemnly inaugurated with the lighting of the traditional Indian lamp by Dr. Jayshreeben Mehta, president of Indian Medical Council (IMC), Parvathaneni Harish, Consul General of India in Houston, Dr. Jayesh Shah, President of AAPI, Dr. Ravi Jahagirdar, President-Elect of AAPI, Dr. Shahi Shah, Chairman, Board of Trustees of AAPI, Dr. Vijay Koli, Chairman of the Convention Organizing Committee, and Leticia R. Van de Putte, Texas State Senator at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in Grand Hyatt Hotel, San Antonio, TX on Thursday, June 26th, 2014. In his warm note of welcome address, Dr. Jayesh Shah, while declaring the convention officially open, reminded the more than 1,500 participants from across the nation that it was the 3rd AAPI convention held in Texas and the first in San Antonio. Senator Leticia R. Van de Putte praised the physicians of Indian origin for their commitment, dedication and innovative approach to providing healthcare to the diverse population in San An Antonio and the entire nation.
Earlier, Dr. Jayshreeben Mehta inaugurated the AAPI exhibition booths, representing almost all areas of medicine, education, commerce, research, media and entertainment by cutting the ribbon as women dressed in colorful Indian dresses welcomed the participants to the convention center with holding diyas in their hands. In her address, Dr. Mehta lauded the achievements and contributions of Indian American physicians. “You make a mark and a deep impact on the lives of millions of people you care for ion day to day basis that the imprint can never be erased,” she said. During the reception at the historic La Villita inMaverick Plaza, on the banks of the Riverside, the 40-year-old San Antonio Mayor Julián Castro, praised the achievements of the Indian American community, and stated that San Antonio, the fastest growing city in the US, which is now the 7th largest city in the US, is proud to host Diwali celebrations on the banks of the same river every year. Opening his remarks with “Namaste” Castro, who has been appointed Secretary of HUD by President Obama, referred to AAPI’s Obesity Awareness Campaign, which the city has enthusiastically joined in, and has made all efforts to reduce obesity among its citizens.
“Members of AAPI have both collectively and individually been engaged in addressing the huge healthcare related needs of our motherland, India for several decades, by organizing, supporting, partnering and collaborating with local groups in India and making a difference in their villages, cities or states,” Dr. Jayesh Shah, said in his opening remarks during the first ever Town Hall Meeting organized. “With a view to enhance these efforts and coordinate future initiatives to best serve the people of India, AAPI is organizing the Town Hall Meeting,” he told the enthusiastic audience, who appeared keen to give back to their motherland. Kaul Singh Thakur, Minister for Health in the state of Himachal Pradesh, the Guests of Honor, thanked AAPI members for the Healthcare Clinic they had organized in Mandi, Himachal Pradesh. He urged AAPI to adopt and provide healthcare in the tribal regions in his state, while assuring all possible support to AAPI and its members. Dr. Seema Jain, who is scheduled to be assuming office as the President of AAPI in June 2015 assured the Minister from India that she will make every effort to comply with his request to provide healthcare in the remote regions of Himachal Pradesh.

A section of the audience enjoying the cultural diversity of India on the Riverside Park,San Antonio
Parvathaneni Harish, Consul General of India in Houston, referred to the fact that there are over 70,000 Indian American Doctors who have been educated in India at the cost of $20 Billion by the government of India, and now serving in the United States. Each of them has a responsibility to give back to their motherland, he said. Harish urged AAPI to initiate a Fellowship Program whereby, its members could go to Indian Medical Colleges and educate the young generation of Indian physicians and students in Medicine. “That will be the greatest contribution AAPI can provide to your motherland,” he said. “AAPI members represent a variety of important medical specialties,” Dr. Ravi Jahagirdar, president-elect of AAPI, who will assume charge as President of AAPI during the convention, noted. “Since 2008, AAPI has taken a more formal approach with the initiation of Indo-US Healthcare Summits, later evolved as Global Healthcare Summits by engaging Indian Physicians and Associations from Britain, Canada, UK, Middle East and Australia. This has been a great learning experience and thanks to the passion, commitment and collaboration AAPI has been instrumental in bringing about some ideas that are helping India in its efforts to make healthcare affordable, accessible and efficient to her more than one billion people,” he said. .
Anwar Feroz, Honorary Advisor of AAPI, while moderating the session, which focused on Enhancing Collaboration between Physicians of Indian Origin Across the World and India, updated the audience on Swasth India Portal, which will be officially launched this Saturday by Dr. Harsh Vardhan, India’s Health Minister, who is the Chief Guest at the Convention. Other panelists who addressed the audience during the Town Hall Meeting included Dr. Narendra Saini of Indian Medical Association, Dr. Ramesh Mehta of British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, Dr. Sunil Patel of Canadian Association of Physicians of Indian Heritage, Dr. Vani Rao, President of IAPA and John Meiners of American Heart Association. Dr. Navin Shah shared with the audience on his initiatives on Emergency & Trauma in India, while Dr. Vemuri Murthy offered insights into ways for collaboration between India and American Heart Association. Dr. Thakor Patel spoke on Sevak Program while Dr. Nick Shroff presented on the various programs initiated by AAPI Charitable Clinics in India. During the Open Forum, several individual members shared of their projects that they have been working on either independently or in collaboration with India based organizations
The Focus Forward by Anwar Feroz had a quick review, summarization and creating a prioritized list of action steps that will help AAPI (USA) develop a clear roadmap for continued and enhanced engagement in India, to enable access to quality and affordable healthcare for all people of India. A white paper of key recommendations for AAPI (USA) will be finalized as a follow of the Town Hall Meeting, which, dr. Shah promised will be sent o the Office of Shri Narendra Modi. Dozens of AAPI members, including current and past AAPI executive body members shared their personal experiences with Dr. Shahi Shah, who has assumed charge as the Chairman of Board of Trustees. They praised his for his leadership, friendliness, skillfulness, caring nature and for being the mentor to several members of AAPI. Dr. Shahi Shah, while expressing gratitude to AAPI members, modestly acknowledged the greatness of each member and that he was privileged to encourage each of their individual initiatives and efforts.
Earlier during the day, hundreds of AAPI members actively participated in the General Body meeting of AAPI. In addition to 11 hours CMEs, the convention has been packed with entertainment, networking and delicious Indian cuisine. Nina Davuluri, the first ever Indian American to be crowned Miss America will lead AAPI Women's Forum Session and the “Be Fit Be Cool’ Walkathon during the convention. The American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) is the largest ethnic medical organization in the United States. AAPI is an umbrella organization which has nearly 130 local chapters, specialty societies and alumni organizations. For over 30 years, Indian physicians have made significant contributions to health care in this country, not only practicing in inner cities, rural areas and peripheral communities but also at the top medical schools and other academic centers. Almost 10%-12% of medical students entering US schools are of Indian origin. For more details, please visit: and
Ajay Ghosh Adjunct Faculty, Fordham University & University of Bridgeport Media Consultant, American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin Chief Editor, The Asian Era ( Phone # (203) 583-6750
Special ContributionBy Roland Watson(DictatorWatch)
May 16, 2014

Obama in Burma
President Obama has come under fire recently for his leadership of U.S. foreign policy. Republicans, as with everything that he does, are upset with his approach. This article helps explain the background of his policy. It concludes with some remarks about the Southeast Asian nation, Burma.
To begin, it is important to recognize that even though Obama lived abroad for a number of years as a child, as an adult he didn't have any international experience. He has no first hand experience of how the world really works, and how the various regions and countries differ, including in how their leaders negotiate. Most importantly, he doesn't understand the mindset of the people who rule over at least half the planet’s population: dictators. He doesn’t understand individuals who would kill their own people, or even as we saw recently in North Korea their own relatives, without a second thought. Obama may have heard the phrase that "power corrupts," but he's never really grasped the fact that the greatest corrupting influence of all is in the brain. With enough power and enough years, this can propel people to become absolute monsters.
Leaders of democracies repeatedly make foreign policy mistakes through a failure to accept this simple reality. Since they’ve never been face-to-face with such an individual, and personally suffered the consequences, they don’t accept that some people are not only bad: they’re evil. They can never be reformed. You can’t negotiate with them. Real compromise is impossible. I should add, though, being strong when confronting such regimes doesn’t mean that you have to go to war with them. There are lots of other policy options. Because of his lack of experience, Obama was always going to be a lightweight on the international stage. Indeed, given his intelligence and education, it’s quite likely that he recognized his limitations in this area. High achievers don’t only understand their strengths, they are aware of their weaknesses as well.
Nonetheless, as the President of the U.S. he has to be a leader for the world. This in turn meant that he had to rely on advisors. The problem here is that his domestic experience did not put him in a position to build relationships with highly able advisors. When he became President, he of course got access to lots of advisors. However, this led to the question: How could he know who was good, and who he could trust? After all, there's a smart sounding "expert" for every position on every issue. Not only that, many “advisors” don’t give objective advice. For example, if they don’t already work for corporations, they are hoping to get well-paying jobs when they leave the public or non-profit sectors. Hence, their advice has a pro-business slant, which the advisee may not even recognize. So, with this as a starting point, it is not surprising that he would approach international affairs with great caution. I might add, Democrats in general exercise more restraint than Republicans.
Secondly, when he assumed the presidency the U.S. was involved in two extremely costly wars, both in lives and dollars. While Afghanistan was justified by 9/11, Iraq was based on lies. Both became quagmires, in part because it is extremely difficult to fight wars in this part of the world, for many reasons, and because the policy advisors for President Bush made one mistake after another. If you are a foreign policy advisor, or analyst, it is essential never to underestimate the difficulty of cultural understanding. Unless you spend many years in a country, there will always be large gaps in your knowledge of it. Most U.S. policy experts, while they may travel widely for meetings, and stay in fancy hotels, mainly live in Washington, D.C. They too have not really been out in the world. So, with these wars ongoing, and with the huge budget constraints that they created, this reinforced Obama’s innate caution even more. His principal foreign policy objective was to get the U.S. out of the wars without their seeming to be defeats or with him as a coward. Killing bin Laden helped a lot on both counts.
Thirdly, the U.S and the rest of the world were recovering from a financial crisis unmatched since the Great Depression. His foremost priority was to right the American economy, which task was made much more difficult by the Congressional Republican unwillingness, founded in racism, to work with him in any way. The Republicans have actually done everything they can to sabotage his presidency. Having to fight one battle after another with them further detracted from his ability to focus on the world. Next, when he did conduct foreign affairs, he concentrated on the issues that also affect important U.S. allies. Hence the big push in Libya, which is in Europe's backyard. Now we are seeing the intent interest in the Ukraine, which frankly isn't that big of an international issue. Many others are much more severe, such as Syria and the Central African Republic. But Ukraine once again is right next to Europe. As a side consequence of rebuilding relationships with Europe, which had been destroyed by Bush, this further enhanced his caution since the basic European foreign policy is not to be strong about anything. It's also noteworthy that U.S. military might subsidizes Europe, allowing the countries there to have small and inexpensive armies.
He did make a big show about the Asian pivot, but frankly he's been too overwhelmed to conduct it successfully. Here as well he's mainly focused on regional allies, Japan and South Korea, but been quiet on China, even though they fear Beijing. This is due to American business interests in China, and because the country holds so much U.S. debt. It's difficult to confront your greatest creditor. Finally, U.S. foreign policy has always been about political realism. Many Americans hoped that his actions as President would reflect his idealistic 2008 campaign rhetoric, and that government policy both domestic and international would for once be grounded in authentic democratic principles. We were naive here, though, because he turned out to be just one more slick politician.
Foreign policy realism means you pursue U.S. interests exclusively, no matter the cost to other countries or peoples or even the world. U.S. interests in turn are business interests. One would hope that U.S. interests would be those of the American people, who certainly even with their differences want the country to stand for what is right and to live up to the sacrifices that have been made by so many American soldiers. Unfortunately, those interests are intangible, and hard to measure. So instead, U.S. interests have mutated. Now they are corporate interests. This raises the question, what do corporations want? Formerly, American corporations wanted to employ American workers to produce products to sell both in the U.S. and to the world. For this they needed access to natural resources. Hence, Washington has backed one resource rich dictatorship after another for a century or more. That's historical realism.
But now many domestic corporations have realized that they don't have to be “American.” They can be “International,” and not only exploit international natural resources but human resources as well (and hide income from U.S. taxes). This is what has driven the huge push in the last three decades to outsource production to some of the worst dictatorships on earth, starting with China, as a means to exploit their laborers in serf-like conditions. It's also behind the open arms that many American businesses give to illegal immigrants, rather than push for legislation in D.C. to allow the immigrants legal worker status, since this would mean that they would have to pay them higher wages. Overall, it's a horrible picture, and it makes me appalled at my own country. The only other modern foreign interest (other than terrorism and WMD proliferation) is if some poor U.S. traveler gets sick or robbed or kidnapped, in which case the local embassy will probably try to help.
For Burma, a big U.S. interest following World War II was countering the rise of communism, and the dictator of the country, Ne Win, fit the bill as an ally no matter how poorly he treated the people. It didn't help that many of the rebels against him organized under the Communist Party banner. To repeat, a basic U.S. foreign policy is to back its allies. Alliances in turn are viewed as very long term relationships. The modern U.S. relationship with Burma really started with its first autocrat, so that is, fundamentally, the nature of the alliance: The U.S. together with whatever authoritarian regime is currently in power. Truly shifting American backing to the pro-democracy side, meaning Suu Kyi, the NLD and the ethnic nationalities, in effect would betray this alliance, which is why the support that has been given has been tepid and mostly for show. Washington, even under Obama, still backs the dictators, witness the rush to reestablish a military to military relationship.
As a sign of just how bad it really is, Obama himself essentially "gave" Senior General Than Shwe the license to commit genocide against the Rohingya people. The violence of the last two years wouldn't have happened without the U.S. "policy shift." Also, the U.S. has no concern for the negative implications of the economic development that the shift enabled, including where the dictatorship is allowing a few opportunities for Burmans, but none for the ethnic nationalities (other than for corrupt, traitorous leaders). This is a subtle use of divide and conquer, and evidence of the regime's own underlying racism. The generals recognize that if Burma is going to develop, and by default more people are going to get a share of the totalitarian pie, then all of this should go to the Burmans. However, for the U.S. this bias is insignificant. Suu Kyi and the NLD also don't seem to have any complaints with the approach.
Secondly, the U.S directly backs corporate interests in Burma. Formerly this was for resource extraction, mainly involving the Total/Chevron natural gas pipeline, but now with the policy change it is being extended to labor exploitation as well. U.S. companies not only want to get in on Burma's resource rush, they want to set up sweatshops there to produce goods dirt cheap. After all, China is no longer such a bargain, and there is also now a large backlash in America against Chinese-produced goods. (I'm proud that Dictator Watch has been calling for a boycott of Made in China goods for over a decade.) Finally, Burma is a perfect example of the opening point that Obama does not understand, including how to position the U.S. relative to, the truly evil, in this case the military junta that remains 100% in charge of the country: SLORC/SPDC/NDSC. It also appears that by reversing its sanctions, the Administration is trying to bribe the regime to end its secret nuclear program, including its relationship with North Korea.
In conclusion, this is the sad tale for Burma. The people who are now overjoyed that the few remaining sanctions were renewed this week for another year, are missing the bigger picture. To the people of the country, no matter what sweet-sounding words you hear, the United States Government is not your friend. It is only pretending to be your friend. It's really your enemy. It will not in any material way help you achieve real freedom and democracy. Instead, it is actively supporting your oppressors. This was the case before Barack Obama, and it will be the case long after he is gone, until that glorious day when another Lincoln arises, and puts principles over profit.
The NBA Bans Donald Sterling for life
By Blain BekeleWriter & Asst Editor
May 2, 2014

Donald Sterling
Donald Sterling is an American business magnate and former attorney. He is the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers professional basketball franchise of the National Basketball Association (NBA). Sterling acquired the Clippers in 1981 for $12 million. On April 25, 2014, TMZ Sports released a recording of a conversation between Sterling and his ex-girlfriend, V. Stiviano. In the recording from September 2013, a man confirmed to be Sterling was irritated over a photo Stiviano posted on Instagram in which she posed with Basketball Hall of Fame player Magic Johnson.
Sterleng told Stiviano the world will think certain things if she is seen with black people, and she should not be seen with them in public, and under no circumstances should she bring them to Clippers games. Does The NBA is not only made up of mostly Black players but sterling girl friend is Black and Mexican, So how does He get off telling her not to bring Black people to the game, we don’t know?
The NBA's commissioner came down hard Tuesday on Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling, ordering him out of his team's business and pushing to force him to sell over the racist remarks. Adam Silver detailed Sterling's punishment of a lifetime ban and $2.5 million fine -- the "maximum amount" allowed per league guidelines -- at a press conference. Silver's decision was met with immediate support from NBA owners, players and others connected to the league who have been calling for swift, firm punishment ever since TMZ posted audio featuring the incendiary comments. "I hope that every bigot in this country sees what happened to Mr. Sterling and recognizes that if he can fall, so can you," Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson, a former NBA All-Star who was tasked with leading the NBA players union's efforts on this matter.
While many citizens are thrilled with the decision The NBA’s commissioner made some are very upset and concern. Some people believe banning Sterling from NBA was completely unfair and it is a violation of his first Amendment right. The first Amendment protect citizens from the government punishing them for the speech they make, however I believe since the NBA is a private organization and Sterling does represent them they have the right to ban him.
Celebrating 50 Golden Years of Singing in Indian Cinema, Dr. K J Yesudas Tours Six Cities in the US this Summer
Special ReportBy Ajay Ghosh

New York, NY: Endowed with a captivating melodious voice, classical excellence, and a penchant for hard work, it has been a triumphant journey for Dr. Kattassery Joseph Yesudas, becoming one of the most admired and most recorded artists ever. The renowned playback singer, Dr. K J Yesudas has rented his golden voice to tens of thousands of songs in almost every major language in India in the past half a century. The great legendary singer, whose voice continues to mesmerize children and adults alike, turned seventy three on January 10, 2014 and will once again be on a music tour across the United States this year. Celebrating his golden jubilee in singing, Dr. Yesudas is on a world tour, taking his golden voice to six cities in the United States this summer.
“Hedge Brokerage, based in New York, is proud to celebrate, honor, and present 50 years of Golden Voice by legendary Dr. K.J. Yesudas, the world renowned playback singer, during his six-city unique musical concerts across the United States,” said Saji Abraham, Founder and Chairman of Hedge Brokerage In his live performances accompanied by live orchestra in New York, Dallas, Houston, New Jersey, Atlanta, and Washington, DC, Dr. Yesudas is being joined by popular playback singers, Remya Nambeesan, Vijay Yesudas and Swetha Mohan. “We urge you to join us on this historical tour by being a proud sponsor of these mega events, expected to be viewed by more than 15.000 live audience and be part of in our advertising campaigns in print, online, and electronic campaigns reaching millions of viewers and readers across the nation,” said Abraham,
It was on November 14th, 1961 that Yesudas recorded his first film song for a Malayalam film at a Chennai studio. Thereafter in fifty years of singing for films and concerts and albums, Yesudas has sung over 50,000 songs in 17 Languages. Yesudas, son of noted stage actor and singer Augustine Joseph, got his first recognition at the age of nine when he won a gold medal for music at a local competition in Kochi, India. His dreams of becoming a singer were realized when he got his first break in a Malayalam film Kalpaddukal in 1961. He believes it was a divine plan as he started his career by singing a poem written by the most revered spiritual personality of modern India, Sree Narayana Guru. Living in a country that has deep divisions of caste, creed, ethnic, and linguistic lines, Yesudas, inspired by the message of Shri Narayana Guru, who preached, “One Caste, One Religion and One God for all Humans,” uses the medium of music to unite peoples of all faiths, regions, and nationalities.
He believes in “One God, “who is known by different names and forms, and is revered by people of different faiths.” Not surprisingly, the popular Indian playback legend was given the first Sree Narayana Dharma Sanghom Trust Award for fostering communal harmony, recognizing his outstanding contributions in promoting communal amity and spreading Sree Narayana Guru’s message of universal brotherhood and peace. Yesudas has assumed the role of cultural ambassador of India during his numerable performances abroad, promoting both classical and film music. Honors and awards followed him wherever he went. Yesudas is largely responsible for popularizing Indian music and spreading the message of international fellowship for which Mother Theresa of Calcutta rightly honored him with the National Citizens Award on World Peace Day in 1994. On November 14, 1999, Yesudas was presented an honorary award by UNESCO for “Outstanding Achievements in Music and Peace” at a concert event named “Music for Peace,” to mark the dawn of the new millennium. Interestingly, he was invited by the Soviet Government to perform music concerts in various cities of the U.S.S.R in 1965 and had also sung a Russian song over Radio Kazakhstan. The popular artist from Kerala, who has won the hearts and minds of millions of people across the globe with his golden voice, was awarded with the Lifetime Achievement Award by Zee Gold Bollywood Music Awards in New York. In 2002, he was given the Saraswathi Millennium Award during a colorful ceremony in New York
Not long ago, Yesudas performed the title track from his album, “Ahimsa”, accompanied by the extraordinary Pakistani group, Junoon. The synergy created by Yesudas and Junoon, aimed at peace, was an inspiration to all those present, which included renowned artists like Lionel Ritchie, Ray Charles, Montzerra Caballe and Zubin Mehta. Legendary actors like Gregory Peck, Sydney Poiter and Peter Ustinov were the masters of ceremony. Dignitaries from around the world, including the heads of the European Union and the ambassadors from 170 countries attended this global event and gave Yesudas a standing ovation. ‘Sadhana’ (practice) is the essence of music and it is a life-long activity for any musician, says Yesudas. :It is only through practice that one can seek more knowledge,” he adds. Sadhana is a kind of meditation that is a must to reach higher levels of musical knowledge, he says. “It should not stop with the end of an academic course, he said. For this the relationship between the teacher and the student also needs to be pure. Honouring a guru is great, but it should come from the heart,” he adds.
He has won numerous awards and is regarded as a unifying voice of India. Winner of scores of accolades, including the coveted Padma Bhushan & Padmashree from the government of India, in addition to seven national awards for the best playback singer, India’s very own Gana Gandharvan (the divine singer) is still breathing music and enchanting music lovers all over the world. Other titles and prestigious awards include, `Sangeetha Raja’ in 1974, `Sangeetha Chakravarthy’ in 1988 and `Sangeetha Sagaram’ in 1989. Chennai’s Annamalai University honored him with a Doctorate in 1989. The Government of Kerala and `The Sangeeta Nataka Akademi’ conferred the title of `Aashtana Gayakan’ – to Yesudas in 1992. The Government of Madhya Pradesh gave the `Annual Latha Mangeshkar Award’ to Yesudas in 1992. For his unique contribution in the field of Music, he was selected for the prestigious National Citizens Award in 1994.
Yesudas credits his success to “the grace of God,” and to the support, love, and affection he has been receiving from the audience across the world. In spite of all his remarkable achievements, Yesudas is a very humble and down-to-earth person. His humility, perseverance and devotion to music are an inspiration to all the young aspiring musicians, who wish to follow in his footsteps. Although, he is known across the globe as a legendary classical music singer, he said, “My knowledge of classical music is like an iceberg. I consider myself a student of music who constantly seeks to learn and to perfect this vast ocean.” The golden voice of Yesudas has captured the hearts of his fans all over the world. As a singer, Yesudas has become a legend in his own lifetime and continues to mesmerize music lovers with his ageless and magical voice. He said, “I will continue to sing in movies as long as my voice and my health permit me.” To keep himself and his voice fit, he said, he controls his diet and life. Married for more than 30 years, Dr. Yesudas and his wife have three sons, Vinod, Vijay and Vishal. The family resides in Chennai, India but has a second home in Texas, USA, from where they operate during their frequent visits to the United States. For more details on his US tour this summer, please visit:
Mssive Deaths of Aboriginal Children in Canada is officially admitted, as Genocide Verdict and Kevin Annett's work are finally vindicated

Tens of thousands First Nation children
“Canada, the and the Vatican stand guilty as charged as disestablished criminal bodies” - International Common Law Court of Justice, Brussels A Special Report from ITCCS Canada with Commentary by Kevin Annett -
Vancouver, Canada: Seventeen years after Rev. Kevin Annett publicly disclosed evidence that over 50,000 children died in Canada's church-run “Indian residential schools”, Canadian governments have finally confirmed this genocidal mortality rate after releasing hitherto-concealed death records from the schools.
Until this week, government and church officials have either denied or stayed silent about Rev. Annett's documented estimate. But previously “segregated” statistics of the deaths of residential school children made public last Friday by different provinces indicate that “tens of thousands” of these children died in the facilities, which were operated primarily by the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada. In British Columbia alone, government records indicate that nearly 5,000 children between the ages of four and nineteen died in the residential schools until 1956, although the schools continued in operation until 1996, putting the total death figure even higher. Rev. Annett's research established that the high death rate of over 40% of the students was the result of deliberately infecting them with tuberculosis and denying the sick treatment. (
“This news officially confirms what our Court established in its lawful verdict of February 25, 2013” stated George Dufort of the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels today. “Canada and its churches, the British Crown and the Vatican stand guilty as charged as disestablished criminal bodies and can no longer have any lawful or legitimate constitutional authority if the rule of law is to be followed”. This week's official admission of massive deaths in the Indian residential schools comes on the heels of shocking new evidence showing that a Vatican and Church of England child sacrifice cult known as the Ninth Circle operated at the same schools for over a century, including at the Mohawk residential school in Brantford, Ontario. (, March 29, 2014)
Kevin Annett was reached at his home in Nanaimo, British Columbia today and provided the enclosed you tube commentary on the remarkable news. “I always knew their lies would fall apart, and persistence would pay off” remarked Kevin. “But I'm thinking now of all my friends who died after struggling to see this day come about, like Bingo Dawson, Billie Combes, Ricky Lavallee and Harry Wilson – some of the eyewitnesses to the Canadian Holocaust who went public at great personal risk. This is their victory, as it belongs to all the missing children. But it will only mean something if Canadians act on this final proof of Genocide by church and state to enforce the verdict and arrest warrants of the Common Law court.
"Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Queen Elizabeth, Joseph Ratzinger and twenty seven other officials belong behind bars. And more than that, it's now time to establish a constitutional Republic in Canada that is free and independent of the British Crown and the legacies of Vatican-sponsored Genocide”. Details of the plans to act upon this recent acknowledgement are discussed in Kevin Annett's attached you tube commentary.
Issued by ITCCS Canada and ITCCS Central, Brussels-based 31 March, 2014
The controversy over “Upskirting”
By Blain BekeleWriter & Asst Editor
Mar 11, 2014

A picture of a woman upskirting
Massachusetts' highest court ruled Wednesday, March 5, 2014 that it is not illegal to secretly photograph underneath a person's clothing -- a practice known as "upskirting". Michael Robertson, 32 was arrested in 2010 and accused of using his cell phone to take pictures and record video up the skirts and dresses of women on the trolley. Robertson was charged with two counts of attempting to secretly photograph a person in a state of partial nudity. Police observed him point a cell phone video camera up the dress of a female officer.
The high court ruled that the practice did not violate the law because the women who were photographed while riding Boston public transportation were not nude or partially nude. It is very saddening to think that in United States the nation of freedom and equality that any man can go around and take a picture of women under their skirt without consent. We have fought too hard for women right and equality to only lose our privacy to a “peeping tom”.
This ruling sparked outrage from the public so two days after the ruling Governor Patrick signed a bill to ban the Practice. The legislation says anyone who "photographs, videotapes or electronically surveils " another person's sexual or intimate parts without that person's consent would face a misdemeanor charge and a maximum penalty of two-and-a-half years in jail and a $5,000 fine.
AAPI’s Annual Legislative Day and Reception on Capitol Hill on March 26th-27th
Dr. Jayesh Shah, Dr. Shashi Shah and Steny Hoyer,
To Be Addressed By Dozens of Key US LawmakersConference will discuss Medicare SGR, Immigration Reform, Combating Obesity, Implementation of Affordable Care and growing US-India Relations
(Washington, DC: March 1st, 2014) Healthcare continues to be at the center of the national debate, especially after the start of the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, which affects almost everyone in the country. Association of American Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), the largest ethnic organization of physicians, representing over 100,000 physicians of Indian origin, wants to make their voices heard on Capitol Hill and around the nation, particularly on issues relating to healthcare. . Indian-Americans constitute less than one percent of the country’s population, but they account for nine percent of the American doctors and physicians. One out of every seven doctors serving in the US is of Indian heritage, providing medical care to over 40 million of US population. Continuing with its mission and objective, AAPI is organizing its annual Legislative Day on March 26th and 27th at the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, DC. With participation from dozens of key Congressmen and Senators, the event will be a unique opportunity for AAPI to be part of the decision making process on matters related to healthcare, “AAPI has been seeking to collectively shape the best health care for the people of US, with the physician at the helm, caring for the medically underserved as we have done for several decades when physicians of Indian origin came to the US in larger numbers,” says Dr. Jayesh Shah, president of AAPI. During the annual Legislative Conference, among others, AAPI will “focus on Medicare SGR, Immigration reform, Combating Obesity, Implementation Affordable Care and of course on growing US India relations.”
“AAPI is once again in the forefront in bringing many burning health care issues facing the community at large and bringing this to the Capitol and to the US Congress,” says Sampat Shivangi, Co-chair of AAPI Legislative Affairs Committee. “AAPI is proud to announce its third Legislative event for the year. Referring to the two highly successful events organized by AAPI in the past six months on the Capitol Hill, especially AAPI’s efforts to reach out to US Senators in support of Surgeon General Nominee of President Obama, Dr. Vivek Murthy, Dr. Shivangi, a vetran AAPI states, “Our meeting were very well receive, which had a positive effect in his confirmation hearings earlier last month.” Dr. Shivangi adds. Dr. Shivangi urged AAPI colleagues and everyone interested in or connected with providing health care to attend this event.”
Among the many timely and relevant issues, the event addresses, Dr. Harbhajan Ajrawat, Chair of AAPI Legislative Affairs Committee, says, “AAPI supports Congress providing a permanent fix to the Medicare sustainable growth rate (SGR) formula.”. Referring to the temporary Bill passed in January 2013 by the US Congress, averting a 26.5 percent cut, which expires in 2014, Dr. Ajrawat says, “For more than a decade, Congress has delayed passing a permanent fix. Without such a fix, physicians’ reimbursements will be cut by nearly 27 percent next year, detrimentally affecting physicians’ ability to provide critical health care to patients.” He appealed to Congress to fix the Medicare SGR formula without cuts to physicians’ reimbursements giving certainty to the Medicare system. “AAPI supports the bipartisan “Medicare Physician Payment Innovation Act of 2013,” (H.R. 574) which would bring certainty to the reimbursement system,” he adds. Among the many US lawmakers who have confirmed their participation addressing the AAPI delegates during the conference on March 27th are: U.S. Congressmen Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman – House Foreign Affairs Committee; Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ), Ranking member – Health Subcommittee, House Energy and Commerce Committee; Rep. Joe Crowley (D-NY), Co-chairman – Congressional Caucus on India and Indian Americans; Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL), Co-chairman – Congressional Caucus on India and Indian Americans; and Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), Ranking member, Immigration Subcommittee and House Judiciary Committee. The conference will begin at 9 am on Thursday, March 27th at 2168 Rayburn Bldg.
The Indian Buffet Reception on Capitol Hill on March 26th will be addressed by: Rep. Alan Nunnelee (R-MS); Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA); Rep. Tom Price, MD (R-GA); Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ); Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD); Rep. Phil Gingrey, MD (R-GA); Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA); Rep. Joe Heck, DO (R-NV); Rep. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL); Rep. Gregg Harper (R-MS); and Rep. Mike Honda (D-CA). “The symposium will have a panel discussion on Immigration Reform and ways for AAPI members to be part of the process in the implementation of the health care reform in this country,” adds Dr. Ravi Jahagirdar, President-elect of AAPI. “While medical school enrollment has climbed 2% annually over the past five years through new schools and expansion of existing schools, the number of residency slots funded by Medicare has been capped at about 100,000 since 1997. Increasing GME position will help to address access issues in United States,” Dr. Jahagirdar adds.
As part of comprehensive immigration reform, AAPI has urged the Congress to include international medical graduates also along with international students graduating with degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) being fast-tracked for Green Cards. This proposal enables highly-skilled workers to remain in the United States after receiving their higher education in America. Among the areas where AAPI had sought US lawmakers to support their agenda included increasing 15,000 more Residency Positions. Dr. Shah refers to AAPI cosigning two coalition letters to Congress on Tuberculosis prevention in December 2013. The first one supported USAID's international TB prevention work and the second one focused on domestic TB prevention by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
Stating that the US is currently experiencing a physician shortage, which will be exacerbated by retiring baby boomers, affecting thousands of patients’ access to a physician, and ultimately the health care they need, AAPI strongly supports the “Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2013, introduced by U.S. Congressman Joe Crowley (D-NY) (H.R. 1180) and U.S. Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) (S. 577), which would provide an additional 15,000 residency positions in Fiscal Years 2015-2019. Dr. Shah hopes that “AAPI will discover her own potential to be a player in shaping the health of each patient with a focus on health maintenance than disease intervention. To be a player in crafting the delivery of health care in the most efficient manner. To strive for equality in health globally.”
Picture Caption: Dr. Jayesh Shah, President of AAPI and Dr. Shashi Shah, Chair, Board of Trustees, with Congressman Steny Hoyer, a member of the House Democratic leadership, serving as Democratic Whip, during a recent meeting on capitol Hill. Rep. Hoyer, a long-time supporter of the Indian American community, will provide an update on the legislative agenda for the House during AAPI’s Legislative Day Conference this year on March 27th
Pope Francis, Jesuits, Anglicans Face Prosecution

Del Riley
UBLIC COMMUNIQUE AND LEGAL NOTICE, FROM THE INTERNATIONAL COMMON LAW COURT OF JUSTICE, Criminal Trial Division, Brussels, March 1, 2014 Announcement of Case Docket No. 31032014-001: In the Matter of The People v. Jorge Bergoglio, Adolfo Nicolas Pachon, Justin Welby and others, and their Bodies Corporate, A Pre-Trial Hearing will commence on Monday, March 31, 2014 at 9:00 am GMT in Brussels, Issued by the Office of the Presiding Magistrates, E. Cantillon, Secretary
LET IT BE KNOWN that, based on an application brought before it by the Office of the Citizen Prosecutor on February 10, 2014, the Court will in thirty days commence litigation proceedings against Jorge Bergoglio ("Pope Francis 1"), Adolfo Nicolas Pachon ("Superior General of the Jesuit Order"), Justin Welby (Archbishop of Canterbury") and others involved in Crimes against Humanity. These defendants will be charged with organizing and abetting child rape, torture and trafficking, and criminally conspiring to commit and conceal these offences. The Court will convene its pre-trial Examination Hearing on Monday, March 31, 2014 at 9:00 GMT in the city of Brussels. The Court is therefore issuing today a Public Summons to the named Defendants to be present at this Hearing, either in person or through their legal representatives. Failure by any of the Defendants to appear may be interpreted by the Court as constituting a plea of nolo contendere, or non-contested, and will be entered into the Court record as such. A copy of the Summons will be issued immediately to the named Defendants by Sheriffs appointed by the Court. Anyone with evidence related to this matter is invited to submit it to the Office of the Citizen Prosecutor of the Court in the form of a legally sworn deposition and affidavit. For details, please contact the Office at .
ALSO: The ITCCS and its affiliates are calling for a Public Day of Silence to End Church Violence against Children, on the day before the opening of the Trial: Sunday, March 30, 2014. You are asked to refrain from all normal activity that day and join in prayer, fasting and reflection. The Tribunal asks all people of conscience to remember and act not only for the children who are presently suffering and dying at the hands of church-protected child rapists and traffickers, but for the countless children who have died at the hands of these churches - children like: Albert Hance, age 9, starved to death at the Anglican St. George's school in Lytton, British Columbia; Richard Thomas, age 15, beaten to death by Catholic priest Terrance MacNamara at the Kuper Island school, British Columbia; Shirley Tatooche, age 10, raped to death by Catholic priests at the Fort Albany school in Ontario ...and at least 50,000 more children in Canada alone. ( Remember the Dead - Fight for the Living - Jail the Child Killers and all those who protect them!
Updates to follow. Issued by The Public Information Office of the International Common Law Court of Justice, Criminal Trial Division and by ITCCS Central March 1, 2014
AAPI Leaders Meet US Senators Seeking Support For Confirmation of Dr. Vivek Murthy, Nominated By President Obama To Be US Surgeon General

Caption: Dr. Jayesh Sha, president of AAPI, Dr. Ravi Jahagirdar, president-elect of AAPI, Dr. Shashi Shah, Dr. Harbhajan Ajrawat, and Dr. Sampat Shivangi with Dr. Vivek Murthy on Capitol Hill
(Washington, DC: February 3rd, 2014): Leaders of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) are meeting with several US Senators today, eliciting support for the nomination of Dr. Vivek Murthy as the U.S. Surgeon General. “AAPI is proud to support the nomination of Dr. Vivek Murthy as the U.S. Surgeon General,” Dr. Jayesh B. Shah, president of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), said. “ I am leading a team of physicians today for nine senate meetings to support Vivek.” He added. Dr. Murthy’s confirmation hearing is on Tuesday, Feb 4th at 10:30 am.
Joined by Dr. Ravi Jahagirdar, president-elect of AAPI, Dr. Shashi Shah, Dr. Harbhajan Ajrawat, and Dr. Sampat Shivangi, Dr. Shah is on Capitol Hill all day meeting senior US Senators. The nomination has been hailed by the influential Indian-American physician community, consisting of over100,000 strong physicians of Indian origin in the US, who provide health care services to nearly one in every seven patients in the US. “The nomination of Dr. Vivek Murhty as the US Surgeon General cements the reputation physicians of Indian origin have across America,” said Dr. Shah. “President Obama has made the right choice in naming a highly qualified physician to serve as America’s next surgeon general. We are proud of Vivek and his many accomplishments and look forward to supporting him throughout the confirmation process,” said Dr. Shah.
President Barak Obama has nominated 36-year-old Indian-American physician Dr. Vivek Murthy to be the next US Surgeon General. The position, if confirmed by the US Senate, will make Dr. Murthy the country's 19th surgeon general for an office that was established in 1871, say reports here. As the US Surgeon General, the young and talented Indian American will be the leading spokesperson on matters of public health in the US and the operational head of the 6500-strong US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, one of the seven uniformed services of the United States that includes army, navy, air force and marines.
A graduate of Yale University, where he earned a medical degree and an MBA, he will easily be, by far, the youngest surgeon general in US history. He will also be the first surgeon general of Indian origin, recognizing the immense contribution of the Indian-American community to health care in the United States. Stating that it is a fitting public recognition of his tireless work and leadership in championing a system where everyone has equal access to quality healthcare, AAPI, Dr. Jahagirdar, stated that he is looking forward to bringing the experience and perspective of everyday doctors to the table to help shape the national prevention strategy.
“Vivek represents the next generation of Indian American physician,” said Dr. Harbhajan Ajrawat, AAPI Legislative Committee chairman. “His ethics, quiet leadership style and impeccable credentials make him the smart choice for this position. We will certainly mobilize the physician community to support his confirmation,” Dr. Ajrawat added. The surgeon general, known as “America’s doctor,” represents the Health and Human Services Secretary and assistant secretary in addressing public health practice. According to an account on, Murthy says “I study people’s journeys to find inspiration in their work.”
Pope Francis is named by former Argentine junta insider as “prime mover” in child trafficking network
Feb 3, 2014
Pope Francis and Jorge Videla
Francis concealed Vatican – Crown of England “Holyrood Agreement” authorizing joint coverup of child rape in Anglican and Catholic churches Exclusive reports from Madrid and Rome: A former civil servant in the Argentine military junta who is living in exile in Spain claims that Pope Francis engineered the kidnapping and trafficking of children of political prisoners during the Dirty War of the 1970's. The man bases his claim on his personal involvement in meetings between Bergoglio and senior junta members that secured the child trafficking networks using Catholic orphanages and religious bodies as covers.
A Spanish reporter who has interviewed the former civil servant states, “This guy is genuine and has many names and dates, and notes from meetings. Apparently, Bergoglio was promised the top spot in the Argentine church if he cooperated with the junta. So it's small wonder that as the Pope, he's made it harder for honest catholics to report child abuse, considering his own complicity.” In related news, a Vatican source claims that former Pope Benedict (Joseph Ratzinger) secured an agreement with Queen Elizabeth as head of the Church of England to conceal child rape in that body by adopting the provisions of the canon law “Crimen Sollicitationas”. The agreement was made at Holyrood Castle in Edinburgh on September 16, 2010, during the Pope's unprecedented visit to England that month, the first such visit in papal history.
The adoption of the notorious law by Queen Elizabeth was one of the conditions for the absorption of the Anglican church back into the Church of Rome. It compels all Anglican clergy to subvert the laws of their own countries by protecting child rapists in their ranks, silencing victims and not telling the police of the crime. Pope Benedict resigned on February 11, 2013, followed in August by the equally unexpected resignation of Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, who helped to broker the Holyrood Agreement.
The cancellation of Queen Elizabeth's novel trip to the Vatican in March, 2013 soon after the appointment of Jorge Bergoglio as Pope Francis 1 was connected to the new Pope's concerns that the Holyrood agreement might surface. “Papa Francis was determined to keep the Holyrood deal secret at whatever cost because of his own 'reform' image and his plans to entrench Crimen even more completely in church law, which he did in his July 11 Apostolic Letter” states the Vatican source. “One of his conditions for being made Pontiff was the dismissal of Bertone, who might link him to Holyrood. As a Jesuit, Il Papa knows you must feign one thing while doing another”. In response to these latest revelations, the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels is actively proceeding with its next major case, in which its Prosecutors' Office will seek the prosecution of Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio, on a charge of criminal conspiracy and aiding and abetting human trafficking.
The Court will issue its first Statement of Claim and Summonses no later than March 30, 2014. The same Court issued a Legal Declaration on August 4, 2013, naming the Crown of England and the Roman Catholic Church as Transnational Criminal bodies under international law. Further consequences of these facts will be disclosed this Friday, February 7 at a special press conference convened by ITCCS Field Secretary Kevin Annett, commencing at 11 am outside the Canadian consulate at 1251 Avenue of the Americas in New York City.
Sources: (archives) , (Crimen document, Appendix 9), Issued by the Central Office, ITCCS Monday, 3 February, 2014 (GMT)
Jailed ITCCS member David Compan is released from London mental hospital following protests
Jan 23, 2014
David Compan
Also ... Indicting the new Pope, the Banksters and Chemtrailers: New Common Law court actions are unveiled this week, along with new ICLCJ website and radio program
London, UK: After being swamped with phone calls and a threat of an occupation, the authorities at the Park Royal Mental Health Centre have released incarcerated “thought criminal” David Compan, an ITCCS activist. “They were going to hold him for 'examination' for at least 28 days, but now suddenly he's free” explained Rhianne Mockridge, ITCCS organizer in Coventry, England and a friend of David. “We know it's because of the stink people were raising about David. The phones were ringing off the hook at the hospital so much that they stopped answering them! Thanks to everyone for their help, it's meant everything”.
David was originally arrested last month for posting the common law notices about the conviction of Pope Benedict, Queen Elizabeth and other officials for crimes against children. (see David, Rhianne and others in Coventry will proceed now to convene a public court to prosecute other church and state officials for crimes against the community. They are joined by similar common law courts that are assembling in Holland, Canada and the United States. (see below)
For more information and to participate, contact . Well done, everyone! The power of the people always trumps lies! New Common Law court cases, website and radio program are announced
1. The Brussels-based International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) has launched its own website at “We have courts convening in four countries this week, around issues as diverse as child trafficking, mortgage fraud and chemtrails” said George Dufort, the Court Secretary, from Brussels today. “Obviously it's time to display online their work and their documentation, so that their eventual verdicts can be understood and enforced by the community”. Similarly, the ICLCJ is collaborating with the alternative media network Radio Warrior to host an initially monthly blog radio program known as We the Jury on the last Saturday of every month at 4 pm Eastern time and 9 pm GMT. The first broadcast will be this Saturday, January 25 at .
2. Child trafficking and the Guilt of Pope Francis - Mortgage Fraud – and Atmospheric Chemical Spraying: The new ICLCJ cases
The Central Office of the ICLCJ has announced today three new court actions to commence under its auspices by March 15. These cases are:
1. A prosecution of international child trafficking, including the role of the Vatican and the present Pope Francis in aiding and abetting this crime. Launched by the Central Court in Brussels and by the Common Law Court of Holland. 2. A prosecution of fraudulent mortgage practices by banks and government agencies in the United States. Launched by the Common Law Court of New Hampshire. 3. A prosecution of those responsible for atmospheric chemical spraying (“chemtrails”). Launched by the Common Law Court of Long Island, New York.
The aim of all of these cases, brought by citizen prosecutors, will be to halt such criminal practices and to jail those liable and responsible. These court cases will be guided by Natural Law, the protocols of due process, and the philosophy and procedures laid out in the Common Law Training Manual found online at .
To volunteer for the citizen juries of these court actions, contact . Issued by ITCCS Central, Brussels - 23/1/14
Jan-Dec 2013
Jan-Dec 2012
Jul-Dec 2011
Jan-Jun 2011