Humanitarian assistance for the Covid19 epidemic and military coup in Myanmar
October 2021Dear Sir/Madam,
We, the Liberal Democracy Movement in Burma, are writing this letter to you. We are seeking help with Humanitarian assistance for the Covid19 epidemic and military coup that affected people in Myanmar.
The people who are affected by the double crises of the Covid19 epidemic and the military coup this year need help immediately. That is why we are seeking assistance to help them. We want to make sure the assistance, including food, clothes, and other necessary things is going well for the victims.
Thus, we hope you will consider our request letter for donation funds. It doesn't matter small or big amounts, what yours Samaritan help is the most precious. We again assure you that your money will be used for a noble cause.
The Global Digest media,
Liberal Democracy Movement in Burma,
All Ethnics Democracy and Human Rights Network,
Mobile: 010-9991-7801,
Bank account for donation:
The individual donor name list: Frans Baatenburg, Park Soyeon, Kim on.
Here are photos of our humanitarian assistance activity in Myanmar:
Humanitarian assistance in need for Flood Victims in Myanmar.
Aug 2, 2015
Houses under flood
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this letter to you on behalf of my organization. I am a journalist and leader of Burmese in Korea. We are seeking to help the land-sliding and flood affected people in Myanmar.
The people who are affected by flood last week need help immediately. That is why we are seeking assistance to help them. we want to make sure the assistances food, clothes, and other necessary things is going well to the victim people.
Thus I hope you will consider our letter and donate fund. It doesn't matter small or big amounts, what yours Samaritan help is the most precious. We assure that your money will be used for a noble cause.
The Global Digest media, All Ethnics Democracy and Human Rights Network, Mobile: 010-9991-7801, Email:
Bank account for donation:

The whole village under flood

In Korean
미얀마 홍수 피해자들을 위한 인도적 지원
2015년 8월 2일
Road turned into flood
저희 단체를 대신해서 이렇게 메일 드립니다. 저는 저널리스트이며 한국에 있는 버마인들의 대표입니다. 저희는 미얀마에서 발생한 산사태와 홍수로 피해를 입은 사람들을 위해 도움을 구하고 있습니다.
지난 주에 홍수 피해를 입은 사람들은 즉시 도움을 필요로 합니다. 이것이 저희가 그들을 돕기 위한 구호를 찾는 이유입니다. 저희는 식량, 옷, 그리고 다른 필요한 것들이 희생자들에게 잘 지원되고 있는지 확실히 하고 싶습니다.
따라서 저는 이 메일을 고려하여 기금을 기증해주시기를 희망합니다. 액수가 많든 적든 관계없이 착한 사마리아인의 정신을 발휘해 주시면 감사하겠습니다. 당신의 기금은 숭고한 대의를 위해 소중하게 쓰여질 것을 확실히 말씀드립니다.
John S. Thang (기금 모금팀) 글로벌 다이제스트 미디어 대표, 소수민족 민주주의 및 인권 네트워크 이사, 서울 용산구 청파동 3가 34 (140-133), 휴대폰: 010-7615-7708, 이메일:
Note: 산사태와 홍수의 영향을 받은 사진들을 아래에 첨부하였습니다.

Flood in Delta region

Flood in Chin State
